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CrepsleyKabob 12-21-2007 08:22 PM

The Ho Inn For Vagabonds [Everyone Welcome] Xmas Version!!

Hey everybody!!
Welcome to The Ho Inn for Vagabonds Christmas version. Everybody's welcome though, don't worry xD
This thread is hosted by your local vagabond, CrepsleyKabob, and ho, Suspense!!

So stick around, chat, have fun, and most of all, have a Merry Christmas!!!

If you're cool and like art you'll go here =0

Suspense 12-22-2007 02:11 AM

Sorreh I took so long Dx My internet's temporarily working noww :3

CrepsleyKabob 12-22-2007 06:50 AM

post before leaving on car trip xD

Uhh... I guess I'll open this then.. in a bit xP;

Seiki Nova 12-22-2007 06:54 AM



-will delete later if you don't want it here-

CrepsleyKabob 12-22-2007 07:02 AM

Lolz xD noo it's fine, I just forgot to take out the title after posting >__> <___<

Bleh, I gotta go xDD Later

*goes to car*

`F o a m 12-22-2007 07:03 AM

  • Crep!
    You're here but now you're gone...

Bunnyy 12-22-2007 07:04 AM

  • Foamy looks cool . :0

    Hey meat stick . :B

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 07:21 AM

  • Creps has instructed me to talk in here in his absence xP

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 07:24 AM

Oh god, how is that a good thing?!
I'm kidding x] How's Rawr been lately?

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 07:26 AM

  • Err, good....but I'm tired, but just ate chocolate which usually keeps me up >.> And it's too early to go to sleep on a friday, heh.

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 07:28 AM

Oh, I see. But has anything interesting happened for you lately? && What're you doing over break?

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 07:29 AM

  • Nooot really, just school being tiring and over demanding before the holidays, eh.

    Nooothing much. Uhh, have a couple christmas parties but thats about it.

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 07:33 AM

Tell me bout it. I had to take 2 lab sciences this year. Chem. and Anatomy are killing me during the break. Not to mention that it interferes with my job and Deca @-@

What are you wishing for during christmas anyway?

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 07:36 AM

  • Lab sciences? o.o

    I had not kidding, 12 tests/quizzes last week, so over 2 a day...and then this week another 4ish, so that kinda sucked.

    Eh, whatever it is I'm getting it after the new year, since my parents said that everything's on sale? I think I pretty much get 500 dollars to do whatever with though. @_@

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 07:42 AM

I couldn't deal with that many tests! It'd drive me mad xD

500 dollars?! That's awesome! My mom only does 200 for me each year.

Though I hadn't only asked you which gifts you hoped for. Is there anything else you're looking for this year?

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 07:48 AM

  • It almost drove me mad x__x I was so stressing out, heh.

    Haha, today though I was so luckyyy. Spanish 4 AP is one of my worst subjects, and we had a quiz today I was stressing over, but then last second since we were all whining she said we could do it in partners, which has like...never happened ever xD

    Anyways, I got a fluent speaker as my partner and easily aced it xD

    Yeah, it's a lot more than usual, but since they got something for my brother for 500 dollars I'm getting matched.

    Eh, I've wanted the same things for like, ever, but they won't happen xD;

    Dooog, trampoline....phail of mercury-coughcough-

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 07:56 AM

I remember taking spanish classes. I stopped after my third year. She never threw curves on our tests, meaning we never got to have an advantage. I always ended up getting C's in my spanish classes.

There were a few fluent speakers that would help me out every now and then, though some of them were already spanish looking to ace an easy class o.o

Ah, that makes sense now. Don't spend it all in once place owo Or do, whichever works x]

Awh, it might happen one year. Dogs are nice, they've been on my christmas list since I was 7, so I know what it's like xD

Of course, true happiness doesn't come through gifts though. I hope you have a wonderful christmas <3

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 08:01 AM

  • Eh, curves are really rare at my school. They only have one is like, every really really failed it or something.

    Right now I have an 82 in spanish, but with the 8 AP points it isn't so bad at least, doesn't bring my average down too badly, heh.

    Yeah, we have like 4 people straight from mexico and they're getting easy 100s.

    Haha, I might put it towards a computer, since mine 7 years old, and has been used by two other family members before me. It's getten it's use out of it~~

    Plus I already have a new monitor, keyboard, and mouse, so just need a new computer to match them now xD;

    It took me 6 years to convince my parents to get my dog, and a year and a half later, my dad kills it on accident = /

    Eh, I think if the gift was a dog I'd find true happiness in that xD I really haven't been too happy since loosing my dog xP /wrists

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 08:11 AM

A 7 year old computer? owo I'm surprised it still works after that long. Ohh, you should get new speakers too just to match, if you can afford them that is.

Awh, I wanna huggle you T-T or send you a dog somehow o.o I'm sorry to hear about that :[ But don't talk about your wrists. I've seen some pretty horrific things associating with my friends regarding that.

I'm sure you'll be happier through time. *hugs*

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 08:13 AM

  • Oh yeah, didn't think of speakers. But I don't mind too much about those, they're just more wires. My brother offered to give me his like..surround sound whatever speakers, but I'd have to have cords around my entire room which would be messy, so I'm just sticking with my original ones which came with the 7 year old computer >.>

    Yeahh, I seriously neeed a dog xD;; I had wanted one for sooo long, and It was like the happiest time evarrr when I had one, but meh. Aha, thats just my command for emo xD;

    Yush, once I move out and can get one on my own >.>

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 08:21 AM

Yeah, if you were here you'd see that my speakers cords pretty much wrap around the entire desk and everything on it xD

I understand. Dogs certainly are the best type of animal for those looking to have fun with their pets. Heh, I see ;s

I'm getting one when I move out as well. Which type are you planning on buying?

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 08:26 AM

  • Ahh xD

    Yush, my dog was amazingly awesomeeee. He was like a 3.5pound fluffball. And he would prance around behind me all day and be like constantly happeh xP

    I'm not sure, probably another small dog. I don't like poodles, but I really need a dog that doesn't shed. Another reason why mine was awesome xD He was half poodle, so he would never shed, but wouldn't look puffy and stupid like one xD;;

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 08:29 AM

So cuute!~ <33

I don't like poodles much either. Plus, their not really that interesting xD

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 08:32 AM

  • Hehe yeah, they're smart though at least, but have eye problems or whatever usually later on.

    Think I'll get to 200 flakes and log =_=

Iced-anime 12-22-2007 08:33 AM

Mmkay. I'm getting tired too. Have to get up for work in 6 hours xD Night Rawr n-n

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