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Sinsue Hoshigo 11-07-2014 09:59 PM

Tales of Sins and Chello
Name- Hoteru(star)
Age- looks in her 20s
Race- elemental spirit, guardian
Skin- slightly tan/pale
Height- 5'5''
Weight/body type- 135lbs, thin but has some muscle
Hair- knee length ivy colored slightly curled hair
Eyes- Moss green, almost teal

Earth- Shinrin(Shin)
Water- Mizu
Wind- Kaze
Fire- Kaji
Ice- Icora
Thunder- Jultz

Life- Sheva

Lesser Spirites(first successful spirites to escape)

Lady Chello 11-08-2014 01:10 AM
Name: Devian (Blade)
Age: 23
Race: Elvin human
Weight: 220lb
Hight: 6'2
Hair: Long down to his knees. He wears his red hair in a simple ponytail.
Power: uses mana and special arts with his sword.
Name: Natsuki (hope)
Power: Healing and support.
Story: Natsu is the sister of Drakus.

Story: Suki gained her power from Celestial spirit Lestzer. She has been endowed with his power and abilities making her a Celestial spirit of Reincarnation and Balance. She has the power over fire and earth besides her own arts now. As the spirit of Reincarnation and Balance is charged with finding the greater spirits and bringing balance to the manna flow.


Story: Lestzer is the Celestial spirit of Reincarnation and Balance. He is very powerful and wise. He along with Hotaru were two of the only awoken Great Spirits. Their goal had been to awaken the others who fell during the war. They had gathered the orbs that the other spirit had transformed into in one temple. Lestzer had fallen for a young madin who had powers unlike any human or spirit in the world today. She possessed a pure heart something even harder to find. He secretly longed to be with her one day once his job was finished. However a attack on temple left him with the choice of letting his beloved girl die or using the last of his power to save her. He chose to save her after she had defended him along with the other great spirits who rested in the temple. The other spirits while asleep gave some of there manna to the girl restoring her health.

Lestzer was put into a deep sleep his own orb resting in Suki the one he longed to be with. He had made a promise to her to never leave her. Skui's meeting of the lesser spirits caused Lestzer to awaken. He gave her his power making her a new guardian. If anyone could save the world and make the spirits and humans believe in one another again it was her and the beautiful Star.

Name: Drakus
Age: 30
Race: Human
Story: Is the head of the secret organization researching the potential of spits. As far as anyone knows he is a simple scientists.[/QUOTE]

Drakus walked around the new machine they had came up with. This would surly take care of the spirits. People were fools to believe that spirits were needed to keep the balance. He laughed at the idea. He looked around as he realized the time. He quickly left the room as he exited the science academy. It was near midnight he knew his dear sister would be looking for him. She hadn't been well since the loss of their parents. He knew she would worry about him.

He made his way home to the large mansion near the kings palace. The servants rushed to open the door for him. He inspected the house as he walked in. He liked things a certain way. He was happy to see that they had done their jobs well. He paused at the door way that lead into the dinning room. He could tell that his sister looked up set. He took his set as their dinner was severed to them. He could tell that she was fretting about some water spirit Mizu he thought was what she called. All she talked about was it. He could tell the spirit hadn't been around again today. Though if he had it his way it would never be around.

Natsuki sat in her chair at the dinning room table. She was sad again today. This made the sixth day she hadn't seen Mizu. She knew people here didn't care for the spirits. However Mizu was so kind she had taken a shin to it. It made her sad that she hadn't seen it. She wondered if the spirit was ok. Her eyes shifted to the large grandfather clock. Her brother was late again.

She wasn't sure what her brother did. For the past year he was always late. She never asked made plans with him anymore. He would forget or show up late. Most of the time she spent her days with the people or servants. Something was different with her brother. The happy boy she knew was gone. Honestly the new man that she saw enter the room scared her. There was something dark about this man. This was not her best friend from childhood. She sat there and ate her dinner in silence as he liked.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-08-2014 01:45 AM

"Hoteru please, I'm sure she's very worried about me." Mizu said but Hoteru just frowned as she looked over the kingdom that rested below the mountain. "It's too dangerous right now, until we know what her brother is doing we can't make anymore contact with her. Sheva is down investigating right now, as soon as she's back we'll head down and check for ourselves, we can't risk her brother seeing you again, that goes for you three as well" Hoteru said then looked at the other three great spirits. Soon Sheva could be seen flying back to the summit and landed on Hoteru's hand gently. "My lady it seems they are constructing a mana cannon even larger then the last on, and this time it looks like all the spirits in that area have vanished or run off." she said and Hoteru frown before nodding. "Shin, we're taking the underground rout." she said before walking outside and watched as Shin preformed the art that let them walk underground along with breathe okay. Soon they were quickly heading towards the lab not knowing security had been kicked up.

Lady Chello 11-08-2014 01:59 AM

Blade looked around as he casually made his way through town. His brother had went missing a week ago. The last place anyone had saw him was here. This strange town full of modern technology. One of the other students said his brother was taken to the science lab. His brother Dr. Leevon Maxius had come here to further his studies. It was a honor for him to be chosen to come here.

But the more Blade learned of this place the more he wondered if it wasn't a curse. Something seemed differently wrong here. He hadn't seen one spirit. The place felt dead to him. He made his way to the large extravagant building. "Large over the top. Yes it screams cover up." He said to himself as he gazed at it from a safe distance. He was trying to get up the nerve to break in.He had no choice with his brother missing. All witnesses saw him enter this strange building. But no one has seen him leave yet.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-08-2014 02:19 AM

Hoteru sent out Shin to see if there was a way in but found only one so had to come up with the help of the spirits starting to use Mizu to walk on the water to find the water-way entrance. She didn't even notice that anyone else was there or anything. "Kaji I'm going to need you and Shinrin to destroy the mana cannon when we get in there, Kaze I'm going to need you to keep an eye out for traps" she said softly as they started to make their way inside trying to be as quiet as possible to not rouse suspicion.

Lady Chello 11-08-2014 06:10 AM

Blade turned as he heard something. He walked over to the other side. Peering over the rail as he saw a young woman walking on water. "What the...." He said to himself more in shock than anything. He wasn't paying attention and leaned over to far. "AHH!!!" He screamed startled by his misshape. He closed his eyes ready to meet the water. Instead he found he landed on his feet somehow. He open his eyes as he looked around. He looked down as he saw he was standing on the water instead of in it. 'What...." he was about to say when he stared at the girl.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-08-2014 04:38 PM

"Leave child, go home you don't need to involve yourself with this." Hoteru said before motioning for Mizu to make a path under the water and slowly make her way through it and used Kaze to plot out their path that lead right into the chamber where the mana cannon was. "these humans aren't very bright are they? Well I suppose only water and earth spirits would be able to get through here... no mortal would be able to swim this far without hitting their heads when they try to come up for air." she murmured while making her way to the room where the mana cannon was being stored.

Lady Chello 11-08-2014 04:58 PM

Blade stared at the strange girl. "HEY!!!" He yelled as she tried to vanish on him. He rolled his eyes annoyed with her name calling. "Stupid girl she is going to get herself in trouble." He mumbled to himself as he saw the sewer pipe just ahead of him. A gleam filled his eyes as he quickly made his way through the large pipes. "Really they should think of security for these things." He said to himself as he noticed how well lite everything was. "Odd." He said to himself as he made his way through the pipes. The path was easy enough to follow.

He paused as he saw a guard posted near the exit. He hung his head at the sight. "Always my luck." He said to himself as he pulled out his Sword. "Lets see how well I have learned." He said as he jumped out from his hiding place. He took the guard by surprise. Defeating him rather easily. A smile graced his lips as he scurried up the latter. His mouth fell open as he gazed at the inside of the building. It was grand and full of strange technology he have never seen before.

He kept as quiet as he could as he moved about the first level. The place gave him bad vibes. He could tell the first floor wasn't that important. There was only two guards posted here. He quickly moved through the different passages picking up some rather interesting items on his way. Soon he found his way up to the second level where things where different. He just stood there for a moment taking it in. There was a minimum of ten guards here. They where just on the floor level. He couldn't see how many where on the upper level. He stood there wondering what he had got himself into.

He gathered himself and set off on his mission looking for his brother.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-08-2014 05:25 PM

Soon Star made her way out of the water and used Kaze's powers to get up to the platform where the mana cannon had been placed and frowned. "Damn it looks like they're using arts to put up shields, I'm sure they'll be in here as soon as we break through, we need to work fast." she frowned and instrucked the four to get in position and start building up power.

Lady Chello 11-08-2014 07:11 PM

Drakus paused as he looked down to his wrist. He moved back his left sleeve. "Excuse me I am needed." He said as he stood and left the house. He didn't stop till he reached the science building. He ignored the guards as he by pasted them using his biometric code to access the security room. The other heads of state where there. " this is her." He said seeing the young girl. He just grinned as he saw the other spirits. "Good lets take those things from her." He said as he gave the command. The room in witch Star and the spirits began to glow as the machine turned it's self on. The machine sucked the spirits in one by one. But before they could get the water spirit the room was hit with a attack. He slowly rose to his feet as he couldn't believe his own sister had done this. He looked at the other men who question his decision not to strip her of her free will. She was one of the most powerful people that many had encountered. Within moments he had the place under lock down he would ensure no one would escape. The other scrambled to turn the machine back on.

Natsuki stood in the doorway as she watched the other in the room fall to their knees. She powered the machine down and took the key shouting at the screen. " Mizu!!!!! Run!!! Star please you must run they will have it on soon en..." She bolted from the room as the guards and men gained functions of their body again. She had followed her brother here. She was glad that she did. Though she honestly wish she hadn't found what she did. She bye past security using her gift to sense sprites to lead her to the room. She stared at the door that separated her from Mizu. She closed her eyes as she gathered her own arts. A blue aura came from her as she open her eyes and shouted her command. The doors blew open as she saw both Star and Mizu. "Come we must hurry."

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-08-2014 08:45 PM

"WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" Hoteru exclaimed trying to grab Shiva before she disappeared but was too late "Star please! use my powers! Hurry we must go!" Mizu said trying to link their powers but without the other three it was too hard. Hoteru tried to move to run but without Shiva her powers had greatly diminished. "Natsuki... what are you doing here? Quickly, take Mizu and run before they get you two too." Star said before using her powers to force the small fox water spirit into Natsuki's arms, so long as they didn't have all four guardian spirits it would be okay but if they got ahold of Mizu it could be deadly for everyone.

Lady Chello 11-08-2014 11:30 PM

Blade yelled as he fell from above into a strange room. He looked up as the large guards screamed leaping to join him. He turned to run seeing the girl again. Without asking he ran to her grabbing her back the waste. " Sorry." He said as he began to run with her. He ran out of the door right at the other woman there. "Less stares and more running." He Yelled to the other woman. He was surprised how fast the other woman was. He kept up with her as she lead them out of the building. He let out a scream as the other woman mashed a button sending all of them sliding down at a steep angle. He held onto Star as they slid. He ended up on the floor with the two women ontop of him. "ugh." He said as he looked up to see people in large chambers. "WHAT IN THE" He went silent as he pushed the other women off of him. He ran to one of the tanks. There was his brother or what was left of him. He just stared at the tank oblivious to everything.

Natsuki grabbed Mizu as she looked to star. She was about to scream again when she watched a red haired man fall from the top of the room. Her eyes winded as she saw large guards right after him. She quickly kept up with him as he ran out with Star. She took over as she lead them to the secret compartment. She followed the sound of water knowing it would lead out. She placed her hand on a panel. In a matter of moments they where all sliding down. She held on to MIzu. She was reveled when they landed on something soft. She jumped up when she heard the man. She could tell he was in pain staring at the person in tank. "They are gone I'm sorry." She said as tears fell from her face. "I didn't know there could be such evil. They are extracting spirit energy." She looked over her shoulder as she could hear others coming. Mizu I need your help with the water. I can do the rest." She said as she focused on the the four of them. A blue light coming from her as she said her command. In a matter of moments they went flying onto a bank. She gently rubbed her head making sure the others where ok.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-09-2014 12:40 AM

Hoteru was surprised by this but once she was on her feet she tried to fallow as best she could. Once they were in the room she looked around and frowned sadly, she knew people had been dying but she had no idea it was this many. She then watched as Mizu and Natsuki worked but once they were out she just sat there and stared off. "They're all gone... I can't summon them... even my dear Shiva... I told her to go home... why couldn't she have just listened to me." Hoteru said and Mizu looked to her sadly before looking at Natsuki. "Is there any way we can get them back? It would have been one thing if it was me and the others but Shiva..." she frowned a bit but knew that Natsuki already knew what Shiva was. Hoteru had used her powers years before to try and save a dragon, but the dragon only lived about a year after and when she had her child died, leaving all of the life giving powers to her child.
shiva had hatched about a month later radiating with Hoteru's mana and spirit energy, she was bound to Hoteru from the start and they shared their energy... it was safe to say without her Hoteru's powers were successfully halved.

Lady Chello 11-09-2014 02:04 AM

Natsuki stared at Star. "Lady Hoteru I promise I will help you get them. I am so sorry." She said as she still had a tear running down her face. She shifted her eyes to Blade. "That man...he was your brother?" Blade shifted eyes hearing the girl. He closed his eyes as he sat on the ground. "Yes....." He stood there and then turned realizing that the two women where talking to something else. "What are you two talking to? Mizu is it?" He said as he didn't see anything other than the two women. He looked at the girl Hoteru was her name he thought. "What is up with you two and what was that place? " He pointed at Natsuki, " did you do all of that? That isn't normal. Arts aren't that strong. " He said starting to freak out slightly. "What is up with your dress. " He said at the strange woman. "You look like you killed a Phoenix and clothed yourself in it." He said confused with everything.
Natsuki looked to sweet Mizu. "You can't see spirits? Your capable of it....Oh Mizu please show yourself. He wont hurt you. He has a good aura." She said looking at her clothing. "Oh...I guess your right it was a present from he spirits. My phoenix spirit..." She went quiet as she stood there thinking of her dear friend.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-09-2014 02:18 AM

"You must not believe in spirits... does that mean you're one of them too?" Hoteru asked as she slowly stood and turned to look at the male before going over to Natsuki and gave her a hug. "Thank you, I'm sure Kaji will be very happy to see you when he gets back... they must all still be alive... but they are hurting so much... I didn't know there was anything a human could make that could capture a spirit like that" she sighed softly then nodded to Mizu who let the male see her but was still curled up sadly in Natsuki's arms. She missed the others so much, even if Shin was really annoying and Kaji liked playing too many pranks, they were all still her friends and very close.

Lady Chello 11-09-2014 02:40 AM

Natsuki hugged star back. She shook her head. "No he isn't one of them. He is a victim like us. His brother was one of the ones they..." She trailed off. She looked to Mizu happy to still have her sweet Mizu. Blade's eyes widen as he saw the creator. "He was right. It isn't a monster. What is it." He said more curious than anything. He looked at Hoteru seeing she looked lost. " What happen to your friends? " He said wondering if she was ok. "I'm not the smartest person I'm afraid. That was my broth..." He trailed off not wanting to think of his brother now. " What is so important about these spirits the two of you are talking about? The guards spoke of it. I pulled some weird crystal from a room. It glows and I think it might talk." He said pulling out the crystal. It glowed a bright rainbow color as cries could be heard from it. Natsuki eye's widden as she saw it. "It's spirits!!! Hoteru is it them? " She said knowing it was a long shot. "I didn't know they could capture them much less do this. But surely you can free them Hoteru. You are the protector after all." She said hoping that Star could.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-09-2014 02:57 AM

"Spirits create, nurture, power and pretty much control life as you know it. 'artes' as you call them are actually done by borrowing the powers from the spirits around you." Hoteru said then looked at the stone and walked up to Blade taking it from him gently and looking at it before closing her eyes and shaking her head. "These spirits are dying... Shiva was the only one that could call out the light and dark spirits to save lesser spirits... I don't know how to help them... but I think we should take this to the temple... Shiva told me that she had heard roomers about someone who could bring out the dead spirits but I'm not sure it's true." Star explained softly. "Kaze, Kaji, Shin and Shiva were sucked into that machine along with mana from those humans and I could also feel lesser spirits in there... they aren't dead... they're just trapped." she explained softly then thought for a minute before looking to Suki with a slight from. "How did you know that something was wrong? Or get there so fast? I know I didn't call you... and I'm sure Mizu didn't either." she asked her a bit confused

Lady Chello 11-09-2014 03:21 AM

Natsuki frowned hearing the question. " It was Drakus he changed. He wasn't like this. He was so happy he had his own spirit. But after our parents died he changed. He stopped laughing he stopped everything. His aura became dark. Tonight he left without saying anything. I followed because I haven't seen Mizu. I mentioned Mizu to him by mistake. He got to happy about it. I know I haven't seen MIzu. I noticed that all the spirit vanished around town and our house. I looked for them I have searched. So I followed him. I had feared he was the source of the evil but I didn't believe it. He took all my friends from me and put me in a room. I wasn't allowed to see any of my friends he became obsessed with my knowledge of arts and spirits. I refused to help him. I came because I saw the signs and I wanted to know if it was true. If my brother was really the monster everyone whispered about. " She said as tears fell from his face. "And he is. My brother is a monster. If we need get to the temple lets do it. However I think we will have to walk. I am to weak to teleport again without help."

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-09-2014 03:44 AM

"So that's why Shizu told me not to go around your brother anymore... Suki you can stay at the temple if you like... uh... I do not believe we introduced ourselves... I am Hoteru, that's Mizu and Natsuki. I suppose you could call me the Guardian Spirit or Spirit Protector." Star said softly then sighed. "You should go home... I know this must be a very hard time for you but unfortunately you can not fallow us to the temple, only certain people are aloud there." she said with a slight frown since it could be dangerous for an outsider to find where the temple was

Lady Chello 11-09-2014 04:09 AM

Blade just glared at the girl. "Are you kidding me? I just saved you and we are back to the whole go home thing. Like it or not you aren't in fighting condition. Phoenix lady over there can't weld a weapon. So I think for your safety I'm your best bet right now. Besides we are all enemys of the state now. And no one is staying anywhere. We are all sticking together. Just keep your creepy spirits to yourself. I'm not sure what you think you are but your just a girl. " He said rather incensed that she kept telling him to go home. He was a grown man and knew how to take care of himself better than the two of them. "Besides you two can barely walk."

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-09-2014 04:21 AM

"The only people that are in danger are me and you, Suki's brother apparently works there, he wouldn't hurt her I'm sure, even if he doesn't like spirits. You can leave if you like, but I have to get back to the temple, it's lush with nature and the best place for me to gain back my powers, Mizu has enough strength to help us there, or at least out of the city. But no normal mortal is aloud near the temple, the furthest you can go is the village, you can stay there if you like but that will be where we split paths." Hoteru said before Mizu used some of her powers to heal the two a bit so they could start making their way to the village, there they could get one of the temple keepers to take them the rest of the way.

Lady Chello 11-09-2014 05:07 AM

Blade thought about what she said. "Fine I am following you both. I am a rather strong. " He said as he looked at the two. " Let's just get this over with." He said as he looked at the spirit. " Please don't make us land like she did." He said looking at Suki.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-09-2014 11:47 AM

"Please I can't do that." Mizu said with a little frown. "It's really not like there's any danger on the way there." Star said softly as they started to head towards a mountain that was surrounded by lush forests. When they started to walk through the forest animals would stop and watch them or come over to the two woman trying to get their attention and love but most avoided Blade not knowing him and could sense that he wasn't like Star and Suki.

Lady Chello 11-09-2014 07:49 PM

Blade wasn't impressed with the two women. He honestly disliked Star. She seemed to think she was better than everyone else. All he wanted to for life to smack her down a little and teach her she wasn't a god. She was a human like everyone else here. He followed but kept his arm crossed. He made sure everyone knew how he felt about it. Natsuki turned as she could see the anger growing in the man. She paused and waited for him. "You don't know the name Hoteru?" She said in her soft warm voice. Blade shifted his eyes to the girl. "No should it mean anything to me?" He said trying to be nicer to Natsuki she wasn't the source of his anger. "You don't remember the the stories of Hoteru the lord of all spirits." Blade looked at her." You mean the myths of the protector of spirits. I have heard of them who hasn't. " He said as he stared at Hoteru. "She is one and the same. Look at her Blade. Look harder and past what you see. Watch the grass the wind the animals. " Natsuki said as she gently placed her hand on his as they both paused watching Hoteru.
Blade was about to laugh when he felt Natsuki gently place her hand on his. He froze as he saw Hoteru. He watched as aura came from her. It seemed to effect everything around her. She was so beautiful. He watched as the animals came to her the love they held for her. And then he truly saw Mizu. His eyes shifted to Natsuki. " did you." Before he could finish the strange girl placed her finger over her lips as she watched Hoteru.

"I did nothing Blade. You used your heart instead of your mind. I told Hoteru you are no different from me. You can see into the spirit world just as I can. But you have to see with your heart. Let your anger and pain go. If Hoteru said she can save your brother and other people she will. Hoteru has never lied. She is pure and incapable of it. You must be kinder to her. She isn't use to human company. She normally only associates with spirits. I don't know why she chose to talk with me. My brother found that I knew Hoteru it drove him to madness. Our family along with many others where killed by spirits. So he has set out on revenge it would appear. My brother punished me because I would not summon Hoteru. He and the others felt I was chosen by Hoteru and because of that I could force her to appear. But I could never do that. I don't wont her shackled and tortured for something she didn't do. Hoteru can't make every spirit obey. And just because a spirit attacks doesn't mean she wished it. She is limited in her power as we are. So please be kinder. She will see in time what I see in you. Please promise to protect her. Promise no matter what you wont save me and save her." She said as she looked to Blade.

Blade just stared at her then back to Hoteru. "She means a great deal to you doesn't she?" He thought about everything he had saw and she had said. He finally gave a nod of his head to her. "I'll protect her I promise." He said knowing it wouldn't be easy. He was in awe that the girl believe with all her heart in Hoteru.

Sinsue Hoshigo 11-09-2014 08:12 PM

Hoteru paused after a few long moments of walking and glanced back at the two. "Suki? Is something the matter?" she asked curiously and almost sounded worried. Natsuki had always been such a respectful young woman, and for the life of Star she couldn't figure out why she felt so at ease around her but she did, other then the five spirits that lived with her Suki was the only one she could really call her friend. Hoteru looked over a bit as she felt a lesser spirit trying to get her attention and spoke with it for a moment before looking back to the two. "We really need to get to the village, it's urgent that I check the four seals." she said softly.

All times are GMT. The time now is 12:36 PM.