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For-Chan Cookie 10-29-2015 09:39 PM

❀ The Fallflower Corner ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀
Welcome to the Fallflower Corner! A place for autumn blossoms to gather and be shy together.

To kick things off, what are everyone's Halloween plans?
I'm going to stay home and pass out candy. I might even dress up if my costume arrives from wherever the heck I ordered it from!

Cookie Clone 10-29-2015 09:39 PM

Ninja mule post, just in case. :)

Kory 10-29-2015 09:44 PM

Oh yes yes yes yes yes

:D I'm so excited!

For-Chan Cookie 10-29-2015 09:46 PM

[eager] I'm just happy that I have Halloween day off this year. No rushing home from work or being stuck on a road trip.

I put up Halloween decorations, but then my grandmother took them down. "Oh, well, the news said it would be windy and to take down all your decorations. Aren't you going to thank me?" They were tied to the rails pretty damn good, so no. No thank you for undecorating my two measly tinsel pumpkins!

hummy 10-29-2015 09:46 PM

what'cha gonna be

Kay 10-29-2015 09:49 PM

I have no plans for Halloween. Actually I think I have to work Halloween.

For-Chan Cookie 10-29-2015 09:50 PM

I bought a sloth costume! [rofl] It's my spirit animal!

If it doesn't arrive in time, and I'm pretty sure it won't :( then I'm just gonna dust off my renaissance faire costume, which I didn't get to wear to the fair this year cause it was too freaking cold. But I'll put on tights and a sweater if I'm just sitting on the front step and handing out candy. I really should dig out the sewing machine and make a cloak of some sort.

Kory 10-29-2015 10:35 PM

I'm going to be Lady Loki this year for Halloween!
I'm super excited. :D It'll be awesome!

Oh, I finally found someone to go see Crimson Peak with me, and now I'm second guessing myself and I don't think I'm actually going to go see it.

LOL I hate horror. ;____;

For-Chan Cookie 10-29-2015 10:41 PM

Cool :D

You should go. I don't think it's a straight up horror movie. It's supposed to be a gothic romance...or so claims the wiki [rofl] It seems creepy, but once you know the reason behind the creepings, it might not be as bad. Plus I hear Hiddles has some nudity in it ;)

Anyway, I'm off to the store to decide what kind of candy I'm going to get for the kiddies :D Be back in a bit.

hummy 10-29-2015 11:03 PM

*in Garfield voice* 'candy candy candy'

For-Chan Cookie 10-29-2015 11:59 PM

My grandparents are driving me crazy! I come home with a giant box of blowpops and they're like "Oh, well, we got popcorn." As if they're going to be handing this stuff out, they're not. And in addition to that "We didn't cook for you." Which would be well and good if I'd picked something up while I was out. But I didn't. I can't win! If I grab food, they cook for everyone. If I don't grab food, they either don't cook, or don't cook for everyone. If I cook for everyone, there's only a 50% chance they'll bother eating it. If I don't cook for everyone, they'll steal what I made anyway!!!! And then, they have the nerve to tell me I'm fat and eat too much of their food, yet I hardly ever eat around them because they're giving me a freaking complex about food! I'm this close to ordering myself a whole freaking pizza to eat by myself!!!!

*flops on the ground and has a tantrum*

hummy 10-30-2015 12:29 AM

*hugs you*

For-Chan Cookie 10-30-2015 12:31 AM

*snuggles hummy* I think I'm going to go buy a chicken sandwich. The whole house smells like chicken and my grandmother's like "Eat a hamburger." No! I want chicken now! *nibble hummy* Hmm...tastes like flowers, not chicken. *heads off for a sandwich*

Liunesta 10-30-2015 12:59 AM

I'm glad this is a place for shy people. Does that include awkward posters? I hope so!

For-Chan Cookie 10-30-2015 01:04 AM

It certainly is. I'm already awkwarding up the place with my rantings. Now I'm going to settle down and eat my chicken sandwich and a salad.

Nephila 10-30-2015 02:12 AM

Cute pumpkin center piece thing. :D

For-Chan Cookie 10-30-2015 02:17 AM

Thanks Nephila :D

I'd say you look cute, but your evil grin says you're about to shishkabob someone. Hope it's not me! [gonk]

Nephila 10-30-2015 02:23 AM

Nah They just don't have dentistry on my planet. XD

Cardinal Biggles 10-30-2015 02:25 AM

Wait, a sloth costume? I want to see it!

Nephila 10-30-2015 02:47 AM

That sounds really cute.

For-Chan Cookie 10-30-2015 02:49 AM

@Neph - I have a nail file if you want to round out the pointiness. [rofl]

@Biggles - Here's the stock photo:

It has a tail too. A little stubby one :D

Unfortunately, it's not gonna arrive on time. On the off chance it does, I'll squish myself in it and hang from a tree and take a photo! *lying, doesn't know where there are any good hanging trees*

Nephila 10-30-2015 02:52 AM

Aww that smile! So cute. I'd be afraid to wear that out as a costume for fear of random hugs.

For-Chan Cookie 10-30-2015 02:59 AM

It is pretty adorable :D I guess you can be a speedy sloth and dodge hugs. Oh, that reminds me of a shirt I saw on woot.

Nephila 10-30-2015 03:02 AM

lol That's cute. He looks so impressed.

Cardinal Biggles 10-30-2015 03:03 AM

oh, it's like a onesie. Total Lounge wear 8)

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