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momochan 02-16-2016 12:15 PM

Need a bit o' pricing halp~
So, for the most part, I have sketch examples. I'm likely going to do mostly sketches, unless I am bribed to do finished pieces. I would like to know what people think my art i s worth, and go from there.

here are some examples.

(warning: blood, bruises, cuts)
(Warning: burns, missing eye, scars)

Immy 02-16-2016 09:42 PM

Not sure if anyone will post in here. The pricing thread has been dead for quite some time.
Anyways, I'm not sure, how long does it take to do them? That helps us understand a bit more.

momochan 02-16-2016 10:12 PM

You can post in here just fine o.o Since the art section is slow, that should be fine.

Yikes..I usually don't keep track. I know with full pieces, it takes quite a few hours! However sketches can take like a few minutes to like an hour maybe depending on the difficulty of it.

Immy 02-16-2016 10:21 PM

Then I suggest starting at 1k and going from there. Or you could do grab bags. Grab bags if not known are where the more they pay you the more you do or the less they pay you the less you do. I have never done that sort of thing before though.

momochan 02-16-2016 10:28 PM

Ohh interesting suggestion! Idk if I'd be able to calculate the grab bag well, but I think I could possibly start there. I also know I'll take bribes, too, especially since I'm missing out on items. Thank you so much for your help 8D

Immy 02-16-2016 10:47 PM

Well if you create a shop let me know.

Also how about simple sketches - 500-700 gold
Nice Sketches (cleaned up) - 800-1000 gold

momochan 02-17-2016 03:07 AM

Yeah, that looks about right to me! ^^
Thanks a lot hun! :D I'll prolly start working on it soon~

~LONGCAT~ 02-17-2016 08:08 PM

I generally suggest 1k when I buy art and just add more gold depending on how much I like it. Or offer trades.
I really like the busts you have in a simple line with few colors. 500- 700 for head/ bust
1k for full body
300-800+ for added color.

momochan 02-17-2016 08:27 PM

Ohhh, Okays! Thank ya very much hun 8D
Yeah, I like doing the simple color with the sketch, I'll likely have that as an option when I open the shop.
I already have the banner ready, so really I just need to get it up and running.

Thank you both so much for the help! [heart]

MusicEmo 10-26-2016 07:17 AM

The best way to price art is to pay by the hour/minute, like a real job! Because art is a real job (Don't let any tell you otherwise!) So, lets say your base rate is eight dollars, and it takes you two hours to do a picture, charge sixteen dollars! Eight dollars is a good base rate, because it's considered the average "minimum wage", though you can change it to fit your circumstances.

Do you have bills to pay and the minimum wage in your are ten dollars? Charge ten an hour!

Just want some spending money? You can charge less (or more!)

I guess what I'm getting at is charge what you need to in order to fit your needs. This is advice from to artist to another.

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