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B A B Y C O C K 04-03-2011 01:57 PM

Were you the one fooling around or were you fooled? xD

Antagonist 04-03-2011 02:10 PM

Neither. :sweat:

Had a completely normal day with nothing out of the ordinary. :sweat:

g0ldfish 04-03-2011 02:11 PM

I didn't participate, since we didn't had school on that day. I guess they knew how horrible it would have been if they did. xD

Clorissa 04-03-2011 03:41 PM

I didn't get fooled, nor did I fool anybody at all

I just attended one of my best friend's birthdays.
And it was foolish, the amount of alcohol present xD

3 cases of beer, 3 fams of vodka, 2 liters of Jagermeister, a liter of tequila, and possibly even more xD
This was between..
Oh, 20ish people.

Elluh 04-03-2011 04:14 PM

I didn't get fooled ;D Or try to fool anyone..except my crazy friend that was shoving eggs into the hand dryers!

I was sitting down in the art class and she came up to me to show me her eggs.
"Hey Ella! Guess what!? I'm putting ketchup on all the doors in school. [which she did.]
Look at my babies." "..huh?..oh, eggs?" "yes..@ . @"

So I grabbed an easel stick and continuously "beat" her eggs ;D puns~
She wasn't very overyolked about that..okay, that one was horrible.

momochan 04-03-2011 04:31 PM

No one pulled a prank on me. We don't really do that, although after a while I wanted to pull a prank on me mom. xD

*Hime* 04-03-2011 04:49 PM

April fools was quite normal for me, though I had a few jokes at work :)

momochan 04-03-2011 04:50 PM

Hime looks really pretty. :drool:

Vickicat 04-03-2011 05:12 PM

April Fools.
I was not fooled by anyone. XD In fact I think only one person even tried. I am too on top of things and skeptical of everything on April Fools. I saw a lot of Facebook posts that I was really skeptical of, and it turned out some of them were true, and some of them weren't. XD I did do some fooling though. I tricked my boyfriend by filling an empty box of Nerds candy with cat food, gluing the flaps of the box shut so it looked like it was never opened, and then giving it to him. He was so confused when he opened it and it was cat food instead of candy. I also played along with one of my friends who fooled another of our friends. This friend of mine texted me saying that our friend told her that she was pregnant (telling people they were pregnant seemed to be a theme this year or something, I saw a lot of people saying it). So my friend was asking me if it was true and I decided to go along with it and said yes. Then I called my friend who was playing the prank so we could make sure we gave the same answers to questions she asked. My friend has another friend who actually is pregnant, and she sent a pic of her friend's ultrasound image so our friend ended up really believing it. Later that night one of my guy friends IMed me saying he was going to be a father which of course things like that are the last thing I'm going to fall for (I swear, everyone had the same idea for pranks this year).

alexandrakitty 04-03-2011 05:14 PM

Very, very boring. No tricks played on me and I didn't pull any pranks. On the other hand, someone got a text message from her grown son telling her he and the wife were going to have another baby -- she flipped, but he was just joking. I thought that was funny...

Popcorn Gun 04-04-2011 02:47 AM

Uncharacteristically uneventful.



Originally Posted by alexandrakitty (Post 1769316713)
Very, very boring. No tricks played on me and I didn't pull any pranks. On the other hand, someone got a text message from her grown son telling her he and the wife were going to have another baby -- she flipped, but he was just joking. I thought that was funny...

Was she flipping with joy or?...

Melody 04-04-2011 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by 飛段 (Post 1769316327)
Neither. :sweat:

Had a completely normal day with nothing out of the ordinary. :sweat:

Same. I actually kinda forgot it was april fools day. xD

Antagonist 04-05-2011 04:22 AM

I remembered, mainly because my dad looked up from his desk and said, "Hey, it's April Fool's Day today."
Me: "Uh huh, yeah."
*the two goes back to doing what they had been doing before the conversation*


Krazy Kiara 04-05-2011 04:29 AM

Yea it was fun for me my brothers tryed really hard to fool me that day just didn't work XD i got them though :twisted:

monstahh` 04-05-2011 04:31 AM

Nothing happened except a few threads online and some facebook nonsense. :cool:
I'm so glad me and the bf don't really like april fools. :lol:

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