Menewsha Avatar Community

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Flink 12-21-2007 08:46 PM

Chocolate Hot - FREE Avatar Edits and KITTEHS
Chocolate Hot
Holiday Avatar Edits
Greetings one and all, this is Flink's avatar edit shoppie thingy for the holidays! Yes, Flink did copy the formatting from her quest thread. BUT, it works, doesn't it?

Feel free to come in and get a cup of chocolate hot, or hot chocolate, or other nice warming wintry goodies! (Also ice cream, because ice cream is awesome all year 'round). This isn't just an avatar edit shop, it's a Chocolate Hot Shoppe, so hang out, order something, or just point and laugh at Franko in his gingerbread costume.

Flink 12-21-2007 08:53 PM

Seating Arrangement and Taste Testing
Rules, Order Form, Sample

1. No running, jumping, biting, kicking, eating the talking gingerbread man in the corner (It's Franko in a suit, kids), OK. Just kidding. Act up. Bwahahaha. -pokes Franko-
2. All unattended children will get a shot of espresso and a free kitten.
3. Be nice, or else.
4. TOS, it applies. Gosh darnit!
5. Do not put ANYTHING pink of Flink. Franko's fair game, though. So's Daire, Flink's mule (ARG! Not Again)
6. Edits are
FREE. But you can tip since Flink's trying to earn money for her quest. ^-^

Order Form:


Base: Avatar Flink should edit.
Reference: Reference for edit (either a picture or a REALLY good description)
Payment: How much you want to pay Flink.

The above is NOT all Flink is offering. It's just a sample of what some of her pixel work looks like.

Flink 12-21-2007 08:54 PM

Carry Out
Orders, Pickups

Flink 12-21-2007 08:58 PM

Other Lists, white, black, fluorescent green

Lore (Visits Flink <3)


Fluorescent Green:
Pays Well XD

Flink 12-21-2007 08:59 PM

Box of Kittens
I want me kitty!


OK. So, Flink has in her rules something about kitties. Here's how it works. IF you post that you are unattended and want a kitty, Flink will ask you to fill out the below form:


Owner Name:
Kitty Colour:
Kitty Gender:
Kitty Accessory:
Background: (colour behind the kitty)
Fade: (background for the other part of the picture)

Basic kitties are free. But if you add an accessory, Flink expects a tip. Not a big one, but just a tip for her extra effort.

Kitties can be any colour you like. But max number of colours should be 3. Tabbies will take longer. SO expect a wait. XD


The shots of expresso are given to the first poster on every two pages who has a cat. If the first person does not own a Kitty, the person who does will have their kitty given a shot of expresso. Or rather, their kitty will steal it. XD

At the end of the event, the winner will get a piece of art drawn by Flink in their choice. Examples will come later.

Example Kitty:

Flink 12-21-2007 08:59 PM

Kitty Adoption
Kitties that are being groomed, and kitty pickup!

In the works:


Kittehs with Homes:

Flink 12-21-2007 09:00 PM

Kitty Expresso Challenge
The Bad Kitty List

Format is:
Player - Kitty - Shots of Expresso

Azureile - FISH - 2
JellySundae - Nimbus - 1
Phedre(Captin Morgan) - Gina - 1
Zipperglow - Firefly - 1
Damballah - Ankh - 0
Channah - Maggie - 0

Flink 12-21-2007 09:10 PM



HERE Headshot
HERE Headshot
HERE Headshot
HERE Full Body
HERE Full Body

HERE Not applicable, but still loved XD

Flink 12-21-2007 11:34 PM

Flink shall play MapleStory and will post more samples later on. Since she'll probably not get any customers. x.x

Lore 12-21-2007 11:36 PM

x'3 I'm not wanting anything right now, but I wanted to say your avatar is really cute for some reason. <3 Best of luck with the edits! They're nice, but I wouldn't know what to order. xD

Flink 12-22-2007 01:06 AM

Hehe. Thanks, Lore. <3 It's appreciated. Flink was beginning to think she'd be the only one to post here. x.x

Especially since you can't bump threads or the like. SO Flink will just have to let it die if no one is interested.

Lore 12-22-2007 01:13 AM

:c Aw! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get some people in here soon enough. x3; Everyone's just lost in the holiday rush, I think.

Flink 12-22-2007 08:20 AM

Probably. Yaaaay for rush! Even if it's holiday. XD

woopdidoodoo 12-22-2007 12:59 PM

Hiya Flink how are you Hon?
I am okies, just been taking it
easy coz I have a cold and don't want
it to get worse or anything, hope you
don't mind me barging in like this but
here I am

Ti 12-22-2007 01:00 PM

*hugs Flink* yeay for Flink's edits ^_^

Flink 12-23-2007 04:42 AM

Haha, thanks Woopdi and Captin. ^-^ Flink appreciates you coming to visit her.

Flink hates clues. x.x -mutters- She always has a hard time with the events here.

jessiekins 12-23-2007 05:14 AM

  • This is a cool idea flink!

`Riku 12-23-2007 05:15 AM

-Flinkeh.- =]

Flink 12-23-2007 05:29 AM

JESSIE! Flink was wondering if you were still around. XD And thanks.

But it seems like no one agrees. XD

Flink 12-23-2007 08:20 PM

Flink is still open for business. ^^

xuvrette 12-23-2007 08:25 PM

lol. Avatar edit! Really rare to see avatar edit in Mene.

Hilo, people~

Flink 12-23-2007 08:33 PM

Heyla. Will you stay and talk to Flink? T_T No one else has. She doesn't care if you want an avatar edit or not. She just really wants to talk to someone.

Not to complain, but to pass the time. ^-^

xuvrette 12-23-2007 08:35 PM

Lol, I don't mind, I was wanting to have people stay over my thread to chat too. lol

I am sorta new to getting people in thread.

Flink, I thought you know a lot of people?

Flink 12-23-2007 08:37 PM

Whatever would give you that idea? XD Yes, Flink does have a lot of friends. But that doesn't mean they'll be all, "OMG! Flink has a thread! Post, post, post!" Or even buy edits.

It seems that edits aren't that popular in Menewsha. Unless of course they're for competitions. But, Flink will not be entering any of the edits she does in a competition.

She's changed her "price" to free. Maybe that'll get someone?

xuvrette 12-23-2007 08:42 PM

Your name look popular. XD

Avatar edits is just not popular over in Mene. Which is why in many ways I like Gaia more, especially of items and avatar.

But in community sense, Mene definitely beats them all. Aww, reading you all typing so cutely in third person, making my fingers itching to do the same...

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