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Kirin Rosenbaum 05-28-2014 02:59 AM

Forbidden Love
Name: Marcus
Age: 30
Hair: White
Eyes: Lavender
Wings: Pure White
Outfit: Not the one in the picture.

Marcus was a priest in training. He had grown up in the care of the priests since he had lost his family at a very young age. He had spent his time watching the princess of the land grow up. Today she had become queen. He had always loved her, but had known even before he decided to become a priest that it would never work out between them. In a weeks time he would become a full fledged priest himself. Most people were at the castle for the coronation ball. He had decided not to attend, it would only cause him more sadness. He tucked a strand of pure white hair behind his ear. It was another escapee from his long braid.

sailor star rainbow 05-28-2014 03:20 AM

Name:Queen Flora
Outfit:Not the one in the pic

Queen Flora sighs out as she sits on the throne. she was not happy becoming a queen all ready. it meant a lot more work then a princess. plus she would have to get married in order to keep the royal court happy. she was in love with Marcus yet for all these years she held. her feelings back for him not wanting to upset her parents. about her choice in the man she dose not even know. if he will love her back are not if she where to confuse to him. the party was a grand one even if it was all just for her being a newly crowned queen.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-28-2014 03:23 AM

Marcus finished up his chores at the church and sighs. He should make an appearance at the party. He heads to the castle. Once in he keeps to the edges. He has never liked crowds. Though crowds adore him. They think he was sent to the kingdom fro heaven, what with his wings and all.

sailor star rainbow 05-28-2014 03:35 AM

Flora stays in her seat she was bored out of her mind. she watch people dance yet notice a lot of couples tonight. it made her heart start to hurt a little. so far today she had yet to see Marcus at all. was he a avoiding the party for his own reason's? she knew he was not a fan of crowds what so ever. she roll's her eyes listening to one of her lady's in waiting gossip. about how they think she would get married to.

The young queen moves one of her hands over to her mouth. to cover a yawn that past by her soft pink lips. but waved a servant over to her side. "Can you please get me a glass of punch?" she ask in the voice she was teach how speak in like a queen should. the servant bows his head to her then walks off. to get her the requested cup of drink.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-28-2014 03:57 AM

Marcus slowly makes his way towards the throne. He still keeps to the edges. He knows he could spread his wings and the crowd would part for him, but he also knew that wasn't right. So he keeps his wings folded in. Soon he makes it to the throne. "Your majesty." He says with a deep bow.

sailor star rainbow 05-28-2014 04:07 AM

"Hello Marcus I'm so glad you came. but please you don't have to call me your majesty. just call me Flora if you would like too." Queen Flora says to him while feeling her heart start to beat fast. yet she could feel a blush rising on to her cheeks. the servant come's back then hand the cup of punch. to the queen before bowing to her as well to the priest in training. she knew this was not a good time to say how she felt. about him in front of all these people it would. make her foolish to do that at a party on her coronation day.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-28-2014 04:46 PM

"It is not appropriate for me to call you by your first name in public." He says with a soft smile. His heart flutters being this near to her. She will never know how he feels. He is to be a priest and she is a queen. He must keep these feelings to himself. He acknowledges the servant who brings the queen her punch. "I am surprised nobody has asked you to dance." He says standing to the side of the throne. He watches the people dance.

sailor star rainbow 05-28-2014 09:31 PM

Flora smiles softly at him yet started to blush. "Some have ask me but I do not wish to dance. to be honest I feel sad today I did not wish be born in to this life style. I'd can not even say anything to the person I love. do to fear that person may not love me back cause of my role." she says while trying not to start crying in front of Marcus. as well in front of so many people that was watching her. the young queen wish she had a older sibling at times. yet she held back the feeling of being sick.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-28-2014 09:47 PM

"Perhaps you would like to dance with me." He comments his heart aching to see Flora so sad. He really didn't want to dance, but he would do it if it was with her. He would do anything to make her smile. Her smile made his heart swell.

sailor star rainbow 05-28-2014 10:35 PM

"Yes I would like to dance with you. but I wish to speak with you when you have a free chance. I know you must be busy getting ready for next week." Flora says to Marcus while putting her cup of punch down. on a near by side table then starts to get up form her seat. so she could have one dance with the one she loves. it would make her feel better maybe even happy. she smooths her dress out with both hands it was a ball room style dress. it was gold in color with silk flowers in light shades of pink to match her hair.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-28-2014 11:06 PM

Marcus smiles a bit. "Of course your majesty." He offers her his hand and then leads her to the dance floor when she takes it. Soon they are dancing to the music. Marcus can feel his heart swell as they dance.

sailor star rainbow 05-28-2014 11:27 PM

Queen Flora started to smile the first smile she had. on her face since she got the horrible news about becoming queen. "Can we have a few more dances please? I feel so safe in your arms. I promise no more dances after two more." she ask him in a kind yet sweet sounding voice. she almost started to plea to Marcus Flora knew. how much he could not stand to dance with people watching him. right about now she was hoping for a slow dance happen. before they get off the dance floor it would. be a chance for her whisper her feelings to him.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-29-2014 12:41 AM

"If that is your wish your majesty." He says with a smile as they dance. Soon the music slows down. He was currently fighting the urge to flee. But he wont', he won't do that to her.

sailor star rainbow 05-29-2014 12:49 AM

"Marcus there is something I'v been wanting to say. you for a long time now since we where kids." Queen Flora says in a quite yet soft voice to him. the music was so nice right now. she felt like the band was playing music just for them. she sighs out in a happy way with a giggle in her voice. "I love you please forgive me,for this." she says before giving him a kiss on the lips then. breaks away and runs off to her old bedroom. the royal court would have a field keeping the press away form this information.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-29-2014 01:59 AM

Marcus freezes in the middle of the dance. And before he knows it she is kissing him and then runs off. He isn't sure what to do. He feels as if all eyes are on him. He makes a run for the door and is soon back in his small room. He sinks to his knees, she loved him. He knew this could lead to trouble for him. He wraps himself in his wings trying to calm down. He might even be ran out of town for this.

sailor star rainbow 05-29-2014 02:07 AM

Flora gets to her old bedroom then locks the door. she fall's on to her old bed and starts to feel tears rolling down her face. "What have I done? the elder's will not like this one bit at all." Flora says to her self yet she was worried about Marcus more then her self. she felt bad for what she had done yet. it was what she had wanted talk to him about. if only one of her cousins could take her place as queen. she wanted to throw away her royal life style down the drain. even if it meant living a lone for the rest of her life.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-29-2014 02:29 AM

Marcus stands and packs his few belongings. He goes to leave but runs into the priest.

"Where are you going my son?"

"Away, I can no longer in good judgment become a priest."

"And why is that?"

"I have feelings for a woman I should not be having. A woman whom, even if I were to not be a priest a couldn't have."

"The queen?"


"Perhaps the reason you are here is to be with her."

"I have nothing to offer her. I am just a poor orphan."

"Do you love her?"


"Then you have that to offer her."

"She deserves better than I."

"Then at least tell you are leaving."

Marcus hesitates then nods. He knows it's the right thing to do. He walks out of the church and takes to the skies. He figures Flora will be in her old rooms. He knows where those are. There was many a night when they were both young that he would watch her from the window. He hovers outside her window and hesitates before knocking. He now knows what he has to do.

sailor star rainbow 05-29-2014 02:35 AM

Queen Flora hears a knock on her bedroom window. she starts to lift her head up wondering how could be outside by her window? she gasp when she saw it was Marcus out there. she quickly hops off of her bed over to the window. then opens it up for him to come in."Marcus I'm sorry I'd should not have. said that to you in front of so many people like that. it was wrong of me to do to you." she says to him not noticing the tears rolling down her cheeks. yet could feel there wetness but did not care. she moves out of the way so he could come in to her old bedroom.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-29-2014 02:47 AM

Marcus stepped in through the window and goes to her. He pulls her close and kisses her. All the love, the need, the ache is in that one kiss. He holds her loose enough that if she wants to move away from him she can. He gently wraps his wings around them both.

sailor star rainbow 05-29-2014 02:55 AM

Flora was shock by the kiss he ha just gave her yet smiles. "Is there anything you want are need to tell me?" Flora ask Marcus as she stays in his arms yet blush's. her cheeks where turning rose red form being so close to him. she moves closer to his side then gives him a long loving kiss. after a while she breaks away form the kiss to get some air. she looks up at his face trying to see if he ha been crying.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-29-2014 03:10 AM

His face is tear stained from the crying he has done. "I love you Flora, with all that I am I love you. But you deserve more then what I can give you." He says just stroking her hair. He aches with need for her but he will not act on that need. Acting on that need could get him thrown in prison.

sailor star rainbow 05-29-2014 03:24 AM

"No I don't want anyone else but you Marcus. I love you more then I can ever say in words to you. please stay,I don't want to marry some prince are king." she says to him while moving her arm up by his neck. just so she could warp her arms around it just once. Flora could see the tear stains on his face. he had been crying just like she was. by now her tears had stop flowing form her eyes.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-29-2014 03:26 AM

"Do you truly believe we will be allowed to get married?" He whispers as he fights back fresh tears. "I am nothing but a poor orphan, who knows nothing of ruling and is scared in crowds." He says a few tears slide down his cheeks. He hated feeling this way, he truly did. He fights the urge to run and leave the kingdom.

sailor star rainbow 05-29-2014 03:40 AM

Flora warps her arms around his neck loosely. "I truly believe we will be allowed to get married yes. I'll help you get over your fear of crowds slowly. if they say anything about you being a poor orphan. they'll have to answer to me and I'll make sure the teachers. take there time teaching you about thing's you will need to know." Queen Flora says yet could feel his fresh tear. falling on to her hair on her own head. she was speaking in a whispered voice back to him. filled with love for him to hear what she had to say.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-29-2014 03:42 AM

"You deserve better then me." He whispers softly. He goes to move towards the window. "I'm sorry... I can't stay."

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