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Head Librarian 02-23-2009 11:02 PM

Head on over here if you want to chat about Gaia.

Gaia, also known as Gaia Online, is usually the first avatar community users start out at. A good portion of users on any avatar site will have or have had at least one account.

It offers the usual of dressing up your avatar in a huge variety of items and clothes, but also many games, decorating a room/house, decorating cars, decorating and populating an aquarium with fish and other aquatic life, and other features.

jellysundae 02-25-2009 12:34 PM

I did a fair amount of :headdesk: this week when I read the announcement about upcoming security features and the need to make sure your email accounts are active. Now I'm not condemning Gaia for doing that because it's exactly what we do, but I have 10 accounts, and cannot access the emails for at least 5, and probably 7 of them ._.

So I've started the laborious task of stripping the ones that I don't mind losing access to and trading all their stuff to my main, damn! Doesn't only being able to trade 12 things at a time piss you off?! Plus the constant typing in of long and complicated passwords over and over again...there's only so much trading that I can do on Gaia before I want to start stabbing things.

I suppose I could create a load of Hhotmail acounts for them instead. But as I'd never use them, I can see the accounts ending up being locked out anyway as any mail started being bounced back due to account inactivity.

It might sound silly, but I feel kind of guilty for abandoning the little guys, but 3 of them were just themed accounts that I didn't actually post with much at all, one was the token male, another one that I was really stingy too and never bought any items for, all she got to clothe herself and fill her house with was free shit from the Daily Bribe and quests.

The other 5 I'm more attached to and really don't want to lose, but I can muster up 5 active emails to share between them. I just hope Gaia gives me enough time to sell off/clear all the stuff from the other 5 before it cuts my access to them *sniff*

This is going to create a monster amount of dead accounts over there though, especially amongst the people who've created endless mules for cheating purposes, HARHAR :XD

Tre Le Coco 02-25-2009 01:01 PM

I should probably check my mule, i love her too much to loose her >.> my beloved zombie

Jeannesha 02-25-2009 04:20 PM

Why do people have numerous accounts?
I'm curious, cuz I have enough trouble keeping up with one!

Jennifer 02-25-2009 04:34 PM

I doubt it's just to store items on. But I'm sure people use a plethora of accounts for the DC, that new aquarium game, zomg!, et cetera. And I know many wealthier members that use secondary accounts to do exchanging. Other than that, I don't really know. As I don't get on Gaia much myself.

The Wandering Poet 02-25-2009 04:51 PM

Wow... they're doing that? I guess I might as well save it... *sigh* Only because my girlfriend and I go there on Valentines day since it's where we met.

Luckily for me she might keep me company here on mene someday <3

jellysundae 02-25-2009 06:23 PM

I can give my reasoning for extra accounts, though this is gonna be long and rambling I'm sure xD.
Most of them sprang into being after picking up some kind of inspiration from elsewhere. My main Gaia account was always meant to be a little Mini-Me, with similar hair (I was SO happy when the curlz style came out!) and clothes that I'd wear, a "normal" look. My first secondary account came about after a discussion in the Purkle Couch guild over there, some chance comment about my avie having a naughty alter-ego and what would she be called and look like.

So I made her, same hair but different colour,and a cheeky outfit, all purple themes as the guild name is a play on words for that colour. Let me see what I have lurking in my photobucket...

Damn this image is old, my main's still the pretty, original mouth *mutters* Mulie still has as she hasn't been re-saved for about 3 years.

jellysundae HotFudgeSundae

Think the boy-child might have been next, a lot of female Gaians have a token male account tucked away somewhere, just so they can mess around with the guy's clothes.

Then I decided I wanted a cute girly account, partly inspired by a Kurdish guy that I worked with. He always called me Poppet, but when he talked about me to someone else, he'd say Poppetta, so that's who little pinky chick became.
I'd dress her in items and colours that I wouldn't wear on my main at the time. That's her winter look, this is the favourite for warmer weather. Only fairly resently changed her hair to the cute crop. She used to have purple eyes, we won't go into how pissed off I was when that option was deleted >_> So she got red ones to show her anger xD

Hmm, next came a guild mule drive! Again inspired by something (can't remember what though). We all made "wicked" accounts with fruit names.
Mine is WickedPeaches, she's down at the front there, in the shades. We had a uniform as you can see. Goth skirt, lunar cowl, net top, black top hat, black boots and a colour of legwear and hair to match your name. Sadly Gaia altered the layering so the top goes over the cowl now so the original outfit looks like rubbish. But she's stayed true to her wicked roots, possibly got quite a bit worse actually :lol:
Many of the other guild members made a "sweet" counterpart to their wicked accounts, but I never did because I already had a sugary girl xD This one!
CelestialCupcake Still trying, after 3 and a half years to find the right items so she can live up to her name fully. She's another who lost her original eye colour, they used to be golden, not murky brown >_>

After that I went for a Fire and an Ice account, neither of which ever got completed due to lack of funds, and I can't recreate on Tektek because the layerings wrong, I didn't think to save their images before I stripped the accounts at the weekend, doh! Next a sunny, summery one based on a green, white and yellow daisy theme as they're my favourite flower. And lastly, the one that was just for the sake of experimenting. No gold spent on her, just wanted to see what she'd end up with item/gold wise if all she could have was free stuff collected from the DC and quests.

So that's MY reasoning for having more than one account xD

And I suppose all those different ones are mainly because on Gaia, you can't have wide-ranging themes for just one account, because you have to pay to change your hair, or delete and recreate your avatar to get a different eye/base your only real option is making extra accounts.

Bartuc 02-25-2009 06:31 PM

Jelly is a multi-accounter on gaia!!!
*runs away before she ban-hammers his ass*

Jeannesha 02-25-2009 06:38 PM

Wow, jelly....that's pretty cool.

I loved your hotfudgesundae. She looked great.

And your poppetta....I have a pair of those striped toe socks irl. lol.

jellysundae 02-25-2009 06:56 PM

I miss my little Gaian avies, I really do, but the site itself has no draw for me any more. I've just started playing zOMG with Pop now, I still have a pipe-dream of getting an AFK for her *sigh* But it's a damn big pipe-dream!

I started questing for one for her at the end of '05 I think. They were 650K at the time. So I worked hard. Bumping quest threads =_= (only ones with polls, mind) and working the exchange in my small way. I'd buy cheaply priced store items and re-sell them for a little bit more, never over store value though, I despise people who do that.
After 6 months I had 400K, but the AFK had gone up to 1.6 million by then o.o So I gave up and bought an Angelic pendant instead, for 398K. I honestly could sell that now and put the gold towards the AFK fund, though Pop wants a Biancamella too...but the value of stuff is so crappy now. I'd have done better to sell it on a year after I'd bought it, and just have sat on the gold since and watched the prices of AFK's gradually dropping until I could have bought one outright with the gold from the pendant sale.

Current values are Pendant:2.5 million, AFK: 5 and a bit million, so it's still pretty pointless.

Hmm, am I weird for talking about my mules as if they're a seperate entity? They do seem to make requests though xD "Can I has?" NO, Mama's got no gold! xD

Sizzla 02-25-2009 06:57 PM

:lol: I have four accounts... And more actually, but I only use four at this point.

My main, Sizzla.

My quest mule where I keep my extra cash and donations, Cap`n Squishface. She used to be my Exchange mule, when I was trying to work my way up from a Chiyaku Norisu scarf to something much more impressive. I managed to work myself up from the scarf (then 15k) to 300k in a matter of days. XP

My RP mule for Edelsteine: Shkhin (he used to be Hideki_Ine, and was my go-to male avatar, but I got tired of that and decided to make him into a RP mule)

And then there's my secret account that I used to hide from my bf when we were broken up. :lol: No one knows about that account to this day I don't think... Maybe one person. XP But she's dressed in n00b clothes, so I'm not going to post her. XP

And I hear you about questing Jelly. I've been questing for DJs for a few years now, and I'm making very little progress. I could probably buy them if I sold off most of my inventory, but after so many years of collecting DIs, I have no desire to do that. :sweat: So yeah, looks like I'll be questing forever and ever... T_T

I did manage to get my nitemare and angelic scarves though, which were my first two quests. The DJs quest is a much more lofty goal though...

Angel Spirit Girl 02-25-2009 07:41 PM

I have a bunch of gaia accounts.

I would think of a name I wanted and then grab it.

I mainly use them for extra daily first post/vote/etc bonus, daily chance/aquarium, quest/event items, and storage/lurking.

That reminded me that I need to check those e-mails. :ninja:

Nocere 02-25-2009 07:56 PM

I have four accounts on Gaia, but I usually only use one. I was glad I had another account when zOMG came out because my main account encountered a glitch that made it impossible to successfully play the game. I switched to using one of my other accounts so I could play with everyone else and see what the rest of the game was like. If an event is going on, I'll use my mules to get extra event items sometimes, especially if my main account can't get the items. For example, one of the picture items given out during the Valentine's Day event was one that only guys could get, so I used my male mule account.

I'm kind of glad they are going to check to make sure email accounts are active. There's a name I've been after on Gaia that is too close to someone else's for me to use it, but that person hasn't been active in years. Still, I hope the emails I get don't end up in the spam folders.

jellysundae 02-25-2009 09:37 PM

I realise now that if I hadn't donated 99% of my un-opened letters and all my old event baskets/boxes to a friend for his quest, then I'd have had enough to get an AFK if I sold all that stuff off now, oh well! I don't regret helping him out, it's kind of gratifying in a weird kind of way to know that I would have had enough for an AFK by now if I's still had it all xD

Cemetery 02-25-2009 09:40 PM

I've had so many accounts on gaia! Oh god!

My recent one is Kayluhtea. She's my offical roleplay account.. havent done much roleplaying though.

My first one was either Huggle bunny or Cemetery.. that's from the 2004 era. Both accounts banned from one of my attempts to quit gaia.. I failed.

I read the security annoucment, and well, I'm cool with it. xD I only got one account to manage instead of the fifteen i had. o-o Got them all banned with in a day too.

[Hero] 02-25-2009 09:55 PM

On the subject of multiple accounts, you can't forget about cosplaying! I have a ton of cosplay mules, so that's definitely a good reason. Actually, that's what 70% of my accounts are, if you don't count the ones I abandoned for the sake of saving gold on name change.

Anyways, I have actually two main accounts, so I shouldn't have a big problem with the email thing. I've got an account where I put all my hoarding stuff and generally use when I'm telling people about my Gaia account and then I have the account I use to post on the forums. I don't know why I have separate ones, I just do. I'm weird like that. xD

jellysundae 02-25-2009 11:04 PM

I've just finished clearing the 5 accounts that I'll be saying bye-bye to. Spent my 25 cash on each of them on a supercharger and sent them all to my main. I don't really use those myself, so I can sell them on.

fiarra 02-25-2009 11:13 PM

I remember checking all my mules a while ago for emails and birthdates and such.. but maybe I should do it again. =X

I have four accounts but only ever use my main.. unless it's an event and I'm trying for event items on the others. They're all wearing pretty noobish clothes though.. I just have the one with a hair glitch that is in noob clothes and can no never change if I want to keep the glitch. *sadness*

CK 02-26-2009 12:45 AM

Oh. Hmm...

I just have "CK" and a mule I made to play with guy items, I suppose. I should probably decide whether to let him die, strip him and let him die, or reawaken that account. :'


Snowberry 02-26-2009 01:07 AM
This is my current "main". She used to be a mule, when I stupidly forgot the password and the email address for the original main. I love dressing her up and running around and acting goofy. This is a mule for an oc of mine. It's used for "looks" only. I don't rp with her, because I'm not interested in the horrible rps. This character came about in rebellion of the cliche, god-moding, and dull vampires running about either in rps, fiction, etc. I do read good quality novels about vamps. There are stories about how people in different cultures viewed them in history. They are actually quite interesting if you can sift through the crap. So in short, I'm working on a story for her. I'm starting with the beginning and end of her existence. I'll go back and write entertaining adventures in different time periods later.
This is my "original main". I managed to track down the email in '07 to revive her. She's also for "looks" only. She's based upon an oc that has been around for 8 years. I'm experimenting with a steam punk story for her. :) -stops rambling-

Gaia is difficult to be active on right now. I'm not letting go because of friends over there and the sentimental value it has.:cry: -watches jelly vomit-

jellysundae 02-26-2009 01:11 AM


I was playing with my main today, now that I've gathered together a wider variety of items from my spare accounts.

It quite intensely amuses me that the bird is sat on the dragon's nose :XD Especially as it's expression is like"WFT! Get off me!"

CK 02-26-2009 01:13 AM

I figured out which email account was associated with my Gaia mule... So I has a mule again now! Woo. >_>;

Angel Spirit Girl 02-26-2009 01:17 AM

I'm still working through my gaia e-mails.

jellysundae 02-26-2009 01:21 AM

I'm not even bothering. I used all 7 AOL accounts, I know what some of the passwords are, but not which account they go with, tiresome. also, AOL's been a jerk since I switched PCs and tells me passwords are wrong when I know they're not, and won't let me reset then, it tells me to call customer service instead, in freakin' INDIA!!! :talk2hand:

Bartuc 02-26-2009 02:57 AM
This is my current avatar on Gaia. I don't really go there much anymore so *shrugs*
These are my three favorite avatars though. =)

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