Menewsha Avatar Community

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Kent 06-14-2017 12:27 AM

Relay Race By The Sea [Game] Minigames for gold and prizes today!
Banner by XogizmooX

Hey there! Do you like team sports?! Are you a competitive team player?
Can you finish tasks quickly? Then the relay race is just for you! Sign up and join the fun!

This game is inspired by ToriKat's Relay Race from the 2008 Celes Paradi event.

Kent 07-04-2017 01:57 AM

How To Play

  • There will be five rounds of tasks to complete for both teams. One round for each day of the event except for the first and last day.

  • Each team member must complete only one unique task per day. Try to discuss amongst your team mates who will complete each task. If there are still tasks to complete within the last hour of the day, team mates are allowed to complete two.

  • Each completed task earns the team one point. The team that can complete all the tasks of the day first will receive five points.

  • Each day, the amount of time to complete tasks will shorten. The first round will be 23 hours, the next 12 hours, and so forth. I will be using a schedule. Please make sure to keep track of it.

  • The team with the most points wins.

  1. Follow all of Menewsha's Rules and TOS.

  2. Please put effort into your tasks. I'm not asking for masterpieces, but I'd like to think you worked hard.

  3. Do not harass the other team, whine, or display poor sportsmanship. This game is for fun!

Kent 07-11-2017 12:51 AM

1. Shadami
2. Hadsvich
3. Dystopia
4. bloodstainedwings
5. Xogizmoox
6. dragoness129
1. Velvet
2. Nephila
3. hummy
4. star2000shadow
5. *Hime*
6. salvete
The time currently in EST/EDT.

Day 1 - Fri July 14th - Sign-ups
Day 2 - Sat July 15th - Round 1 - 12:30 am to 11:30 pm EDT
Day 3 - Sun July 16th - Round 2 - 9 am to 9 pm EDT
Day 4 - Mon July 17th - Round 3 - 7:30 am to 3:30 pm EDT
Day 5 - Tue July 18th - Round 4 - 4 pm to 10 pm EDT
Day 6 - Wed July 19th - Round 5 - 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm EDT
Day 7 - Thur July 20th - No Round - Rest!

Kent 07-11-2017 01:00 AM


Remember, one task per person!
And the team to complete all tasks of the round first gets 5 extra points!

Post your submission using the following form:

HTML Code:

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I've completed a task![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Team Name[/b]:
[B]Task #[/B]:

Round 5X

Round 5 Tasks

1. Name three items from this avi.

2. Name all staff members along with their titles.

3. Print the mene flyer and post it up on a community board. Take a picture with proof.

4. Draw one of the npcs with your team mascot

5. Make an avi that shows your love for menewsha

6. Make a social media post describing why people should be apart of the Menewsha community. Link to it.

Round 4X

Round 4 Tasks

1. Take a picture of three different balls used in sports. May be balls you own or ones found in a store.

2. Ask all members of your team what their favorite sport is. List the results.

3. Get a score of 20,000 or more in Harbor Fishing. Take a screenshot for proof which must include your avi at the top.

4. Make an avi of a sports team's mascot. Does not have to be literally the same, just recognizable. Post a reference picture.

5. Make up your own team sport and write a play by play of a game in which your team is participating in. Which team members play which positions?Who are you playing against? Whats the score? Does not have to describe a complete game. At least 300 words.

6. Design a sports uniform for your team. Must show front & back.

Round 3X

Round 3 Tasks

1. Take a walk around your neighborhood/house and show us what you see. Can be a video or several pictures. Remember to include proof that it's you. Must show at least one flower, a path, and one living creature.

2. Make an avi with five animals equipped. Post the image.

3. Find items from the great outdoors (leaves, rocks, twigs, petals, etc) and create a work of art with them. Take a picture and post it.

4. Make a blog about one of our planet's biomes. It must be at least a full paragraph describing the biome (weather, regions, etc) and what is found within in it (flora/fauna). Include pictures of the biome and an animal and plant that only live in that biome.

5. Pick four moves that your team mascot would have if it were a pokemon, water type for naias and fire type for calesco.

6. Find three gemstones you could offer as gifts to your mascot. Post images of each and what kind of gemstone they are.

Round 2X

Round 2 Tasks

1. Ask 10 users not on your team which season is their favorite. Post the results and who you asked.

2. Make a blog about your favorite summer activity. At least 250 words. Link to your blog.

3. Make a beach scene of your team either with their avis or in a drawing.

4. Post images of all single pose balloons on Mene as they would look on an invisible avatar. Tell me the name of each item as well. (8 in all)

5. Find 3 pictures of fireworks that represent your team. Post each image.

6. Take a picture of your favorite summer dessert! Include proof.

Round 1X

Round 1 Tasks

1. Make a thread in the event forum for your team. Give me the link.

2. List all rare items on Menewsha with your team's name. Link to each item's marketplace listing

3. Make an avi cosplaying your team's mascot. Post the image.

4. Draw your teams mascot (calesco or naias). You can base it off the Mene items or make your own version.

5. Make a banner or pennant that shows your team spirit. Can be crafted or drawn in any medium

6. Ask all members of your team what their favorite color, animal, and pokemon is. List the results.

Kent 07-11-2017 01:04 AM


If I have time during or after rounds, I will host a game for you to earn more points for your team! I would prefer for you to finish a task before participating. Users outside of the game may participate as well, but no points will be rewarded to a team if they win a mini-game. An EI or gold will be given to the winners of each mini-game.

These are the mini-games that I will host:

Kent 07-11-2017 01:05 AM

After each round I will post results here.

Round 1
Team Calesco: 15
Team Naias: 6

Round 2
Team Calesco: 5
Team Naias: 4

Round 3
Team Calesco: 6
Team Naias: 23

Round 4
Team Calesco: 12
Team Naias: 13

Round 5
Team Calesco: 21
Team Naias: 8

Team Calesco: 59
Team Naias: 54

First Place Team: 5,000g to each player*
Second Place Team: 2,500g to each player*

*You must participate in at least three rounds to qualify for a prize.

There is also an MVP prize for one player on each team!
Try to get the most points for your team to win the MVP prize!

Kent 07-14-2017 02:16 AM


Nephila 07-14-2017 11:49 AM

Oh neat- I re-read this it reminds me of the pirates Vrs. Ninjas thing we did years ago. :D

Kent 07-14-2017 11:52 AM

Yeah, it's a bit like that. X3

People can still sign up through my sign-up thread in meneverse, btw. O:

Nephila 07-14-2017 11:58 AM

YA! Come join team NYaaa Nyaaa Naias!

Bikini cat girls and super soakers rule the beach! Nyaa!

Kent 07-14-2017 12:01 PM

lol Woo! Great team spirit!

Hadsvich 07-14-2017 12:57 PM

Looking forward to playing~ o uo

hummy 07-14-2017 01:02 PM

Hello all!
Great avatar, hadsie =3

Kent 07-14-2017 02:17 PM

Anyone up for a round of Hangman or 20 Questions later? O: Only for gold though. X3

hummy 07-14-2017 02:18 PM

I can pop in and play =3

sadrain 07-14-2017 02:28 PM

I'd love to join Naias, please. <3


hummy 07-14-2017 02:29 PM

yay, rannie! [cheer]

sadrain 07-14-2017 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1773924585)

yay, rannie! [cheer]

I realized I can't join, I'm working 12-16 hours on Monday and Tuesday, so I won't be able to participate on those days. Sorry. D:

Hadsvich 07-14-2017 02:33 PM

I'm up for a mini game~

Kent 07-14-2017 02:40 PM

@sadrain - Aww, that sucks. Such long work days. D:
If you can play the other three days then it's okay with me if you join. ; w;

I'll start a game in an hour or so~

hummy 07-14-2017 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by sadrain (Post 1773924587)
I realized I can't join, I'm working 12-16 hours on Monday and Tuesday, so I won't be able to participate on those days. Sorry. D:

aw, bummer.
can you play on the other days?

star2000shadow 07-14-2017 02:44 PM

this looks fun..hmm i should dress up to match my team 'contemplates'

sadrain 07-14-2017 03:03 PM

Probably hummy, but I'd rather give it the spot to people who can commit all 5!

hummy 07-14-2017 03:09 PM

aw, well maybe be an alt?
like if we don't have equal teams?

Kent 07-14-2017 03:54 PM

Alright! Ready to play 20 Questions?! 8D Ask yes or no questions now~ One at a time please. XP

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