Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Halloween 2014 (
-   -   Haunted Halloween IV: Horror in Haverfield - Link to Finale in first & last post! :) (

BellyButton 10-11-2014 03:46 PM

Haunted Halloween IV: Horror in Haverfield - Link to Finale in first & last post! :)

Dude, it seems like every Halloween there's some majorly lame crisis for us to deal with. But this year is going to be awesome - we're going to a bitchin' Halloween party instead! Lawrence's parents are out of town and we're going to have a totally rad time, like normal 80s high school kids! Last one there can eat Howdy's shorts!

Come see the big finale -- RIGHT HERE!

Captain Howdy 10-11-2014 10:23 PM

Once every 24 hours, you may:
  1. Look at Today's Map ( here ).
  2. Choose an action from the list.
  3. Copy and paste the provided form, with your action added, into this thread.
  4. Check back after 9PM Pacific for the results. (Click here for current Pacific time.) We will post them in this thread directly, but you may also find them in "Yesterday's Results," here. If you miss a day, you can find results for past maps further down the page.
  5. Return to Today's Map for the new map. Rinse, and repeat! [yes]


Only one account per person may play.
Exception: Staff-approved charity mules are welcome to play for their charities.

You must accept any trades within 30 days.
We'll cancel long-unaccepted trades and reroute those items to active charities.

Q & A

Q. Those maps are totally rad!! How did you make them?
A. Howdy used the floor plan creator tool at [boogie]

Q. I'd like to choose a new area on the map. Can I?
A. Sure. Before the round ends, post the form again with your new selection and ping either Captain Howdy or BellyButton, and we'll make note of it as soon as we can. Obviously you cannot change your mind after the round ends. [:P]

Q. Is this like last year's thread, where we have to solve the mystery ourselves?
A. Nope - we all know who the killer is - your primary goal this year is to survive!

Q. But I didn't survive! [gonk] Does that mean I have to stop playing?
A. Not at all. The flesh may expire, but the spirit lives on. You can still play, earn points and win prizes. You just do so now in ghostly form. [;)] In terms of the story, you've become one of Michelle Myles victims.

Q. Okay, i'mma ghost, right? I got killed again. Does that magically bring me back to life?
A. Nope. Two wrongs don't make a right, friend.

BellyButton 10-12-2014 12:41 AM
Lawrence Stroud - Age 17
Lawrence is the quintessential boy next door. He's an intelligent lad with a good heart and a good head on his shoulders. --- Lawrence was holding a Halloween party when he and his friends were attacked by Michelle Myles.
Andy Bradshaw - Age 17
Andy is a nice kid, but definitely has a rebellious streak in him and has trouble dealing with authority figures. He is Lawrence's best friend.
Paula Carpenter - Age 16
Paula is a clever girl with a wry personality, who would very much like to be older than her own age. She is Andy's girlfriend. -- Paula was struck down by Michelle Myles in the Rose Wood Orphanage playroom.
Lyndon Von Dirk - Age 18
A likeable guy, who comes off as a bit randy and boisterous. Lyndon loves nothing more than to party. He is Lawrence and Andy's good friend. --- Lyndon was murdered by Michelle Myles sometime after he abandoned the others at the library.
Bonnie Simon - Age 17
Bonnie is a bit of a goofball, who loves to laugh. Her penchant for a good time is equal to that of her boyfriend, Lyndon. --- Bonnie was murdered by Michelle Myles at the high school pool.
Dr. Samantha Louis - Age 48
A serious and determined psychiatric doctor, who works tirelessly to ensure that evil is thwarted. She's traveled to Haverfield to stop Michelle Myles.
Deputy Gerald Hurt - Age 31
Was a deputy for the Haverfield Police Department. Dep. Hurt was murdered outside the station by Michelle Myles.
Sheriff Leanne Bradshaw - Age 44
The long arm of the law in Haverfield. The Sheriff is tough and no nonsense. She's also the mother of Andy. --- Sheriff Bradshaw was attacked by Michelle Myles outside the high school. --- Andy and his friends later learned that she was still alive and at a clinic in Haverfield.
Dr. Marlon Chamberlain - Age 53
Doctor at the Haverfield Psychatric Hospital. The gang asked for his help in learning about Michelle Myles, but he wasn't very forthcoming. Was subsequently killed by her.
Michelle Myles - Age 33
Evil incarnate.

Captain Howdy 10-12-2014 01:18 AM Whisper Invictus: Gee, toys in an empty house. That's not spooky at all. Antagonist: I know. I can't wait to get out... Oh, a bouncy buddy! [climbs on] I had one of these when I was a kid! SuperZombiePotatoe: Did you look ridiculous then, too? spicedroses: C'mon, be nice. After a night like this, we need something to lighten the mood. Iro: Hey, did Lawrence seem to be acting strange to you? Seito: Yeah, ever since we got here. Iro: I wonder. You don't think he... Xogizmoox: Look guys, it's one of those clowns you punch and it falls over. [punches] ... Uh oh, I don't think this is a clown...

You’re all still split up, desperately searching for something, but not knowing exactly what that is. A few of you, including Lawrence, Andy, Paula and Dr. Louis, have reached one of the dusty upstairs bedrooms. There isn’t much to look through, though, and soon you’ve come up empty again. [frustrated] Shit, we’ve been all over this house, and nothing! Maybe we should go back downstairs and check the… Woah! [she stumbles] What happened?! Ow, I tripped. On a loose floorboard. [squinting, she stoops down] Hey, there’s something underneath here. [reaching inside] It’s a book! [she hands it to Dr. Louis] Louis: [opening the front cover] I can’t make out what it says, it’s far too dark in this room. Let’s go out into the hall.

Leaving the bedroom, Dr. Louis steps over to the moonlight shining through a nearby window. Louis: [speaking as she reads] It’s a diary… of a woman named Margaret Carol. … She was the orphanage matron, it appears. [continuing to scan the pages] There isn’t really anything I can see here that’s of interest. Basically the everyday… Wait, what’s this?! Oh my! [reading] “August 1967. Yesterday evening, while the children slept, a new charge was brought into the orphanage, an infant, and given to the nurse. This was unusual, as normally I receive reports on new wards. But in this case I was told nothing. I confronted Director Heffman about the matter after breakfast and he said I needn’t be concerned. I continued to press the issue throughout the day, and he took me aside. The child, he relented, was given birth to by a young girl named Michelle Myles. Her parents were quite ashamed by the events, and saw fit to put the baby up for adoption, as the girl is only sixteen, unmarried and a bit touched in the head. The parents then requested that all documentation be erased, for fear the girl may return someday to reclaim her child. After being told this, Director Heffman asked me to swear my secrecy, which I did. It’s a sad tale, to be sure, but better that the little one is raised by a proper family. I don’t imagine the baby will be here very long, the young ones are always adopted quickly.” [Dr. Louis finishes reading] This is it! This is the secret! Does it say who adopted the baby? Louis: [quickly searching the rest of the diary] No, it ends not too long after that entry. Damn! Hold on a sec… 1967? That was… [blankly] Seventeen years ago.

You all turn to Lawrence. In the glow of the moon, you’re startled to see the ghostly expression painted on his face. His breath comes quicker and he begins to tremble. Seventeen years ago. [looking at his friends helplessly] It’s me. She came back for me. I’m her son! [incredulously] What?! That’s crazy! You’re not… I’m adopted, Andy! -- I never told you guys, but it’s true! I was born in August of 1967, put up for adoption and spent a month here at Rose Wood when I was a baby! Oh my god! I never knew who my birth parents were … But that’s why she attacked the party. That’s why she keeps following us. [with despair] Michelle Myles is my mother!

Further down the hall, an eruption of noise sounds from one of the back rooms. In an instant, Lawrence bolts away toward the source. Louis: Lawrence!

Hastily following, you reach him just as he throws open the playroom door. You scream! The room is a bloodbath! Iroase Delchatten, SuperZombiePotatoe, spicedroses, Seito, Xogizmoox, Whisper Invictus and Antagonist too. They’re dead! And there, in the midst of it all looms Michelle Myles. Lawrence moves past the doorway and stands before her. [shouting] Lawrence, no! [angrily he addresses her] I know who you are! I know why you’re here! You came back for me! Well here I am! I’m not going to run! Just leave my friends alone!

Betraying no emotion, Michelle Myles peers at Lawrence from within the cavernous depths of her mask. Slowly she raises her left arm, reaching toward him. Lawrence tenses, but doesn’t flinch. The group is a mix of fear and confusion as they watch on, then abruptly she grabs him by the shirt collar and pushes him to the ground. Andy calls out Lawrence’s name and charges at her. But Michelle is too fast. In an instant, she has Andy by throat, lifting him into the air with inhuman strength. He struggles, but in vein. Michelle readies her knife. [screams] Andy!

Paula breaks past Dr. Louis, rushing at the monster and grabbing her by the arm.
Michelle drops Andy, turning her attention to Paula and thrusts the knife into the girl’s abdomen. A look of disbelief covers Paula’s face. She opens her mouth, but no sound emerges, and then falls to the floor. [his face twisted with fury] Paula!!

Quickly Andy is on his feet. With a howl of rage, he bum rushes Michelle Myles with all his might. The creature is violently sent staggering backwards, and, before she can regain her footing, crashes through the second story window. For a moment the room is still. Andy hurries to Paula’s side. [distraught] Paula, baby, you’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you to the clinic. [smiles weekly] I guess I shouldn’t have said ‘if’. … Y’know, you’re a real bonehead sometimes, Andy-- but I think that’s why I love you. And I’ve always really liked being your girl. Thank you. [he takes her hand] You’re still my girl, baby. You’ll always be my girl. You know that, right?

But Paula doesn’t respond and Andy begins to weep. --- Dr. Louis crosses the room and looks out the window. Louis: [frightened] She’s gone. Michelle is still alive. [tears running down his cheek] It’s my fault. It’s my fault they’re all… [furious] Shut up! You shut your mouth, Lawrence Stroud! It’s not your fault! If you have time to whine, you’ve got time to do something about it! Andy… [he stands] No more hiding. It’s time to end this. Louis: Yes. No more running. No more searching. We know what Michelle wants. We know who she wants. And if I’m right, I know where she’s headed. It’s time to go back to where all this began.

More than once you wished this Halloween would be over. But riding now, perhaps for the last time, in Dr. Louis’ van, you feel that soon it finally will be over, and you’re fearful. Fearful because you know the night will end in one of two ways, and so far the odds have not been in your favor. Until you reach your destination, the ride is silent. Only hours ago there were so many of you, but your numbers have diminished, and what’s left stands ready to face Michelle Myles for the last time. I’ll protect you, Lawrence. I promise to protect you with my life. But I don’t care that she’s your mother. This is where it stops. I’m going to fight. And given the chance, I will kill her. [he turns to look at his friend with dire intent] Not if I do it first.

And without further word, the group advances up the walk toward the abandoned home of Michelle Myles.

Search Options:
-- Attic
-- Bathroom
-- Cellar
-- Den
-- Eddie & Donna Myles' Bedroom
-- Kitchen
-- Living Room
-- Michelle Myles' Bedroom

Paste this form into the thread to play
[COLOR="Black"][SIZE="5"][B]It's time to end this. Where are you Michelle Myles?[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]I'm searching in (the): [write map area here]

Where is everybody?X

-- Attic
CK - x
DivineHeart - x
Hadsvich - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Midian - x
Mikio - x
Nephila - x
PapillonCameo - x
Roachi - x
Vox - x

-- Bathroom
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Roxxxy - x
Xogizmoox - x

-- Cellar
Damia Flagg - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Kent - x
Nema - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
The_Crow - x

-- Den
Ascadellia - x
KatMagenta - x
Kay - x
Utopia - x

-- Eddie & Donna Myles' Bedroom
Dystopia - x
liquidrage - x
Mageling - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Miscreant74 - x
musasgal - x

-- Kitchen
dragoness129 - x
GummyBearKisses - x
GwenaHikari - x
hummy - x
Wrenji-chan - x

-- Living Room
Angel Spirit Girl - x
Cardinal Biggles - x
Divacita - x
EirianHikari - x
Jeannesha - x
lunanuova - x
sushi_mew - x
Velvet - x

-- Michelle Myles' Bedroom
Antagonist - x
blueblackrose - x
Chexala - x
Cora - x
Elirona - x
fireprincess - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
Liztress - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Saravi Boo - x
Shadami - x
shinigamikarasu - x
sjacklene - x
star2000shadow - x

BellyButton 10-12-2014 01:36 AM
Location: Rose Wood Orphanage

Boy's Dorm
The room is dark, but upon entering the boys dorm the first thing you notice is that one of the windows has been broken. You stop and call your friends to silence. The wind blows, but there is another sound, like a strange clicking. Just then, a swarm of bats swoop down from the shadowy ceiling. You hit the floor and crawl under the nearest bed. Praying you won't need later need a rabies shot, you spot something in the slats under the bed. It's money! Thank you, bat friends!
(+700g [gold])

Dining Hall
Close your eyes and you swear the echoes of children can still be heard, chattering and laughing before their plates. Opening them again, you gasp. In the vague moonlight, you could have sworn someone was sitting at one of the tables. Approaching, you find a pair of make believe faerie wings, resting on the back of a chair. On the table is carved the words: "I wish I were a real faerie, so I could fly away from here."
(Viola Faerie Wings)

Director's Office
There's still quite a bit of furniture left in the old director's office, including the heavy oak desk. You check the drawers, but find nothing inside. Removing them, you reach into the desk frame and your fingers touch a bit of paper. It's a sealed envelope. Inside is a stack of bills and a letter. It reads: "Clarissa. We need to talk, but I can't seem to get you alone lately. It concerns the matter of what happened that day. We both know it was a mistake. One that will not be repeated, and one that certainly doesn't need to be revealed. Keep in mind that I have been the director at Rose Wood for more than two decades, and I am highly respected. You wouldn't want to do anything to tarnish that, would you? And if so, perhaps I can persuade you otherwise."
(+900g [gold])

Discipline Room
You've reached an empty, unassuming room on the first floor. Nothing to see, really, but a curious break in the paneling catches your eyes. You push against the wood and are surprised to find that it is a secret door to a small, concrete room. What's inside sends a shiver down your spine. A single chair, a leather strap and a poem scratched into the wall.
"Master knows what's best for me
and so I say this rhyme.
Pennies for swears and nickels for sass,
but lying costs a dime.
Now cheating is a quarter sum
and stealing takes a dollar.
But master says if I'm really bad,
he's gonna make me holler.
(+800g [gold])

Matron's Room
"July 1958 -- I've settled into my room here at the Rose Wood orphanage. Only after unpacking my belongings did I allow myself to heave a sigh of relief. A new start in a new town. I pray Haverfield will be good to me. After what happened last year, I left Diamond Lake and vowed never to return. But in my dreams I can still see Jane, thrashing about in the water. It haunts me."
(+1 point)

You obviously knew that children once roamed these halls. But it hadn't occurred to you there may have once been babies as well. The vacant cribs, scattered across the room, lay open like gaping mouths, begging to be fed. Your stomach turns at the thought, but more so at what you spot in the corner. A lone crib, stained with blood. Fearfully, you approach and pull back the blanket. You stifle a scream! It's a dead crow! The bloodied creature is frightening, but pales against your next thought. The windows are shut. Who put the bird here?
(Murder on the Wing)

Hope you're good at playin' dead.

School Room
Dusty tables and chairs spread out haphazardly across the room. Imagine having to eat, sleep and go to school, all in the same building. Approaching the blackboard, you can just make out something written. The word 'detention' is underlined and underneath it reads: "You've been a bad, bad girl, Jennifer." There's also an obscured message about a stray dog, but it's too hard to read. Creepy.
(Detention for you!)

Where is everybody?X

-- Boy's Dorm - 700g - ALL SENT
evilcupcakecat - x
Kent - x
lunanuova - x
Midian - x
Mikio - x
Shadami - x
The_Crow - x

-- Dining Hall - Viola Fearie Wings - ALL SENT
DariaMorgendorfer - x
dragoness129 - x
EirianHikari - x
fireprincess - x

-- Director's Office - 900g - ALL SENT
Angel Spirit Girl - x
HamletSpamlet - x
musasgal - x
Nema - x

-- Discipline Room - 800g - ALL SENT
blueblackrose - x
DivineHeart - x
Dystopia - x
hummy - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
liquidrage - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Nephila - x
sushi_mew - x

-- Matron's Room
Cardinal Biggles - x
Cora - x
Hadsvich - x
Miscreant74 - x
Roxxxy - x
shinigamikarasu - x
wish - x

-- Nursery - Murder on the Wing - All SENT
Ascadellia - x
CK - x
Divacita - x
Elirona - x
GummyBearKisses - x
GwenaHikari - x
Jeannesha - x
Liztress - x
Mageling - x
PapillonCameo - x
Roachi - x
Saravi Boo - x
sjacklene - x
Utopia - x
Velvet - x

-- Playroom
Antagonist - x
girlboy9 - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Mnemosyne - x
Seito - x
spicedroses - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
Whisper Invictus - x
Wrenji-chan - x
Xogizmoox - x

-- School Room - Detenton for you! -- ALL SENT
Chexala - x
Damia Flagg - x
KatMagenta - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
star2000shadow - x
Vox - x
ziigbigadorlube - x

Captain Howdy 10-12-2014 02:23 AM
"Thou know’st ’tis common. All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity."
- William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Deputy Gerald Hurt * Bonnie Simon * Lyndon Von Dirk * Dr. Marlon Chamberlain * Paula Carpenter

Antagonist - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
Arc Angel - Days Played: 2 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Three
Cora - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Five
DariaMorgendorfer - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day One
Dystopia - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Five
fireprincess - Days Played: 3 - Kicked the bucket on: Day One
girlbot9 - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Two
hummy - Days Played: 4 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day One
Iroase Delscatten - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
Kamikaze Kendra - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day One
Kent - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Two
~LONGCAT~ - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Two
Mnemosyne - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
musasgal - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day One
Rochiel Silverfire - Days Played: 4 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Three
Seito - Days Played: 3 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
Shadami - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day One
shinigamikarasu - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Three
spicedroses - Day Played: 3 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
SuperZombiePotatoe - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
The_Crow - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Five
Utopia - Days Played: 5 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Three
Whisper Invictus - Days Played: 4 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
Wrenji-chan - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Two
Xogizmoox - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day Six
zigbigadorlube - Days Played: 6 --- Kicked the bucket on: Day One
"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival."
- Winston Churchill

Angel Spirit Girl - Days Played: 6
Ascadellia - Days Played: 5
beautiful_psycho - Days Played: 1
blueblackrose - Days Played: 6
Cardinal Biggles - Days Played: 6
Chexala - Days Played: 6
CK - Days Played: 6
Damia Flagg - Days Played: 6
Divacita - Days Played: 4
DivineHeart - Days Played:6
dragoness129 - Days Played: 6
EirianHikari - Days Played: 6
Elirona - Days Played: 6
Emilio - Days Played: 1
evilcupcakecat - Days Played: 1
GummyBearKisses - Days Played: 6
GwenaHikari - Days Played: 6
Hadsvich - Days Played: 6
HamletSpamlet - Days Played: 6
HIM_ROCK - Days Played: 6
Jeannesha - Days Played: 6
KatMagenta - Days Played: 6
Kay - Days Played: 5
liquidrage - Days Played: 5
Liztress - Days Played: 6
lunanuova - Days Played: 5
Mageling - Days Played: 5
Maha-Aamir - Days Played: 6
maidenroseheart - Days Played: 1
Maria-Minamino - Days Played: 6
Midian - Days Played: 5
Mikio - Days Played: 6
Miscreant74 - Days Played: 6
Nema - Days Played: 6
Nephila - Days Played: 6
nike13 - Days Played: 3
PapillonCameo - Days Played: 5
pollik17 - Days Played: 2
Popcorn Gun - Days Played: 1
Q U E E E N - Days Played: 1
Roachi - Days Played: 6
Roxxxy - Days Played: 4
Ruby Red - Days Played: 4
salvete - Days Played: 1
Saravi Boo - Days Played: 5
SesshysMiko - Days Played: 2
sjacklene - Days Played: 6
star2000shadow - Days Played: 6
sushi_mew - Days Played: 3
Velvet - Days Played: 4
Vox - Days Played: 6
wish - Days Played: 6
Xya - Days Played: 1
Yumeh - Days Played: 1

BellyButton 10-12-2014 03:05 AM

If you've been choosing a lot of spaces that don't have immediate prize value, worry not: those "points" you've been getting for discovering information that helps advance the story can be used in two ways:
  • You can cash them in at a rate of 200 gold per point; or
  • You can apply your points towards raffle tickets, at a rate of 1 ticket per point, for the following prizes:

The PrizesX

IMPORTANT: If you want to cash in your points for gold, please send me (BellyButton) a PM and let me know. If I don't hear from you by the end of the final round (Day 7), they'll become raffle tickets automatically. :)

Points TallyX

Angel Spirit Girl* - 2
Antagonist - 1
Blueblackrose - 1
Cardinal Biggles* - 1
Chexala - 1
CK - 1
Cora - 1
Damia Flagg - 1
DariaMorgendorfer - 1
dragoness129 - 1
Dystopia - 1
Elirona - 2
girlbot9 - 1
GummybearKisses - 1
GwenaHikari - 1
Hadsvich - 2
HamletSpamlet - 3
hummy - 1
Iroase Delschatten - 2
Kamikaze Kendra - 2
KatMagenta - 3
Kay - 1
Kent - 2
Liztress - 2
lunanuova - 1
Maha-Aamir - 1
Maria-Minamino - 1
Mikio - 1
Miscreant74 - 1
musasgal* - 2
Nephila - 1
nike13 - 2
PapillonCameo - 2
Q U E E N - 1
Roachi - 1
Roxxxy - 3
Ruby Red - 1
Saravi Boo - 1
Shadami - 1
shinigamikarasu - 3
sjacklene - 1
spicedroses - 1
The_Crow - 3
Velvet - 2
Whisper Invictus - 1
wish - 2
zigbigadorlube - 1


* denotes someone who has requested gold

Captain Howdy 10-12-2014 03:19 AM

Day One StoryX

Summer is gone. The leaves turn and the weather cools. As October nears its end, it’s capped off by a very special night. The grinning visages of jack o’lanterns peer out from every doorstep, as witches and werewolves, pirates and princesses, take to the streets. Tonight is Halloween.

Yours is the ideal world of a happy, high school senior, living in the autumn of 1984. On this, the spookiest of nights, you’ve been invited to the house of your friend Lawrence for a Halloween party. Also in attendance are your friends Andy and his girlfriend Paula, Lyndon and his girlfriend Bonnie, as well as many of your other school chums.

Lawrence, the great host that he is, has put out quite the spread, and you all laugh and eat, while listening to some tunes on the record player. It’s been the perfect evening. So far. Bonnie: [Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood plays on the stereo] Oh my god, I love this song! It’s just so sexy. Lyndon: Yeah, the lead singer must get tons of chicks! Lawrence: [entering the room] Alright, I got some more chips, guys. Lyndon, try not to get any crumbs on my dad’s chair. He’ll flip. Lyndon: Don’t worry, I got a napkin. [pulling Bonnie down from the armrest and lying her across his lap] Bonnie: [playfully] Hey, you better not get any crumbs on me, creep. – When’re your parents coming back, Lawrence? Lawrence: On Sunday, so I’m determined to keep the house clean, you guys. Paula: They know you having a party? Lawrence: Yeah, they said it was fine. My parents trust me. Paula: My brother John ruined all that for me. Last year he had a party when my folks were out and someone tossed the barbecue through the kitchen window. Now they don’t let us do anything. Andy: [scoffs] You think you got it rough? Whenever I’m home, my old lady watches me like a hawk. Paula: [smiling] And that’s without knowing half the stuff you’re up to. Andy: Shhh. [he leans over on the couch to give her a quick kiss] Lawrence: [seeing both couples] Man, look at me, dateless at my own party. The world is so depressing. Andy: I thought you were going to ask out Beth Taylor. Lawrence: Yeah right. Beth Taylor doesn’t even know I’m alive. Lyndon: C’mon Lawrence, you won’t know if you don’t try. Seize the horns, brother! You’re young. Get some while the gettin’s good. Lawrence: Keep it in your pants, Lyndon. Andy: You want me to talk to Beth for you? Lawrence: [dejected] Nah, don’t waste your breath. Andy: [coy] Well, maybe I already did. [seeing Lawrence’s shocked reaction] I told ‘er you liked her and said you’d give her a call tomorrow. Lawrence: I… You… I can’t believe you did that, Andy! She must think I’m the biggest freak in the world! Andy: [rolling his eyes] No she doesn’t. Paula: Lawrence, chill out. Any girl would be lucky to go out with you. Lawrence: Then how come you turned me down when I asked you out in middle school? Paula: [shrugs] I’ve never really believed in luck.

Just then, the party is brought to a screeching halt as the lights suddenly go out. A wave of confusion sweeps the room. Lawrence, trying to calm everyone down, makes his way over to the window. Lawrence: I wonder if it’s a blackout. [looking through the blinds] No, the lights are still on at the Doyer’s house. Crap, we must have blown a fuse. Bonnie: Great, now we’re stuck in the dark. What’re we gonna do? Lyndon: [devilishly] I think I know what we can do. Bonnie: [giddy] Oh, I think I like that idea. Paula: You guys are so gross. Lyndon: Andy, isn’t it past your girlfriend’s bedtime? Paula: Hey, I’m not that much younger than any of you! Andy: C’mon guys, be cool. What do we do, Lawrence? Lawrence: I’m trying to remember where my dad put the extra fuses. [he moves over to a cabinet, where he produces some candles and begins to light them] Listen, everyone take a candle, split up and search the house. Those fuses gotta be somewhere. Lyndon: Awesome, maybe me and Bonnie should check one of the bedrooms. Lawrence: [in monotone] You two stay down here. Andy: A scavenger hunt in the dark. Sounds spoooooky. Lawrence: [chuckling] Yeah. Happy Halloween everyone.

Day One ResultsX
Location: Lawrence's House

Now how did you get stuck checking up here? The attic is creaky and spooky and generally just not very fun to search. There's no sign of fuses, but tucked away in the corner you find a big box of old Halloween costumes. Digging through it, you decide to take one and scare your friends. Though really, who would be scared of someone in a mask?
(Pumpkin Mask)

The basement, logically, would surely be a place you'd find fuses in, but your search comes up empty. Moving back behind the stairs, you spot a pair of jeans sitting atop the washing machine. On a whim you reach inside the front pockets and find some money! Say, maybe this is going to be a good night after all.
(+200g [gold])

Dining Room
Scouring the china hutch and rummaging through the credenza, you're convinced the dining room is one hundred percent fuse free. You turn to leave when something catches your eye in the candlelight. It's a little bit of cash, right next to one of the potted plants. Now it's not right to steal, but you're reminded of the old legal defense of 'finders keepers, losers weepers.'
(+300g [gold])

You don't know why everyone is searching the rest of the house. The fuses have to in the garage. And eureka, right there on the tool bench you find some. But on closer inspection you see they're all burned out. Darn. Then you hear a commotion from upstairs. Could be your friends just fooling around, but something about it doesn't sound right. You pick up a nearby hammer and go off to investigate.
(Team Gasket Hammer Set)

Searching sure does make you hungry. And conceivably, those fuses could be in the fridge. You're halfway through your ham sandwich when the phone rings. "Stroud Residence," you announce, picking up the receiver, but there's no one on the other end. "Whatever, jerk." You're about hang up, when a strange melody begins to play. It's a soothing tune, and somehow oddly familiar, like something you heard a long time ago. But then the line goes dead. What was that about?
(+1 point)

The Stroud office is pretty extravagant, with its solid oak bookcases and leather-backed chairs. There's even one of those fancy Apple II computers, complete with two floppy disk drives and a monitor that displays a dazzling shade of green. On the desk you find a note and some money Lawrence's dad has left him for pizza. You'll have to remember to give it to him. [ninja]
(+400g [gold])

Master Bedroom
Though your current objective is to look all over for fuses, that doesn't make you feel any less pervy rifling through the personal effects of Lawrence's mom and dad, especially after what you saw in Mr. Stroud's sock drawer. Mrs. Stroud, you notice, has some lovely pieces in her jewelry case. Next to it is a small box marked 'Donations'. Is she giving these things away? In that case, she won't miss this perfectly good pair of earrings.
(Earrings from Heaven)

Rec Room
Rec room? More like 'wreck room'! Ha! Get it?! Cause you got wrecked. ... No seriously, you're dead.

[Are you now one of the dearly departed? Check the Q&A, here, to see what this means.]

Where is everybody?X

Attic - Pumpkin Mask - ALL SENT
Arc Angel - x
Chexala - x
DivineHeart - x
Maria-Minamino - x
PapillonCameo - x
sushi_mew - x

Basement - 200g - ALL SENT
Angel Spirit Girl - x
blueblackrose - x
Cora - x
EirianHikari - x
liquidrage - x
Mikio - x
Miscreant74 - x
Mnemosyne - x
sjacklene - x
star2000shadow - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

Dining Room - 300g - ALL SENT
Elirona - x
Kay - x

Garage - Hammer Set --- ALL SENT
Dystopia - x
Hadsvich - x
Jeannesha - x
Liztress - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Nephila - x
Nema - x
Nike13 - x
Roxxxy - x
Ruby Red - x
Velvet - x
Wrenji-chan - x

dragoness129 - x
GummybearKisses - x
GwenaHikari - x
HamletSpamlet - x
KatMagenta - x
Kent - x
Q U E E N - x
shinigamikarasu - x
The_Crow - x

Office - 400g - ALL SENT
CK - x
Emilio - x
Iroase Deslchatten - x
Midian - x
Roachi - x
Seito - x
Vox - x
wish - x
Xogizmoox - x

Master Bedroom - Earrings from Heaven -- ALL SENT
Antagonist - x
Cardinal Biggles - x
Damia Flagg - x
girlbot9 - x

Rec Room
DariaMorgendorfer - x
fireprincess - x
hummy - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
musasgal - x
Shadami - x
zigbigdorlube - x

BellyButton 10-12-2014 03:26 AM

Day Two StoryX musasgal: Oh geez, I hate the dark! It’s so spooky! Shadami: Just keep looking around for those fuses. Kamikaze Kendra: I just thought of something. I don’t even know what a fuse looks like. Daria: You can’t be serious. fireprincess: If you’re so smart then, what do they look like? Daria:[hesitating] Uh, they’re um… like blue… or something? Shadami: This is going to be a long night. hummy: [gasping] Oh my god, that thing scared me! Why does Lawrence have such a creepy mannequin? [eyes widening] Guys, I don’t think that’s a mannequin!

The hour is growing late. Trick or treaters have returned to their homes, and porch lights are being extinguished. Dr. Samantha Louis has been searching the streets of Haverfield since early evening, but with little luck. ‘Maybe she isn’t here,’ the doctor begins to think. But no, quieting herself, Michelle is definitely here.

As she crosses over onto another of Haverfield’s many residential roads, the stillness of the night is pierced. Screams. Dr. Louis begins to run. The front door of a two story home bursts open and out swarms a flock of panicked teenagers.

----- Louis: [quickly approaching] What’s going on?! [wide eyed and frantic] There’s… there’s someone in my house! They’ve got a knife! Some of our friends are still in there! Louis: [producing a pistol] You kids stay here. Don’t move!

For ten minutes you and your friends stand silent, waiting anxiously. Finally, the stranger emerges, returning the gun to her pocket. Louis: She’s gone! Where are our friends? Louis: [solemnly] I’m sorry. They’re dead. No! They can’t be! DariaMorgendorfer and zigbigadorlube and musasgal and Kamikaze Kendra and Shadami and fireprincess and hummy... Oh no, not hummy! She was going to let me copy off her math test! Louis: Now focus, tell me exactly what happened. We were having a Halloween party when the lights went out. We split up to search for fuses. But suddenly there was this commotion coming from the rec room. That’s when he saw him! He was… he was wearing a mask and he had a knife! There was blood and… Who the hell was that?! It was like the boogeyman! Louis: You’re almost right. But it wasn’t a man. So it was a boogey? Louis: [rolling her eyes] Let me explain. My name is Dr. Samantha Louis. I am a psychiatric doctor at the Smythe’s Meadow Sanitarium for the Criminally Insane. Yesterday evening one of my patients escaped from the hospital, and I had reason to believe that she would be coming here to Haverfield. Correctly it seems. Her name is Michelle Myles. Michelle Myles?! You gotta be kidding! I thought that nut job was locked up for good. [grim] Apparently not. Louis: Yes. You see, fifteen years ago, on… Um doc, we all grew up here. We pretty much know about Michelle Myles. Louis: [leaning in with a hushed tone] Kids, it’s called exposition. Maybe you could just bear with me for a moment, okay. Oh, sorry. Yeah. [woodenly] Please Dr. Louis, tell us about Michelle Myles. Louis: It was fifteen years ago on this very night. Halloween. Michelle Myles was a young woman of eighteen, living in the home of her parents, Eddie and Donna Myles. Michelle did have a history of emotional problems. She was never violent, though. But on this night, for some mysterious reason, something within her snapped and she murdered her parents in their bedroom. Neighbors heard the screams and summoned the police. When they arrived, they found Michelle sitting on the front step, silent. She never spoke again, her motive left unrevealed. Michelle was incarcerated at the Smythe’s Meadow Sanitarium, where I’ve been her doctor for the past fifteen years. – By all appearances, she’s been the model patient. Didn’t speak, didn’t cause trouble. Some even regarded her as a vegetable. But I knew different. I’ve spent a lot of time with Michelle. I’ve caught glimpses of the evil that lurked behind her eyes. And I knew it was only a matter of time before that evil was released. What do we do now? Louis: We all head down to the police station. Maybe the sheriff will believe what I have to say now. You talked to my mom? Louis: Sheriff Bradshaw is your mother? Well yes, I did. But she said that it was unlikely that Michelle Myles would come all the way back to Haverfield. Well my old lady sure has to believe us now. C’mon. [returning to his car] What the hell?! My tires have been cut! [near his own vehicle] Shit, mine too! [looking around] They all have! [frightened] What do we do now?! Louis: I drove one of the hospital vans down here, it should fit everyone. It’s over on the next block. [looking back at the house] [with forced humor] It’s probably not even worth locking the front door.

The ride down to the station is a tense one. You and your friends huddle closely in the back of the van. This has turned into a night you’d like to forget, but most likely won’t. Arriving, you all file inside with Andy and Dr. Louis leading the way. The building appears vacant, with only one officer behind the station desk. Hurt: Hey Andy, what’re you doin’ here? Not getting into trouble, I hope. [impatient] Gerry, is my mom here? Hurt: No, she’s down at the high school. I’m the only one here. You know the kinda tricks you kids pull this time… Louis: [stepping forward] Listen, Officer… Hurt: Hurt. Deputy Gerald Hurt. And you are? Louis: Dr. Samantha Louis. Now it is vital we get in touch with Sheriff Bradshaw. It’s about Michelle Myles. She’s escaped the Smythe’s Meadow Sanitarium and come back to Haverfield! Hurt: [scoffs] C’mon, Michelle Myles? You’re pulling my leg. They sent her away when I was sixteen. [deadly serious] It’s no joke, Gerry. She murdered our friends! Hurt: [looking at each them, one by one] You… you’re not kidding. Louis: Contact the Smythe’s Meadow police and you’ll see that we’re not. Hurt: [picks up the radio with increasing agitation] Sheriff Bradshaw, come in. [silence] Sheriff Bradshaw, please come in! [still nothing] Where the heck is she?!

Just then Bonnie screams and you all jump. [pointing toward the door] I saw her! She’s out there! Hurt: [unholstering his gun] You all stay back! Stay back, I said!

Hurrying from behind the desk, Deputy Hurt rushes out into the night. He moves uncertainly, but turns as if hearing something to the right, then walks out of your view. For a moment there’s silence, and then he screams! You gasp! A second later the lights flicker out. [weakly] Not again.
Words can’t express the horror you feel as the ghostly form of Michelle Myles appears outside the station entrance, dragging the body of Deputy Hurt. Dr. Louis raises her gun and fires twice, but misses and breaks the glass. Everybody run!

Day Two ResultsX
Location: Haverfield Police Department

You've always wondered what kind of salacious goodies would be hidden in an evidence room. But the pickings here are pretty sparse. Haverfield isn't the mean streets of New York, after all. Surprisingly, you do find something to protect yourself. A sword! But on closer inspection it's just a plastic replica. Well at least it looks menacing.
(Nutcracker Sword)

Of all the places to run, you would choose the dead end that is the lockup.
Hiding spots are a little slim here, so you pick the furthest cell and crawl under the bunk. It dirty and grimy and... hey, money! Nothing like a little convict cash to brighten your day.
(+300g [gold])

Men's Locker Room
Running through the station gym and taking a left, you find yourself in the men's locker room. And boy does it smell like you would expect it to. Your first thought is to hide in the lockers, but you really have no desire to share the confines with soiled socks and dirty jockstraps. Instead you burrow inside a laundry bin, thankfully filled with clean laundry. Hmm, after the scare you've had tonight, it might be wise to take some clean underwear. [oops]
(White Ruffle Panties & Black Skull Boxers)

Patrol Room
There's never a cop around when you need one and the empty station proves that. In an act of rebellion, you write "Thanks for nothing, chumps!" on the patrol room blackboard and pocket some money you find in the desk.
(+400 [gold])

Record's Room
You hide, pressed up against the stacks in the record room. Pulling out your lighter, you see you're right next to the 'M's. You wonder... Yes, here it is! Michelle Myles' record. It says on the night of the murder, Michelle crept into her parents bedroom while they slept and butchered them with a kitchen knife. Their neighbor, a Mr. Harvey Elroy, heard the screams and called the police. Mr. Elroy states that the family had a tumultuous relationship. Mr. and Mrs. Myles were very controlling of their daughter and would keep her confined to the house, for months on end in one instance. "It was only a matter of time," he said, "before something happened."
(+1 point)

Sheriff's Office
You've made your way to the Sheriff's Office with Andy. But while you're trying to hide, as quiet as can be, he's pulling the place apart. "Stop, she's going to hear us," you plead. But he keeps on searching. Finally, "I found it!" he exclaims, holding up a key. "Come on!" he shouts, and bolts out the door.
(Key to My Heart)

Shooting Range
What luck! A shooting range! Shooting ranges mean guns, and guns mean a way of defending yourself. Or so you thought. But damnit, not a firearm in site. What you do find is the prize money for a department shooting contest. I guess that makes you feel a little better.
(+500g [gold])

Women's Locker Room
How fortunate to be right next to the showers, since you're now covered in blood.

Where is everybody?X

Evidence Room
Ascadellia - x
DivineHeart - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
Mageling - x
Midian - x
Nephila - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
spicedroses - x
star2000shadow - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

blueblackrose - x
CK - x
Cora - x
Elirona - x
Hadsvich - x
Roachi - x
sjacklene - x
Xogizmoox - x

Men's Locker Room
Cardinal Biggles - x
DariaMorgendorfer - x
GummyBearKisses - x
GwenaHikari - x
Jeannesha - x
pollik17 - x
Shadami - x

Patrol Room
liquidrage - x
Miscreant74 - x

Records Room
Angel Spirit Girl - x
Chexala - x
Dystopia - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Kay - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Maria-Minamino - x
nike13 - x
Roxxxy - x
Saravi Boo - x
shinigamikarasu - x
Velvet - x
wish - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Sheriff's Office
Damia Flagg - x
dragoness129 - x
KatMagenta - x
lunanuova - x
Nema - x

Shooting Range
Antagonist - x
EirianHikari - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Liztress - x
maidenroseheart - x
Mikio - x
Mnemosyne - x
Ruby Red - x
The_Crow - x
Utopia - x
Vox - x

Women's Locker Room
girlbot9 - x
Kent - x
musasgal - x
Wrenji-chan - x

Captain Howdy 10-12-2014 03:33 AM

Day Three StoryX Wrenji-chan: Hurry, get in! Close the door! girlbot9: What’re we… ~LONGCAT~: Shhhh! Quiet! [they freeze, listening] Okay, I don’t hear anything. Kent Where are we? Wrenji-chan: It looks like a locker room. ~LONGCAT~: Quick, hide in the lockers. Kent: Shoot, this one’s locked. girlbot9: This one too. ~LONGCAT: Hey, this one is op.....

Your heart beats fast as you twist and turn through the darkened hallway. The back entrance was bolted shut, forcing you to hide in one of the police station’s many rooms. Busting out of the sheriff’s office, you can hear Andy shouting, “I got the key, guys! Everybody move it!” Quickly you abandon your hiding spot and run. Just then, screams come emanating from the women’s locker room. With a whimper you run faster, through the rear exit and back out into the night. Is everybody here?! Wait, where’s ~LONGCAT~ and Kent and Wrenji-chan and girlbot9? Oh god, did you hear those screams?! Louis: Everyone, back to the van! Man, what about our friends?! Louis: We’re going to end up like your friends if we don’t move!

You hesitate for a moment, but then realize if those screams mean what you think they did, there’s nothing you can do to help them. Returning to the van, Dr. Louis starts the engine and speeds away from the police station. How did she know we were here? Louis: She must have followed us. She might still be. Andy, your mother’s at the high school, right? Yeah. Louis: Then that’s where we’re headed.

Being a relatively small town, Haverfield High is only a short distance from the station. Much of your week is spent at school, but now seeing its shadowy figure looming in the dark, you’re filled with an inexplicable dread. You don’t feel safe. You won’t feel safe until you’re home in your bed. And even then…

Dr. Louis pulls into the student lot and instantly you spot a police cruiser. Piling out of the van, you all reach the car just as Haverfield High’s front entrance opens. It’s Sheriff Bradshaw. Mom! Bradshaw: Andy? Lawrence? What’re all of you doing out here? [talking quickly] Mom, you gotta do something! We were all over at Lawrence’s house and then the lights went out and… Bradshaw: Whoa, Andy! Slow down. What’s this all about? It’s Michelle Myles, Sheriff! She… Bradshaw: [skeptically] Michelle Myles? What are you… [she spots Dr. Louis and frowns] Oh, you. Dr. Louis I told you not to cause any trouble, did I not, and now you’re filling my son and his friends’ heads with stories! Louis: They are not stories, Sheriff. We saw her! [absent mindedly removing her gun] She atta… Bradshaw: Criminey! Hold on there! Are all you psych doctors packing heat? You got a permit for that? Louis: Yes, I do. Just not on me at the moment. Bradshaw: Alright doc, hand it over. [Dr. Louis stalls] Now! Louis: [hesitantly complies] Bradshaw: Now, I don’t know what you kids were told, but… Damnit Mom, will you stop being so bullheaded for one minute?! Dr. Louis is telling the truth, Mrs. Bradshaw. Michelle Myles really has come back. We were having a party at my house and she attacked us. She killed our friends! Bradshaw: [still not quite believing] C’mon, you can’t expect me to… [solemnly] She followed us to the station, Mom. Gerry’s dead. Bradshaw: [she stands for a moment in stunned silence, then crosses over to the squad car] [picking up the radio] Gerry, come in. [nothing] Gerry. Gerry! Everything we’re saying is true, Sheriff. Bradshaw: [toward Dr. Louis] Damn you for letting her out! Louis: [defensively] I didn’t! I tried to warn them, but they wouldn’t listen! Bradshaw: [brings a hand to her forehead] [speaking, but mostly to herself, it seems] I remember when they brought Michelle Myles in that night. I was still just a beat cop then. It being Halloween, the only thing we expected were a few egged houses. None of us could have even imagined the gruesome things she did to her parents. All of us stopped and stared when they walked her, handcuffed, through the station. It was only for a second that she looked at me. But those eyes, they struck me. There was no humanity in those eyes. And I hoped I would never have to see them again. [addressing the group] There’s something you need to know about Michelle Myles. Something they tried to hide. She…

What happened next occurred in the blink of an eye. From seemingly out of nowhere, from the blackness, Michelle Myles sprung forward and drove her knife into Sheriff Bradshaw’s shoulder blade. The sheriff cried out in pain and fell to the ground. Mom! Bradshaw: Andy! Run! All of you!

Again Michelle Myles brings her knife down, this time into Sheriff Bradshaw’s back. But then she is upon you, and you all frantically funnel into the school. Andy tries to go back for his mother, but Paula grabs him by the arm and pulls him on. Thinking quickly, Lawrence takes the Sheriff’s key ring from the door before disappearing down the halls of Haverfield High.

Day Three ResultsX
Location: Haverfield High School

Auto Shop
As fast as your legs will carry you, you hightail it through the school, out the back exit and off into the night, stopping only when you reach the auto shop. Surely, that lunatic wouldn't follow you here. Inside you spot a motorcycle. If only its tires weren't flat. If only it wasn't out of gas. And if only you knew how to ride one. Sigh. Opening the bike's small compartment, you find a little cash. That's some consolation.
(+500g [gold])

Okay, you're terrified. No one's going to deny that. But as your stomach rumbles, it's achingly apparent that you're also hungry. Sure, you ate at the party, but running and hiding works up an appetite. Time for a little nosh. Luckily there are some leftovers in the refrigerated case in the cafeteria. No one will miss them.
(Meatballs, Lemonade & Fruit Cake)

Guidance Office
You've never been to the guidance office before, and after seeing its walls decorated with sunshine, rainbows and positive affirmations, you're not sure you want to come back. Curious, you decide to look through the cabinets and, sure enough, there's a file on Michelle Myles. She was an intelligent girl, it reads, but isolated. She had no friends and seemed to lack the ability to connect with others. She was a troubled teen, but there was nothing that would've forewarned the awful things she would go on to do. Not like this kid Carson Weiss, who went crazy one prom night back in the 70's. His file is nuts.
(+1 point)

Rushing into the gym, you're startled by your own footsteps as their echo thunders across the court. Shhh, quietly now. Slowly, almost comically, you tiptoe toward the risers and hide under the bleachers. There you find one of the school's basketball uniforms. That's perplexing.
Does that mean there's a player running around naked somewhere?
(Fire White Olympic T-Shirt, Sport Tank & Shorts)

The pool posed an opportunity for a quick swim, but instead you ended up swimming in your own blood. [twisted]

Principal's Office
Now here's a room you've seen once or twice before, unfortunately. It's not like you really did anything wrong. The principal of Haverfield High is just totally bogus. Why just last week he took your... Wait, a sec. You search the bottom drawer of his desk, and there it is! Your Walkman! Ha! You: 1 - Principal: 0
(Keytar Madness)

Science Lab
Think about it. Just twelve hours ago you were in this very room, learning. Now here you are, hiding from a murderous psycho. On occasion you've thought that school would be the death of you, but you never wanted to die in school. Crouching behind your work station, you happen to peer inside the table compartment and something catches your eye at the back. Say, it's that money you thought you had lost! Aside from the aforementioned murderous psycho, this could be your lucky night.
(+600g [gold])

Student Records Room
Minutes tick by in the records room as you wait for something, anything to happen. In the meantime, you peruse the student files. Feeling a bit naughty, you find your own and read it while you giggle. It says you're a hard worker. That's good. Works well with others. This is true. Runs like a duck. That... Hey! "I don't run like a duck!" You think. "Do I?" Insulted, you pocket some change you found on a nearby table. You were going to leave it, but now they owe you.
(+400g [gold])

Where is everybody?X


-- Auto Shop - 500g - ALL SENT
Antagonist - x
EirianHikari - x
Mikio - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Mageling - x
Miscreant74 - x
SesshysMiko - x
wish - x
Xogizmoox - x

-- Cafeteria - Meatballs, Lemonade & Fruit Cake - ALL SENT
Damia Flagg - x
DariaMorgendorfer - x
GwenaHikari - x
Kay - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Yumeh - x

-- Guidance Office
Elirona - x
hummy - x
KatMagenta - x
Kent - x
lunanuova - x
musasgal - x
nike13 - x
PapillonCameo - x
The_Crow - x

-- Gym - Fire White Olympic Set - ALL SENT
Ascadellia - x
CK - x
liquidrage - x
Roachi - x

-- Pool
Arc Angel - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Shadami - x
shinigamikarasu - x
Utopia - x
Wrenji-chan - x
zigbigadorlube - x

-- Principal's Office - Keytar Madness - ALL SENT
Angel Spirit Girl - x
Cora - x
Jeannesha - x
Hamlet Spamlet - x
Maria-Minamino - x

-- Science Lab - 600g - ALL SENT
blueblackrose - x
Cardinal Biggles - x
Divacita - x
Hadsvich - x
Mnemosyne - x
Nema - x
Nephila - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
Whisper Invictus - x

-- Student Records Room - 400g - ALL SENT
Chexala - x
DivineHeart - x
dragoness129 - x
Dystopia - x
girlbot9 - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
Liztress - x
Midian - x
Saravi Boo - x
sjacklene - x
star2000shadow - x

BellyButton 10-12-2014 04:52 AM

Day Four StoryX The pool is kinda spooky at night. I think it’s kinda sexy. How ‘bout we go for a swim? Ooo, that sounds fun. Maybe a little skinny dipping? Now you’re talkin’! shinigamikarasu: Hello, you know we’re here too, right? You guys can join if you want to. Arc Angel: All right, I'm game! You're all such pervs. Rochiel Silverfire: This isn't the Playboy mansion. Less talking, more hiding! [walking to the pool’s edge and kneeling] But the water looks so inviting.

Suddenly, a hand shoots out of pool and grabs Bonnie by the throat, pulling her in. The blue water turns crimson. Bonnie!


After four years you think you’d know the school’s layout like the back of your hand. But night has turned Haverfield High into a labyrinth. You sat waiting in your hiding spot, unsure as to what to do next. But hearing screams in the distance forces you to flee. Left then right and back and forth, you somehow make it to the opposite end of the campus. Just then you spot Lawrence running. There you guys are. Where’s everyone else? Lawrence!

Andy and Paula run up out of the darkness. Andy! Paula! Are you guys okay? [out of breath] We’re fine. Where’s everyone else? I don’t know. I was…

From the direction of the gym, frantic sobs can be heard, quickly approaching. Lyndon appears, in hysterics. Lyndon, what’s wrong! Lyndon! Get a hold of yourself! [shaking] She got her, Lawrence. She got Bonnie! Utopia, Rochiel Silverfire, shinigamikarasu, Arc Angel too! They’re dead! Oh god! Bonnie!

Before his friends can console him, a nearby door flies open. Dr. Louis emerges, sprinting as hard as she can. Louis: Everybody run! She’s coming!

Without another thought, you all take off across the football field. You don’t dare look back. You’re took afraid. But curiosity outweighs the fear and looking over your shoulder a lump rises in your throat as you see Michelle Myles slowly approaching, her knife gleaming in the moonlight. Cross the field and past the bleachers you end up in the visitor’s parking lot. Gotta think fast! Where do we go know?! [looking around] There! [pointing across the street] The library! But it’s locked up tight! I’ve got your mom's keys! Louis: No time to second guess ourselves! Go!

You can’t recall ever seeing Haverfield’s streets so empty. It’s like everyone simply disappeared, or worse. Past the road, past the statue of ol’ Charlie Bowles and up the stone steps, you reach the library door. Lawrence struggles to find the right key, fumbling once or twice, but manages to get it open. Everybody inside! [the group rushes past him into the main lobby, all except Lyndon] Lyndon, what’re you doing?! Get in! [he hesitates, then shakes his head] No… No, I’m not. Don’t be crazy! She’s coming! No, I’m done guys. I can’t do this. I’m out of here! Lyndon, what are you talking about?! You didn’t see what she did to Bonnie, Lawrence! [grabbing Lyndon by the collar] Well I saw what she did to my mom! And I sure as hell am not giving up until I find out what happened to her, and neither are you! Now get your ass in here! You think you’re going to survive that long? Look at how many of us she’s killed. You’re already dead, Andy [pulling away from him] You’re already dead. But not me. I’m gone!

Quickly checking to see if the coast is clear, Lyndon turns right, running down the block and disappears into the night. [calling out] Lyndon! [upset] Let him go, Lawrence. Lock the door. [Lawrence complies] Everybody hide.

Day Four ResultsX
Location: Charlie Bowles Memorial Library

Children & Young Adults
You follow Lawrence into the children and young adults room. Nothing scary here, you tell yourself. Everything's happy and light-hearted. Look, the Wizard of Oz. Oh, Winnie the Pooh. And say, here's an old new article on Michelle Myles. "What's the hell," you exclaim fearfully. Lawrence takes a closer look. "There's some notes here too," he says. "I think someone was doing a school report on her. That's creepy." He reads the article aloud. It's from November 2, 1969. It states that in the past Michelle Myles had been committed to the Haverfield Psychiatric Hospital, and was now being evaluated there to see if she was sane or not. Lawrence laughs. "Do you think we should ask next time we see her?"
(+1 point)

Community Room
You often visit the library but tend to stay clear of the community room. That's because the average age of those who hangout here is sixty and up. The place definitely smells like grandparents. Underneath the furthest table, where you've chosen to hide, you discover some old lady's change purse. Ha, and those ol' fogies are always saying that kids don't know how to take care of their money.
(+500g [gold])

Foreign Language Books
Seeing as english is the only language you speak, there hasn't been occasion for you to venture into the foreign books room. It's rather nice. If it weren't for the whole being hunted down by a crazed killer thing, you could see yourself really relaxing in here. You pick up a nearby book and admire the illustrations. De Wellustige en Seksueel Expliciet Avonturen van Johan de Schoenmaker. You don't know what that means, but it sounds magical.
(Storybook Journey)

Library Storage
The library storage room is filled with boxes, old furniture and assorted books. Just what you would expect. But here's a blast from the past. A map from the pirate treasure hunt they held when you were a kid. All the children in town gathered to participate, but in the end the 'treasure' turned out to be the gift of reading. What a ripoff.
(Where's the rum?!)

Media Room
It was dark when you all split up, so you couldn't exactly see which room you were entering. But if you had known it was the media room, you'd have turned right around. Too late now. You don't want to be stuck alone out in the main area. Your dislike stems from an incident that happened as a kid. Virgil Alvin, the mean ol' head librarian back then, caught you and your friends playing around. He marched you three into the media room and forced you to watch a 25 minute filmstrip from the 50's about library etiquette, and then made you right a paper on it! You hated Mr. Alvin, and out of spite you pocket some money from the library donation box.
(+600g [gold])

News Archives
Staying safe is paramount, but you also came to the news archives on a mission. You're determined to find what Michelle Myles is all about. But search as you may, many of the articles about her seem to be missing. That's a bummer. You do read up, though, on a woman named Frieda Krueper, who killed a bunch of kids in the neighboring town of Springleaf. She sounds like a nightmare.
(+1 point)

Reference Room
Many a Haverfield high school student has used the reference room when writing their school reports, yourself included. Perusing the books, you see one is missing. You try to recall which one and remember it was an illustrated guide of the human anatomy. On closer inspection you spot a note and some money. The note reads: 'Sorry, I hope this pays for the book.' Ugh. "Sicko," you say to yourself as you take the cash.
(+700g [gold])

Staff Lounge
You can only live in a state of sheer terror for so long before things get boring. And the library's staff lounge is as exciting as watching paint dry. There's not even anything good in the fridge, just a bottle of tomato and clam juice. Yuck. For fun you try on some coasts hanging from a nearby rack, and pleasantly one of them really seems to suit you. And the weather is getting chillier...
(Red Marvolo Coat)

Where is everybody?X

-- Children & Young Adults
Angel Spirit Girl - x
DariaMorgendorfer - x
girlbot9 - x
Hadsvich - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
KatMagenta - x
Liztress - x
musasgal - x
Nephila - x
PapillonCameo - x
Ruby Red - x
spicedroses - x

-- Community Room - 500g - ALL SENT
dragoness129 - x
EirianHikari - x
Jeannesha - x

-- Foreign Language Books - Storybook Journey - ALL SENT
CK - x
GwenaHikari - x
Mnemosyne - x
Roachi - x
Saravi Boo - x
wish - x
Utopia - x
Vox - x
zigbigadorlube - x
Xogizmoox - x

-- Library Storage - Where's the rum? - ALL SENT
Antagonist - x
Ascadellia - x
Cardinal Biggles - x
Chexala - x
Cora - x
Kay - x
Mageling - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Nema - x
SesshysMiko - x
sjacklene - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

-- Media Room - 600g - ALL SENT
blueblackrose - x
Divacita - x
Elirona - x
fireprincess - x
Kent - x
liquidrage - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
shinigamikarasu - x

-- News Archives
Hamlet_Spamlet - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Mikio - x
Roxxy - x
Shadami - x
The_Crow - x
Velvet - x
Whisper Invictus - x

-- Reference Room - 700g -- ALL SENT
DivineHeart - x
Dystopia - x
evilcupcakecat - x
GummyBearKisses - x
lunanuova - x
Miscreant74 - x

-- Staff Lounge - Red Marvolo Coat - ALL SENT
Damia Flagg - x
star200shadow - x
Wrenji-chan - x

Captain Howdy 10-12-2014 05:40 AM

Day Five StoryX

The night feels never ending. You wait, hiding in the library, with your heart beating in your throat. You hate to admit it, but you’re waiting for the screams. Wondering who will be Michelle Myles next victim. Praying it won’t be you. But as the minutes tick on, all that can be heard is silence. Finally, you gather your courage and leave your hiding spot, venturing back out into the main area. The others seem to be having the same idea, and soon you’re all gathered together again. [looking around] Wait, is everyone here? Did- did we all survive? Holy shit, we’re all here! Did we lose her? Louis: [heaving a sigh of relief] A blessed reprieve. Let’s hope she’s lost our scent. That was quick thinking, Lawrence, spotting the library. [enjoying the compliment] Ah, it was nothin’. But I can’t believe Lyndon would abandon us like that. [with resentment] Yeah well, he made his choice. What do we do now, Dr. Louis? Louis: We get back to the van… [interjecting] We need to see if my mom is okay! Louis: Of course. But… [selecting her words carefully] in any case, it is important that we return to the van and I get you all to safety. Once that is done, I will continue looking for Michelle. I don’t know where she’s gone, but I have to find her and stop her, one way or another. Than I guess there’s no use in hanging around here any longer. [taking the lead, he carefully unlocks the old, wooden library door and pulls it open] [down the walkway, he stops, and a guttural moan escapes him] Oh no…

Sixty years ago, a wealthy entrepreneur by the name of Charlie Bowles left Haverfield a sizable amount of money in his will. The town used part of this money to build a library. They dedicated the new building to him and erected a statue of Bowles at the bottom of the steps leading up to the front entrance. Over the years, many a person has sat at the feet of ol’ Charlie, under the watch of his calming gaze.
But now, there against the backdrop of this horrible night, sits a figure slumped at the statue’s base that is all but calming. It is the corpse of your friend Lyndon. [with sadness he approaches] Lyndon… [he hangs his head, then turns to look at the others] We never lost her. She knew we were in the library. This is a message. She’s not going to let us escape. Oh god! [bringing a hand to her mouth] Louis: [with severity] We need to keep moving.

The return trip around the school is a sad one. Any sense of hope gained inside the library has been lost. With careful vigilance, you manage to reach the student parking lot again. Dr. Louis’ van still sits where it was left, but the patrol car and Sheriff Bradshaw are gone. [scanning the area] She’s not here! There’s blood on the ground, but she’s gone. Man, I hope she’s safe. Remember what she said? That there was something about Michelle Myles they tried to hide. Do you know what that’s about, Dr. Louis? Louis: [shaking her head] No, I can’t possibly think what that could be. I assumed I knew everything about Michelle, but it seems she still has some secrets yet. And I’m betting it’s why she’s came back to Haverfield. So where do we go next, doc? [just as Dr. Louis is about to argue] There’s nowhere we can run. We can’t escape her. We need to stick together and see this to the end. Is everyone agreed? [the group, some more hesitant than others, agree] Back at the library we found an old news article about Michelle Myles. It said before she was arrested she spent some time at the psych hospital. If we’re looking for clues, that might be a good place to start. Louis: [troubled] I wish I felt better about this. But I think you’re right, Andy. We need to see this to the end. [pauses] I also wish your mother hadn’t taken my gun.

Roughly twenty minutes from school, on the outskirts of town, is located the Haverfield Psychiatric Hospital. Dr. Louis explained that the HPH was currently being renovated, as some of its patients had been transferred to Smythe’s Meadow. So the building should be empty. Pulling up front, the hospital is enormous, spreading out far to the east and west. You scan the road behind you, looking for any sign of your pursuer, but all is still. Geez, I wouldn’t wanna be locked up here. If we survive this night, we may need to be. Damn Paula, did you have to say ‘if’? [warily eyeing the hospital] I hope we don’t meet anyone new. There’s a nasty trend of them getting stabbed.

Sheriff Bradshaw’s key ring once again serves you well. Finding the key marked HPH, Lawrence manages to get the doors open. The darkened admissions area is a bit spooky. Spending Halloween night in an empty psychiatric hospital is definitely not your idea of fun. Moving past the waiting room you find yourselves in a vast corridor that stretches ahead, to the left and the right. Louis: We need to find where the files are kept. The layout of these places is pretty standard. So…

From down the hall a door opens and there are footsteps. The beam from a flashlight is pointed in your direction. You freeze. Chamberlain: Who’s there?! [hopelessly] It seems the trend continues. Chamberlain: What the… Who are all of you?! How did you get in here?! Sorry. We um… kind of let ourselves in with the sheriff’s key. Chamberlain: The sheriff? [stepping back from them] Sheriff Bradshaw was attacked earlier this evening. You know about my mom?! What happened to her?! Where is she?! Chamberlain: You’re Sheriff Bradshaw’s son? Well, it was on the radio. They found her in her car, unconscious behind the wheel. She was taken to the clinic. Andy, that’s great! Chamberlain: But that doesn’t explain what all of you are doing here. Louis: Excuse me, are you perhaps Dr. Marlon Chamberlain? Chamberlain: [surprised] Why, yes. Louis: I thought so. We met once, a long time ago. I’m Dr. Samantha Louis, from the hospital in Smythe’s Meadow. You’ll have to forgive the intrusion of myself and my young friends. You’ll also have to forgive me for my curtness, but time is not a luxury we have. We need your help, Dr. Chamberlain. It concerns Michelle Myles. Chamberlain: [stiffens] Michelle Myles? Now why on earth should this concern her? As I understand it, the girl has been unresponsive for the past fifteen years. Louis: Because she has woken up, if you would. Yesterday evening Michelle escaped from Smythe’s Meadow and she has now returned to Haverfield. And she is not the docile patient she once was. Michelle has killed more than a dozen people, Dr. Chamberlain. Chamberlain: [fearful, in spite of himself] You can’t honestly expect me to believe that. We’re not lying, you old fool! She attacked my mom! Please. Sheriff Bradshaw said there was a secret about Michelle Myles. Something they tried to hide. Whatever that is, it may be the reason she came back. Chamberlain: [taken aback] A secret? No, I… I’m afraid I can’t help you! You’ll all have to leave! Louis: Dr. Chamberlain, if you know what the secret is, you have to tell us! Chamberlain: No, I cannot be apar...

A loud commotion suddenly sounds from the admissions areas. Dr. Chamberlain turns. Chamberlain: What is that?! More friends of yours, I suppose. Dr. Chamberlain no, wait!

He throws open the doors, only to be greeted by a knife through the chest. Removing the blade, Dr. Chamberlain drops and the menacing figure of Michelle Myles stands before you once more. Everyone run!

Day Five ResultsX
Location: Haverfield Psychiatric Hospital

Day Room
If asked, your preconceived notion of what a psychiatric patient does all day would be to just stare at the wall. But the day room actually looks like a lot of fun. There's books and a stereo and a TV and... Wow, a Catari 5100! Radical! And they've got everything! Frigger. Hac Man. Oh, and the Marvelous Moustache Bros. You haven't played this one yet. 8-Bit gaming never looked so good!
(Marvelous Moustache Bros.)

Dr. Chamberlain's Office
As you duck inside Dr. Chamberlain's office, it's obvious the man wasn't expecting company tonight. On his desk sits an open bottle of scotch, in addition to some questionable reading material. Might as well do some sleuthing while you're here. You quietly search the files for any mention of Michelle Myles, but come up empty. Next you check the desk drawers. Inside you find a spreadsheet, detailing bets some of the doctors have made about the recovery of certain patients. Next to it sits a pile of cash. The more you learn about Dr. Chamberlain, the more you dislike him.
(+800g [gold])

Maybe you should lie down. You look dead on your feet.

Laundry Room
Madly feeling for the first unlocked door in the shadowy hall, you rush inside and crash into a large metal table. Ow! You're going to be sore in the morning. ... If you're alive in the morning. You'd knock on wood, but there doesn't seem to be any in the large laundry room. There's also really nowhere to hide, so you dive into a nearby bin. And inside you fine some curious things. A pirate hat. A captain's uniform. Pixie wings. The only explanation that springs to mind is they were for a play. Digging further, you uncover a real treasure. The most beautiful gown you've ever seen!
(Gown of the Spider)

Men's Shower
Uh oh. Ducking into the men's shower room may have been a big mistake. It's cold, it's damp, your footsteps echo like you're walking through a cave. And to cap it off, there's nowhere to hide. A bad choice, but you sure as hell aren't going back out into the hall. All you can do is stick to the corners and try to be still as possible. Nearby are some robes on a hook and you cover yourself in one. It's surprisingly soft and offers a modicum of comfort.
(Ice Embassador)

Room 707
As you, Paula and your friends enter room 707, you're met with a startling surprise. There on the floor, is that blood?! Whew, no. On closer inspection it reveals itself to be paint. The renovators must have spilled it. Switching off the light, you all crouch along the perimeter of the room. Wallpaper has been torn down and some drywall removed. "Huh, what's this?" Paula says. You look and she's removed something from in the wall. Rising, she flicks the switch back on and gasps. "It's Michelle Myles file! What was it doing..." But before she can finish her sentence, there's a ruckus in the corridors. Running, and screams in the distance. Time to leave! You can read the file later.
(+1 point)

Shock Treatment
If you weren't so busy being terrified by a knife-wielding maniac, you just might be scared of whatever ghost is surely haunting the nightmarish shock treatment room. One of your friends dares you to lie back on the central bench. Not wanting to look chicken in front of the others, you tentatively do so. Your mind begins to race and your heart beats faster. "BZZZZZ!" Your friends shout. You scream and fall of the bench. "That's not funny!" You say angrily. You're about to stand up when you spot something under the nearby machine. Coinage! Tubular!
(+600g [gold])

Women's Bathroom
You follow the corridor, running til you can run no further and take a sharp right into the nearest room. It's the women's restroom. Finding the last stall, you climb up on the toilet and wait. You reach back to steady yourself against the wall as you lose balance and one of the tiles comes loose. There's something inside. It's a folded note and some money. The note reads: "Hurry and get the goods inside. I think they're started to suspect me. I want this over by Thursday. We're going to make those doctors pay!"
(+700g [gold])

Where is everybody?X

-- Day Room - Marvelous Mustache Bros. - ALL SENT
Divacita - x
EirianHikari - x
KatMagenta - x
salvete - x
star2000shadow - x
Xya - x

-- Dr. Chamberlain's Office - 800g - ALL SENT
Angel Spirit Girl - x
Cardinal Biggles - x
Chexala - x
Hadsvich - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Kay - x
musasgal - x
Nema - x
Papillon Cameo - x
Saravi Boo - x
Shadami - x
Vox - x
wish - x
Xogizmoox - x

-- Infirmary
Cora - x
Dystopia - x
The_Crow - x
Utopia - x
Wrenji-chan - x

-- Laundry Room - Gown of the Spider - ALL SENT
Ascadellia - x
girlbot9 - x
GwenaHikari - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Midian - x
pollik17 - x
Ruby Red - x
Velvet - x
zigbigadorlube - x

-- Men's Shower - Ice Embassador - ALL SENT
hummy - x
Jeannesha - x
Kent - x
lunanuova - x
sushi_mew - x
Whisper Invictus - x

-- Room 707
Antagonist - x
Blueblackrose - x
CK - x
Damia Flagg - x
Elirona - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
Liztress - x
Roachi - x
sjacklene - x

-- Shock Treatment - -600g - ALL SENT
DariaMorgendorfer - x
DivineHeart - x
Mageling - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Mikio - x
Miscreant74 - x
Mnemosyne - x
Nephila - x
Popcorn Gun - x
Seito - x
Shinigamikarasu - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

-- Women's Bathroom - 700g - ALL SENT
beautiful_psycho - x
dragoness129 - x

BellyButton 10-12-2014 02:40 PM

Day Six StoryX Cora: There's so many beds in here. What is this room? The_Crow: Is this like where people come to do it? Dystopia: It's an infirmary, you dummies. Cora: Ew, where they keep the sick patients?! Dystopia: [in an aggressive whisper] Keep your voices down! Now everyone hide under the beds. The_Crow: There's a bunch of dust bunnies under this one. Cora: Gross, there's a bed pan under mine. Dystopia: And what's under my bed, Goldilocks? It's...

You’ve heard them more than once tonight, but the sounds of screaming isn’t any less horrific. Well you're not going to be a sitting duck! You brave the corridors once more and meet up with some of your compatriots in the dark. You’re not too sure where you are, but a sudden series of shouts prompts you to move quicker. Just then you see Lawrence, pointing everyone back through the waiting room and out into the open. Dr. Louis and the others then emerge and you all race back to the van. Get this thing going, doc! Louis: No need to tell me twice! [starting the van, she puts the pedal to the metal and zooms off] Wait, some of us are missing! Louis: [sadly] They didn’t make it. The_Crow. Dystopia. Cora. Not Cora. She was only one day away from retirement. What do you mean? As French club president. How the hell does she keep following us? I swear she’s not human. Louis: You’re right. There is nothing human left about Michelle. So where do we go now? Oh, we found this hidden in one of the patient rooms. It’s Michelle Myles’ file. Louis: Good work, Paula. What does it say? Let’s see. [she skims the papers] It says she was first admitted to the HPH when she was twelve for antisocial behavior and her inability to function in most social situations. Wow, twelve years old. … She would return to the hospital off and on for the next six years. … After Michelle Myles murdered her parents, she was diagnosed with sociopathic personality disorder and subsequently catatonia. Louis: [bitterly] She was never catatonic. She was faking. I tried to tell them that, but they wouldn’t listen. That’s weird. The last document is all blacked out. Lemme see. [Paula hands it to him] Man, they really did want to keep this a secret. [switching on the overhead light] Wait, I think I can make something out here. … rose… Rose Wood. What does that mean? [eyes widening] Rose Wood? You mean Rose Wood Orphanage? Oh yeah! But they shut that place down like ten years ago? Is that where we need to go? What do you think, Dr. Louis? Louis: It would be preferable if we had more to go on, but right now it’s our only viable clue. So that’s our next stop. What does Michelle Myles have to do with Rose Wood? She wasn’t an orphan. Well, she was after she murdered her parents.

Though most of you hadn’t ventured into these densely wooded and sparsely populated parts of Haverfield before, you were able to successfully instruct Dr. Louis on how to reach the abandoned orphanage. Of all the places you’ve been so far, this is undoubtedly the worst. Flanked by forest, the old mansion towers over you menacingly, and you half expect Michelle Myles to pop out of the overgrowth at any minute. Sheriff Bradshaw’s key ring isn’t much help here, but a little shoulder work from the boys is enough to force the front door open. Somehow, inside is even worse than outside, musty and bare and decorated with cobwebs. It makes you think that tonight is indeed Halloween. Louis: I know it’s dark, but we don’t know what we’re looking for, so check every corner. If you find anything that seems noteworthy, take it. And most importantly, don’t wander off alone.

Checking over his shoulder, Andy notices his best friend has pulled away from the group. Lawrence carefully surveys the shadowy hall, running his hands along the ornate wooden banister. You okay, Lawrence. You’re being kinda spacey. [coming back to himself] Hmm, what… Oh yeah, no, I’m fine. [furrowing his brow] You sure? [nodding] Uh-huh. Louis: [approaching] Are you two ready? Yeah, Dr. Louis. Louis: Then let’s be quick about this. And good luck to us all.

Day Six ResultsX
Location: Rose Wood Orphanage

Boy's Dorm
The room is dark, but upon entering the boys dorm the first thing you notice is that one of the windows has been broken. You stop and call your friends to silence. The wind blows, but there is another sound, like a strange clicking. Just then, a swarm of bats swoop down from the shadowy ceiling. You hit the floor and crawl under the nearest bed. Praying you won't need later need a rabies shot, you spot something in the slats under the bed. It's money! Thank you, bat friends!
(+700g [gold])

Dining Hall
Close your eyes and you swear the echoes of children can still be heard, chattering and laughing before their plates. Opening them again, you gasp. In the vague moonlight, you could have sworn someone was sitting at one of the tables. Approaching, you find a pair of make believe faerie wings, resting on the back of a chair. On the table is carved the words: "I wish I were a real faerie, so I could fly away from here."
(Viola Faerie Wings)

Director's Office
There's still quite a bit of furniture left in the old director's office, including the heavy oak desk. You check the drawers, but find nothing inside. Removing them, you reach into the desk frame and your fingers touch a bit of paper. It's a sealed envelope. Inside is a stack of bills and a letter. It reads: "Clarissa. We need to talk, but I can't seem to get you alone lately. It concerns the matter of what happened that day. We both know it was a mistake. One that will not be repeated, and one that certainly doesn't need to be revealed. Keep in mind that I have been the director at Rose Wood for more than two decades, and I am highly respected. You wouldn't want to do anything to tarnish that, would you? And if so, perhaps I can persuade you otherwise."
(+900g [gold])

Discipline Room
You've reached an empty, unassuming room on the first floor. Nothing to see, really, but a curious break in the paneling catches your eyes. You push against the wood and are surprised to find that it is a secret door to a small, concrete room. What's inside sends a shiver down your spine. A single chair, a leather strap and a poem scratched into the wall.
"Master knows what's best for me
and so I say this rhyme.
Pennies for swears and nickels for sass,
but lying costs a dime.
Now cheating is a quarter sum
and stealing takes a dollar.
But master says if I'm really bad,
he's gonna make me holler.
(+800g [gold])

Matron's Room
"July 1958 -- I've settled into my room here at the Rose Wood orphanage. Only after unpacking my belongings did I allow myself to heave a sigh of relief. A new start in a new town. I pray Haverfield will be good to me. After what happened last year, I left Diamond Lake and vowed never to return. But in my dreams I can still see Jane, thrashing about in the water. It haunts me."
(+1 point)

You obviously knew that children once roamed these halls. But it hadn't occurred to you there may have once been babies as well. The vacant cribs, scattered across the room, lay open like gaping mouths, begging to be fed. Your stomach turns at the thought, but more so at what you spot in the corner. A lone crib, stained with blood. Fearfully, you approach and pull back the blanket. You stifle a scream! It's a dead crow! The bloodied creature is frightening, but pales against your next thought. The windows are shut. Who put the bird here?
(Murder on the Wing)

Hope you're good at playin' dead.

School Room
Dusty tables and chairs spread out haphazardly across the room. Imagine having to eat, sleep and go to school, all in the same building. Approaching the blackboard, you can just make out something written. The word 'detention' is underlined and underneath it reads: "You've been a bad, bad girl, Jennifer." There's also an obscured message about a stray dog, but it's too hard to read. Creepy.
(Detention for you!)

Where is everybody?X

-- Boy's Dorm - 700g - ALL SENT
evilcupcakecat - x
Kent - x
lunanuova - x
Midian - x
Mikio - x
Shadami - x
The_Crow - x

-- Dining Hall - Viola Fearie Wings - ALL SENT
DariaMorgendorfer - x
dragoness129 - x
EirianHikari - x
fireprincess - x

-- Director's Office - 900g - ALL SENT
Angel Spirit Girl - x
HamletSpamlet - x
musasgal - x
Nema - x

-- Discipline Room - 800g - ALL SENT
blueblackrose - x
DivineHeart - x
Dystopia - x
hummy - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
liquidrage - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Nephila - x
sushi_mew - x

-- Matron's Room
Cardinal Biggles - x
Cora - x
Hadsvich - x
Miscreant74 - x
Roxxxy - x
shinigamikarasu - x
wish - x

-- Nursery - Murder on the Wing - All SENT
Ascadellia - x
CK - x
Divacita - x
Elirona - x
GummyBearKisses - x
GwenaHikari - x
Jeannesha - x
Liztress - x
Mageling - x
PapillonCameo - x
Roachi - x
Saravi Boo - x
sjacklene - x
Utopia - x
Velvet - x

-- Playroom
Antagonist - x
girlboy9 - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Mnemosyne - x
Seito - x
spicedroses - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
Whisper Invictus - x
Wrenji-chan - x
Xogizmoox - x

-- School Room - Detenton for you! -- ALL SENT
Chexala - x
Damia Flagg - x
KatMagenta - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
star2000shadow - x
Vox - x
ziigbigadorlube - x

Captain Howdy 10-13-2014 02:19 AM

Day Seven StoryX Whisper Invictus: Gee, toys in an empty house. That's not spooky at all. Antagonist: I know. I can't wait to get out... Oh, a bouncy buddy! [climbs on] I had one of these when I was a kid! SuperZombiePotatoe: Did you look ridiculous then, too? spicedroses: C'mon, be nice. After a night like this, we need something to lighten the mood. Iro: Hey, did Lawrence seem to be acting strange to you? Seito: Yeah, ever since we got here. Iro: I wonder. You don't think he... Xogizmoox: Look guys, it's one of those clowns you punch and it falls over. [punches] ... Uh oh, I don't think this is a clown...

You’re all still split up, desperately searching for something, but not knowing exactly what that is. A few of you, including Lawrence, Andy, Paula and Dr. Louis, have reached one of the dusty upstairs bedrooms. There isn’t much to look through, though, and soon you’ve come up empty again. [frustrated] Shit, we’ve been all over this house, and nothing! Maybe we should go back downstairs and check the… Woah! [she stumbles] What happened?! Ow, I tripped. On a loose floorboard. [squinting, she stoops down] Hey, there’s something underneath here. [reaching inside] It’s a book! [she hands it to Dr. Louis] Louis: [opening the front cover] I can’t make out what it says, it’s far too dark in this room. Let’s go out into the hall.

Leaving the bedroom, Dr. Louis steps over to the moonlight shining through a nearby window. Louis: [speaking as she reads] It’s a diary… of a woman named Margaret Carol. … She was the orphanage matron, it appears. [continuing to scan the pages] There isn’t really anything I can see here that’s of interest. Basically the everyday… Wait, what’s this?! Oh my! [reading] “August 1967. Yesterday evening, while the children slept, a new charge was brought into the orphanage, an infant, and given to the nurse. This was unusual, as normally I receive reports on new wards. But in this case I was told nothing. I confronted Director Heffman about the matter after breakfast and he said I needn’t be concerned. I continued to press the issue throughout the day, and he took me aside. The child, he relented, was given birth to by a young girl named Michelle Myles. Her parents were quite ashamed by the events, and saw fit to put the baby up for adoption, as the girl is only sixteen, unmarried and a bit touched in the head. The parents then requested that all documentation be erased, for fear the girl may return someday to reclaim her child. After being told this, Director Heffman asked me to swear my secrecy, which I did. It’s a sad tale, to be sure, but better that the little one is raised by a proper family. I don’t imagine the baby will be here very long, the young ones are always adopted quickly.” [Dr. Louis finishes reading] This is it! This is the secret! Does it say who adopted the baby? Louis: [quickly searching the rest of the diary] No, it ends not too long after that entry. Damn! Hold on a sec… 1967? That was… [blankly] Seventeen years ago.

You all turn to Lawrence. In the glow of the moon, you’re startled to see the ghostly expression painted on his face. His breath comes quicker and he begins to tremble. Seventeen years ago. [looking at his friends helplessly] It’s me. She came back for me. I’m her son! [incredulously] What?! That’s crazy! You’re not… I’m adopted, Andy! -- I never told you guys, but it’s true! I was born in August of 1967, put up for adoption and spent a month here at Rose Wood when I was a baby! Oh my god! I never knew who my birth parents were … But that’s why she attacked the party. That’s why she keeps following us. [with despair] Michelle Myles is my mother!

Further down the hall, an eruption of noise sounds from one of the back rooms. In an instant, Lawrence bolts away toward the source. Louis: Lawrence!

Hastily following, you reach him just as he throws open the playroom door. You scream! The room is a bloodbath! Iroase Delchatten, SuperZombiePotatoe, spicedroses, Seito, Xogizmoox, Whisper Invictus and Antagonist too. They’re dead! And there, in the midst of it all looms Michelle Myles. Lawrence moves past the doorway and stands before her. [shouting] Lawrence, no! [angrily he addresses her] I know who you are! I know why you’re here! You came back for me! Well here I am! I’m not going to run! Just leave my friends alone!

Betraying no emotion, Michelle Myles peers at Lawrence from within the cavernous depths of her mask. Slowly she raises her left arm, reaching toward him. Lawrence tenses, but doesn’t flinch. The group is a mix of fear and confusion as they watch on, then abruptly she grabs him by the shirt collar and pushes him to the ground. Andy calls out Lawrence’s name and charges at her. But Michelle is too fast. In an instant, she has Andy by throat, lifting him into the air with inhuman strength. He struggles, but in vein. Michelle readies her knife. [screams] Andy!

Paula breaks past Dr. Louis, rushing at the monster and grabbing her by the arm.
Michelle drops Andy, turning her attention to Paula and thrusts the knife into the girl’s abdomen. A look of disbelief covers Paula’s face. She opens her mouth, but no sound emerges, and then falls to the floor. [his face twisted with fury] Paula!!

Quickly Andy is on his feet. With a howl of rage, he bum rushes Michelle Myles with all his might. The creature is violently sent staggering backwards, and, before she can regain her footing, crashes through the second story window. For a moment the room is still. Andy hurries to Paula’s side. [distraught] Paula, baby, you’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you to the clinic. [smiles weekly] I guess I shouldn’t have said ‘if’. … Y’know, you’re a real bonehead sometimes, Andy-- but I think that’s why I love you. And I’ve always really liked being your girl. Thank you. [he takes her hand] You’re still my girl, baby. You’ll always be my girl. You know that, right?

But Paula doesn’t respond and Andy begins to weep. --- Dr. Louis crosses the room and looks out the window. Louis: [frightened] She’s gone. Michelle is still alive. [tears running down his cheek] It’s my fault. It’s my fault they’re all… [furious] Shut up! You shut your mouth, Lawrence Stroud! It’s not your fault! If you have time to whine, you’ve got time to do something about it! Andy… [he stands] No more hiding. It’s time to end this. Louis: Yes. No more running. No more searching. We know what Michelle wants. We know who she wants. And if I’m right, I know where she’s headed. It’s time to go back to where all this began.

More than once you wished this Halloween would be over. But riding now, perhaps for the last time, in Dr. Louis’ van, you feel that soon it finally will be over, and you’re fearful. Fearful because you know the night will end in one of two ways, and so far the odds have not been in your favor. Until you reach your destination, the ride is silent. Only hours ago there were so many of you, but your numbers have diminished, and what’s left stands ready to face Michelle Myles for the last time. I’ll protect you, Lawrence. I promise to protect you with my life. But I don’t care that she’s your mother. This is where it stops. I’m going to fight. And given the chance, I will kill her. [he turns to look at his friend with dire intent] Not if I do it first.

And without further word, the group advances up the walk toward the abandoned home of Michelle Myles.

BellyButton 10-15-2014 06:20 PM

Captain Howdy 10-15-2014 09:56 PM

HIM_ROCK 10-29-2014 08:51 PM

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: [BASEMENT]

Come on serial killers !

Shadami 10-29-2014 08:53 PM

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: i'm off to the rec room (maybe there's some video games)

Roxxxy 10-29-2014 08:54 PM

Bonnie is adorable! [heart]

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: Garage

KatMagenta 10-29-2014 08:57 PM

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: Kitchen

All sorts of useful things seem to gravitate towards kitchen cupboards. [:B]

Mikio 10-29-2014 09:01 PM

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: Basement

star2000shadow 10-29-2014 09:04 PM

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: Basement

Seito 10-29-2014 09:35 PM

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: Office

Cardinal Biggles 10-29-2014 09:38 PM

Ah, the 80s. *Goes off to find the St. Elmo's Fire soundtrack*

Mnemosyne 10-29-2014 09:43 PM

Where could those fuses be?
I'll search the: basement! [write map area here]

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