Menewsha Avatar Community

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Silver Magi 11-06-2009 09:02 PM

- The Pumpkin Patch - | Freebies and Shenanigans! | Drop by and chat? - Freebies will be PM'd! <3

- Garden Guide -

Introduction & Rules


What we grow 'round these parts
(Art order form, etc.)


Harvest festival


Top farmers
(Donations for the art.)




Howdy, and welcome to The Pumpkin Patch!
Down past the houses and fancy buildin's of Menewsha, there's a small farmin' village that loves Halloween!
So, every year, the residents of the tiny farmin' town get together and have a huge party in the pumpkin fields!

Artists and musicians from all over Menewsha come 'round here for a good slice of pumpkin pie, some spiced cider,
and some fresh veggies, and of course, they all come and stay a while, chattin' it up!
So come on and stay a while, grab some grub'n get cozy by th'fire!

Of course, every good town needs some rules, by golly!
So head on down to the Town Hall doors and check'em out'cherself!

Silver Magi 11-06-2009 09:12 PM

What we grow 'round these parts!

Well, every freebie thread has to have freebies, right?
So, here's a simple lil' form that'll getcha some art, depending on how busy the farmers are, what with all the harvestin' and other chores.

And don't forget! Donations are always appreciated to help the farmers with next season's seeds!

HTML Code:

[SIZE="1"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"] [SIZE="3"]Happy Halloween! I want some art![/SIZE]
Headshot or fullbody?
Favorite harvest'time food:
Thanks, Farmer Silver![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]

I'll post the pickups in the next post!
And, don't even think'bout stealin' someone's freebie from them!

The villagers might get a little ticked at'yah..

Silver Magi 11-06-2009 09:16 PM

Harvest Festival!

Well, now that the farmers are done with'yer art, you'kin pick it up 'round here!
All art pieces'll be posted here, so I'll announce when I'm done with'yer art, so you can come and get it!

People I need to draw -

Cherry - WIP

Meg - DONE. [x]

Anana - WIP

Librus - DONE. [url=][x][/url

Eun - WIP

Pocky - WIP

Tsu - WIP

Zen - WIP

Nalin - WIP

Silver Magi 11-06-2009 09:17 PM

Top Farmers!

Now that you've got your art, you can donate, if you'd like!
It ain't necessary, but it's real 'preciated by the farmers'n their kinfolk! <3

Silver Magi 11-06-2009 09:35 PM

Reserved // OPEN FOR FUN! 8D

Cherry Who? 11-06-2009 09:39 PM

Harld, Harld! *tugs on sleeve* Hai. :D

Happy Halloween! I want some art!
Name: Cherry "Haggy" "Potatobewbs" Flavored Antacid
Headshot or fullbody? Wherever your muse takes you :P
Favorite harvest'time food: MASHED POTATOOOOES.
Thanks, Farmer Silver! :heart:

Insert_Witty_Username 11-06-2009 09:39 PM

Happy Halloween! I want some art!
Name: Insert_Witty_Username (call me Meg-Meg or Meg)
Headshot or fullbody? Fullbody if it ain't too much trouble
Favorite harvest'time food: Anything as long as it don't contain mushrooms :3
Thanks, Farmer Silver!

Hullo! *waves*

Tier Omartiglio 11-06-2009 09:42 PM

I'm going to say that it's nice of what you are doing. Would it be ok to ask for art for someone else?

Ananas à Pois 11-06-2009 09:56 PM

All this farm/farmer talk reminds me a lot of farmville. XDD

Happy Halloween! I want some art!
Name: Ananas à Pois
Headshot or fullbody?: Fullbody, if it's not too much trouble? n_n;
Favorite harvest'time food: I like potatoes. And Carrots. .w. And Sweet Potatoes. xP
Thanks, Farmer Silver!

Amelia 11-06-2009 09:57 PM

I love your avatar, Silver Magi, it's so cute. :]

Librus 11-06-2009 09:59 PM

Adorable pumpkin! This place looks like fun!!! :D

[size="1"][b][color="DarkOrange"] Happy Halloween! I want some art!
Name: Librus
Headshot or fullbody? Headshot...or Full if you're up to it :D
Favorite harvest'time food: Corn...and Brains...BRAAAAIIINSSS.
Thanks, Farmer Silver!

Ananas à Pois 11-06-2009 10:04 PM

hello everyone. =] How are you all?

Amelia 11-06-2009 10:07 PM

Ananas a Pois: I'm pretty good. A little hungry.
What about yourself?

Ananas à Pois 11-06-2009 10:09 PM

Amelia: I'm okay, thanks. Cx Putting off doing my math homework. xP
I strongly dislike Algebra, and have for the past four and a half years... -.-

Silver Magi 11-06-2009 10:11 PM

@ Christy - I shall work on it soon~ 8D

@ Meg - No problem, and hello!

@ Tier - Sure, just post their avatar, or link me to their profile. c:

@ Anana - xDDD;
I think that's sort of the reason I talked like that for the intro, now that I think of it.
I never really played Farmville though, just Farm Town for a while.

And, I'll work on it as soon as I can. c:

@ Amelia - Thanks for the compliment~ 8D
I wanted to make a Canadian version of the Playboy Bunny. xD
Playboy Polar'bear~

Librus - I'll work on it soon~ 8D

And, to everyone:

I'm a bit busy tonight, so I'll be popping back and forth between here, and doing stuff around the house, such as making some dinner. >w<

I'll start on the first art soon, though.

Eun 11-06-2009 10:17 PM

Hello everyone!

Happy Halloween! I want some art!
Name: Eun
Headshot or fullbody? Headshot
Favorite harvest'time food: Pumpkins?
Thanks, Farmer Silver!

Ananas à Pois 11-06-2009 10:17 PM

Silver: They're basically the same though. xP Lol.

Either way, it's an interesting conversation starter. x3 Lol

Silver Magi 11-06-2009 10:19 PM

@ Eun - Haii~ 8D
Welcome to The Pumpkin Patch~

@ Anana - Yeah, really. xP
I find that Farmville has better graphics, etc.
I might start playing eventually, but for now I'm obsessed with Restaurant City, Happy Aquarium, Country Story, and Pet Society. >>;
Well, not so much Pet Society, but I still like looking through all the items for an Asian themed house. >>;

Pocky. 11-06-2009 10:21 PM

Happy Halloween! I want some art!
Name: Pocky
Headshot or fullbody? Headshot please (:
Favorite harvest'time food: Corn? xD
Thanks, Farmer Silver!

nekoasato 11-06-2009 10:21 PM

Hi~ Mind if I just stop by and chat?

Ananas à Pois 11-06-2009 10:23 PM

Silver: Oh, I see... I'm obsessed with Vampire Wars, Roller Coaster Kingdom and Cafe World. I play a bunch of others too, but those three are my favorites. XD

Silver Magi 11-06-2009 10:25 PM

@ Pocky - Love your username. xD
And, I'll add you to the list.

I think I'll take one or two more people before I stop taking offers, so I can get them all done.

@ Ananas - Yeah, the ones I mentioned are the ones I love, but I tried playing a few different ones. xD
I tried Eggbreaker for a while, but I got bored of it quickly. D:

@ Neko - Sure! 8D <3

Ananas à Pois 11-06-2009 10:25 PM

Silver: Eggbreaker? I've never heard of that. .w.; What is it?

Tsuka 11-06-2009 10:29 PM

Name: Tsuka
Headshot or fullbody? Fullbody pl0x
Favorite harvest'time food: Pumkin Pie
Thanks, Farmer Silver!

Iseril 11-06-2009 10:29 PM

OMG! That comic was cute if a little gross,hahahahaha!

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