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Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:28 AM

The Naked Nation - Omg So Cold!!,0.jpg
I hope this image won't be in violation of the site's PG13 rules...if it is, please tell me and I'll take it off ASAP.

Brrr! [gonk] Oh my, that's cold!
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Naked Nation, Christmas Edition! A cold front recently hit the tiny island that Antagonist resides upon, and now the anti-protagonist is freezing Its fingers off! But It will not put on gloves, because then how would It be able to type?! Although that doesn't explain the lack of clothes on the other parts of Its body...[ninja]

Regardless, even if it's freezing, the spirit of thy nudity shall burn ever strong! Have fun everybody! [boogie]

(yes, the thread's open [ninja])

Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:29 AM

Thread is open! [boogie]

Queen_Andais 12-24-2012 12:31 AM

Hey there, Antagonist. I will be sure to leave this thread open in it's own window so I can spread the love in your thread.

Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:34 AM

Aw, thank you Queenie! [hug]

I'm posting like crazy right now, though mostly in the stickies, so many new posts everywhere. [lol]

Queen_Andais 12-24-2012 12:41 AM

Never been one to participate in the stickies. Consider if part of my antisocialistic tendencies. Try to focus on the threads my friends make.

How you been doing?

Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:43 AM

I used to focus more on the user-made threads too, but then somewhere along the way I became more involved with the stickies instead of the threads below. [sweat]

I'm alright I suppose, only an hour into my work after all. My fingers are freezing, but I need to be able to type so no gloves for me. [lol] Leaving in about half an hour to do this survey test on some students for work, and then I'll be back. [:)]

hummy 12-24-2012 12:44 AM

aw,poor guys in the cold.....*snickers*

Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:45 AM

Such brave, brave souls...I'd never be able to do that. [gonk]

Queen_Andais 12-24-2012 12:47 AM

Frozen finger tips suck when you are trying to type quickly. I have the opposite issue at work, always gets warm in the building and sweating is very uncomfortable while trying to concentrate on title chains.

Any plans for Christmas?

Cora 12-24-2012 12:48 AM


Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:49 AM

Yeah...both freezing and sweating sucks when one is trying to type quickly. [sweat]
I've been making so many typos today because I couldn't feel my fingers...

Nope, not really. We don't celebrate Christmas here where I live, so I have work (and a busy day too...) on the 25th. [lol]
You? [:)]

---------- Post added 12-24-2012 at 08:49 AM ----------

Hey there Cora!! [glomp]

Steven 12-24-2012 12:51 AM

Hello, everyone. I haven't used my mule in so long.

Cora 12-24-2012 12:51 AM

Do you celebrate any holidays this time of year?

Also [hug]

I could go through an event without hanging out in the nakkie nation.......though I did fail to post there BETWEEN events lols.

---------- Post added 12-24-2012 at 01:51 AM ----------

Who's mulie are you steven?

Velvet 12-24-2012 12:52 AM

The horror... the hooooorror! My eyes can never unsee those naked butts. Never...[gonk] Why, why?!

Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:54 AM

Hehe, welcome Mule! I should bring ol' Sephie out later too...poor guy hasn't had much action in the past year. [ninja]

@Cora: Hmm...well, not really. Just the Chinese New Year I suppose, but that's not for another couple of weeks I think. Will be going on vacation in China some time in February, I think, so I'll have to take leave from work for a couple of days (Friday - Tuesday) so I can go. [yes]

@Velvet: ...Oops, sorry? [ninja];;;;

Steven 12-24-2012 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1771412680)
Who's mulie are you steven?

Dana's mule.

Cora 12-24-2012 12:54 AM

Rofl, I find them amusing.

Random fact of the day- apparently 9 people have posted in this thread....but nobody has viewed it. Thats talent.

dana eleanor 12-24-2012 12:55 AM

My mule is here!

Queen_Andais 12-24-2012 12:55 AM

We are going to my friend's house to spend part of Christmas day with them, to open presents and have breakfast. Then we are going to pack and we are going to my parent's house on the 26th. My dad is retiring on the 27th, so this weekend should be party central. And we are trying to cram in seeing our friends up in Northern California for New Year's Eve.

Cora 12-24-2012 12:56 AM

@Anta- well at least you'll get time off from work in a couple months.

Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:56 AM

@Cora: What is that possible? [rofl]

---------- Post added 12-24-2012 at 08:57 AM ----------

@Queen: Oooh, sounds like fun! [eager]
Wish we could go for a week without work...

@Cora: Yeah. I have a lot of over time work hours saved up so taking two days off is possible. [boogie]

dana eleanor 12-24-2012 12:58 AM

I can't wait to open my presents on Christmas. I hope I get what I wanted.

Cora 12-24-2012 12:59 AM

@Anta- it fixed itself. It was a weird glitch I believe.....I should have taken a snapshot.

And thats awsome, I hope they are an extremely fun few days for you ^.^

Antagonist 12-24-2012 12:59 AM

No presents for me. :c

I'm tempted to buy something for myself, but I'm kinda running low on funds at the moment. xDDD;;;

---------- Post added 12-24-2012 at 09:00 AM ----------

@Cora: Ah. xDD Still funny though.

I hope so too! I've heard that the food will be great. * w*

MoodyBats 12-24-2012 01:00 AM

Hey all!

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