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Monte Gray 11-25-2011 12:07 PM

*I'll make you a cake* Gaara-Kun and the wonderful Phyco Alice. RESPECT ALICE!!!!
Name: Kyoya (I found out we were spelling it wrong)


It was Hunny's birthday. Mori sat in the car with him as they drove to the house. He grabbed a blindfold, covering the youth's eyes. "I'm sick of the way you treat me..youre going to pay when we get inside." he tried to seem mean and angry. He dragged Hunny in and then pulled off the blindfold. "Suprize!!!" they all yelled with large smiles. There were only two people missing. Huarui and Kyoya. Kyoya was in charge of Hunny's cake, so they were screwed at the moment.

Kyoya glared at the klutz girl beside him. He rubbed his head. Three stitches. First the dumb girl broke a vase. Now she had broke his head. They had to make the cake all over and were an hour late to the party. He grabbed his gift for Hunny and the cake, then they were taken to the boy's house. "Act's his day." was all Kyoya said to the dumb girl who to others appeared as a boy. They walked in and Kyoya smiled, Hurui tried too, but it was clearly fake seeing as how her eyes were watery and she could cry any minute. Kyoya had said really harsh things on the way to the hospital. She hadn't meant to hit him. He'd been right behind her, she turned around and accidentally hit him, he'd fallen and hit his head on the counter. "Forgive our lateness, we had a bit of difficulty." Kyoya said with a host smile. He handed Hunny the gift and set the cake on the table. "Happy Borthday Hunny-Sampi." Kyoya said in his sweetest voice. He wanted this day to be great for Hunny and he acted sweeter than he ever had in his entire life. He kissed the older blonde boy's forehead, earning a possessive glare from Mori. He looked back at Hunny. "Open your gift." it was a panda plush.

Psycho Alice 11-25-2011 06:16 PM
Age: 17
Year 3 (senior)

Hunny quite literally bounced along beside Mori babbling on and on about the cake he had just eaten, it had been a vanilla cake with strawberry filling, whipped cream icing, and a large delicious strawberry on top. His favorite kind, Mori stopped him without a word and whipped out a black blindfold which he quickly tied around the blonde boys head. Darkness was all he saw and Hunny held out his arms like a blind person not liking not being able to see. ”Takashi I didn’t do anything” he pointed out in his most innocent voice unafraid and knowing his dear cousin Mori would never actually hurt him.

He was right because despite the mean words once they were in the room and Mori had tugged off the blindfold he could see it was a surprise party. After expressing the proper amount of surprise Hunny went and threw himself into Mori’s arms ”thank you Takashi , thank you everyone” Mori handed Usa-chan to Hunny who hugged the pink plush animal to his chest, Mori had set the blonde youth on his shoulders as the rest of the host club and a few of the regular girls chattered and offered the birthday boy small bites of cake which he happily consumed. The only ones missing from the merriment were Kyouya and Haruhi. Eventually though they showed up Haruhi looking like she was about to cry and Kyouya with stitches in his head.
”Haru-chan what’s wrong” Hunny cried concern on his childish face, but Kyouya came up and handed him his gift wishing him a happy birthday. He had never seen Kyouya act so sweetly nor had he seen him ever kiss any girl let alone him on the forehead. Kyoua must like him more than he thought to even be so nice or maybe he saw something for him in it. The stitches on his forehead stood out in dark relief against his pale skin and almost without thinking Hunny reached up and touched them tears forming in the corners of his eyes. ”Kyo-kun was hurt” he said before opening his gift the tears lost in the excitement of gift opening and the happiness of seeing what it was. ”Kyo-kun I love it I shall name it Kyo in honor of the person who gave it to me” he said with a sweet laugh turning and throwing his arms around Kyouya’s waist in an impish hug.

Monte Gray 11-25-2011 06:52 PM

Kyouya blushed scarlet. He gingerly stroked Hunny's back as he was hugged rather enthusiastically. "Urm...thanks...that's sweet of you." he gave a devilish half smile, then was completly suprized to see Haruhi run off as quick as she could. He followed her, annoyed that she was thinking of only herself. "Haruhi! Get a hold of yourself! You're such a stupid insolent, selfish little--" he was cut off as her hand met his face. He rubbed the place, suprized she'd dare hit him. "How dare you!!! You dumb bit--" she slapped him agian, his glasses falling from his face to the floor. The shattered and his eye twitched. "You're such a jerk!!!" she yelled, slapping him agian. He was starting to get pissed off. "I swear of you do that agian I'll...I'll...." she yelled in his face. "You'll what?!" "I'LL SUE YOU FOR CRACKING MY SKULL OPEN YOU DUMB ASS!!!" she decided that deserved another slap. Kyouya couldn't even see without his glasses. Everything was a bit blurry. She had to lead him back in the house like a blind man. His cheek had a dark red hand print on it from having the shit slapped out of him. When they were inside, he yanked his hand from her grasp and sat where he thought was a chair, but tumbled to the floor. That was embarrising. He was 'cool' and now he'd just fallen in the floor. He tried to play it off and crossed his legs.

Psycho Alice 11-25-2011 07:12 PM

Hunny looked up at him with adoring eyes before running off to show his gift to Mori who looked it over rather unimpressed before handing it back. ”Cute” was all he said but he didn’t mean the gift. He only had eyes for the blonde youth who was busy introducing Kyo to Usa-chan. Seems the boy would have another stuffed animal to sleep with and cart around everywhere. Usa-chan was a gift from Mori given to him many years ago and was a symbol of how much Mori loved his cousin even if Hunny was too dense to see it. Hunny carried the thing everywhere but had already decided to take turns carting Kyo and Usa-chan one day for each. He gave Usa-chan to Mori ”watch him Mori today is Kyo’s birthday too and he needs to be with me today” he said in a sing-songy voice skipping around with Kyo-chan in his arms. Mori burned inside with jealousy in the commotion of the party no one noticed when Haruhi and Kyouya left though they did notice when they came back because Kyouya was missing his glasses and more importantly tripped and fell. Something totally unlike the tall usually calm and collected youth. ”Kyo-kun” Hunny cried out in dismay rushing over to help Kyouya to a chair, his hand went up and cupped Kyouya’s cheek eyes brimming again. ”Who hit Kyo-kun?” he sniffled looking around at the others anger burning in him. Despite his sweet demeanor the fact still remained Hunny loved his friends and would let no one hurt them, if they did he would unleash his anger, Hunny was an incredibly strong fighter but could never unleash his true potential because if he did the world would be scared that Japan was harboring a secret weapon and who knows what would happen. ”Where are your glasses Kyo-kun?” he asked dropping the matter for now, Kyo-chan was left forgotten on the table near the cake for the moment.

(The thing about Hunny being a strong fighter is true, comes right from the manga and anime)

Monte Gray 11-25-2011 07:51 PM

Kyouya smiled and thanked Hunny for helping him to a chair. "Don't cry...please, really I'm fine." he didn't want Honey to cry on his birthday. Haruhi spoke up. "I hit him! He's such a jerk! He was so mean to me because I accidentally tripped and made him bust his head. He called me all kinds of bad stuff over an accident!" she was yelling and Kyouya clamped a hand over her mouth. "Hunny..why don't we eat some cake? I'll call my butler and have him bring me another pair of glasses." he wanted Hunny to have a good time and if Haruhi kept acting like this his birthday would be ruined.

Psycho Alice 11-25-2011 08:13 PM
Hunny looked between the two of them, the other girls took this as their cue to start bringing the birthday boy pieces of cake trying to entice him with different sweets but Hunny only had eyes for Kyouya and Haruhi, at Haruhi’s words the tears spilled over and he started to sniffle and cry. Mori swept him up into his arms cradling him bridle style glaring at Haruhi and Kyouya for helping to ruin Hunny’s big day. ”Don’t cry Misukuni” he said in his deep voice tenderly rubbing the smaller boys back until he calmed. Wiggling out of Mori’s arms he ran over to Haruhi looking up at the girl with Kyouya’s hand over her mouth with an angry look not usually seen on his small face. ”Haru-chan people get angry when they get hurt you didn’t have to hit Kyo-kun, and Kyo-kun what Haru-chan did was accidental she didn’t mean to hurt you, make up for me on my birthday” he ordered his lower lip trembling. A butler came into the room holding Kyouya’s glasses and handed them to the boy without a word shaking his head an air of disapproval surrounding him though he kept his opinion to himself. Turning Hunny threw his arms around Kyouya’s waist blubbering again ”Kyo-kun forgive Haru-chan” he begged ”Haru-chan forgive Kyo-kun please”

Monte Gray 11-25-2011 08:56 PM

Kyouya looked at Hunny's tear stained face as put on his glasses. "I'm sorry, I've been really selfish." he looked at Haruhi. "I'm sorry, can you forgive me?" she nodded, then walked away. Kyouya picked up Hunny, one hand under his ass to support him. He smiled devilishly at Mori who he knew would be jealous. "Now, why don't we eat some cake? I made it with vanilla icing and strawberry filling." he smiled and sat in a chair with Honey in his lap.He was sure Mori would be jelous.

Psycho Alice 11-25-2011 09:15 PM

Hunny hiccupped and wiped his eyes of a few tears that threatened to spill over he didn’t like when his friends were made at one another. ”I-I just d-don’t like when my f-friends are f-f-fighting” he whimpered starting to cry again tears slipping down his cheeks slowly as he buried his face against Kyoya’s shoulder wrapping his legs around his waist up until the moment Kyuoya set him down on his lap and started offering him a slice of cake. ”Thank you Kyo-kun” he said taking a bite of cake off the fork Kyouya offered to him. Mori watched with impassive looking eyes though inside he seethed hating Kyouya for taking Hunny away and sitting with him taking the place Mori should be having as Hunny’s protector his comforter. He squeezed Usa-chan a little too hard his knuckles white. ”Hunny here is Usa-chan” he rumbled thrusting the stuffed rabbit at him just to have the boy look up at him with happiness shining in his eyes. Though he went right back to Kyouya to be fed by the younger man.

Monte Gray 11-25-2011 09:35 PM

Kyouya smiled evilly at Mori, winking. He fed Hunny a bit of call, enjoying every minute of it. This was Mori's job and Kyo knew it. He was being a jerk and he could careless. He wanted Hunny and planned to steal him from Mori. "Hey, do you want to come to my house tomoorow and have tea with me?" he asked the boy sweetly. Haruhi walked by and slammed a peice of cake in Kyouya's face. He blinked. "Oh, I'm sooo sorry Kyo-chan!" she said in a fake sugary tone. He knew it was intentional, but he acted like it was ok. "Oh, that's alright..Hunny, could you hand me a napkin?" he asked the older man in his lap.

Psycho Alice 11-25-2011 09:44 PM

Mori openly laughed at the look of surprise that at first crossed Kyouya’s face when Haruhi quite intentionally and maliciously shoved cake into his face. Hunny looked surprised but that was just because he hadn’t seen the look on Haruhi’s face as she had done it. Before answering and bounding off Kyouya’s lap to get him a napkin Hunny swiped his finger over Kyouya’s cheek and licked the icing from it giggling. ”Be more careful Haru-chan” he admonished before jumping off Kyouya’s lap to grab a napkin and jog back with his fluttering in his hand like a white flag of piece or a handkerchief a lady would give to her knight before he left to go adventuring. ”Here Kyo-kun” he called out climbing onto the taller boys lap and cleaning him up before Kyouya could even take the napkin from him. ”I would love to come to tea tomorrow I’ll bring Kyo and Usa-chan with me”

Monte Gray 11-25-2011 09:51 PM

Kyouya smiled at the adorable way his face was wiped. "Well thank you Hunny." he knew this was probably pissing Mori off to high heavens. "You're so sweet." he whispered in Hunny's ear. He wrapped one arm around his waist protectively. "Great, I'll come pick you up around noon tomorrow." he was glad he hadn't been turned down for tea.

Psycho Alice 11-25-2011 10:26 PM

Hunny smiled sweetly and reclined against Kyouya’s chest without thinking about it, he did the same with Mori all the time and though Kyouya was smaller than Mori he was still bigger than Hunny by a good deal and a very comfortable cushion. ”Your welcome Kyo-kun I can’t wait it sounds like so much fun” Mori was holding something a piece of cake on a glass plate and all he wanted to do was smash it over Kyouya’s head braining the smart bastard on it and spill his blood all over the nice clean tile. It was dark he knew but he loved his Misukuni and didn’t want Kyouya trying to take him away.

The next day found Hunny eagerly awaiting Kyouya’s arrival pacing the floor clutching Kyo-chan his new stuffed panda, Usa-chan was on his bed awaiting his bed time where he would sleep between Usa-chan and Kyo-chan. ”Is he here yet Takashi?” Hunny called to Mori who sat moodily near the window trying to pretend he was reading when really he was watching for Kyouya. ”No, not yet Misukuni” he said in his deep voice setting the book down and heading over to Hunny. ”Are you sure you want to go? You didn’t want to be rude and turn him down yesterday but this is me you can tell me the truth” Hunny frowned running over to Mori and sitting on his lap. ”Yes Takashi I want to go, it will be fun, besides I never turn down cake” he pointed out kneeling on Mori’s lap so he could look out the window. Mori braced his hand on Hunny’s back, the blonde boy thought nothing of it until it slipped down to his rear and then back up. His hand probably slipped though he could have sworn he felt a light squeeze. ”Don’t go Misukuni. Stay with me” Mori said in an emotional voice Hunny had never heard before, but before he could answer the doorbell rang announcing Kyouya’s arrival. ”But he’s already here Takashi it would be rude, don’t worry I’ll bring you back a treat” he called as the butler answered the door and showed Kyouya in.
”Hello Kyo-kun” he called

Monte Gray 11-25-2011 10:35 PM

Kyouya smiled at the blonde. "Hello Hunny-Sampi!" he said, his voice full of more enthusiasm that he'd had in a long time. In fact, Hunny made him act alot happier. He turned to see that Mori was standing there. "Well hello Mori.." he inclined his head in greeting. Just so Mori could hear him, Kyo leaned towards the other dark haired male. "Don't even try. He's mine and you know you have no chance. Your family is just a group of servants to his." that was cruel, but Kyouya was pretty sure Mori didn't have it in him to fight him. He had made sure Hunny had not seem him speak to Mori. "Well, are you ready to go?" he asked. He was happy to see that Kyo-chan was held tightly to Hunny instead of Usa-chan. He knew he was winning at least a good friendship with Hunny.

Psycho Alice 11-25-2011 10:49 PM

Mori didn’t say anything back to Kyouya though a hard look came into his eyes as he watched the pair leave, he stood in the door of the mansion watching as his cousin entered the car with a guy who had just turned into Mori’s rival in his affections. Mori turned and went to the training room in their place training until he was too tired to stand, to think, to do anything but shower and go to bed without eating.

Hunny merely sipped at his tea but ate the cake greedily. Kyouya had gotten his favorite type, strawberry with vanilla icing it was delicious. Kyo-chan sat beside him on the table watching him eat with his black plastic eyes. Kyouya’s house was gorgeous a mansion larger than their own, but decorated in a way that matched Kyoua’s and his fathers and brothers personality. Uptight and demanding, strictly within the rules no outlandish rooms like Hunny’s bedroom and playroom, or quiet and comfortable like Mori’s room. Dimly Hunny wondered what Kyouya’s room looked like but was too shy to ask. Kyouya might think it rude. ”This is delicious Kyo-kun thank you so much for inviting me over”

(What would you think if I say had Mori admit his feelings for Hunny and then a little drama between the three as Hunny tries to figure out who he should be with?)

Monte Gray 11-26-2011 12:12 AM

He was gazing at the blonde boy, thinking of how gorgeous he was. "I'm glad you're enjoying this." he said and gave a small smile. Part of him wanted to kiss Hunny, but his servants were here, and honestly he didn't want them to see anything. Mostly because they might tell his father. He was a strict man who would be rather harsh if Kyouya did anything he didn't like. "Would you like to go up to my private quarters? I'd like to speak to you and away from prying ears." he didn't wait for an answer, but rather dragged te boy upstairs with him to a dark brown room with coffee colored furnishings. It was a warm, inviting space, yet also very dark. He looked into Hunny's face and then gently kissed him.

((yes. A bit of competition sounds fun.))

Psycho Alice 11-26-2011 12:26 AM

Hunny set his fork to the side finished with his slice of cake, normally he could ask for another slice or gladly gobble up the whole cake but Kyouya seemed distracted and for once he was more interested in Kyouya’s facial expressions and conversation. ”Oh I suppose so” he said though Kyouya was already leading the way towards his rooms dragging a confused Hunny along behind him, Kyouya had a nice room more inviting then any rest in the house. But Hunny didn’t really have time to look around before Kyouya’s face invaded his vision lips plump and pink and so close and coming closer. Suddenly his lips were on his shocking and warm. ”Kyo…” the blonde mumbled against his lips his hands coming up to tangle in Kyouya’s hair intoxicated. He had always liked Kyouya but it took till this kiss to realize how much.

(Awesome hehe then I'll do it}

Monte Gray 11-26-2011 12:30 AM

Kyouya was pleasantly suprized as Hunny seemed to be enjoying this too. He just continued to kiss him. For Kyouya, Hunny was like cake. Irresistible and sweet. He wasn't even thinking anymore as he closed his eyes, losing himself to Hunny.
i thought this was cute ^^

Psycho Alice 11-26-2011 12:39 AM

A minute passed, two minutes he surprised himself with how much he had wanted this, it was his first kiss ever. Girls loved him but none ever thought about going out with him because he was like a little kid. Kyouya had to see that and yet he was still kissing him as if he couldn't get enough. Maybe he saw more in him than anyone else did. Hunny felt all thought drift away as he stood up on tiptoe to get closer running his tongue over Kyouya's lips until they parted so he could slip his tongue inside.

(-fangirl squeal- omg I love it!)

Monte Gray 11-26-2011 12:47 AM

Kyouya's face was bright pink. He let Hunny's tongue go in his mouth and ran his own over it. He leaned over so it was easier for Hunny. Eventually he had to break it so he could think. "I-I really like you.." He stammered, his cool, confidant air was gone.

Psycho Alice 11-26-2011 01:00 AM

Hunny took a deep breath to calm himself, his cheeks were pink and he felt a strange heat that while not unpleasant was very new to him. "I-I think that's entirely obvious" he said in a halting voice eyes growing if possible even wider. He licked his lips "Kyouya I like you too" he fidgeted unsure of what to do with himself, Kyouya made him feel strange not bad strange but strange nonetheless. "Kyo-kun I want to go home" he needed time to think, to his innocent mind this was new confusing territory

Monte Gray 11-26-2011 01:05 AM

Kyouya's face went scarlet as what he had done seeped in. Mori was going to kill him..kill him dead...and now he'd clearly scared off Hunny. "Ok.. come on.." He lead Hunny to a bright red corvette and drove him home, making sure he had his stuffed plushies first. Before he got out Kyouya felt the need to apologize. "Hunny..I'm sorry. I shouldn't have steped over the boudieres like that.."

Psycho Alice 11-26-2011 01:33 AM

”Don’t worry Kyo-kun” Hunny said immediately soothing the younger boy his hand smoothing the hair away from Kyouya’s face. ”There is nothing to be sorry for” it came naturally to soothe even if he didn’t understand his feelings or Kyouya’s. ”I will see you tomorrow at school” hopping out of the car he rushed inside running up the walkway and slamming the door behind him, Kyo-chan his stuffed panda forgotten on the front seat of Kyouya’s car. Hunny’s face was pale under his pink blush and Mori picked up on it instantly. ”What’s wrong Misukuni?” he asked coming forward so he stood over Hunny, huge, intimidating, safe kinda like Kyouya but he pushed the thought away and threw his arms around Mori’s waist clinging to him like a frightened child.
”Kyo-chan said… he said… then we” his faced screwed up and Mori’s face grew dark with anger, Kyouya was going to die. ”What did he do Misukuni?” he as tilting Hunny’s face up to look him in the eye, the blondes lip trembled drawing Mori’s attention. He wiped the image of kissing Hunny out of his mind.”He… said he liked me… then we kissed, Takashi I don’t understand he made me feel so strange”he reached up begging with his eyes to be held and Mori complied picking Mori up and holding him close. ”Strange how?” he asked brushing the hair out of Hunny’s face. ”Warm and hot, and something else” he was caught by the look in Mori’s eyes he couldn’t identify the emotion though sometimes when Mori didn’t think Honey could see him he would let slip the love and lust he felt for his small cousin, that was what shone in his eyes now. ”Kinda like this?” Mori asked inclining his head and capturing Hunny’s sweet lips with his own in a kiss that stole his breathe and showed all the love he felt for his cousin. After they broke away Hunny looked up at him with shocked eyes panting his lips parted, eyes half lidded, and cheeks pink. Mori felt a pull in his loins but carefully set Hunny down almost as if he were fragile and would break. ”Misukuni I love you I thought you should know.” Hunny wanted to slap his hands over his ears, run away, it was too much too much he was so confused, his eyes brimmed with unshed tears, turning he ran to his room locking the door and collapsed on his bed crying himself to sleep.

Monte Gray 11-26-2011 01:48 AM

Kyouya went back home and ran up to his room. "Kyouya!!! Come down here this instant!" His father yelled, but he kept going upstairs. "I'm sick dad...don't want you getting what I got." He lied to his own father and them locked himself in his room. He slid to the floor, leaning against the door and he was afraid he might cry. What had he done? Mori was going to kill him, and Hunny was going to hate him. He held the stuffed panda in his arms tightly. It shared his name and his Hunny-sampi, though now both of them were left alone, only to cling to each other. He grabbed a bottle of pills that would make him sick for a few days. He knew the other symptoms weren't fatal. He took two of them and then curled into a little ball as his stomach cramped up. He felt dizzy and sick. They weren't supposed to do this. He gasped for air painfully. He was going to die..right here in his room and no one would find him for one would care enough to come up and check on him. He tried to unlock the door, but he couldn't see it clearly enough. He hit the floor, laying there wheezing. His dad came in, unlocking the door with a spare key. "Kyouya!!! I asked you to come see me!! How dare you--" He stared at his son who was sweating profusely and looked paler than usual. "Boy! Get up." His dad tried to sound mean, but in truth he was terrified. Kyouya was still wheezing. He sounded like he might be having an asthma attack. He grabbed the boy and dragged him to the car, Throwing him in the passenger side. He speed off towards the hospital. He heard sirens and knew he was being pulled over for speeding, but didn't stop until he was in the hospital parking lot. The police man stepped out, but saw the boy and instead of giving a ticket, helped get Kyouya medical attention. He blacked out.

Kyouya woke up in a hospital bed two days later. He groaned at the pain in his stomach. His dad hadn't stayed, having to go to work. He was alone. He wondered why that had gone so badly. Everyone else seemed to think he'd attempted suicide, the nurses kept asking if he was having more suicidal thoughts.

Psycho Alice 11-26-2011 02:17 AM

Mori stared at the closed cake decorated bedroom door that led to Hunny-sempai’s room. What had he done? He could hear Hunny’s sobs through the door he and Kyouya had succeeded in freaking the poor boy out, eventually though the sobs stopped and Mori knew Hunny slept, creeping inside he looked down at the small sleeping boy stroking his cheek lightly, leaning down he kissed his cheek. ”I love you Misukuni” he murmured before leaving the room, Hunny didn’t so much as roll over so deep was he asleep.

They all heard the news at the same time Kyouya, the dark prince was in the hospital having trying to commit suicide, Hunny’s face went pale guilt flooding him. Was it his fault? Did he do this? Immediately the Host Club dropped everything they were doing and went to visit him, but he was resting. The others left after a few hours and they returned the next day, he still wasn’t awake. Hunny was the only one who stayed the night, Mori wanted to stay with him but Hunny made him go. When Mori tried to hug him Hunny flinched away Mori looked heartbroken and walked away, but what Mori didn’t know why Hunny hadn’t hugged anyone for two days because he had become depressed guilt ridden the shine had gone from his eyes the spring from his step he wasn’t even eating right, he barely slept, his arms bore the evidence. That night he spent the night with Kyouya so he could keep watch over him. As with the night before he had a nightmare of Kyouya dying in his sleep he woke crying and crawled into bed with the boy.

When Kyouya came to Hunny was down in the cafeteria the nurses were trying to urge him to eat something even though his body rejected everything. He wasn’t sick but his guilt was eating him alive, when he found out Kyouya was awake he rushed upstairs and threw himself at Kyouya. ”Kyo-kun” he sobbed dark circles under his usually shinning eyes.

Monte Gray 11-26-2011 03:19 AM

When the Hunny came in, Kyouya had been in the process of yelling at a nurse. "I did NOT try to commit suicide!!! I was just trying to get a little sick so I wouldn't get my ass handed to me by this crazy--" he stared at Hunny, abandoning the sentence he'd been completing. He facepalmed. "Ugh!!! Hunny! Please tell me you don't have those rings around your eyes because of me." he shook his head as he examined the blonde boy. He saw he had lost weight and he looked at the dark red marls that marred the soft flesh of Hunny's arms. His expression turned form concern to plain worry. "O god...Hunny...why would you do that? Seriously...why?" he sighed and the nurse started to worry about Kyouya's mental status. She didn't want him under any stress. She shooed Hunny out and then Kyouya resumed his argument with her about how he was perfectly fine. He stood, pulled out the IVs and needles, then hugged Hunny, simply kissing his forehead. "Just...stay with Mori. He's good for you." he really couldn't belive that had even gone through his mouth. He stepped back into the room. The nurse had a fit, trying to fit all of the needles back in to the right veins. She went out to talk to Kyouya's father who had just arrived. "We want to send him to The Youth Mental Rehablitation Center of Charlston.." she said. His father nodded, agreeing to send his kid away to a place for crazies. He would be there for at least a few months. He was told the news and nearly lost it. He didn't want to be known as crazy Kyouya...he was happy with Kyouya the dark prince. He buried his face in his hands, crying in his now empty room. He was alone, no doctors. Completly alone. He was allowed to have visitors at this moment, but he doubted anyone would come. He had his knees pulled up to his chest, sitting up in the hospital bed.

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