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Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 04:08 AM

❆ Festive Freebies ❆ [Art - Badges - Chat]
❆ Welcome to Festive Freebies! ❆

It's that time of year again! Aren't you excited? I'm excited!

Here is a little thread you can chat amongst yourselves in and perhaps get a few holiday art goodies in the process! They'll be produced randomly (unless you get yourself some shiny thread badges). You are also more than welcome to give some freebies out to your fellow Menewshans if you're feeling particularly generous! 'Tis the season for giving, after all! Most of all just remember to have fun, enjoy yourselves and get to chatting!

Thread Badges
Really want some art this season? How about you complete some of the thread challenges and collect badges?
Three badges guarantees you'll get some artwork (and should be quite fun to obtain, too!). ❆ Create and give a freebie to someone else on this thread. ❆ Start or participate in a festive tag-team poetry slam in this thread. ❆ Leave 25+ posts on this thread. ❆ (Successfully) invite 3 people to the thread via pings. ❆ Help out a newbie or answer Mene-related questions on this thread. ❆ Somehow, someway, lure Afrodonkey onto this thread. ❆ Start or participate in a miniature Avatar Battle Royale in this thread. ❆ Create a link in one of your threads to this thread. ❆ Be the first to post on pages 1, 25, 50, 100 (and so on)

** Keep an eye out! I do want to add more badges soon, so this list will likely be growing! **

The Real Nikki

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"Holiday Jar" by Dragoness129

The Real Nikki 12-24-2012 04:11 AM

Happy Holidays!! How are you?

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 04:11 AM

Wonderful, Nikki! How are you?

derpy_shy 12-24-2012 04:13 AM

Hello how are you all?

The Real Nikki 12-24-2012 04:16 AM

Hello Derpy. It's been alright here. Just watching some movies with my sister until we get lazy and sleepy.

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 04:17 AM

That sounds a little like what I'm doing here with my sister. :P

The Real Nikki 12-24-2012 04:25 AM

We're watching The Little Mermaid right now, haha.

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 04:26 AM

Awesome! xD
I'm partial to Mulan, but I think most everyone is. She's so feisty!

The Real Nikki 12-24-2012 04:30 AM

Oh yeah, even my boys in class can handle that one. They are very judgmental about "boy movies/girl movies". So that's one of the middle ground ones.

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 04:55 AM

I saw the live action one once.. it was crazy dark but really, really good. I think I still like the animated version better, though.
Do you have any plans for the holidays?

The Real Nikki 12-24-2012 05:03 AM

Going to bring my boyfriend to meet the other side of my family, the non-crazy and more lively side, for the first time in two days. I'm excited and nervous. Begging him to be on his best behavior, but I feel it'll go no where. Plus he's handled my bi-polar grandmother pretty well the last few years.

How about you? You ready for family?

Ling 12-24-2012 05:04 AM

What a nice idea for a thread. [:)]

Ascadellia 12-24-2012 05:05 AM

There was a live action of Mulan? O.o;

How did That work out? ^ ^;

Whimzica 12-24-2012 05:11 AM

-nibbles on edge of thread- hullo all.

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 05:12 AM

Nikki: Hopefully everything will go well! I'm sure it will. I've been back at home for a few days now and everything seems to be fine so far! (Knock on wood... : P)

Ling: Thank you! I thought it would be interesting to try.

Ascadellia: There is! There isn't a dragon in this one... and it's a bit Romeo/Juliet, but for basically a high-budget kung-fu movie it's pretty good.

Sabiir: Hey there!

Ascadellia 12-24-2012 05:14 AM

Oh. Hm, that sounds like it'd be fun to watch.

Whimzica 12-24-2012 05:14 AM

Hows your holidays going? :)

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 05:15 AM

Ascadellia: it was. Here is the imdb link to it: Hua Mulan (2009) - IMDb

Sabiir: Lovely! And your's?

Whimzica 12-24-2012 05:17 AM

Mm, pretty decent so far. Not too exciting, but thats alright with me. xD

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 05:23 AM

Sometimes that's better than a lot of excitement, though. :P
Hopefully it'll have just the right amount of everything by the end of the holidays.

EirianHikari 12-24-2012 05:26 AM

Hi. Merry Christmas! [:)]

Whimzica 12-24-2012 05:28 AM

The Mene event is my highlight. :P
I dont look forward to seeing the extended family much, they fight a lot and I end up being bored and irritated by the end of dinner. But, whatcha gonna do.

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 05:54 AM

Hello Hikari!

Sabiir: That's a bummer... and yeah, you can't really do anything about it. I'm digging the Mene event so far... and expect tomorrow it'll get busy.

Pssst! The Real Nikki! I had a little experiment... it isn't typically my style artwork, but it's free! [click me!]

EDIT: The thread badges are up! :D

Ling 12-24-2012 06:46 AM

There's actually many versions of of the Mulan story, the original being a poem from way back when in China.

Freebie Fairy 12-24-2012 07:07 AM

I didn't know that... I suppose the poem has been translated by now?
*taps chin* I wonder where you can get your hands on it...

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