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Inuyami 01-03-2012 12:55 AM

The Room (O/A)

Our OOC Page:

:: Welcome to The Room::

Everyday seems like the same day; wake up, shower, school, homework, chores, bed. Today upon returning home from school a mysterious email is waiting in your in box.
"A world of amazement awaits you."
There is no return address to the message and you contemplate opening it for a few moments. You mind races wondering if this is just the typical spam, a virus sent to you threw a past visited website, or something wonderful from an old forgotten friend. Thinking almost nothing more of it, you move your mouse icon over the subject of the message.
You screen freezes for a moment as the message begins to load, all seems normal as you spin in your computer chair and take a sip out of your favorite soft drink. A minute passes and then another, your patients is wearing thin, and just as you ready yourself to exit from the blank message something happens. Suddenly the screen begins to ripple as if it was made of water. Confuse you press your hand to the screen and fall threw it, being pulled by an unseen force.
On the other side of the digital viod you find yourself in a free fall, rappidly approching a lush green field filled with flowers, streams, lakes and surrounded by thick forest which leads nowhere. You hit the ground but notice yourself unharmed and that your appearance has changed, you've somehow become what you see yourself as inside your heart. Around you, there are others who are waking up from the same misty daze that you've found yourself in. How have you all gotten here and what is this place you've been brought to?
Amoung the crowd you notice there is one person who seems to not be so confused. In a collective confused rage, you and the group beging to curse at this man, assuming he must be the one who's brought you to this alien world. He assures you he's done nothing of the sort and that this was supposted to be a virtual chat room for friends to connect. Continuing he goes on to tell you that he's been stuck in this world for weeks and that an evil force knowns simply as VIRUS has been cause chaos in the digital plain.


1. Please PM Character Apps to me to be place in an organize referance point.
2. Fighting and Relationships are acceptable, but keep in mind we are a PG13 thread.
3. You can have a MAXIMUM of THREE Characters.
4. Please keep one sentence posting to a minimum. Try not to do it more then once a page if avoidable. Re-editting to lengthen, as long as it does NOT effect how the story has already progressed, is acceptable.
5. If you would like to plan, discuss or have public questions; this is where you'd go:
6. To prove that you've read and understand the concept of this role-play, please include "---your character's name goes here--- has entered The Room" at the moment in your post when your character arives in the new plain.
7. Character Information can be edited if you wish, simple re-submit you application with your changes written in BLUE and I will change it for you in the character referance post.


Hi, my name is: (What's your user name?)
I'll be playing: (Who is your character for this thread?)
Who is a: (Boy/Girl)
He/She is: (Age)
And is from: (Country)
My character looks like this: (A photo for referance. Anime please)
Their personality is: (A one paragraph minimum discription of personality)
He/She enjoys: (like)
But hates: (dislikes)
Within The Room, this is how he/she looks: (A photo of how you look in The Room. Anime please)
His/Her Room name is: (what is your name within The Room)
He/She is: (Race? Ex:: Human, demon, elf, sprite, fairy etc.)
And has these powers: (any special powers we should know about?)
Other: (If you wish to share any back story about your character, here is where to do it)

***Story updates and plot changes are very possible as this thread matures. The changes or additions will be written in RED, and edits will be written in GREEN for at least a week and I will let members know when things have been updated within the post closest to the time things have been updated.***

Inuyami 01-03-2012 04:29 PM

::Who's already in The Room::


Originally Posted by Inuyami
Hi, my name is: Inuyami
I'll be playing: Manuella Merrill (aka Mani Merrill)
Who is a: Girl
She is: 16
And is from: Canada
My character looks like this:
Their personality is: Mani is a free spirit who love a night on the town compleat with a couple of drinks and dancing at the local club. She is a high school drop out who makes a living by helping out the towns people of Quebec and selling her paintings. She is kind though she has rough edges but ofter warms up to people quickly.
She enjoys: Art, music,
But hates: feeling trapped, being told what to do,
Within The Room, this is how she looks:
Her Room name Is: Inuyami Kage
She is: Inu Demon
And has these powers: Telekenesis, enhanced speed, can sence peoples locations, energy attacks and swordman skills
Other: Mani's parents were killed in a tour bus accident while vactioning at the Niagra Falls when she was 8. A rock slid pushed the loaded bus into a raging river and everyone on board lost thier lives to the rapids. From then on, Mani was raised by her older brother Jean-Bob.

Hi, my name is: Inuyami
I'll be playing: Jean-Robert Merrill (aka Jean-Bob)
Who is a: Boy
He is: 27
And is from: Canada
My character looks like this:
Their personality is: Jean-Robert is a very serious, smart person who takes his resposibilities strongly. His little sister is his world to him and he stresses himself to the core daily trying to do right by her. He works as a customer sales-rep for a local factory that produces office supplies. He is often called boring an dull by his kid sister but he enjoys a simple life. In his spare time he reads books about world travels, though he'd never been able travel before, and doing online puzzles. He had Mani move into his small two story house with him when she was 8 and thier parents died.
He enjoys: Working, reading, puzzles
But hates: Video games, mindless entertainment,
Within The Room, this is how he/she looks:
Male Form: Garrie
Female Form: Carrie
His Room name is: Garrie/Carrie Okitashi
He/She is: Neko Demon
And has these powers: Gender shifter, ninjitsu, sonic yowl, hand to hand combat,
Other: Jean-Bob is very nerdy and would other wise be compleatly unsuspected as being the secret creator of The Room. As no one knows this, he uses his character to answer the questions and guide the activities of The Room, which was created as a socialization site before control was lost. He has suddenly gone missing as VIRUS has erased most of his memories when he first entered The Room and he has now become lost inside the world he created.

Hi, my name is: Inuyami
I'll be playing: VIRUS
Who is a: Male
He appears to be: 21
And is from: Unknown
His personality is: VIRUS is a bit of a strange characte as he acts so much like a women. He loves anything beautiful and envys it with a blood lust. VIRUS is a psycotic sociopath who enjoys seeing the pain of the ugly.
It enjoys: Beauty, hurting others, causing chaos, disorderly conduct
But hates: ugly things,
Within The Room, this is how he looks:
It's Room name is: VIRUS
It is: a Virus
And has these powers: the power to destory the digital plain once he's obtained the energy of the chosen.
Other: N/A


Originally Posted by Gemini
Hi, my name is: Gemini
I'll be playing: Rosemary Kazane
Who is a: Girl
She is: 16
And is from: Japan
My character looks like this:
Their personality is: Rosemary is quiet and shy, almost reclusive even, but at night and online she comes out of her shell and becomes fun loving, caring and kind, though still not very outgoing. She tends to come off as cold sometimes.
She enjoys: books, video games, music and the full moon
But hates: clowns, jerks, loud people, crowds, rain, hot days...and alot of other things.
Within The Room, this is how she looks:
Her Room name is: Vixen
She is: Kitsune demon
And has these powers: shape shifting, shadow travel, pyrokenesis,swordsmanship, advanced reflexes and acute senses- much like an actual Kitsune.
Other: Rosemary was born with a heart condition that made it impossible for her to leave her home much. She was homeschooled most of her life and gets around using a wheelchair. Her condition isn't fatal, it just means her heart is weaker than most. Rosemary's greatest wish has always been freedom. She did manage to go to school for about a year, and during that time she was picked on and mistreated. Her shyness often came off as coldness, and she was awarded the nickname ice princess- by most. Many of the boys called her Vixen, thinking she was hot but unreachable. She doesn't know that she is pretty at all. Her father is native Japanese but her mother was born and raised in Ireland.


Originally Posted by happydeath

Hi, my name is:

I'll be playing:
Makoto Takahashi
Who is a:
He is:
And is from:
My character looks like this:
There personality is:
Makoto is a very quiet person, although he cares for pretty much everything and everyone; the strange fact is that he has a funny way of showing it since he stays hidden away from the groups of people, he'll only tend to show himself when he has to be shown or else he'd stay completely silent, many people called him cruel and being mean but the truth was that he is actually a shy person that thinks that he would say something bad to lose everyone after he had gotten so close to him; like his best friend. But all together he is a protective kind of person that doesn't really know how to show his mean side, that still resides deep down within him.
He enjoys:
Playing music, sweets, quiet, animals, flowers, reading, games
But hates:
People that get too full of themselves, selfishness, threats, being weak, seeing others in pain
Within The Room, this is how he/she looks:
His Room name is:
He is:
A Fallen Angel
And has these powers:
Inhuman speed and strength, darkness and light abilities, hand and feet combat, he also has hidden abilities locked deep down within his heart that show themselves only when his emotions become too out of hand.
Makoto was born and raised in Japan; originally when he was born he was a truly energic kind of child that loved to play with others. He trusted pretty much everyone in his entire life, even if they were truly untruth worthy the entire time. Doing so, he was able to make friends with a boy that was within the yakuza; originally that boy was supposed to kill Makoto, but with how much kindness he was shown; he never did so, only to end up finding out that he had become best friends with this same boy he was supposed to kill. However, one day when the two of them were walking home from school; a black van was following them from behind, in shock Makoto's best friend had told him to run home as fast as he could. Thinking it was a game, he listened and ran away; but right before he could turn the corer, Makoto looked back at his friend only to see that he was shot right down to the ground dead. Hiding in fear, the van drove right past him and straight toward Makoto's home where the yakuza killed his own family as well. Seeing all of this, Makoto began to lose his trust in everyone because of that; even until this day now, he lives alone in the same home his family had died in. Living his life the best he can.


Originally Posted by happydeath
Hi, my name is:
I'll be playing:
Shin Tanaka
Who is a:
He is:
And is from:
Their personality is:
Shin isn't one for words, he tends to stay silent and simply listen to orders from the VIRUS; if not he will be giving commands to other monsters to do whatever they must do. The only other times he would actually talk would be when he is explaining to fools on who he was or if he felt like it; explaining to them what this whole world and what the VIRUS goals were; knowing that no matter how much they tried, they wouldn't be able to defeat him or the VIRUS itself.
He enjoys:
Death, carnage, destruction, killing, murdering, chasing his prey, blood and seeing that VIRUS achieves his goal to destroy the digital plains.
But hates:
Light, hope, protecting others, love, happiness, people doing things for the better good.
Within The Room, this is how he/she looks:
His Room name is:
Shin Tanaka
He is:
Shadow Demon
And has these powers:
Controlling darkness in all different forms as in being able to move quicker throughout the darkness, using darkness as weapons, disguising himself as someone else using the darkness. He also has the ability to use blood that spills from himself or anyone else as his weapons against them, and finally his last abilities are unknown due to his eyes always being covered by the bandages; even VIRUS shouldn't know them even though he was the one created him.
Shin doesn't have much of a story himself, he was born and created by the VIRUS and that is all he needs to know. He works for the VIRUS as his second in command for his army of monsters throughout The Room. Ever since he was created Shin has always had his eyes covered by the bandages he wears, although even with them he can walk around and look at everything as though he can see. Although strangely enough, he has to take a couple of strange cross-like pills every once in a while due to a sickness he had caught from who knows where. It seems everytime he uses his blood powers, the sickness worsens on him even more. But even with that, he doesn't really care; his goal is simply to follow under the VIRUS and work for his goal as well. However, if the VIRUS were to ever change into a goody-to-shoes; Shin himself would have to deny following him any longer.


Originally Posted by Alura--x--Uneii
Hi, my name is: Alura--X--Uneii
I'll be playing: Fiona Heartbright
Who is a: (Girl)
She is: 17
And is from: Japan
My character looks like this:
Their personality is: Fiona was actually born America, but at the age of four she moved with her family to Japan due to her parent's business. They own a large company and she is the heir to it. Due to her parents success she grew up never having to work, but she isn't your typical "rich girl" She is scatter brained, air headed, and not entirely tech savvy. She likes to be around girls more often than men because she likes the shape of their bodies more as she says.
She enjoys: Ice Cream, reptiles, curvy girls, sweating.
But hates: Meat, thinking.
Within The Room, this is how she looks:
Her Room name is: Nagi
She is a: Naga
And has these powers: Can spit venom.
Other: TBA


Originally Posted by Yonagi_Hinomoto
Hi, my name is: Yonagi_Hinomoto
I'll be playing: Seraphine Fratzi (Sera)
Who is a: Girl
She is: 17
And is from: Italy
My character looks like this:
Her personality is: Seraphine is actually a funny person when you take the time to know her. She has a habit of pushing people away with her sarcasm, but inwardly she's upset noone sees the humor in it. Likes friendly atmospheres with sweets and coffee.
She enjoys: Jokes, reading, and music
But hates: Being taken too seriously, wrongly accused
Within The Room, this is how she looks:
Her Room name is: Seraphim Song
She is: Fox Demon
And has these powers: telekinesis, and illusions
Other: Sera has a slight inferiority complex bread from her older sisters and their talents. She used her jokes as a mask as well as an escape.


Originally Posted by Gemini
Hi, my name is: Gemini
I'll be playing: Todd Hunter
Who is a: Boy
He/She is: 25
And is from: Ireland
My character looks like this:
Their personality is: Todd is sweet,gentle and caring.he is generally liked by everyone he meets,and he never fights with anyone,no matter what.the only time Todd will fight is if his friends or family are threatened.he is always smiling and happy to see everyone,and he always acts like he's just seen you for the first time in years,even if he only just saw you that morning.he's alot like a child, very innocent to the world.he also has a great sense of humor.
He enjoys: sunny days,ice cream,music,drawing,video games,reading,spending time outdoors,animals,and people in general.
But hates: mean people,spiders and books with sad endings.
Within The Room, this is how he looks:
His Room name is: Hunter
He is: Fae (also known as fair folk or fairy)
And has these powers: flight,telepathy,general use of magic,control over wind and shapeshifting.
Other: Todd was born and raised in Ireland,where his mother was a housewife and his father was a fisherman.his father was lost at sea when Todd was very young,so he doesn't remember much about him,but his mother says that Todd looks just like him.Todd now lives alone in a small port town where he designs,creates and sells fine jewelry.he spends most of his time outdoors,where he loves to read,draw,write, or just relax.he still visits his mother from time to time.


Originally Posted by Sweetsunnyrain
Hi, my name is: Sweetsunnyrain
I'll be playing: Genki Alice
Who is a: Girl
She is: 17
And is from: Japan
My character looks like this:

Her personality is: Truth is, I'm fairly depressed, but I don't show it. Well, maybe I do, but when asked if I'm okay, the answer is yes. It's always yes. I'm told I agree to others way too much, and sometimes am called fake. I act happy to please others, and I feel like a puppet all the time, agreeing to everyone. I just wanna let loose, you know?

She enjoys: Hm, I enjoy anything you want me to enjoy.
But hates: Everything you hate.
Within The Room, this is how he/she looks:

Click to enlarge (The strings can be controlled by anyone if they touch them, they're attached to my back/joints and hang knee length but can extend)

Her Room name is: Mari O. Nette

She is: Puppet

And has these powers: I can control inanimate objects with some of my strings, and can also control people, but all the strings have to be around their joints.

Other: I've lived in a normal family for as long as I can remember, ordinary life, no trauma along the way.

Gemini 01-04-2012 04:19 AM

___Vixen has entered The Room
Rosemary felt herself falling, endlessly falling through the darkness.then she hit the bottom.she opened her eyes to what seemed like a huge room.she felt different.she stood up and brushed herself off, and instantly noticed something strange.she looked different.her clothes, skin, hair, were all different.she looked that picture she had drawn of her vision of herself in art class."what is this place?" She asked in wonder.last thing she remembered, she was leaning in towards her computer screen to see that strange message...wait! Her mind started racing.this was almost exactly like the anime she watched when she was younger.but could it be? She took in the facts.first, there was that strange email.then her computer screen rippled like water.then, when she had leaned in, she had started falling.just like in was she was in this place, like dot hack.and her appearance had changed to show who she was inside, like digimon.and even stranger, her heart felt fine...healthy, even.she was standing without trouble."so this place is like a cross between digimon and dot hack...only its a chat room...and I have a tail." She said.her voice echoed.was there anyone else here?

Inuyami 01-04-2012 04:51 AM

"THIS ONE!" A purple puppy flashed infront of Mani's face as she day dreamed, stairing into the sky. She pulled an iBud from her left ear and looked down at an young child. He had a chubby face a sun blonde hair, dressed in overalls and a white tee-shirt. "I want this one lady!" His hands were over flowing with single dollar bills and large coins. "How much?"

"It's only ten dollars." Mani smiled as she grabbed the painting from the boy and wrapped it in brown packing paper before handing it back to him. The youngster handed her the cash and was on his way without a thank-you. He'd been the first and only sale of the day and it was starting to get late. She was alloud to stand outside of the mall and sell her painting and other art work but once it started to get dark, it was far to dangerous to say out. Tomorrow was another day.

Mani arrived at her brother's house fifteen minutes later. She'd stopped for a soda pop and a bag of chips and found it difficult juggling the items as she unlocked the front door. Jean-Robert hadn't been home for a couple of days now, which wasn't abnormal. His work kept him in the office, sometimes days at a time, and sometime he was sent over seas for product demonstrations. The only strange thing about it this time was that he hadn't left any sort of note explaining his where abouts.

Not thinking much of it Mani went into the living room and logged onto her laptop. The screen lit up and loaded her messenger system. The icon lit up in the corner of the page, one new message. No one ever messages me... Mani thought to herself clicking on the subject. It never meant much to her to think about viruses or spam, none of that meant anything to her. She sipped her drink as the page loaded.

Suddenly, Mani noticed something strange was happening to her screen. The ripples reminded her of something she'd seen in movies about drug trips. Shaking her head she tried to clear her vision, but nothing seemed to help. It was after a moment that she realized that it wasn't a digital effect, her screen was actually moving. She placed her hand on the screen and felt herself fall into the impossibly small square.

Inuyami has enter The Room.

She fell for what felt like forever, deeper and further into a worm-hole void. There where checkered patters and hypnotic colors all around her as she plummeted into the unknown world. Breaking threw a data cloud, the ground below began to become apparent. It was a large field of wild grasses and flowers, and there was someone down there.... actually, she was right bellow Mani.

"WAAAAATCH OOOOUT!" She yelled, but it was a bit to late. A moment later, she collided with Vixen on the ground and the two of them were now laying in the tall grass. Instantly, she jumped up and appologised frantically. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Wait a second..." She checked herself over, "How did I not break any bones.... WAAAAH AND WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!"

Gemini 01-06-2012 02:51 AM

Vixen sat, stunned after a girl had fallen from the sky and crashed into her.normally, anything like that would have sent her into a heart attack."it...its ok." She said, and stood back up."as for your hair...I don't know.I only know that I looked alot different before I fell in here.I think its something to do with this place...I can only guess that its like this anime about a digital world where the peoples appearances change to match who they are inside..." she trailed off, thinking.she knew she was blabbering, but she needed to figure this out."sorry.what do you think? Im vixen, by the least, that's what it says my name is here.when you dropped in there was a voice from nowhere that said Inuyami had entered the guessing you're Inuyami?" She asked.

Inuyami 01-07-2012 07:56 PM

"Uh... yea I guess that's me then." Inuyami answered the fox-eared girl, then noted her own wolf like ears. Oh wow... I guess it's true then... she thought to herself looking her form over a little better in the water of a lake near by. A gental wind blew, it felt so real. Was she really in some sort of digital demtion that had changed her appearance?

"It's Vixen right?" Inuyami asked turning back to the girl. "Then it's a pleasure to meet you." She sparked a friendly smile and then returned to scanning her surroundings. This place looked just like the fields of the world she'd been sucked out of. Birds sang in the branches of distant trees, bees buzzed as they collected the pollen from the rainbow of flowers that littered the open grassy field. "Have you been here long?"

Graxdon 01-07-2012 10:26 PM

Zubashi tossed aside the comic he had just finished with a sigh before spinning around in his computer chair, bored out of his mind when, from his computer he heard the Zelda finding something tune, indicating a new email. Zubashi cocked a brow as he opened the email, wondering what it could be. When his screen began to ripple he shook his head, rubbing his eyes, thinking it must be a figment of his imagination. When he looked again, it was still rippling, so he gave the screen a flick, seeing if it was really happening.


Salfeng blearily opened his eyes as he felt himself falling. His eyes snapped open and, by some instinct, he flipped midair, landing in a crouch on the ground. He looked around and found himself standing on a small stalactite shaped piece of rock that was floating through the air. Looking around he could see other pieces of earth just floating around, some smaller than the one he was on, others far bigger. Walking to the edge and looking down he could see clouds. He waited for a few seconds until the clouds broke and he could see, very, very, far down was the ground. He gulped and took a step back before he finally noticed he was dressed differently... and had a tail. He reached up and felt all over his face and realized he was covered in fur, had big wolf ears, and sharp, wolf-like teeth. He blinked in surprise before smiling and running and jumping off the edge of the rock, giving an excited shout. His heart began pounding as he free fell through the air. He went through the clouds and came out soaked and cold, but didn't care, he had never felt so alive! As he fell, he could see some other floating islands of rock and angled himself as he fell, like he had seen in movies, and grabbed onto the side of one with his clawed gauntlet, using it to slow his fall before jumping off of it towards another one and doing the same. He continued to do this until he finally touched down on the ground, landing heavily, but not lethally. Breathing heavily he looked around and found he had landed near two other odd looking women. He smiled and waved, saying, "Heya pretty ladies, this dream just got better!"

Gemini 01-09-2012 04:18 AM

Vixen shook her head."no, I've only been here a couple minutes as far as I can tell.its a nice place, but...I just can't figure out why we're here." She said.before she could contemplate further, there was a shout from above and a wolf looking creature landed near them.she blinked and almost laughed when he said something about a dream." kind of look like sonic the hedgehog...only wolfish.and did you say dream? I don't think this is a could be mass hallucination." She said, ignoring the 'pretty ladies' comment.his accent sounded strange."hang're not japanese are you?" She asked, starting to wonder about this place."your speaking a different language than me, but I can understand you."

Inuyami 01-09-2012 04:39 AM

Inuyami scratched behind her left ear and looked around the fielded area. There was so much space... how could all of this be inside of a computer? She wondered to herself as she began to explore the fields. Her attention was caught when the over voice of the digital anouncer introduced Salfeng's name. She looked up to see a white ball fall to the earth, then stand up and act like it'd never happened. It was astounding in it's self.

"Hello, Salfeng...?" Inuyami looked at him with a friendly smile.

happydeath 01-15-2012 09:42 PM

With a little yawn, Makoto had ended up waking up to his own pet raven crowing loudly in his ear. Makoto lived here at his home where both his family members were killed by the Yakuza when he was still little, he didn't really have anyone that lived with him; not to mention he didn't have any other family members that really cared for him enough to come and live with him to help him grow up. Throughout his entire life, he had to live his lonely life by stealing from stands of food since he was still too young to work for anyone. Even now, due to having no parents raise him the right way; he doesn't exactly know how to work or make a resume for people so that he can have a job. Makoto sat up in his bed scratching the back of his head with another little yawn once more. Pulling off the covers that he had over his body, he revealed to himself that he had his black and white pajamas on. His raven was still crowing loudly at this point from being a bit disturbed about something. "Oh..will you be quiet already?..." he whispered to himself with a little groan from how tired he was; his raven was crowing about how Makoto's computer was making a beeping noise to indicate that he had a new e-mail.

Turning his own head over toward his computer with tiredness in his eyes, Makoto tilted his head in curiosity on wondering who had e-mailed him. That was extremely rare, no one even knew his e-mail; other than the internet company of course. So just thinking it must've been them, he had planned to get up and delete the message so that he wouldn't have to hear the beeping anymore. Getting right off his own bed and into his computer chair, Makoto looked right toward his screen only to see that the e-mail wasn't from his internet company after-all. "What the...?" he spoke to himself, clicking onto the subject to see what it was about; out of nowhere his computer froze and the screen started to go blank. "Of...course...not responding hm?" he muttered, right when he was about to click the power button to restart his computer; seeing the screen begin rippling Makoto's own eyes widened up in shock. Curious as he was, he leaned forward to touch the screen; only to have himself pulled right through the computer and get dragged throughout the digital space.

Tenshi has entered The Room.

Immediately after falling for what seemed like a couple of seconds, Tenshi found himself falling from the sky with his own pajamas changed into what was close to a black coat, pants and shoes to follow. "What the hell happened to my clothes..?!" he asked himself as he fell from the sky, unaware about his hair color changed as well as him growing large black wings on his back. All the while in the human world, his raven kept crowing more loudly before he was also sucked into the digital world with Makoto. Although, nothing had really spoken out when his raven fell through the computer to follow Tenshi; but rather it was as though it was part of him. The raven flew after Tenshi only to peck him on the cheek causing him to look over toward his raven, allowing him to see the large black feathered wings on his back now. "What?!..." he asked once more before shaking his thoughts aside. With just the reaction of being afraid of hitting the ground from such a height, Tenshi did whatever he could to see if he could stop himself from hitting the ground. Only to have both his feathered wings spread out widely and have him slowly come landing to the tall grassy floor with many of his feathers falling around him but his wings looking as though they haven't lost a single feather. Tenshi's raven on the other hand had ended up flying down and perching itself onto his shoulders as they both looked around the area. "Okay..where am I?.." he whispered to himself only to look behind him and see two strange looking females and a wolf-like creature together. 'Can this get any weirder..?' Tenshi thought to himself as one of his black hair strands fell in front of his face to let him see that his length of hair was still the same, but the color had completely changed.

Inuyami 01-16-2012 12:44 AM

The voice announced the entry of yet another person falling into the void. Inuyami looked up and watched as the man decended from the sky. His wings and the unnatural sunlight behind him gave the illusion of an angel falling to earth. It wasn't until he had landed that she noticed that his wings and dressings where black instead of the white you expect to see on an angel. Where were these people coming from? She wondered silently waiting to see what would happen next.

Not far from where the group was forming, a neko male had taken notice of the falling bodies; this was entirly new to him. The confusion and curiosity began to build in his thin stomach and it was all he could do to keep his distance from them. From the tree line not far from the field, Garrie hid in the over grown branches of an old oak tree. He'd maked himself known to the group when the time was right.

Graxdon 01-16-2012 01:01 AM

Salfeng turned to the newcomer and said, "Another guy huh? I guess this really isn't a dream. So, yeah, who are you Mr. Dark and Mysterious, the bad guy for this game? If this isn't a dream it must be some kind of video game or something, right?" He looked to the other two for their opinion, leaning back on his heels with his hands behind his head.

Inuyami 01-16-2012 01:21 AM

"I'm not so sure about that. How could a video game pull us out of our homes?" Inuyami said looking back to Salfeng. She was slightly surprised to see a creature like him talking. "But could we really be here or is there something taking us out of out bodies." She asked wondering if the others were asking themselves these kinds of questions.

A wind blew across the field, carrying the scent of the neko ninja to the scensitive noses of those in the group with hightened ofactory scensors. Inuyami looked towards the tree that Garrie had stationed himself in. She could not see him, something told her there was someone there. It was like her stomach was garenteeing her that there was some sort of energy eminating from that point, then suddenly she saw a glisten of light.

Garrie's eyes caght Inuyami's from across the field for a moment, but he knew that she knew he was there. He had been watching and listening the four. His heart skipped a beat and he fell from the tree from the sudden jolt he got. Picking himself up, Garrie used his exceeded speed to make his way to the group. Now standing infront of Inuyami he bowed his head, his mouth cover with black to hide the lower portion of his face.

"BWAAAAAAAH!" Inuyami let out a wail and fell on her rump. "What the heck is wrong with you!!" She scolded the man feeling as thugh her personal space had been violated.

"Forgive me," Garrie said. His voice was quiet and deep, slightly muffled from his half mask. "But I over heard you from the forest. I've been in this land for many months now and I don't know much about this place, but I will offer the best of my knowledge to you all. All you must do is ask." He offered a hand to Inuyami to help her to her feet.

Gemini 01-16-2012 03:07 AM

Vixen was so busy staring at the fallen angel that she didn't notice the newcomer ninja until he made Inuyami scream."wha? Oh, another one? Hey hang on a second...let me ask something.did everyone here get a strange email just before falling in?" She asked, her senses sharpening even though part of her mind was still focused on the angel- Tenshi was the name the voice said- who was super good looking.

happydeath 01-16-2012 03:52 AM

By the time Tenshi had noticed that his hair had changed color, but not it's length a small sigh had escaped his lips as he moved the strand of black hair behind his ear so that it wouldn't get in the way. His raven at this point just stayed perched on his shoulder as it looked back and forth on wondering where they were as well, the raven stayed completely quiet while Tenshi had looked over toward the three people standing around each other. Two of them were female, while the third looked pretty much as close as possible to a male; although he was in what looked like a wolf-like creature form. All of a sudden however, when the wolf-like creature spoke up about calling Tenshi someone as a 'Mr. Dark and Mysterious'; as well as asking if he was supposed to be some kind of villain or something for this game. Looking around the area once more, to make sure that the wolf creature was speaking toward Tenshi; he ended up noticing how there was no one else that he must've been speaking about. Giving a little shrug as he began to walk up toward the three of them, he didn't bother to say a single word but rather reply to the creature's question with a shrug. 'How...exactly am I understanding that wolf..?' he thought to himself, but just decided not to even ask since he was kind of afraid to make friends with any of these people.

Soon enough Tenshi let out a quick gasp when he had noticed how another male had come bolting up toward the entire group; this male, seemed to have what looked like cat ears and a long cat tail to follow. He seemed to had caught one of the females off guard, only to have her collapse to the ground and have the male apologize as well as telling them all that he had been here for a couple of months now; as well that he would tell them all he knows as long as they asked. Tenshi raised a single finger as though he was about to ask, only to end up hearing from the other female asking everyone if they had gotten a strange e-mail before coming here. Immediately taking his attention over toward the female who asked it with his own eyes widened in shock; so he wasn't the only one who had gotten the e-mail after-all. Giving another little sigh to himself, Tenshi slowly sat down onto the floor with both his black feathered wings wrapping around himself as though he were concentrating; even though he was simply just trying to figure out what was going on. "So...if you've been here for a couple of months like you say...mind explaining where we are..?" he spoke with his own eyes closing and his head pointed toward the ground. His question was directed toward the neko male that had just come rushing out of nowhere.

Gemini 01-16-2012 04:12 AM

Vixen stared at Tenshi as he sat down and realized that sitting down would actually feel good.despite the fact that this was all digital, she could feel bruises from falling forming all over her.she turned her attention to the neko ninja as she sat down, cross legged, in the oddly soft grass."I have a question.since you've been here that long, maybe you know...this is all digital, right? Its all if its virtual, why does everything feel so real? Shouldn't it be like a virtual reality game where we don't feel anything?" She asked.

Inuyami 01-16-2012 04:25 AM

Dusting herself off, Inuyami turned her attentions to Gemini to respond to her questions.

"Yea, it was wierd since I never usually get emails. I never tought something like this could happen from a laptop!"

"Let me explain myself," Garrie started, "but not here, there are monsters here none of us could hope to stand a chance against. We must move from here. Any others who come will have to catch up." His tone seemed cold and almost life less, and his red eyes remained still with calmness. "Fallow me this way." Garrie began to lead.

"What do you guys think? Should we fallow him?" Inuyami asked the group.

happydeath 01-16-2012 05:19 AM

As Tenshi continued to sit right on the tall grassy floor, a little yawn escaped his lips as he stretched out his arms all the while he stared at the cat-like male. Right when he spoke up about letting himself explain the situation, only to have to say that they wouldn't be able to speak here since there must've been monsters around, that none of them were ready for. The tone of voice he spoke to them was quite disturbing even to Tenshi since he spoke as though the monsters around the area, truly were as dangerous as he made them sound like. So immediately seeing him walk away with the words to tell the group to follow him, Tenshi just sat there only for a moment before standing up to his own feet along with his wings folding against his back.

One of the females had asked the group if they should follow this man since it was unknown if this man was even trust worthy or not. Although Tenshi didn't bother to even wait, since they were all new here anyway; even if this man wasn't trust worthy, it was their only chance to figure things out, at least a bit. Staying here right in the open was just going to make it all the more difficult for them. So without even a second thought or even an answer toward the female of his own opinion, Tenshi just went ahead and followed the man to see if he could at least tell him about what was going on. Tenshi's raven on the other hand at this point just ended up flying right off his own shoulder, and bolted right up into the sky as it began to circle the sky a bit over them all to follow Tenshi.

Inuyami 01-16-2012 04:36 PM

Inuyami watched as Tenshi fallowed the neko male. Did he know something she didn't, she wondered as he moved past her and towards the thick trees. He moved with a confidence that she'd not seen in anyone since she'd arived. Confusion soon gave way to curiosity and Inuyami fallowed the fallen angel, not waiting for responce from the others. To her, this was her answer, a sort of silent 'let's, just go.'

Behind him, Garrie could scence that at least half of the group was already fallowing. He was leading them to a small camp he's set up about a mile from where they now were. He left a fire burned in a rock pit that he'd put together in an opening amoungst the trees. There were two logs next to it that he'd been using as seats and in the largest nearby tree, he'd tied branches together with vines to make what resembled small gorrila like nest with a roof for sleeping. If these people planed to stay with him here, they'd have to learn to make their own shelters as well. Once they all settled in and were ready, he'd begin to explain what he knew of The Room.

Graxdon 01-16-2012 11:32 PM

Salfeng's ears drooped in disappointment as he said, "Wait, monsters are coming and you want to leave? Isn't the point of a game to fight monsters? Well, most games are like that unless they're monsters or dating sims, uh, not that I would know about those!" He looked away sheepishly before saying, "So, uh, what kind of monsters are coming? Wait, you said we don't stand a chance, so, it's like in a bunch of jrpg's where there's a boss fight towards the beginning that we're supposed to lose, right?"

Gemini 01-17-2012 03:11 AM

Vixen waited only a moment before following."let's go.even if this guy means to hurt us, we outnumber him.and he might have answers." She rationalized, glancing back at selfeng as she went.after a little while, just as she was about to question where they were going, the neko led them to a spot with a small fire and two logs for seats.she admired the way he had created a shelter by weaving the branches of a tree.she sat down on a log and waited for an explanation.

Inuyami 01-17-2012 04:55 AM

Once the four had taken a seat around the smoldering embers of the fire, Garrie began to explain.

"As I said before, I don't know much but what I do know I will share." Garrie tossed a couple small pieces of wood onto the coals to keep them hot. "This place is called The Room, it's a digital field where we are more or less captives to VIRUS." His eyes scanned the faces before him. An inu, a ketsune, a okami and a daraku-tenshi. This world had certainly brought an interesting group together.

"And VIRUS is...?" Inuyami asked, slightly annoyed with the neko for the suspence he was building. Perhaps it was simply dog dispising cat, but something about this guy didn't settle right with her. She'd make sure to keep an eye on him. Garrie looked at her and then back to the fire for a moment before he continued.

"VIRUS is the bad guy, the boss as he called it." He motioned to Salfeng by swishing his tail. "But do not be mistaken, this is no video game. Though you may feel no pain, and can accomplish increadible stunts, you will not be returning home if you die here. There were two before you four, they didn't head my warnings and they became nurishment to a pack of boar-wolves." Garrie knew this would be a lot to take in so he pause and waited for their responces.

Gemini 01-17-2012 07:13 AM

Vixen took in the information with ease for the most part.however, her mental gears ground to a halt when confronted with the idea that things were real here."so...if we die here, we die for real.ok what does that mean for our families? And how do we get back,?" She asked, recovering from her momentary her mental gears were turning in overdrive.

Inuyami 01-17-2012 06:25 PM

Garrie looked at the fox demon for a second, his eyes glistened once in the fire light before he began.

"In the time I've been here, I have yet to find that answer. I'm not even sure there is anyway out, especially one for me." For the first time, a bit of emotion leaked out in Garrie's voice. it was a sadness mixed with an unspoken fear lying deep within him. His eyes fell shut for a moment, his tail swayed from one side to the other, twitching with a sort of confused anxiety. He placed the palm of his hand on his forehead and applied pressure, a headache was starting to build.

"What do you mean no way out or especially for you?" Inuyami asked not giving much consern to his actions. Whatever his problem was, it was his to deal with. The way this guy talked really irratated her for some reason. It went without saying that she didn't trust this man, and she wasn't ready to let her guard down even a bit. Garrie composed himself and continued, not making any eye contact with the dog demon.

"I do not remember falling into this world, I only woke up here. Everything I knew was gone and I was compleatly lost. The only things I knew for sure was what was up, what was down, and that this isn't where I belong. I've searched every corner of this place and have found no signs of anyone else here. I figured out that this place was a digital relm at the edges many miles from here. It's an eary sight, like being in a fish bowl only there is no wall. If you fall off, I can only assume you'd be swallowed by and drown in the sea of data." Garrie knelt down by the fire instead of taking a seat on the logs with the others.

Graxdon 01-17-2012 09:13 PM

Salfeng's eyes narrowed as he said, "Wow, that's kind of..." He suddenly grinned widely shouting, "AWESOME! This is so cool, real danger, bad guys, this is gonna be fun! So, how do we stop the bad guy then? Is there some relic, or do we just level up a bunch and then take him on! Ooh, does he have cool theme music that plays when we fight him, like Sephiroth?"

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