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BlackCart29 10-14-2010 06:38 PM

Uni Students Library (College Aged Mene!)
Hey Guys!~ I know there are a lot of University age kids on Mene, and I'm one of them. I'd love to meet with other people on the site currently in uni! Anything from, "How do you deal with your annoying roommate!" to, "Trying to find time to RP!" I think that we might have something in common with each other.

Or hey, - just chillin'. :hug:


...and now I'm off to class.

Edit: It has become necessary to have a blacklist in this thread. The following people are no longer welcome to post in this thread.


zazabar 10-14-2010 07:00 PM

Zaza has recently finished undergrad, but I'm starting my Ph.D. work in June, so I still sort of count, right? :heart:

BlackCart29 10-14-2010 07:02 PM

:heart: ZAZA ALWAYS COUNTS!~ *ahem*

what was your undergrad degree in Z?

zazabar 10-14-2010 07:07 PM

Biochemistry! How about yours? :)

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 01:06 AM

Modern Languages! Biochem would be so not my bag, good for you!

zazabar 10-15-2010 01:08 AM

Yeahhh, languages are something that I suck at. I've taken Japanese, French, and German, two years of each, and have forgotten all of it! <3;

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 01:18 AM

Haha! I love languages :hug: I've studied Latin (7 years) Japanese (2) and I just started German! I still have to pick up Spanish and French before I can graduate :3

Other Uni students should come and discuss!!!

zazabar 10-15-2010 01:19 AM

I know, right?!?!

How is your student love life treating you? Must be plenty of fun guys in Maine, :3

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 01:38 AM

Oh Maine, how I love thee!~ Yeah, Maine's slightly scarce on the man front. Mostly lumberjack types. (I'm not joking. Men from Maine are naturally beefy. It's weird.) And I just got out of a ....strange(?) relationship, so I'm actually at 0% love life. Haha. What about you Z? (I actually don't even know what state you're in, haha!)

zazabar 10-15-2010 01:40 AM

Zaza lives in North Carolina right now, but is moving to Oregon in June for Ph.D. work~ And I'm currently single, ^^; A few months ago I got out of a really long term relationship and just haven't been in one since, :3.

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 01:44 AM

NC is nice (though I've only driven through). What are you working towards in Oregon?

You and I sound similar on the dating front. haha T_T. I need a non-lumberjack.

zazabar 10-15-2010 01:46 AM

Ph.D. in Pharmacology to be exact! And hehe, a non-lumberjack, eh? I'm pretty skinny and frail, which is why I actually started going to the gym to bulk up just a slight bit. Not trying to become a lumber jack, just get some muscle and then get toned.

I have recent pictures that I took a couple days ago as my "before" pictures.

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 02:01 AM

@Z: Pharmacology? That's actually really cool! I'm sure that would be really interesting.

Well by "non-lumberjack" I mean, not 6'5" and made out of rock. Honestly, that's just off putting!

Zaza's a cutie! Your facial hair is adorable. I understand, I go to the gym 3 days a week. Sometimes it's hard to get motivated. (Plus the gym on the my campus is like a 25 minute walk away....LENGTHY).

zazabar 10-15-2010 02:02 AM

Damn, that's a long walk, o_o;

How tall is Cart, and does she have any pictures?

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 02:05 AM

It's such a long walk! It's even longer to get from my work to my dorm though, so I'm used to it.

I'm 5'1" (do you see why the lumberjack size would be intimidating!) And I don't have pictures of myself really, all of my pictures are framed ones of me with my family and friends I don't really have others. (I love my friends and family :hug:)

zazabar 10-15-2010 02:06 AM

I see, xD; You should get a picture of yourself sometime to share with the world! And I'm sure you'll find someone eventually, :3. My first real super long term relationship started out online actually, and involved us moving in together and all that.

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 02:27 AM

@Z: Short! I'm so short! Zaz did not comment on that! lmfao. I should get pictures of myself I guess, all I ever use are disposable cameras so I don't have digi pics. If I get one I will send it to you! Yeah, I just got out of my first "long term" relationship, but we were already living together... ( in a boarding house type situation). That's interesting though, I didn't even know people could meet like that online!

zazabar 10-15-2010 02:28 AM

Yep! You can, :D. It's easier when both people are 18 or older, instead of the common preteen online relationships you see a lot, <<; Cause then you can actually meet really soon and see if you are even compatible, and then go from there.

And I'm only 5'7", so 5'1" isn't that short, xO.

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 02:36 AM


Well, I can see how that's true. At least when you're older you can drive and stuff, when you're a preteen you can't do any of that. These sites are mostly younger people though.

It makes sense I guess, my best friend found her cosplay partner online, and they've become great friends. ( I don't cosplay so she had to go online to find someone, I still feel guilty about that.)

zazabar 10-15-2010 02:37 AM

Ahh, I see. That's one of the reasons I'm buffing up a bit actually. My friend wants me to cosplay as Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin next year. And since that's a shirtless outfit, I need to be buff and tone, :).

And online relationships are actually pretty good for busy college students, because there isn't the stress of seeing each other almost every day while trying to get work done.

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 02:43 AM

Sanosuke is SO COOL! Good luck cosplaying him! It's not that I'm against cosplaying, and I said I'd go to conventions with her - cosplaying just isn't my thing, you know? I don't really like costumes.

That actually makes a lot of sense, my last relationship failed partly because we were so invested in each other time wise that it became a problem. Work. Arg. Tonight was my last night of work for the week! Yay!

zazabar 10-15-2010 02:44 AM

What kind of job do you do? I deliver pizzas, which is hilarious since I have a degree in Biochemistry. I get to poke fun at some of the issues with the recipes we use at work, xD;

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 02:49 AM

@Z: I work at a restaurant style dining hall, (basically a restaurant, only takes money, but it's on a college campus). I like it actually, but since I'm such a hard worker everyone else slacks off and by the time I leave I am very tired! It's okay though, it means they can count on me. Pizzas? I helped a friend do that a little bit this summer. It's kind of interesting. Haha, I can see how that'd be funny. :XD

zazabar 10-15-2010 02:50 AM

Yeah, it's pretty interesting. And it pays pretty decently most of the days. And I love driving, so it's win all around! But I'll still be happy when I go to grad school~

BlackCart29 10-15-2010 02:55 AM

That's cool, money is the point of work after all! :mrgreen: And driving is great. Do you drive five speed of automatic?

When are you starting Grad school?

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