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llonka 01-21-2014 04:42 PM

llonka's Fit Club ~Losing inches one step at a time!~
Welcome to llonka's Fit Club!

Here we can track our weight loss! The best way to lose weight is by calorie counting! As long as you put out more calories than you put in, you should see some loss!

I hope you will join me on this journey. :3


You don't have to have a scale to join or count calories. Do what helps you best and we will be here to support you! [heart]

llonka 01-21-2014 04:46 PM

Please fill out this form if you would like to join me! That way we can keep track of our progress. You may also submit (pm or ping me so I can find it) your pant size or other measurements you'd like to use! Please also remember to ping or pm me your updates. :)

Starting weight:
Current weight:
Goal weight:

People who are losing inches!


Starting weight: 248 lbs
Current weight: 232 lbs
Goal weight: 140 -160 lbs

*Liquid Diamond:

Starting weight: 270
Current weight: 262
Goal weight: 140

Starting weight:202
Current weight:200 - Pant Size:18/20 Waist/Hip: 45inches
Goal weight: 125-150


Starting weight: 76kg/169.75lb
Current weight:73.8kg/162.7lb
Goal weight:50kg/110.23lb

Starting weight: 140
Current weight: 140
Goal weight: 130-135

Starting weight: ~140 lbs
Current weight: 138 lbs
Goal weight: ~130 lbs

Other Tidbits:
Pants Size: 7 or 9 depending on brand (Generic vs. Union Bay)
Waist Size: ~26/27 inches
Hip Size: ~36.5/37.5 inches

Starting weight: 258
Current weight: 245
Goal weight: 165-175

Starting weight:255 lbs
Current weight: 255 lbs
Goal weight: 150 lbs

Starting weight:273
Current weight: 222
Goal weight: 130-140


Starting weight: 85 kg / 187 lb
Current weight: 79.6kg / 175 lb
Goal weight:60kg / 132 lb

nemo.love_22 01-21-2014 04:57 PM

I'll here to support you but because I don't own a scale, because all it does it depress me and I don't have the money to buy one.

llonka 01-21-2014 05:00 PM

That's okay! I understand, it does that to me too. [hug] And dang it, i forgot to put it to where the ping list wouldn't merge. xP

Vanora 01-21-2014 05:06 PM

/Cheers on llonka/
Hey hey! I've been meaning to start losing weight, but I don't have a scale at the moment. (I have a pouch that needs to be rid of immediately!)
Maybe when I get one I'll join you, but right now, I'll just support you through your journey!

nemo.love_22 01-21-2014 05:08 PM

But the main issue is that I don't have the money for it right now as I don't work and I have to rely on my parents for money. [sweat] And they're spreading themselves thin as it is, as we have two of us at state colleges, and my brother at a private aeronautics college (which is freaking expensive)... [sweat] So no, I can't ask them for any more money than they already are giving me.

But I'm here for support. [yes]

Shadami 01-21-2014 05:32 PM

Starting weight: 200 ish... Not really sure exactly right now. i need to buy a scale :D
Current weight: Isn't this the same thing o.o Oh I'm dumb. for ME its the same. 200ish
Goal weight: 125 would make me really happy. but I'm shooting for 150

My current weight loss program is the 30 day abs/squat challenge. I don't like counting calories. And I have no way to figure out how much I'm actually losing. My sister came over the other day and said that I looked like I had lost weight. Last weight I knew was 202 about 3 weeks ago. I've since started the 30 challenges, and am on day 10 of the challenge. :D

Vanora 01-21-2014 05:51 PM

What's the 30 day abs/squat challenge? ouo Sounds interesting!

I want to start working out also to gain arm/leg strength.
Not only have I gained a bit of weight but have gotten weak. I can no longer do hand stands and it makes me cry. xD

Shadami 01-21-2014 06:21 PM

I could never do hand stands. o.o I always fall over. Also i can barely do a cartwheel. xD my legs usually don't go all the way up. haha.

30 squat challenge starts at 50 squats i beilieve, than increases slowly each day. every 4th day is a rest day.
the abs challenge is for leg raises, crunches, situps, and planks. I've also added in side leg raises, and pushups. This challenge also increases the number for each rep every day.

This time around (I made it to day 15 my first try) I've been doing each exercise in one rep like you're supposed to. I couldn't do that the first time. And i'm only doing modified pushups. xD For awhile I also thought curlups were situps. So i had been doing the situps wrong. real situps are REALLY HARD.

hummy 01-21-2014 06:21 PM

Support for llonka

Vanora 01-21-2014 06:34 PM

I could never do cartwheels, so I was jealous went my cousins would do them. haha.

Oh I see. o.o I think I want to try this challenge, I might even get my sister to join me since she wants to get fit too.
And I agree, sit ups are really hard. ;w;

Shadami 01-21-2014 06:52 PM

squat challenge
Abs challenge
i'm determined to make it all 30 days this time around.
for side leg raises i just do it the same number as regular. and pushups i do the same as the crunches.
though... when crunches number passes situps... I'm going to do it same as situps. xD

Mogwai 01-21-2014 07:22 PM

Hello! I'm here to lose inches also! (:
I advise you to try this out: I didn't try it yet, but I want to. I think i'll try it tomorrow after my run. Good luck to all of us! ^^

Current weight: 55kg/121lbs
Goal weight: 48kg/105lbs

(it seems a little but it's not. I'm really really short)

Today was horrible, I ate only snacks. And by that, I mean ONLY snacks. those days happen to me at least once a week, and I'm still struggling to control them. Which is why I won't eat much in the next 2 days. (please spare me the talk of "it's not healthy"). I actually have a calorie track counter on my note pad, it helped a little but I think if i'll advertise it and we'll motivate each other with others it might be helpful for me and i'll be able to control days like today.

Overall I ate today 2650 calories. I know, bad. bad bad me. Tomorrow i'll try to eat as less as I can.

Vanora 01-21-2014 08:21 PM

Shadami; I'll look into them! /clicks links/

Mogwai; I understand about being short, I'm 156cm but I weigh like... 68kg- 72kg... ^^;

Roxxxy 01-21-2014 08:38 PM

Babe, this is awesome :D
I may end up joining in :P

llonka 01-21-2014 09:02 PM

Yay I'm so excited to see so many people here!!! [squee] I use to count my calories. You all don't have to have a scale, I mean does the number really matter? As long as we feel better about ourselves and can do what we want to do.

I used to be able to do the bridge thing, you know where you lay on your back and lift up your body with your arms and legs? No any more, and it makes me really sad. I've gotten really weak too and slow. I hate it. I'm always in the back and the boys leave me behind.

Mogwai- Tomorrow is a new day! It takes time to get used to not eating junk and lots of strength to tell yourself "I dont' need this!" I struggle a lot with chips and cookies. They say in moderation is okay, but once I eat one, I eat the whole bag! [lol]

Vanora 01-21-2014 09:08 PM

We're all here to support and or join you llonka!! [heart]
I don't bother counting calories, it's just depressing. Instead I just limit to how much I put on my plate with small portions.
I still can't give up the soda for water though. Not eating certain foods is no problem but Dr. Pepper... I can't give that up so easily...

llonka 01-21-2014 09:42 PM

That's a great idea Rozzykins! [ninja] Pop is hard to give up. I think it's addicting. I mean I look at hubby and he drinks pop like a smoker smoke cigarettes. No lie. [lol] I used to be like that too, but slowly got away from drinking pop. I'll only drink diet pop now, because the regular makes me sick anymore. I might be pre-diabetic though.

Mogwai 01-21-2014 09:48 PM

@ Venora - I'm 158cm we're both short hehe. I actually don't have much problem with motivating myself to run. I run 3-4 times a week, so if you want you can run at the same day as I do. For example, I am preparing to run tomorrow and the day after. I prefer running at the middle of the week so that at weekends I can relax (I also drink alcohol on Friday's so at Saturdays I pretty much can't move lol).

@Ilonka -I have the same exact problem too! I eat the whole package when I eat junk, I can't make myself stop. so I prefer that junk food won't be in my house at all. The problem is that my bf loves junk from time to time and he doesn't need to lose weight so I buy junk for him... but eventually I always eat half of it myself =.=" I'm struggling to control my eating problems, I'm an emotional eater and when I have a bad day I tend to eat. (like today for example). It's a some kind of a "punishment routine" for me. I hope i'll be able to control my eating problems it's really annoying. That is the main reason why I can't lose weight.

ClockReject 01-21-2014 09:49 PM

llonka! [heart][hug]
happy to see that you made the thread.

Shadami 01-21-2014 09:51 PM

@llonka - i think i joined that myfitness thing at one point. and tahn completely failed at it cause i really don't count calories...ever.
I will admit that I started checking serving sizes on boxes and trying to eat only one or two as oppossed to my cook a bunch and eat whatever. I don't trust diet soda...

@vanora - Omg .. i loooove Dr Pepper. its one of my nicknames from a friend even. xD Cause i thought it was nasty like pepsi or cola. And than someone gave me a sip of their soda. i thought it was root beer or something. And i'm like "OMG THIS IS DELICIOUS WHAT IS IT???" and.. yeah.. addicted since. haha. But I actually stick to water mainly. I get the occasional soda. 7-up that antioxidant cherry one. and voltage and code red. And of course orange soda. But soda bugs me cause i hate carbination. i like my soda's flat. xD haha

Hey guys. for the failures at conversions like me. how much is 156 cm? xD I'm 5'3" what weight should i be at by your guys judgements?

Mogwai - i thought 2650 was like a low of he normal amount of calories. o.O

llonka 01-21-2014 09:56 PM

Mogwai! I'm the same way! I'm an emotional eater too! [hug] It's hard, but I bet we can overcome it if we try hard enough. [yes] I also admit I'm a cookie monster... any cookies step foot in my house, they are gone before anyone else can get to them. [oops]

Clockie- Yay you made it! [eager]

Shadami- Haha yeah it's hard to keep logging everything. I get tired of real quick, but have been going for 20 days so far. I'm 5'3" too, we should be between 110 to 140 pounds. [gonk]

Mogwai 01-21-2014 09:59 PM

@Shadami - 5"3 is 160cm. The best way to see what weight you should be you must calculate your BMI. You can use this website to calculate your BMI - Calculate your BMI - Standard BMI Calculator.

The healthy BMI is from 18-25 if i'm not mistaken. Over 25 is overweight and under 18 is underweight. For example, my BMI is 22 which mean that i'm on my healthy weight. But I still want to reduce some kilograms so i'll be completely satisfied with how I look. I want to be thin, not normal...

btw, for women you must eat around 1500 calories per day. for guys 2000 calories

Shadami 01-21-2014 10:07 PM

i have a hard enough time logging stuff in the memory jar everyday. I've been trying to keep a journal for years. Menewsha has so many things to help inspire me.

---------- Post added 01-21-2014 at 05:10 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Mogwai (Post 1772435817)
@Shadami - 5"3 is 160cm. The best way to see what weight you should be you must calculate your BMI. You can use this website to calculate your BMI - Calculate your BMI - Standard BMI Calculator.

The healthy BMI is from 18-25 if i'm not mistaken. Over 25 is overweight and under 18 is underweight. For example, my BMI is 22 which mean that i'm on my healthy weight. But I still want to reduce some kilograms so i'll be completely satisfied with how I look. I want to be thin, not normal...

btw, for women you must eat around 1500 calories per day. for guys 2000 calories

thats without counting muscles of course. So i'm sure i'm actually a bit lower than the chart says.
also wow.. i really thought the xalories was higher than that

Vanora 01-21-2014 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by llonka (Post 1772435781)
That's a great idea Rozzykins! [ninja] Pop is hard to give up. I think it's addicting. I mean I look at hubby and he drinks pop like a smoker smoke cigarettes. No lie. [lol] I used to be like that too, but slowly got away from drinking pop. I'll only drink diet pop now, because the regular makes me sick anymore. I might be pre-diabetic though.

I don't like most diet sodas, it's not the same for me, but I'm trying~


Originally Posted by Mogwai (Post 1772435797)
@ Venora - I'm 158cm we're both short hehe. I actually don't have much problem with motivating myself to run. I run 3-4 times a week, so if you want you can run at the same day as I do. For example, I am preparing to run tomorrow and the day after. I prefer running at the middle of the week so that at weekends I can relax (I also drink alcohol on Friday's so at Saturdays I pretty much can't move lol).

@Ilonka -I have the same exact problem too! I eat the whole package when I eat junk, I can't make myself stop. so I prefer that junk food won't be in my house at all. The problem is that my bf loves junk from time to time and he doesn't need to lose weight so I buy junk for him... but eventually I always eat half of it myself =.=" I'm struggling to control my eating problems, I'm an emotional eater and when I have a bad day I tend to eat. (like today for example). It's a some kind of a "punishment routine" for me. I hope i'll be able to control my eating problems it's really annoying. That is the main reason why I can't lose weight.

Oh gosh, running. The last time I went running was during P.E. ><


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1772435806)
@llonka - i think i joined that myfitness thing at one point. and tahn completely failed at it cause i really don't count calories...ever.
I will admit that I started checking serving sizes on boxes and trying to eat only one or two as oppossed to my cook a bunch and eat whatever. I don't trust diet soda...

@vanora - Omg .. i loooove Dr Pepper. its one of my nicknames from a friend even. xD Cause i thought it was nasty like pepsi or cola. And than someone gave me a sip of their soda. i thought it was root beer or something. And i'm like "OMG THIS IS DELICIOUS WHAT IS IT???" and.. yeah.. addicted since. haha. But I actually stick to water mainly. I get the occasional soda. 7-up that antioxidant cherry one. and voltage and code red. And of course orange soda. But soda bugs me cause i hate carbination. i like my soda's flat. xD haha

Hey guys. for the failures at conversions like me. how much is 156 cm? xD I'm 5'3" what weight should i be at by your guys judgements?

Mogwai - i thought 2650 was like a low of he normal amount of calories. o.O

Haha, nice! I don't even know how I got addicted to Dr. Pepper. o.o It kind of just happened.
I've been drinking a lot of hot tea lately instead of soda too.

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