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hilarbees 04-25-2016 10:52 PM

hilarbees makes artworks?? *gasp* [OPEN] comments are very much welcome!

[squee] Yay! [squee] Thank you for stopping by! This is the humble little place where I will be posting some of my artsies. I'm not confident in my art AT ALL. So be super kind and gentle [sweat]

I will make this thread prettier eventually.

Most of my art is done of my own original characters! There are some that are gift arts for others and those characters belong to them! I have also done some fanart as gifts. Everything I have posted up so far has been completely done on my 3DS XL with Colors!3D, and many of the pictures are actually in 3D, but obviously I've just posted flat versions here :P

hilarbees 04-25-2016 10:56 PM


Will update later

hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:20 PM

2012-13 Works

hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:29 PM

2014 Works

Pretty image heavy :/


hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:31 PM

2015 Works

Super duper image heavy! And! WARNING> There is a nudey-ish picture of a mermaid lady. I will remove it if that's a problem.

uuhh, my baby sister helped me draw that one haha
yeah, you guessed it haha

hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:35 PM


hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:40 PM


hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:42 PM


hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:43 PM


hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:45 PM


hilarbees 04-25-2016 11:47 PM

You are more than welcome to begin posting comments and stuff here if you would like, even though on my end this is no where near complete [cry][cry][cry]

---------- Post added 04-26-2016 at 11:11 AM ----------


hilarbees 04-26-2016 03:10 PM

As a side question, does anyone know if there is a way to delete your own posts?? Pinging @My Friends; here because I hope you will stop by and check this thread out!! <3 <3

Shadami 04-26-2016 04:55 PM

*facepalms* i am not as good as you. awesome art work!

Libra 04-26-2016 07:37 PM

You can't delete your posts, but you can ask a moderator to do it for you. Just click the "report" button and you should be able to ask for the post deleted. It is better to just keep it as a reserved post though

Xogizmoox 04-26-2016 09:15 PM

Oh wow I love your art, Gizzie wants art :0

Shadami 04-27-2016 12:07 AM

I may be inclined to get some art as well. but my money is going elsewhere at the moment >.> i can do an art trade.... i have no confident in my own art though.

hilarbees 04-27-2016 01:13 AM

Aww! Thanks guys >u< ~! I'd be happy to take requests~! I don't expect anything in return. And. I only have 0.1% confidence in my art @u@

Shadami 04-27-2016 01:41 AM

not really free art o.O is it?

hilarbees 04-27-2016 01:45 AM

Well, yeah, it would be free art. Only thing is, I hope you'll be patient, because I've been getting headaches that prevent me from looking at any kind of screen for more than a few minutes at a time and then only a few times a day :( Makes it really hard to art for me.

Shadami 04-27-2016 01:59 AM

question is.. what would i want... i mean i have this idea of getting art from all my friends on menewsha. even if its bad art. like if someone draws a stick figure of me or something. xD and printing them out and keeping a book of it like a memory book that i can flip through. xD its silly i know.

hilarbees 04-27-2016 11:05 AM

Awww!! I think that's an awesome idea! Super duper adorable and lovely UwU I think for gifty freebies, I would probably stick to Avvie art since I'd have a clear reference to go by...? Or maybe something else with clear references?

SuperZombiePotatoe 04-27-2016 01:44 PM


hilarbees 04-27-2016 07:07 PM

XD POTATOELADY!! You're heeeerreeee! *glomps* <3

Shadami 04-27-2016 10:57 PM

Zombie potatoes!!! <3 its been forever!!!!! lovely to see you.

yeah so when i move. I'm just going to be buying up arts and stuff. perhaps even putting it behind my streaming wall.

hilarbees 04-28-2016 04:54 PM

Sounds wonderful <3 I think I'm going to do a couple avvie arts just to see how I am at that in a few days ;3

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