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Troubledfox 08-11-2009 12:25 PM

Star Team Thread!
Welcome to those who joined our team!
This is our base of operations! ;D

Our teams roaster & chores you must complete!!
★ Star ★
1. wish-1
6.` Mashi-1,2,3
7.Cadiwyn Bree-
8. Nickle4aPickle-
9. Bani-

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 12:26 PM

[QUOTE=ToriKat;1764748767][CENTER][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]★ The Chore Tasks ★

Round 2

1. Draw what you would wear while cleaning. Male and female version. Is it a uniform? Just a T-shirt and jeans?
Worth $40

2. Take a picture of your sink/dishwasher and post it. Any dirty dishes? Write up an amusing excuse as to why they are. If they're clean, write at least 250 words on what lengths you had to go through to wash them.
Worth $30

3. Arrange as many pens as you can neatly, take a picture of it, and post it. Make a rainbow of them, decorate them in a pencil cup, etc. Be creative!

4. Create 20 coupons for your parents/guardians/significant other/etc detailing some chores you're willing to do if they redeem them. They must look like coupons.
Worth $50

5. Find a music video that would describe what life is like at your house. Is it calm? Hectic? Write at least 300 words about your selection and link to the music video.

6. Organize your bookshelf or DVDs/VHS. Take a picture. Explain why you organized them in that way.
Worth $25

7. Draw or use a photo of a car. Create a cartoon of your teammates' avatars having to wash it. (It can have speech bubbles, be animated, have a caption, etc)

8. Write at least 300 words on a chore you procrastinated on. What happened? Why didn't you do it in a timely manner? Any consequences? Did you learn anything from it?

9. Create a visual of a garden. It must have at least two different types of flowers, trees, and shrubs. Name them.

10. Create a motivational poster that relates to doing chores, motivation or demotivation, etc.

These are our chores!

Originally Posted by ToriKat (Post 1764748774)
[B]☾ The Work Jobs ☾

The entrepreneur in you finally gets to shine! Show everyone your business skills.

This is a race against the other team! Complete ALL work jobs before the other teams! Only the team that has completed all work jobs first will get the money.

How to Submit

Post the following to submit:

Round 2

Create banners with your logo and/or mascot. You can use the art you received from other artists, if they give you permission. Advertise your company by having people not involved in the Celestial Deck Party to put them into their signatures. Participants must keep it in their signature throughout the event. Make sure they understand why and what they're advertising. It is possible for all three teams to have the same individual. Getting the first person to participate gets you $20. Each person after that gets you $10 each. Each team must submit one post at the end of the round listing everyone who participated.


First team to complete all of the work jobs first will be awarded $500.

1. Create three advertisements:
---1. Poster. Design an eye catching poster advertising your business/products/services. Make sure your logo is present.
---2. Radio advertisement. Create a short skit or jingle informing and motivating people to purchase your product or service.
---3. TV advertisement. Produce a short skit to advertise your product or service. It can be a Youtube video, animated Powerpoint slides, or a skit.

2. Write up a minimum of 500 words describing the type of employees your business is looking for.

3. Create a list of 10 job positions. Describe what they would be doing.

4. Create five Help Wanted ads for different job positions. They have to be an image in the form of newspaper ads.

5. Write up a list of benefits (health care, free hot coffee, foot massages, etc) and the daily salary your employees will make. Include a sign up bonus.

6. Write up a 20 question interview that reflects your search for your ideal employee.

7. Interview 10 people with your 20 question interview. None can be involved in the Celestial Deck Party.

8. Hire no less than 2 and no more than 5 people from the ones you have interviewed. Get them to write why they wanted to work for your business, a minimum of 200 words. These people can help you on Chore Tasks AND Work Jobs from the time they are hired. Make sure to pay them the sign up bonus and the daily salary promised in Job 5. If you decide not to hire them for any other day than today, then you don't have to pay them a daily salary beyond today.
Note: If these players actively contribute in three rounds, they will be awarded the prize money too.

nikijay88 08-11-2009 12:36 PM

Ah Yay! I thought you hadn't seen, so far there are three online right now :) and Wish was watching a movie a bit a ago.

We can easily do number 4 and start contributing to the rest :)

Bani 08-11-2009 12:38 PM

Hi! I'm looking forward to this competition! I'd really like to do number five.

nikijay: I agree!

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 12:40 PM

I had and took the first plunge because i saw Hansvich's thread! C:
so now we need a plan!

Who is doing what!?

1,2,3 are group things that can be done... we need a artist and a writer! :O

nikijay88 08-11-2009 12:41 PM

I think we should each make a post with the 2 chores, how much we make in allowances, what we want to drink and eat for dinner and dessert since we can start those :) and I would like to do the centerpiece :D

Im both XD a writer or an artist LOL

Bani 08-11-2009 12:43 PM

I'll do #5.

nikijay88 08-11-2009 12:43 PM

I will do number 7 apart from the starts of the others :D

This way all we have to do is collaborate all the answers in one :D

I shall start!

-Vacuum - I have to vacuum all the rooms in the house and the rugs to make it look pretty and to kill earwigs.
-Dishes- I usually just wash them and leave them to dry until my mom gets home lol.

Vacuum- $20 (I do a wondrous job LOL)
Dishes- $10

Oh and food wise, I want to drink strawberry milk, eat sushi for dinner, and tres leches cake for dessert :D

Bani 08-11-2009 12:46 PM

Chore 1--Dishes every other day
I have to clean the entire kitchen. Put dishes in the dishwasher, wash the tea-fall pots by hand, wash the counters, wipe the cabinets, sweep, and mop. It's every other day since my younger sister alternates with me.
Allowance paid--(I get to eat another day. JK) 20 dollars at the end of the month.

Chore 2--Wash the clothes
I have to wash all the clothes. Including my dad, my mom, my sister, and my own clothes. There should be no dirty clothes anywhere around the house. Only when it is all done, folded, and put away will I get my money.
Allowance paid--30 dollars

My favorite chore: Alphabetizing the spice rack!!

My least favorite chore: Cleaning the entire house every Friday in addition to dishes and washing clothes.

Drink: I would like water with lemon.
Dinner: I would like taquitos.
Dessert: I would like cookie dough. STRAIGHT UP!

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 12:46 PM

well if there isn't a writer, i would like you to write, Kay?

Centerpiece. ALrighty! Make it sexxi!

I do Dishes, which entails Loading and unload dishwasher, washing dirty dishes, drying the washes dishes, putting them away. Wiping counters and stove. Done!
and put out garbage, Search for garbage up stairs and bring it down and put garbage bins and recycles
out at the back lane for garbage day.

As for allowence, i don't really have a set amount, i ask and recive. Lol!

I would like a Double bacon cheese burger with a Glass of milk. And for desert i want a salad, perferably a caeser salad! xD

nikijay88 08-11-2009 12:50 PM

Ok, I will start on the centerpiece now and if it does come down to it I will be writer sure :) and I will make 3 centerpiece's that way we can all vote, it's going to be very starry <3 since we are star team :D

Bani 08-11-2009 12:54 PM

I'm looking forward to seeing them!

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 12:57 PM

Mee tooo, what should i do? thing of a poll to make?

Bani 08-11-2009 01:09 PM

I think it would be fine if the dinning room table was in the shape of a star right? Or do you think I should just make a rectangular one to be safe?

nikijay88 08-11-2009 01:10 PM

I would say star :) I think we should be creative :> I am working on the first centerpiece it's got star flowers on the bottom surrounding the vase in different colors it's realistic, I hope it looks good XD

Cremuex Levier 08-11-2009 01:10 PM

Good luck everyone!
I hope you have fun!

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 01:12 PM

Star!!!! XD

I messaged all the team mates who i haven't ssen yet and gave them the link to make it fast to find and start helping!

nikijay88 08-11-2009 01:26 PM

I hope this is good D: I feel like I can't make a good enough centerpiece!

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 01:27 PM

You should make a Star bonsai tree! XD it would be pretty!

But, i have 100% believe that you'll pwn the crap out of the center piece!

And i have an idea for the dinning table.:)

Bani 08-11-2009 01:41 PM

I wish I could make this fancy. She just wanted a seating chart though.

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 01:43 PM

well i was thinking about a short legged table, like in japan. and china.
BTW i am getting us a mascot! XD

nikijay88 08-11-2009 01:44 PM

I decided I wouldn't make it realist and stick to paint and pixel LOL

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 01:47 PM

LOL nice! What ever floats you boat hun!

nikijay88 08-11-2009 01:51 PM

BBL Maybe in an hour or two I got a doctor's appt D:

Bani 08-11-2009 01:51 PM

Aw a short legged table would be awesome. Maybe in the details we have to write for the dinner that can be added.

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