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haku_yowane 09-10-2011 12:17 PM

The drangon den (open)
Name: akira hatsuka
Age: 16
Past: having no family that wants her she has no home or job. She travels doin odd jobs and she wishes to have friends.
Describtion: she has jet black hair and black eyes. She is short and is very skinny, she clothes are red Ne black to match her hair. She has a large coat that goes down to her knees, it is very light and the slevees reach her wrist. It fits her well with a cross on one side on the coat.

Bio: she is strong and brave. She has had to look after herself all her life since she was 7 years old. She has never had a real home and docent plan to have one.

(OOC when joining this RP please don't ask. Just join:) and no controlling others please.also above is my person copy the
Details and and then add your own))

Story: there are drangons and humans. They often fight each other and don't care if each other get hurt. As she knows akira is the only person able to talk to them.

Dragons where amazing creatures, but terribly dangerous. They were looked up to by everyone. " quiet, please be quiet" akira crept closer to the cage with beast in it. It was chained everywhere. No one could understand then, but her. "please, I want to let you go" the dragon stopped. Dragons where often catches and brought to the areans to fight. They were very highly paid. It settled. Akira climbed through the cage and Un hooked the chains. All were undone and she opened the cage door. It charged out to the ground. It looked at her and bowed it's head. It then flew off, porobly to where it came from. She looked pleased and walked off, she had to find a place to stay before it got dark.

Cupcake Queen 09-13-2011 11:56 PM

Name: Fiery
Age: 1000
Past: She is old but not one of the oldest but she has caused trouble in the past. She also has people from her past she doesn't wish to meet again.
Description: She is black and white and can breath fire as well as being one of the fastest flying dragons.
Bio: She never wishes to remember her past. She born in romanovia an traveled to the us. She has seen many fight between dragons and will not get captured

(i have two questions. 1 how com you have past ANd bio cause bio usually includeds the persons past and 2 how come you have pic and description.

haku_yowane 09-14-2011 08:17 AM

1)I didn't know what bio was
2)because sometimes a pic won't work.

Akira keep on walking till it started to get dark. "damn it, I still haven't reached the next town and this place is not good to settle down for the night in". If akira was to stay in the Forrest she could be attacked by wild dragons. This had happened many times, lucky she was great with dragons override she wouldn't be alive.

Cupcake Queen 09-14-2011 11:04 AM

(oh ok lol just wonderin yeah i know how pics won't always work. especialy if you are on a phone or ipod. they just won't show up)

Fiery zoomed above the forest, looking for something to eat. She was hungry. After she got food she would find somewhere to sleep. Then she smelt something human. she looked through the forest and saw her and being as she was black, she sneakily hid and watched her.

haku_yowane 09-14-2011 09:44 PM

Akira turned around. There was a rusle in the bushes. She walked towards it, grabbing her sword she pulled the bushes back to see a rabbit. " well I think I may set up camp here. I just hope nothing too bad happens." she grabbed her backpack off her back and started to set up her small swag.

Cupcake Queen 09-14-2011 10:15 PM

Fiery thought she seemed safe. Besides, if she wasn't she could take her. she walked out of the woods showing her glistening black scales.

haku_yowane 09-15-2011 10:46 AM

" a dragon, I am sorry for disterbing you". She got down on one knee and bowed her head to the dragon. If she wanted to live this must go well. Her eyes looked up to see the dragon. The dragon was black and very beautiful. Her underbelly white as crystals. this dragon was young, compare to others she was very young. Akira knows that when a dragon gets to the age of 10,000 years that the dragon becomes an elder dragon. She kept her head bowed and would do so till the dragon told her to do otherwise.

Cupcake Queen 09-15-2011 10:49 AM

"you don't have to bow. Whats your name?" she asked the human. She knew this one wouldn't attack her because of nothing like the others had.

haku_yowane 09-16-2011 06:51 AM

"akira, I have come from the north" she stood up from her bow and saw the dragons full beauties. She was different to what other dragons had looked like. She was different. "um... Yes, I have some from the north to find a master....wait one moment. How am I talkin to you if only men can have a dragon as a companion?" she looked at the dragon in a haze and confused look.

Cupcake Queen 09-16-2011 10:08 AM

"i don't know. Usually only men understand dragons. But maybe you are a special girl. If you would like, I would be your dragon" she said.

haku_yowane 09-16-2011 11:38 AM

"be my dragon?" she looked shocked. Her mouth open and eyes wide. "I travel a lot and that would mean you would have to leave this Forrest." she though for a moment, her brother had a dragon but he had made Akira read all the rules as well. One of the most important rules " rule 39, no women should even have a dragon, or she is to be killed." she said not even releasing it came out of her mouth. " if i was to be your human I would have to dress as a guy," akira looked at the dragon and a smile came to her face."I can cut my hair. That would make me look like a guy. Ok, so i shall be your human."

Cupcake Queen 09-16-2011 11:49 AM

"no need. if any one tries killing you i will simply end them" she said picking her up and putring her on her back and putting her tings on her back too.

rosie_poisy 09-17-2011 09:24 AM

Name: Ashely
Pic: Google Images
Desciption: she has short brown hair and is very adventures. She enjoys walking around with her dragon.
Bio: she has her own dragon and is happy with that, she wishes to change the way males look at females that have their own dragons. She also looks like a guy because of her hair and her body.

Name: Crystal (dragon)
Pic: Google Images
Bio: to other dragons she has chosen a life of shame for choseing a female rider. Cyrastal is wise and enjoys flying.

(can i join?)

Ashley looked back towards her dragon. She was holding up strong...stronger then she was anyway. Ashleys legs felt like they were going to fall off soon. " Cyrastal...can i ride on your back my legs hurt a lot" Cyrastal nodded and she stopped to let ashley hope onto her back. They set off once more. "hey crysatal. Lets fly. I think there should be a forrest up a hed and that would be somewhere good to stay tonight." . As soon as ashley had said fly, cyratsal had already started to run and flap her wings. They were off the ground in seconds.

haku_yowane 09-17-2011 09:50 AM

(yeah, you can join)

"wow, That was kool" She sat straigh where a dragon saddle should be, once they get to the next town she would buy one.The dragons scales were sharp and dug into her bottom, but she didnt care. "ok, i have some questions know, where where you born, how old are you and have you ever had anyother rider?" she looked at the back of the head of the dragon...her dragon. Akira had always been looked down upon because she had seen her as an epual to her brothers.

Cupcake Queen 09-17-2011 12:50 PM

"i was born in Romanovia, but i came here when i was older. i am 1000. I did have a rider before. He was kind and sweet. But he was killed by an enemy dragon. I haven't seen the dragon since nor have i had a rider since" she said.

haku_yowane 09-17-2011 12:54 PM

"wow, you get straight to the point. Let's see, I am 16, I was born in the north in the main city of egealholm and...of course I have never had another dragon". Riding on this dragons back seemed like a fairy tale...wait...had she said battle. " your last keeper was killed in battle...what war did you fight in?"

Cupcake Queen 09-17-2011 01:02 PM

"it was ancient. no humans ever saw it. I used to live with a group of dragons that belonged to the people in my rider's group. I was young back then. Another group of dragons who had no humans told us that we should join them and eave the humans. They wanted us to return to being wild dragons. We said no. they said we were fools. The war between us has gone on since that day but not because of the arguement. but because he killed my human" she said. then she cranned her neck around to her. "It still goes on today. I have heard rumors that he is hunting and killing all of the dragons from that day. i am the only one left from the war, for now that is" she said. "ok so where do you want to go" she asked trying to change the subject.

TheOriginalPyro 09-17-2011 02:22 PM

Name: Delair
Age: 19
Bio: A wandering monster slayer, and the last of a long line of powerful warriors. He helps villages plagued by beasts or bandits and earns money in return. He travels alongside a young dragon named Serrill but does not ride him as Serrill had his wings removed by a dragon-slyer tribe. They treat each other as friends and equals.
Appearance: avatar

Name: Serrill
Age: 600
Bio: Saved from a dragon-slaying tribe by Delair, he travels the countryside with him and carries the food and equipment, working as a warrior dragon with his human friend. He provides powerful support in battles and keeps half of their earnings.

Delair and Serrill were walking through a paddock, picking fruits and vegetables from the farmers crops as they passed. Looking up, Serrill noticed smoke on the horizon. Burning village He said. Stop and save them? Could make some coin out of it? He turned to Delair, who had drawn his sword. Without a doubt, friend. And so the two of them charged towards the town. As they approached, Bandits turned to face them. Screaming, Delair began to rip through them one by one as Serrill began to crush, burn and mutilate anyone who posed a threat to his companion. The deadly pair stormed the battle and quickly ended the last of the raiders' lives. Well friend, that was a nice workout. How about we try to pull a profit from our hard labor, aye?

haku_yowane 09-17-2011 09:34 PM

"wow, that is a sad tale to tell, I think it's best that we go to the next town and get a saddle." she looked at Fiery. "so you wanna fly?." this would be it, the time she got to go up into the skies instead of her brother. This was gonna be fun...smoke..." hey fiery... Can you smell smoke."

rosie_poisy 09-17-2011 09:41 PM

"hey look, there is a town, we could stay there tonight. we need to hurry so... Is that smoke. No, smoke. We need to hurry". Crystal flapped her wings harder and harder till they were going as fast as they could.

Cupcake Queen 09-17-2011 09:47 PM

"yeah i smell it lets go" she said and flapped up into the air and flew towards the smell of the smoke.

rosie_poisy 09-17-2011 09:57 PM

Ashley looked around, then out of no where a dragon came shooting out of the Forrest and into the air. Ashley looked over to see a rider. A female rider. At least she could talk to her." crystal fly near to that dragon, I need to talk to them, the rider is female." just as she had been told to do, crystal turned her wings and headed towards the other dragon.

Cupcake Queen 09-17-2011 10:01 PM

Fiery saw the other dragon. She figured they smelt the smoke too.

haku_yowane 09-17-2011 10:44 PM

'Hey fiery, anyother dragon is coming towards us...what do we do. They could turn me in for having a dragon." She looked worried. but the other dragon kept coming towards them.

rosie_poisy 09-17-2011 10:48 PM

"hey there. Are you going towards the village as well?" the dragons were next to each other as they flew. Totally as one," what power does your dragon have? My dragons is wind, she can take all of the air out of the fire and it shall die. Wait...are you a girl?"

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