Menewsha Avatar Community

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Magnus 12-18-2009 10:11 PM

Exchange Forum Rules & Code of Conduct ~ Charity mules may make an Exchange thread for Charity business
Welcome to the Exchange!

The exchange is the alternative to the Marketplace for Menewshan business. This is a place where you come to look for items that you wish to buy via threads, or set up your own little business to get the money rollin' to you.

The Staff
All Menewsha Moderators are able to assist with issues related to the exchange. Feel free to PM a moderator from our Staff List if you have any areas of need that require staff assistance.

Exchange Forum Rules:

Off-site Trading:
  • "Off-siting" is exchanging Menewshan items for items on other sites or real life money, something strictly against Menewsha's Terms of Use. The idea of turning your old rare items into cash may seem tempting, but don't do it! Users who are found to have taken part in such trades will have their accounts banned. Plus, this is also against the rules of most other sites out there, so if you try to trade your Menewsha items for another site's items, you can get in trouble there too!

Account Selling:
  • Thinking about selling your account for some cash or other site's items? Think again! This is another form of Off-Siting, which is mentioned above. If you no longer are interested in the site, you may simply abandon your account. Want to see your items go to good use? Why not donate them to some of our lovely users who made a good impression on you? Or if you can't be bothered, there are a number of charities that would see that your items go into deserving hands.

  • Do not go walking into some other persons thread and advertise what you are selling or buying. That just isn't nice at all. Unless that person is specifically selling or buying what you are looking for or selling, trying to steal business away from them or advertising your own shop is a form of spam that can get you into trouble.

Bumping/Multiple Posting:
  • It's been a while since since your thread's seen any posts, and you'd like to get it back on the first page. How can you do that without breaking any rules? Easily! If you were the last person to post in your thread, please wait at least 5 hours before making your next post, or until your thread has fallen off the front page. After this time, it's safe to bring your thread back up without breaking the Double Posting rules. However, make sure what you're posting isn't spam! Here's a handy list of do's and don'ts about what you can and can't post.

Don't post anything like this:
  • Bump
  • [emoticon]
  • [long string of emotes]
  • -Kicks to the top-
  • Anyone?

Do post things like that:
  • Dang! That party was a blast! Still selling some stuff
  • Still buying [x-item]!
  • Still wanting to sell some stuff
  • Just updated my store list
  • Alright, I finally found someone to sell me those slippers! Buying a new item now!
  • Man, this thread is quiet. Anyone want to chat with me to keep it up?

One Thread per User:
  • Here in the exchange, you may only have one thread per person. Please note that this is per person, not per account; you may not have one shop for your main and one for your mule. While you are certainly welcome to operate a shop with your mule if you so choose, you may not, then, also have one with your main account.
  • UPDATE! 10/4/10: There is ONE EXCEPTION to the one-thread-per-person rule. Charities are allowed to make a shop thread for their charity with their charity mule. We strongly recommend charities create an exchange thread with their charity mule to keep personal business separate from charity business.
  • You can reserve as many posts as you would like on the front page, penalty free. To do this, simply click "Post Reply" (or "go advanced") and check the box that says "Override Double Post" to make sure all your posts don't get mushed into one. (Please note that overriding the double post auto-merger for other reasons is against the rules!) If you forgot to reserve a few posts, PM an online moderator with a link to your thread and how many reserved posts you need, and they'll make some for you.
  • If you are the co-owner of a joint shop and you would like to instead have your own shop, PM a staff member (starting with the ones here in the exchange) and ask them for permission to create a new shop. Even if you did not create the joint shop thread, if you are a part of it, it is still considered your shop, and you must obtain permission before creating a new one.
  • Done with your shop? You cannot simply ask the staff to lock your thread because you want to make a new one. You must provide a good reason to one staff member in order to have the current shop locked. The staff is very lenient. They can make your shop work for your expectations. Need 8 spots on the first page but only have 3? Not a problem. They can work their magic to make your 8 spots happen. Not often will a new thread be granted to you, but it all depends on the situation.

  • This is a big no-no, guys. No one here likes to be ripped off. Scamming will earn you a hefty penalty. Stay legit!

Thread Necroing:
  • If a thread has not been posted in 30 days, it is considered "dead." At this point, the only person who may post in it (or "revive" it) is the thread owner. When using the search feature for this forum, please pay close attention to the timestamp on the most recent post. No matter how sweet the deals in that thread may be, if it's dead, it's dead! The thread owner obviously no longer wishes to conduct business in their shop, and may have even left the site entirely. Bringing the thread back up to the top would only cause confusion in other users who would then think the thread is active.


Black Lists:
  • Some people choose to put "Black Lists" in their threads - a list of people that for one reason or another are not welcome in that thread. While we do ask that you please respect a thread owner's choice regarding whether or not to allow you in their thread, staff will not enforce black lists. However, the site rules still apply - if the offender is breaking one of the site's rules (such as flaming, spamming, or trolling), it will be dealt with appropriately.

Lost your old thread?:
  • Please don't just make a new one. Go to your profile, click on the "statistics" tab, and there you will see a link to all the threads you have created. If you still cannot find it, please PM a moderator for help (but not unless you have looked first! The staff are not here to do simple tasks that you are too lazy to do). Making a new thread when you already have one is against our rules, as was outlined earlier in this post.

PM Bidding:
  • Bidding like this is fine as long as the seller is accepting PM bids. However, to protect yourself, I would urge you to reconsider doing sales that are PM bid only. These types of sales can result in scamming as the seller can lie to you about what the current highest bid is, as there's no public record.
  • If you feel like you have been scammed. PM any online Moderator and it will get looked into as soon as possible.

Should you see any of these rules being broken in any way, please use the button on the lower right of the post, or PM a moderator, and we will deal with it accordingly. Know that breaking any of these rules will result in punishment by our administrators and moderating team.

Unforeseen situations may arise in the future that will require these rules to be redrawn. As staff members, we hereby retain the right to edit these rules at any time for the betterment of the community.

Magnus 12-18-2009 10:13 PM

Code of Conduct

Marketplace Conduct Guidelines:
This is something that both sellers and buyers alike should read. It contains important information about Menewsha's Marketplace and how we encourage users to fairly exchange with one another.

We wholly encourage sellers to honor their auto-buy prices. For example, let's say a seller wants to sell a rare item for an auto-buy price of 15k. If a buyer then came by willing to pay that 15k, the seller should not ask the buyer to suddenly pay more than their initial auto-buy. It is dishonorable and a form of greed that Menewsha looks deeply down upon. A permanent infraction worth 250 points might be placed on a seller's account if they are found to be manipulating a buyer in any shape or form. We kindly ask that sellers be upfront with their auto-buys and honor them once they have been set. This does not apply to sellers who are uncertain of market prices and merely wish to "take offers," although the latter will be watched if we feel a seller is manipulating a buyer.

Sellers are more than welcome to change their auto-buys whenever they like so long as it is before a buyer offers to pay that price. Once that line has been crossed it is not OK for a seller to ask for more gold or items. Until then, sellers can increase or decrease their auto-buys whenever they wish.

In the end, we merely wish for sellers to be fair. We will never dictate who can sell what items and for how much, we merely wish to create a friendlier environment in the Exchange. Sellers are more than free to put extremely high auto-buys on their items so long as they honor them.

We wholly encourage buyers to refrain from pressuring sellers into selling their items. If a seller is simply taking offers on their items or doing an auction, we encourage buyers to remain patient. Should a buyer harass a seller too much about their sales a permanent infraction worth 250 points might be placed on the buyer’s account.

Price checks! Before buying and selling, please make sure to get a good feel of the market. We will not issue warnings to buyers for sellers who mistakenly let an item worth 1500 gold go for 250 gold, nor will we issue warnings to sellers who sell an item to a buyer well over market price.

If ever in doubt, ask your fellow marketers. We have a good group of members here who are kind and approachable, and above all, more than willing to offer advice! The marketers are the most active in the Exchange.
You may also refer to the Marketplace for more accurate and up to date prices.

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