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Immy 03-29-2017 02:26 AM

A Time For Everything

The FBI agency known as Criminal Minds Bureau needed another member for the team during an uprise in crime. It's also known they needed someone who had outstanding skills in fighting, protection, and taking others down without hesitation. Aarron Hotchner, head of his team stands in front of his current team including: Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jason Gideon, Elle Greenaway, Emily Prentiss, and Jennifer "JJ" Jareau. "So why'd you call us together Hotch? Must be important" Morgan spoke up seeing as everyone was around them. "Elle and Emily are going to take a case that requires them to travel to another state to go undercover for a special case. Meanwhile we need two new team members to take those positions until they get back." Hotch began not giving them too long to discuss seeing as the girls already knew about this.

"Before they leave, I want to introduce to you both of them. Amber Brown is apart of the team as one of us and we'll treat her as such in the meantime. Don't treat her like an outsider, not that I believe any of you will do, but also keep in mind not to get too involved in her personal life. We all respect boundaries and that's where our other team member plays a part." Hotch noticed a girl walk up as the others turn to see who it was watching him nod to continue. "This is Rane Willows, she's considered a job as something new we're looking into called a 'Guardian' which means while we protect those out there, she'll protect us on dangerous cases. This is temporary and can be executed at any time given necessary. She'll be with us the entire way without hesitation and can take others down. She is not held down by our rules therefore she may go out of her way if she wishes to get information or suspects. She's also more...of a physical type of person than any of us by what I've seen and have been told. So I want you to welcome them both."

Rane was wearing black skinny jeans with slight rips in them with black sketcher shape up leather looking shoes. A black t-shirt with angelic wings looking like guns on the back of the shirt and saying 'Sinful' on the front of it in fancy letters. She had a hottopic looking jacket that was thin with long sleeves and a hood, that could be zipped up but look like a corset jacket. Her dark purple hair framed her face appearing light weighted. Her eyes looked more silver blue making her stand out more than the others while she had a bag on her back. Rane didn't say a word, this was better than her other job, and she'd get paid more than usual.

Nova_Alchemist 03-29-2017 03:24 AM

Immy: ref pic;

Amber was wearing a casual light blue shirt, something from GoodWill that didn't look too shabby and a pair of faded blue jeans. She wore tan ankle boots for someone with flat feet. She didn't wear heels, ever. She had recently put in for a job with the FBI, a computer girl or something, she wasn't really expecting this. Amber delicately pushed some of her fiery-orange hair behind her ear as she tried not to hide her face from everyone in the room. A small pink backpack rest against her foot. She was still pretty much a college student, but very skillful with computers and she loved books. Her icy blue eyes skimmed the agents for some sort of human emotions. Even they were government agents, they were still people. "Reid, Amber will be working with you until she gets used to working here." Aaron spoke, kind of joking since they were about the same age. He felt, pairing the new girl with the younger agent might help him.

Spencer really didn't like the sound of that. He knew Hotch was mostly messing with him, but he also knew the man meant business. He could no longer complain about not having someone his age to work with.. and it gave Derek something else to joke with him about. Not that he minded at all, most college girls though- didn't really have a thing for books. Well, that's how he felt any way. He approached Amber, and held out his hand. "I'm Spencer Reid, but mostly everyone here just calls me Spence." He introduced himself to his coworker. Amber shook his hand, then released. "It's a pleasure to you, all of you. Think- thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you." Amber said, quickly correcting her tongue-tie before embarrassing herself.

Immy 03-29-2017 12:52 PM

Nova_Alchemist: you're lucky if I don't flirt with you myself XD don't worry my girl is mostly straight or more like never interested in a single soul XD its her job, old job)

Rane spoke up next, she seemed eager enough to get things over with "So what about the case?" Aaron looked at her "Why do you think we have a case already?" "Because I'm sure we do, your voice indicates you're in a tad bit of a rush and want to get things over with. As do I, so what's this case?" Rane didn't hesitate once in her voice and then Aaron walked everyone to the office where they would sit and discuss things for their case. After everyone would sit down, Aaron began speaking "Five children went missing on friday night between the hours of eleven and twelve. The question is who took them, why, and how did they take them? Nothing went amiss, nothing out of place, and nothing seems to fit as odd minus children missing."

Rane glanced over Morgan's file taking in the information and as a speed reader it came in handy. Each child: Hayden Leyers, Aira Chong, Chaka Kiente, Dax Dour, and Dimitrius Evans.

"They're all around the same age aren't they?" Morgan spoke into the silence as everyone tried to fit clues together "And in the same neighborhood" Gideon spoke then added "So what? They wanted a group of kids that knew each other?"Rane stayed silent waiting as she understood a connection or two in between the children and the night they disappeared along with the time frame. They knew they had twenty four hours to find them alive, but she thought something was odd about it. No suspect named, found, or even considered. Sure the neighborhood watch of an open community, but what else? Rane stood in the back of the room, she wasn't here to help only to protect which threw her off sometimes seeing as she loved puzzles to no end.

Nova_Alchemist 04-02-2017 08:33 PM

Immy: bleh xD

Amber shook her head lightly as Rane seemed eager to get to work on a case. Following the group to the other room, she just kind of stayed near another female, who looked more of a computer person like herself, and she listened to Aaron as he talked about the case at hand. Five kids..all around the same one night? What the hell was that about? Whatever the case, if they didn't catch this person- more kids would probably go missing here within the course of days. She wasn't really one to speak up though, if she didn't fully understand what was going on. Amber was a sky gal who was mostly afraid of embarrassing herself, or saying something stupid.

Spencer's gears were turning in his head, but even he couldn't think of anything so to speak. "What I don't understand, is how this unsub managed to grab five kids without getting caught- or seen. We've always had something to go off of." He finally spoke, folding his arms over his chest at he narrowed his eyes a little. "..well, maybe this person has a history with kids?" Amber voiced quietly, but loud enough for the others to hear her.

Immy 04-04-2017 06:42 PM

Nova_Alchemist: sorry life is busy, work is hectic, I've been babysitting for extra cash which I'll probably keep up with and yea lol I've been exhausted. I need to raise my stamina.

Rane was only eager to get the case over with rather than bother with it, her previous job was more...interactive so standing around talking about things wasn't how she would go about it. Then again she was only here to be a bodyguard and that was it. No opinions needed unless they asked her and she doubted they would.

"That doesn't really narrow it down, but it does give us a good start point. The question should be, HOW did they get them out away from others?" Garcia asked as Morgan chimed in flipping through the pages "Yeah, there wasn't any sign of a struggle, almost like they just disappeared." The chit chat continued on as Rane was tuning them out until Rossi glanced at her. "You've been silent, what do you think?" Rane was surprised Rossi called her out to say her thoughts, not in a mean way, just curious or intrigued way. "I'm a guardian, I protect, I do not solve puzzles. That is for you all to do."

"Maybe Amber is right, maybe they do have a connection with children. Garcia can you look up anyone in their neighborhood area inside and outside the community that is popular around children or their job prefers to work with children of their ages?" Garcia nodded as she stood up "I'll go see what I can do." Garcia walked out of the room and to her office in the basement as she set up communications to listen to the team and they could hear her as well.

Nova_Alchemist 04-04-2017 10:10 PM

Amber put a hand on her head to push from hair out of her eyes. So, she was helpful? Even if it was minimal, she was glad to have given them some kind of clue, or idea, or whatever it was she gave them. Aaron looked over at the secondary new team member, then glanced at Spencer. "Reid, Brown, you two will start looking through files for a criminal who has a thing for kidnapping children." Amber blinked a few times and picked up her backpack and glanced at Spencer who nodded to their boss. Spencer grabbed Amber's arm and lead her to the file room. Did they always do things like this? It seemed like they were doing the same thing as the computer-chick, only they were going through files for a profile, while Garcia searched for a location.

Once they were in the room that J.J normally worked in, Amber put down her bag and glanced around the small room. "So let me get this straight, we're looking for a profile-" She was cut short by Spencer holding up a folder. "Possibly, this could be a team effort, so even if Garcia can locate someone fitting the profile and give us a location, we still need to look through previous files with similar cases to try and.." "Narrow the search." The two of them ended up saying at the same time. Spencer smirked and nodded to the girl as he went back to searching. Amber helped and started going through the files with him.

Immy 04-05-2017 01:56 AM


Rane stayed quiet as the others were given their teams while she was working out the details of the files, just because she refused to say anything didn't mean she didn't know anything. Sure the kids were children and all, but in her last job there was no such thing as having a heart. She had kept her emotions and outspoken spirit quieter since it was easier that way. Then again this job was way different than her last one, but that was meant to stay under wraps and solely for herself.

Spencer looked at Amber going to reach for the same file she was reaching for without realizing until their hands touched. "Oh sorry." he picked up another file starting to skim through it. "So far I've only found three that help as far as being in the area and under the terms we're looking for...did you find any?"

Nova_Alchemist 04-05-2017 02:13 AM

haha, spence is a spazz ^~^

Aaron approached Rane as she went about her own way of things. "I understand your job isn't to get involved, but every piece of information we can get will help us find those children. Now, you look like you have an idea or know something that would be helpful- you don't have to keep it to yourself." He spoke, trying to get her to talk to him.

Amber shook her hand a little after Spencer had grazed her hand, and picked up the file. It wasn't really a big deal.. He was probably used to working alone, or with the woman who normally ran the case files. She glanced up at him from the file, and shook her head. "Not really.." Amber said quietly. "I found one, about a guy with a history of kidnappings- but I don't know if he fists the terms properly." She said, putting the file she mentioned down on J.J's desk. "Plus- he's still in prison." Amber added, running a delicate hand through her long hair.

Immy 04-05-2017 02:43 AM

Nova_Alchemist: he's also not used to being around pretty girls XD

Rane didn't show any sign that she was going to give in "Children are children, people will always have new kids. I don't see why this place is so important on catching those they can or cannot catch." 'They couldn't catch me at my last job, they couldn't even catch me in daylight' she thought to herself but the words she spoke made her remember something though she ignored it as soon as it appeared. "Look at it like this there are five children around the same age, all went along without being afraid or making a mess to give things away. In elemental terms Hayden means fire, Aira means air, Chaka means life which stands for energy, Dax means water, and Demetrius means earth. Putting these together based upon before being an hour before midnight indicates a spiritual religion or cult. That's all I got though, I don't have anything else to say. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the restroom." Rane handed him the file she was holding while walking out of the room to the bathroom.

"That's true, there is one I found about someone who got life in prison for occults...but unless he has subordinates willing to give it all up for him and that is possible. I doubt it's him. The second one lives alone being drunk in his house day in and day out. He lives away from everyone else but I don't know if he's the correct one. Though this other one catches my interest. Says his name is Slade or that is actually the name he was born with as an american japanese man to a high powered executive that never gave him the attention or love he needed growing up it seems. His father was strict on him which made his son go into a school for science to become like a new age future doctor as it says here. Problem was he was experimenting on himself so his father shut it all down. It was rumored the son had a place here a few miles from the community and tends to still experiment on himself or animals. Though there is never any proof and most of the time he sits out on his porch just waiting for one person to show up. Though he has no actual crimes against him except trying to kill his father for supposedly killing his mother who was involved in a freak car accident." Spencer spoke pretty quickly getting interested in the subject, it didn't say anything about children though.

Nova_Alchemist 05-17-2017 01:02 AM

@I kinda forgot about this.. ><
i will get a post up if you don't waiting just a bit longer x.x

Immy 05-17-2017 04:31 AM

Nova_Alchemist: after all that waiting I made you do, be my guest.

Nova_Alchemist 05-22-2017 02:24 AM


Aaron listened to her words intensely, he hadn't even thought about it that way.. So much for keeping an open mind. Great, this was like no case they'd dealt with before. He was thankful for her help. When she excused herself, he let her go and held the file in his hand. Then he went into his office to look at the files again, at a different angle.

Amber glanced at Spence as he spoke, not having any trouble keeping up with his speech. "It wouldn't be the first time a cultist had someone on the outside, to do the dirty work while the prisoner tries to break out." She commented quietly, shaking her head lightly. "Let's just hope he doesn't have a fan group." She murmured in a low voice.

Immy 05-22-2017 06:19 PM

Nova_Alchemist: Fangroup = fangirls lol that made me laugh, imagining how deadly they can be if needed be XD hahaha. Sorry time to post now. Wow we haven't even hit page two yet. Lol tells you we put more quality in posts than quantity.

After going to the restroom she realized she was being a bit too cold towards the people she should be protecting, getting to know them would aid her in protecting them as a bodyguard even if she didn't want to do it. Helping people was certainly better than killing them...Rane walked past the others leaning on the doorframe of Aaron's office not saying anything. She really did like to just watch people work or go about their business. Plus half the time she was so quiet no one would know she was there and tended to spook them unintentionally. "Do we know anything other than what was stated in the files about this killer?" Rane was wondering if maybe they should go looking where the children lived and try to figure things out that way. It would be a great way to clear their heads "What about visiting the site where the children disappeared, are we allowed to do that?"

"I understand what we're looking for but right now I am not finding anything that fits this profile anymore than when we started our meeting." Spencer spoke shaking his head filing through quite a few different files thankful for having a really good memory. Almost photographic in a way and placing things together. Even if it was a cult, why in such a tight community? "It doesn't make sense to abduct them all on the same night...unless they were willing to go with the stranger. Maybe someone they trusted?" Spencer began rattling wondering if Amber had any ideas.

Nova_Alchemist 05-22-2017 11:41 PM

Immy: yea xD
i do like how it's going so far though <3

Even with how quiet she was being, Aaron could tell Rane was near. He was like that with most of the people he worked with, except J.J or Garcia- but Garcia was a giant softy. Being cold towards her wasn't exactly easy.. He glanced up from the files and looked at Rane when she spoke up and he laid the folder down on his desk. He motioned with an arm for her to come in, if she was going to talk to him. "We'd know more if the reporters had their way." He mentioned in a low voice, then he nodded to her. "Yes, normally we don't until we have more information- but I can make an exception and get the team together."

As Spencer spoke, a thought came to her. "No.. A child can easily trust someone with candy or something sweet- or just someone who might seem to be a nice person. Most kids these days don't mind strangers.but it's possible that they knew." Amber thought hard about the names and ages of the five kids once she remembered a book about dark magic and wiccan rituals. They were all about the same age, disappeared on the same night, and their names.. Their names meant something- but she couldn't remember what. It was all connected though.. "He has to know the laws of old historic rituals and the only guy I can think of is someone who spends a lot of time in a library. Maybe Garcia can pull up a log from the city library, and see if anyone has been browsing any wiccan sites on the web?" She suggested curiously, glancing over at Spencer.

Immy 05-23-2017 12:11 AM

Nova_Alchemist: Holy ---- YES WE'RE ON AT THE SAME TIME!!! HIIIII ITS BEEN FOREVER AND YES I DID JUST SQUEAL OUT LOUD LOL and yes brother is asleep, no more of "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME" song XD p.s. it's exception not acception. lol forgive me but i can't resist just this once.

"If we can get out there, I might be able to help you figure out a few clues. It's seems it's tied to something spiritual rather than religious, if they're truly doing this based on time frames, the moon, and elemental names of the children then it's nothing to do with religion." Rane spoke she didn't know why she felt like she couldn't be cold to the man, but maybe she was just tired of being cold all the time. "I wonder how the families are taking this." Rane whispered then glanced over to his desk seeing a picture of a little boy "Who is that?" she wouldn't admit she did some background history on the team, but the boy she didn't notice in the information. Maybe for safety reasons since she didn't look hard enough.

Spencer listened nodding "Good idea" he got Garcia on the phone on speaker "Garcia can you pull up the town's old library records and see who spends a lot of time there. Probably when not too many people are there, so late at night or maybe someone who works there?" "Sure thing, I'll have it up for you in no time. I'll let you know when I have something." with that the phone clicked out meaning she hung up to do her research.

Nova_Alchemist 05-23-2017 01:17 AM

Immy: haha, okay xD and thanks for the spelling ^^'
i had a brain spazz..

Aaron nodded his head lightly and slowly rose from his chair. "Alright, I'll get the tram together- and see if Spence and amber had found anything." He spoke, glancing at the photo of his son that Rane had asked about. "That's Jack, he's my son." He answered in a lowered voice. He then walked out from behind his desk and passed Rane to go rally the team together, so they could go investigate the crime scene.

Amber couldn't hide the smile she was wearing, due to having a good idea and sharing an interest with Spencer. Then she heard Aaron's voice, and she glanced at her partner, but only for a moment before walking out of the room to meet Aaron in the larger room. Did they The male looked at Amber as Spence followed behind her. "Have you two been able to find anything out?" He asked. Amber shook her head lightly. Not anything he probably already knew. "..but Spence asked Garcia to pull up some old library logs. This guy obviously did his research, and I don't think he went checking out library books." She said, shyly rubbing her forearm.

Immy 05-23-2017 01:30 AM

Nova_Alchemist: when do I not? I am thinking more now that I have vodka in my system and if I mispell something let me know I'l fix it tomorrow.

Rane took a close look at the little boy then followed aaron out to meet with the others. Once they called the others in they checked with Spencer and Amber to see if they found anything. Rane allowed Aaron to do the talking, talking in front of others wasn't no where near in her comfort zone unless she was telling someone off. Once they said they would go to the site, it was up to spencer and amber if they wanted to go with or stay behind and do paper work. Garcia didn't find anything just yet on the information they request which meant they were at a stand still.

(okay it hit faster than i thought, might be bpassiing out, yep yep lol I'll stay up tomorrow night though, with wine.)

Nova_Alchemist 05-23-2017 01:37 AM


Amber told Spencer she'd go with Aaron and Rane, but she gave him her number in case he found something that might help her while at the site. She already had his number, for the exact same reason. Aaron didn't entirely like the idea of letting Amber join him and Rane, but she had a good argument- which in the end made his decision on allowing her to go as well.

Immy 05-23-2017 11:48 AM

Nova_Alchemist: this one should be better. I should have only done one shot, but wine vs vodka is another percentage. Now I AM supposed to cut the grass today, or so I think I am. But my mother is being a little witch about it, putting that super super nicely.

Aaron, Rane, Amber, and Morgan was going along to the site. Rane suggest if they would split up that it should probably be Morgan, seeing as both girls were new, and not used to the team - that's if they got separated though. So they had to stay with an original team member until then. Once they got in the car, Rane had no idea where to go - so Morgan drove while the girls sat in the back of the vehicle. Rane would rather have not used a vehicle or just used hers, but that didn't seem much like an option at the moment. Going along with things because that's how to rules were and she wasn't supposed to bend or break them until necessary. They finally arrived at the site, it wasn't too long either, and truthfully she was glad. Walking or running was better than using a vehicle that would close you from the outside world.

Stepping out of the SUV Rane kept the door open for Amber to get out next "How you feeling?" Rane asked, not normally speaking too much, she was more of a quiet person around others. She didn't even have a reason to why she spoke - just did. Rane would close the door after Amber fully got out with her stuff and then waited for the boys to come around to group up. "So what house did this begin at?" Rane asked as Morgan said "All of them, same time, there is nothing that says who did anything first." Rane walked away from the hours seeing each house was marked off as if it was a crime scene. She could also tell something was off with each house "Are we allowed to look at the children's rooms?" Rane asked not looking back, but around as if she was going to find some clues that way.

Nova_Alchemist 05-23-2017 10:28 PM

Immy: haha, I know how that can be- believe me ><

Amber tried not to think too much about actually visiting the crime scene, and the lingering silence between the four of them wasn't helping. She tried to focus on the small things her and Spencer found while looking at different case files, but it was hard to think straight. She was nervous and kind of scared- what if the guy was there and the team got separated? Ahhh, her anxiety was bubbling.

When they arrived, Amber slipped out of the back seat behind Rane, and didn't say much when the other girl asked how she was doing. Not that she had time to before Rane joined the boys. She lowered her head and followed her. Aaron looked at Rane and nodded his head before glancing at Morgan. Normally, at a time like this they usually split up in smaller teams, but this time it would be best to examine one house at a time and stay together. Hopefully Derek was thinking the way thing.. Amber glanced at the different houses, and pointed over at one of them. "Why not check that one first? It looks like the guy had a harder time getting in, or out, and might of made a mess inside. The other houses don't give off the same vibe." Amber spoke up, then put her arms behind her back nervously.

Immy 05-23-2017 10:36 PM

Nova_Alchemist: she finally let me do most of the front and the entire back. She kept saying she would help but I refused to let her. I wanted to do it. What's wrong with trying to do something new here. Anyways grass is done, I'm easily irritated today, and yea...time to get lost in my roleplays <3

Morgan spoke up "I think it's good if we all stuck together, you have your own way of thinking but we have to do what we think is best. If for some odd reason we do split up, everyone stick to the person near you." Morgan agreed with Amber "I'm going to go with Amber on this on, Come on let's check out the inside" He walked with Amber to go inside the first house as a text was sent to amber from spencer [How's things going so far? -Spencer]

Rane stayed back while she glanced about looking at the ground, the windows, houses, paths, grass, and the various places around them. For a gated community you'd think people would be out wondering what was going on or trying to revisit the scenes to create suspects or something. Then again she only knew what she saw on television with things.

Nova_Alchemist 05-23-2017 11:03 PM


Amber stuck close to Derek as the four of them went into the house she had pointed out. If they were to get split up, she'd rather be with the tall, dark, and toned man of the group. Not that Aaron couldn't pack a punch.. She just felt safest with Derek. She took a second to check her cell when it vibrated in his pocket, and answered the text [Nothing yet.. we're just getting a look inside one of the houses.] then followed Derek inside. She was right, the place looked all kinds of disoriented.

Aaron led them to the child's room where Rane asked about looking at.

Immy 05-23-2017 11:41 PM

Nova_Alchemist: didn't get that ping lol but I stalk mene anyways.

Rane glanced about the room after getting in there first, she took notice of it, but her doubts remained the same. Then again she didn't need to help them, they could probably find the children on their own, and sometimes fate was just that - fate. Rane stayed silent as she leaned against a wall closing her eyes listening to all around her in case any other person was here.

Morgan noticed Rane just did as she wanted so he went on with the investigation looking around. "So far everything is a mess but it seems more like the kid was just not one to pick up their toys. The parents said they were pretty clean about their room and clothes but this shows the opposite. I wonder what...wait does anyone else smell that?" Morgan asked glancing about, the odor came from all over but the location wasn't known. It was a bad something rotting.

(I got an idea, just roll with it, it's not what you think)

Nova_Alchemist 05-24-2017 12:28 AM

Immy: had to step away, but i'm back now ^~^

The room looked like a wreck- like the guy was looking for something or the kid didn't want to go with the guy in the end, or the parents. It took a minute to get what Derek was asking, before she could smell the foul odor herself, and she covered her nose with a cloth. "Oh god.." She murmured quietly. Lots of things could be causing this stink, but because of the kind of case they were dealing with- she couldn't stop from thinking the worst. Diapers, old food or laundry, or even mold. Yes, mold could cause a horrid stink.

Immy 05-24-2017 12:38 AM

Nova_Alchemist: that's alright, glad to see you're back. I just opened my crackers at the same time I refreshed to see a post.

"It's just decomposition" Rane could smell it too but it didn't bother her as much as the others. She walked around carefully the toys and stuff on the floor to figure out where the odor would come from first. "It doesn't bother you?" Morgan asked covering his nose as well, now the smell was escalating. Then sudden realization hit Rane "We didn't smell it at first because we didn't really walk into the room and after we walked into it...then we noticed it more. This is starting to sound worse than the usual cult ordeal." Glancing about the room she noticed something as she asked for one of the gloves morgan kept with him, he handed it to her as she put it on. Lifting up under the bed - nope not where the smell was coming from - then she checked the closet.

Stopping she wondered where else to check "If this is a poltergeist thing it's going to suck" She mumbled to herself feeling the carpet, it was soaked, originally the carpet was a dark pink to begin with, probably one of the girls rooms. However, she felt for something then peeled back the carpet which was only a circular area rug like a flower in a way only to find blood stained on the hardwood floor. What got Rane's attention was the devil marking with the star that was upside down and the devil's supposed head to call upon him. It was poorly drawn as if by a child not an adult or one adult that really couldn't draw very well - which in this line of cult wouldn't be useful to them. Not caring about the symbol she started pulling the boards back only to find dead animals, a few small ones. A rabbit, a cat, and even a guinea pig and puppy was there. However the dead snake was the worst one as she stood back away from it all.

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