Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   - 1 K - A - D A Y | G I V E A W A Y - (it rhymes! art freebies every 5 pages to lure you guys in..) (

Bunnyy 07-19-2011 01:31 PM

- 1 K - A - D A Y | G I V E A W A Y - (it rhymes! art freebies every 5 pages to lure you guys in..)

- B U N N Y ' S | 1 K - A - D A Y | G I V E A W A Y -
--------------------------------------------------------------------That is, until her goldies run out.

Hi! To anyone that may remember me from 07/08, LONG TIME NO SEE! 8D
I stopped going on Mene a while back and sold a whole bunch of stuff to
buy a whole bunch of art. But of course Mene was too tempting so I came
back to have a peek and noticed a big number next to the gold count. D8!

Now onto the giveaway...
So basically, I'll be giving away (at least?) 1k of gold per day, everyday. So that's 270,000/1,000 = 270..days?!
Okay that's too much, maybe 100 days and the rest I'll donate to charity/buy art hehe. We'll see how it goes?! 8D
But but how is it gonna work?!
- Chat in this thread to keep it active/for more people to see or tell your awesome friends (or you can skip to the next step :cry: )
- Nominate someone/people/charity/yourself/possum/vacuum cleaner that you think should be donated 1000 goldies & why.

User [insert awesome person] wrote me a poem for my birthday [insert poem.. I like poems...] & they have a quest right now [insert link to quest]!" Yayy!!
- Then I'll choose the someone/people/charity to give some goldies.
PS. Please only nominate people who actually want donations for example for their quest or charity or birthday or half birthdays or because they have OCD and want a certain number of goldies etc! Simply because I don't want to get any messages like ... "ArE YOO PATRONIZINGS MEH YOO NEKKID LADEH?!" from people who don't actually want to be donated to! Thanks! Hehe.
I really hope that this is about sharing each other's stories about everyone's Mene friends & just because I don't donate to your nominated person doesn't mean they are less awesome than the other nominees. Thank you. :3
(every bolded date is every 10k given away! Yay!)
19/07/11 - The New User's First Stop charity, The_Crow
20/07/11 - Gold For Copper Charity
21/07/11 - ReaperOfTime (lets all hope she gets well soon <3)
22/07/11 - Champagne Supernova Charity, Estrella
23/07/11 - Lilim
24/07/11 - Lilith W
25/07/11 - Saravi Boo
26/07/11 - neller
27/07/11 - Kia_
28/07/11 - LizzyCollinsDeArc
29/07/11 - shadow_universe
30/07/11 - Kya Katsumi
31/07/11 - WinglessFairy, The Kitchen Charity
01/08/11 - CrimsonShadow
02/08/11 - zigbigadorlube
03/08/11 - Car'a'Carn
04/08/11 - strange_dreams_512
05/08/11 - The Whitewolf Shaman
06/08/11 - The Whitewolf Shaman 250 Gold A Day Charity
07/08/11 - Fauxreal
08/08/11 - Isendor
09/08/11 -
10/08/11 -

Other donations/gifts:
24/97/11 - Linnea (happy birthday <3)
27/07/11 - Chikuma
Art freebies...
To lure you guys in here and since I'm bored, I'll draw someone every 5 pages or so... (Probably the first poster, if you want to be drawn that is.. xD)
Style/detail/size will depend on my mood and how much time I've got I guess.

Found some super old examples:

Miss_Muffinz13x 07-19-2011 02:15 PM

hmm what about clapclap_bravo. he is new and pantless

blueblackrose 07-19-2011 05:24 PM

I remember you Bunny. It's nice to see that you decided to come back and host a give away instead of just letting items and gold just sit around on your account. Good luck with your giveaway.

Dottie Mae Evans 07-19-2011 10:16 PM

Wow, this is an awesome idea! :) Can I nominate more than one person, place, or thing? :)

CrimsonShadow 07-19-2011 10:39 PM

Ohh I like this a lot! I have a few people in mind:)

Bunnyy 07-20-2011 11:36 AM

Go ahead guys, tell me about them all! :D

blueblackrose: Yay I remember you too! Yeah I had a lot of stuff and stopped going on before I got rid of it all. And thanks! :)

I guess I'll hunt down another charity to donate to today! <3

WinglessFairy 07-20-2011 04:19 PM

ooh! new giveaway! yay for funness! =D

I nominate Lilim:!
She's super cool and feeling disoriented since like me, she just recently came back from a long hiatus. She's been poking around trying to catch up on all the items she missed, and I'm sure she could use a hand with it ^.^

She was really active back in'08/'09 and she used to run around 'giving' everyone mohawks X3

Kia_ 07-20-2011 04:31 PM

This is interesting, I wonder if I can do something for my cuz...

I Nominate: "User ReaperOfTime: is in the hospital and hasn't woken up for the past couple of weeks. I was told that last night around 9:30pm she woke up. She is my cousin Amber and was wondering if I could enter her into this contest? She isn't allowed to leave for at least a week or more, but, she might get her labtop within that time or longer. She said she's been wanting to save up for some other clothes for her avi to make it look cooler.

CrimsonShadow 07-20-2011 05:34 PM

I nominate neller:

This girl is an amazing person! I always see her around the site just being so nice to people. She's helped me loads of times and she's just super nice to talk to:) If you need any help with your avi she's right there to help you!

WinglessFairy 07-20-2011 06:07 PM

Wow, I think your nominations beat me @.@

neller's pretty swell, I've seen her around sometimes too! =D

Kia_ 07-20-2011 06:15 PM

WinglessFairy: I love your avi

WinglessFairy 07-20-2011 06:16 PM

thanks ^.^

I'ma still working on it though~ It's hard to make a good avvie with the Chaos sash D8

Kia_ 07-20-2011 06:17 PM

Yea I can understand that.

Dottie Mae Evans 07-20-2011 07:28 PM

Saravi Boo: I nominate her because she been going through some stuff, and I feel that some gold or a rare item could brighten their day. :)

The_Crow: I know Crow can't get pings, but I nominate Crow because xe is an awesome charity owner and I believe it would be a nice surprise if xe wakes up to a surprise donation to spend on hirself. :D!

I see someone already nominated neller, so I'll nominate WinglessFairy: because her charity has been wonder to me and her kindness is wonderful.

WinglessFairy 07-20-2011 07:31 PM

d'aww, thanks for the nomination Lizzy, it means a lot to me X3 <33

Evicted Element 07-20-2011 07:56 PM

I'm nominating clapclap_bravo as well, dude has pants now, but he's still got a small wardrobe (I think all he HAS are those pants XD), and he's a newbie! :)

Dottie Mae Evans 07-20-2011 11:08 PM

I forgot to nominate, Lilith W: She has been awesome on Menewsha and made great user events in the past. Her kindness is great, and her charity helps out new people and old members as well. So please consider her and her charity as a choice for donations.

There, I hope I didn't forget anyone else. :cry:

Lilith W 07-21-2011 12:00 AM

Aw, thanks Lizzy. ^^
I'll have to think a bit then come back to nominate some wonderful people later.

Saravi Boo 07-21-2011 12:39 AM

*huggles Lizzy* That's really sweet of you.


I'd like to make a few Nominations too...

Estrella: For running one of my favorite threads on Mene, Champagne Supernova Charity and being an awesomely generous person. I'd like the donation to be for her rather than for the charity, she doesn't spend much gold at all on herself and she should have some more shiny baubles to play with.

zigbigadorlube: For being an amazing friend, letting me vent frustrations and worries and helping me through some really tough days recently. I don't know what I would have done without her to talk to about all I've been dealing with.

Fauxreal: For being one of the first friends I made on Mene and because she is always willing to lend items or advice for avi cosplay contests.

LizzyCollinsDeArc: For being someone else who has encouraged me recently not to lose hope and cheered me up when I was stressed out, even while she was dealing with trouble of her own. Also, to celebrate her financial aid coming through for school. ^_^

I'd nominate some others, but I've been beaten to the punch in a lot of cases. ^_^'

This is a very generous plan. I hope you will stick around, Bunnyy. Mene needs good people to stop leaving. ^_^'

Bunnyy 07-21-2011 08:06 AM

Oh wow this is getting hard to choose.. I guess I'll donate some items today too.

...I think I'm in a different time zone to all of you guys... XD

LizzyCollinsDeArc: Yeah The Crow's charity looked really cute so I donated to his charity and his quests already hehe.

WinglessFairy: I remember Lillim! I think she helped me out with her charity once before.. Not too sure because it was so long ago. :cry: And I remember you too by the way. :P And I agree with kia, your avatar is kind of awesome? Especially the (even though its kinda dead looking T-T) bunny on yer head. : D

Saravi Boo: Ngaw thanks. Well I really didn't know what to do with this gold... I'm sure other people want it more than me. :3

Evicted Element: Hahaha, maybe he likes it that way. XD

I hope my pings work... I feel like a newbie again. XD

And thanks guys, these stories make me happy. 8)


(And I just realised that today is the 21st not yesterday. X'D)


Also guys, I stalked neller's quest thread but it was last posted in a few months ago... So I dunno if it's up to date. Anyone know what she... kind of wants? o Ao

Ling 07-21-2011 12:12 PM

Wow, this is very generous of you to do this.

Estrella 07-21-2011 04:20 PM

Thank you, Boo! :) <3

blueblackrose 07-21-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bunnyy (Post 1769622536)
Go ahead guys, tell me about them all! :D

blueblackrose: Yay I remember you too! Yeah I had a lot of stuff and stopped going on before I got rid of it all. And thanks! :)

I guess I'll hunt down another charity to donate to today! <3

I can understand that. I've had a lot going on as well and ended up leaving for a while as well back in 2009.

neller 07-21-2011 07:45 PM

-feels all warm and fuzzy inside-
AW! Thank you for the nomination. :D That makes me feel awesome. :)
And thank you for the hat, Bunny! ^.^

I'll have to think of people to nominate.


She's a good friend of mine, and a lot of people on the site. She's extremely outgoing and helps keep the charities running with chatter and always happy to greet new people to the site. I think she's a great person and deserving of being nominated. :) Her quest: Linny's Quest

Thank you again! Hehe. My cheeks are red I'm so flustered with happiness. :oops:

p o p p e t ♥ 07-21-2011 09:52 PM

Hahaha I actually laughed out loud at the patronizing thing. Unfortunately I don't actually know anyone questing, or know of anyone openly needing goldies :no:

Buuuutttt, mamma needs a background! So I'm nominating me! Haha I will certainly nominate someone else if I come across a quester or something though :)


If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.
-Bob Hope

Your kind to think of something like this ^^

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