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PhoenixRose 04-20-2007 06:48 PM

Sandman by Neil Gaiman
Anyone else absolutely love this series?

AkashaHeartilly 04-20-2007 06:54 PM

I do. I was debating on wether I should make one or not. I was trying to get all the info to do one. But you beat me too it.

Yeah, i love Sandman. I do not own all the books, slowly working towards it. I do got a hard back copy of my favorite one, which is the 9th book, the Kindly Ones.

I'm trying to save up some money to buy the big new updated special edition volumes they are releasing, just do no have $100.

PhoenixRose 04-20-2007 06:56 PM

Oooh! They're coming out with a special edition of them? My boyfriend read the Kindly Ones and said he didn't like it. I interesting twist.

AkashaHeartilly 04-21-2007 07:09 AM

I liked it.

yeah, it has been out for like half a year or soemthing. It is just the first volume right now. There is going to be 5 and they are damn heavy. At some point I be buying the first one.

raiawyn 04-21-2007 05:23 PM

I love Sandman! The first one I read was Endless Nights, but I'm trying to go out and read the rest of them. I really want the Absolute Sandman, but it's way expensive, so not quite yet.

Destiny and Death are by far my favorites. Though in Endless Nights Delerium made me giggle quite a bit.

PhoenixRose 04-21-2007 11:40 PM

Death is by far my favorite, Delirium being a close second. It's hard to read Delirium's speech bubbles sometimes, but....I love how a lot of things around her just change just from her proximity....^^

Like the goblin who was leading her turned into a balloon, then a fish then a bouquet of roses that was still managing to float....>.>

Victor Von Doom 04-24-2007 03:54 AM

I like what I've read, but I only have the first 5 volumes. The volumes are usually too expensive for me to get, but the next time the comic shop has a sale, I'm picking the rest up. So swears Doom.

I've liked everything I've read, but am I the only one who doesn't like the artist for the first several issues? His art style is fine, it works for the tone of the book, but I found his pacing and lay outs to be rather scattershot and difficult to follow at times.

AkashaHeartilly 04-24-2007 04:31 AM

hmm it has been awhile since I read the first 5 volumes Doom.

Right now I only own 1,6, and 9. So far I tend to not to like the artist in 6. Something about it bugs me, and I think he did a lot of th art through out 5.

4 has a bunch of different artist in it, I know that, and I think 5 is an entirely different artist.

Which reminds me, I'm owed some of the volumes from a friend.

PhoenixRose 04-24-2007 04:00 PM

I don't know about the individual small comic books, I have the huge regular graphic novel volumes....okay, I don't have them, but...close enough.

ljosberinn 05-02-2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Victor Von Doom
I've liked everything I've read, but am I the only one who doesn't like the artist for the first several issues? His art style is fine, it works for the tone of the book, but I found his pacing and lay outs to be rather scattershot and difficult to follow at times.

I thought the artists changed between books, and even between stories inside the books?
I love everything about Sandman. Have been in love with Death since I first got to know her, Dream has been growing on me, Delirium is the cutest entity ever and I really want to hug her, Desire is so horribly attractive, but mean, Destiny is intriguing but also has this barrier around him so that you cant really get close to him and Despair is the same, really. I love Destruction as well, he's awesome with his painting and cooking. ;Ð
Last summer I had semi-long black hair and I loved dressing up similar to Death. Lame, I know, but true.

Saganu 05-02-2007 11:46 AM

I love The Sandman, i've read the whole books, but don't own any. It was my friend and flatmate who bought them and then i borrowed from her.
Man, the end of the series is so "O________O DDDDx Nooooooooooo!!" but so nice also <3

My favs by far are Death and Dream <3

Psycho~ 05-03-2007 07:49 PM

I would really like to read this comic!! but it seems like I cant get my hands on it! ;_____;

Lisana7 05-09-2007 03:48 AM

Try ebay/ They might have it. I have th first 5 graphic novels and I love them. I try to get them when the comic shop has a good sale.

Psycho~ 05-11-2007 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Lisana7
Try ebay/ They might have it. I have th first 5 graphic novels and I love them. I try to get them when the comic shop has a good sale.

Ok I´ll do that! Thanks! ^_______^

Dearest 05-21-2007 08:11 PM

I've read them a while ago, they're unbelievable... I've just started reading them again... first time I read them on my computer, so it wasn't the same.. now I'm borrowing them from the library... they really are a masterpiece. Neil Gaiman is a fantastic writer...

Delirium is my favourite character as of now, but Death and Dream are high up there with her...

noirette 05-22-2007 04:12 PM

I remember when I was 13 I would use my allowance for the entire month just to buy the books. I have them all now, and reread them from time to time. Endless Nights, the last in the series with short stories, is by far my favorite. It encapsulates all the things I love about Gaiman's writing.

Because I'm a dork, I also have the Sandman Companion, and it is fairly interesting. In part of it, Gaiman reveals that sometimes he would just throw random things in there, like people or a hint at something, in case he needed it later.

The Kindly Ones was my least favorite when I first read it, but part it was also the art style. As I've matured, the art and plot have grown on me, and it is close to being one of my favorites.

So... who is everyone's favorite Sandman artist? I'm in love with Dave McKean, who did the covers, but my favorite artist who illustrated the stories is P. Craig Russell. He drew the first story in Endless Nights: Death and Venice; he also worked on Ramadan. His stuff is just so crisp and symbolic. <3

Seito 05-27-2007 10:53 AM

I love this series~
I don't fully understand everything~ xD But I love it~
I just finished reading it. It was awesome~

I'm not exactly fond of the way the styles constantly change (it's kinda cool though) but only cause I'm picky like that. ^^;;; Plus sometimes it makes it hard to read~ But I love the series~ *hugs Sandman*

~LONGCAT~ 06-12-2007 07:19 PM

I love this series and I have yet to read it. I've been reading Gaiman's works for a few years, and got into the short stories based off this amazing comic. I even have the sandman king of dreams story guide. But I'm having great difficulty actually finding the comic. It sadens me.

Akemi 06-12-2007 11:58 PM

My friend bought the whole collection, so I borrowed them a few at a time until I finished the series. I love the story, Neil Gaiman is a fantastic storyteller. When I have time I'd like to get around to his novels.
Some artists I liked better than others though I do love Dave McKean's covers. His illustrations for Mirrormask were really perfect for the story.

I like Destiny best, but that's always been a fascination with me. After would come Death because she's so different than you'd expect but as you read it- she makes perfect sense.

unwielding 06-26-2007 03:29 AM

I love the series, the mini-death series, and the two spin-off books from the series... but then again, I absolutely love Neil Gaiman and everything he writes <3

Arcaica 07-09-2007 03:16 PM

I do the sandman and neil gaiman are my favorite series/author..

liquitine 09-17-2007 11:59 PM

The Sandman is my favorite comic series, and Neil Gaiman is my favorite author. For my birthday my boyfriend bought me the Absolute Volume and I squealed with joy. I own most of the spin offs as well, such as the Death Series and all the others.

Jayms 09-18-2007 12:27 AM

I love Niel Gaiman's writen work but i'm really not a fan of alot of the artwork. some of it is great (i love the story and artwork in chapters 1, 2 and 3(moreso 3:Dream)) but i've no got passed that because i didn't like the artwork of 4 or 5.... it's a shame because Dream is one of my fave short comic storys

Lithle 09-19-2007 05:17 PM

I agree that the artwork is often hit or miss. But for me, it's never really matter. Sandman is all about the story, and the artwork is only there to support that story. Some of the art, of course, is beautiful. Endless Nights is gorgeous, for example. And I thought Wake was perfectly illustrated for what it was.

I think my favorite character is probably Matthew, but if I were to chose an Endless, it'd be Death, or Destruction (who I suppose is no longer truly an Endless. Dream has his moments, of course, but he is not intended to be an entirely likable character. One feels for him, but one knows they would not fare well if actually confronted with his coldness.

Desire to has his/her moments, and I think I like him/her simply because he/she makes such a great foil. His/Her portrayal in Endless Nights seemed particularly dead on to me, and I thought he/she looked absolutely breathtaking in his/her story.

1492 10-16-2007 09:41 PM

1. Neil Gaiman is awesome.

2. Sandman is awesome.

So...yes. I finaly bought every Sandman volume, and I hope to start rereading them soon.

I think they made the artwork meh on purpose, so that it wouldn't compete with the story. But the cover arts...

3. Dave McKean is awesome too. <3

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