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Damia Flagg 12-27-2015 04:52 PM

Chance ~ Love it or Hate it?
I love when chance tosses out a lot of Aces & Kings during a round.
I hate it when you have a couple of tokens & either a 2 or Queen pop up & then you lose on them.
Which card trip you up the most in chance?
For me I think it is the Jack.

Maha-Aamir 12-27-2015 04:57 PM

It's behaving right now...
but usually it needs to be [whip]

Kent 12-27-2015 07:52 PM

I love it when I win all five rounds. = w=
I hate 5s, and 9s. D:< I guess 2s and Qs are tricky too. XD

onsenmark 12-27-2015 08:12 PM

If I can get a good round going, sure.

Damia Flagg 12-27-2015 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Maha-Aamir (Post 1773535170)
It's behaving right now...
but usually it needs to be [whip]

It needs to have a [whip] taken to it most of the time.
I've mostly been chickening out if I get to 3 sweets.

Nephila 12-27-2015 08:31 PM

I definitely love it.

Since I started posting more I see it as more of a bonus that absolute way to get currency that I used too. So I don't mind as much when I fail because it evens out for me.

Maha-Aamir 12-28-2015 01:57 AM

I hate it the most when i get 4 rounds and the last round card is an easy one but when i play i loose everything [gonk]

Sporcle 12-28-2015 02:22 AM

I love it so much!
I always have to collect after two points though, aha.
Jacks and Queens are the ones that always get me.

Nephila 12-28-2015 02:27 AM

I normally collect on four rounds because of that very reason Maha. :)

Maha-Aamir 12-28-2015 02:30 AM

yesss I do that now... only if i get an Ace or king do i tread further [:)]

xuvrette 12-28-2015 06:28 AM

I love it when I win.
I hate it when I lose.

Inzanebraned 12-28-2015 08:55 AM

Chance hasn't been very generous to me this event.
I think its a hate/love relationship, Chance and me...
I really hate to love it....and I am compelled to play...even when I'm sure I'm just gonna lose again! Lol!
If I make it to the second round, I usually just grab what I got and skidaddle!
Twos ALWAYS trip me up!!

xuvrette 12-28-2015 09:01 AM

don't forget the Q!!

Kay 12-28-2015 09:08 AM

Chance isn't being very nice at the moment. It's the lower numbers that I've lost on the last several rounds. Mostly twos and fives. Just lost this last round on a four.

xuvrette 12-28-2015 09:22 AM

I had been lost to 3 recently... x.x

Maha-Aamir 12-28-2015 09:43 AM

2's and Q's are cursed!!!

xuvrette 12-28-2015 10:06 AM

The worst part of this event...
I click Pay to Play twice... x.x

Maha-Aamir 12-28-2015 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1773537494)
The worst part of this event...
I click Pay to Play twice... x.x

I get nightmares during events that i clicked on it!

Liunesta 12-28-2015 11:42 AM

I hardly take chances. If it isn't a high or low card, I'll guess once and collect.

xuvrette 12-28-2015 12:00 PM

It is nightmare in waking hour.
so, I dont have that nightmare while sleeping.

Maha-Aamir 12-28-2015 03:25 PM

hehehehe Chance has a frightening personality...

salvete 12-28-2015 03:36 PM

I love that chance is there as kind of a bonus way of earning event currency! I think the cards that trip me up the most are jack or 3

star2000shadow 12-28-2015 04:37 PM

star's an equal love hater of chance 'nods' she loves it when she wins, hates when she loses ..

Kay 12-28-2015 04:39 PM

The chance game can be good or bad. Just lost this last round on a two.

star2000shadow 12-28-2015 04:44 PM

yeah that two 'glowers at it' I've lost my fair share of times on that thing, you'd think it being a two it'd be higher but noooo its always lower and then when i do lower..its higher..'swats the two'

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