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Aoi Kazuya 09-29-2012 10:43 PM

Dashing for a Star
Hi guys~ I've been randomly popping into threads throughout the i figured I might as well make a thread myself even though it's quite last minute.

So...why the sudden thread?

Haha, well, wouldn't you know, i'm not doing so well this event and am falling really behind in collecting currency to collect just one set of EI's.

so yea.


HI GUYS! I haven't really been hanging around Mene much this year, huh?

Mystic 09-29-2012 10:59 PM

I hope you get the items you want! ^^

Good luck!

Kiba_Ryuun 09-29-2012 11:12 PM

Hello, hope you'll catch up and get the set ^^

Aoi Kazuya 09-29-2012 11:30 PM

aww, thanks guys :)

how've all of you been? :D

Kiba_Ryuun 09-29-2012 11:42 PM

Not so busy, this will be my first work-free weekend! I've been doing some long overdue clean up around the place ^^

Aoi Kazuya 09-29-2012 11:58 PM

ooh, that's good :) my mom went crazy and made me help her clean the entire house this morning, lol

Kiba_Ryuun 09-30-2012 12:20 AM

I live with two other flatmates and we've all been busy recently. My only issue is that I have to wash everyone's dishes... and the dishes are stacked way high and I'm scared it would go all Jenga on me and crash XD

Aoi Kazuya 09-30-2012 12:23 AM

oh my, that sounds dangerous xD

I'm trying to figure out how to convince my mom/parents to let me move out. I don't think I'll be able to survive living at home for the rest of college >.>

lavndrdream 09-30-2012 12:25 AM

Work free weekend? What is this mythical thing of which you speak? But then again, I do get weekdays off to go make fun of the 9-5ers who are stuck inside working...hahaha them....

But then is the seafood festival weekend...and that would be fun to go too... are ya'll?

Aoi Kazuya 09-30-2012 12:33 AM

I'm doing pretty well. A tad tired, but good. How're you? need to find a job >.>

Kiba_Ryuun 09-30-2012 12:33 AM

Before moving out, make sure you have lots of savings! Even with a job, you'll be spending more than you anticipated once you're alone. Plus, with college, you'll have to balance even more responsibilities. Even simple chores like making meals and laundry become tedious once you're alone.


I worked during the weekdays this time, switching with someone else's schedule. Seafood festival!? *A* What is this wonderful event? I haven't had good seafood in a long while.

lavndrdream 09-30-2012 12:36 AM

Amen...preach it sister Kiba! Tell them chilin bout the hardships of livin' on their own....*blinks* Wait...nevermind....not in church...

I'm feeling kinda bored...not wanting to work on homework....

It's the 35th annual Pensacola Seafood Festival....a bunch of vendors, artisans, crafters and music get together downtown and just have a party. The theme is seafood....Pensacola has some awesome festivals....

Kiba_Ryuun 09-30-2012 12:52 AM

*stands on pulpit*
Oh, but living on your own DOES have its perks ;3 Many times I've had impromptu movie/drinking nights with friends up til 6 in the morning. You don't have to force yourself into making conversations just because you live under the same roof. You control your food intake/diet. I remember this one time when we had pizza for every meal for a week because the pizza place next door had a promo.

Just, the downside of living together doesn't show up immediately-- it's a slow process. You have to keep control of your responsibilities and not slack off. Skipping meals get really easy, no one cares if the living room's a mess, "I can work on my homework later"... I've seen many in our apartment move out before the school year is even over because they slipped up, whether academically or financially.

Oh my, now I'm hungering for shrimps and crabs ahhhh So many festivals happening tonight! Right now is Nuit Blanche (annual art festival) at Toronto, two cities away, and I would have gone if I only had company with me.

lavndrdream 09-30-2012 01:00 AM

Ah week is the Jay Peanut Fesitival, There will be Bayfest over in Mobile....$45 for a three day pass and all the bands you could imagine....I think the Greek Festival is soon as well...Not really sure

As for living on your own, the eating pizza for every meal is nice, but you are the one responsible for all the chores...especially if you really live alone...but sometimes it's nice because of the solitude, if you have that type of personality...

Dreizehn 09-30-2012 01:05 AM

My best of luck to you Aoi, as I am in the same boat and have yet to purchase anything from the Special Event store. I missed about four or five days of the event due to school, blasted homework, and work.

Aoi Kazuya 09-30-2012 01:05 AM

mm, the guy who asked to split rent with me cleans up after himself so i think we'll be fine. hopefully. many festivals. I'm jealous.... xD

@Dreizehn: ahhh, best of luck then :)

Dreizehn 09-30-2012 01:10 AM

Thank you lovey. :]

Kiba_Ryuun 09-30-2012 01:13 AM

So many festivals, must be a busy city!

I live with flatmates, but we do our own thing. Our personalities clash (intro/extroverts) so we give each other tons of breathing space and knock at each other's doors when we want to talk. Everyone understands that ignoring the others' presence is NOT a bad thing, that you don't have to continually acknowledge their presence.

How much would rent be in your place, if I may ask, Aoi?

lavndrdream 09-30-2012 01:20 AM

Pensacola is a great place, if you weren't born here. It's a small (very) city...almost a large town...we do have an airport, two (?) colleges, and the festivals...if you are bored on a weekend it's your own fault....oh! The Blue Angels Homecoming and the Fair are coming at the end of October, that's always fun!

Anyways, I like living alone, though I will be moving in with my parents as their caregiver, not because I can't afford my own flat. But that is a story for another day.

There must be really fun things to do where you live Aoi!

WOOT! I FINALLY beat Attack of the Fan Girls....after how many years of playing?

Aoi Kazuya 09-30-2012 01:41 AM

my friend and i were gonna go apartment hunting over the summer :) haha...he loves teasing me so i don't think we'll have issues much.

I mean...i guess so. I live in New York so there's always something happening? :shrug:

honestly, i don't think i can live by myself. i'd probably go crazy from either boredom or end up going out so much there would be no point in even going home.

and congrats :) i just can't run the game cause it keeps crashing on me >.<

lavndrdream 09-30-2012 01:53 AM

That was my problem....the crashing...I clicked it into low quality and it worked and didn't lag so badly. Anyways...I am getting tired and 5.30 comes early (yay!) so I will wish ya'll a good night and peek in tomorrow time willing.

Kiba_Ryuun 09-30-2012 01:53 AM

*A* Oh, if I could travel everywhere... the city sounds like an amazing place to be during the summer too!

Oh, good luck getting used to living with relatives again, lavndr! Hope it's a pleasant move. Congrats on beating the game! I was so happy when I got a perfect score and (very very briefly) got first place. Never was able to do it again.


New York? My friend tried to live there but returned a year later, saying it was too busy and hectic for her.

I like living with others, despite the occasional disputes. Living with myself will only make me a recluse.

Aoi Kazuya 09-30-2012 02:02 AM

night lavndr :)

ah yea...I guess New York can be hectic for people not used to it. New Yorkers are always rushing places...honestly you can tell true New Yorkers from tourists and such just by how they move around the city...and a lot of New yorkers are rude too >.> there's a reason we're called "the city that never sleeps"

i honestly wouldn't mind going out to the country or somewhere with more open spaces...though i'd probably go back to New York eventually, since i'm so used to city life anyway .

Damia Flagg 09-30-2012 02:09 AM

I am very far behind on getting event currency I just found out about the event tonight.

Aoi Kazuya 09-30-2012 02:13 AM

oh...well good luck getting more currency :D I'm still behind too, even though I've been coming on since the second day. i still haven't been able to get one EI >.>

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