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Uniplex 05-14-2014 05:13 PM

The Doctor- A Doctor Who fanfiction
(Just a little thing I have had in me brain for a while. It's still the 11th doctor, since I am having issues letting go of 11.)

Sasha Myran was alone, she lived in an apartment that could barely fit all that she had. Her family didn't associate themselves with her- they found her choices worthless. She felt depressed if she let herself think about it enough.
So she just didn't think about it.
She worked at a little boutique and coffee house, and she loved it there. The family she lost she gained at the little store. When she went to work she felt needed and loved, and she loved that feeling. She loved feeling needed.
And that day she met him, she felt more needed than ever.

That day was June 17th, 2015. She had just gotten up for work when she got a call that building had a fire, and the owners were killed trying to make sure everyone else got out safe. Tears streamed down her face as she threw the phone across the room.
"Damn it! Why?" She screamed.
Right after that, she heard a knock at the door. She wiped her face off and opened the door, to see a tall man with dark brown hair, very sparse eyebrows and sad-looking eyes.
"Who are you?" She demanded.
"The question is, who are you?" He responded.
She just looked at him, angry and sad, snapping "You came to my house, now tell me who you are!"
"I'm The Doctor. You sound angry. Do you want to talk about it?" He said, his voice going almost too quick for Sasha to follow.
"I-I'm fine. Just woke up with a rough start. What do you need?" She responded, placing her hand against her forehead.
"I need to know if you know where Rusty's Boutique and Coffee is." He responded with a smile.
"I used to work there. It just burned down." Sasha responded, feeling tears choke at her throat again as she thought of the owners dead in the ashes.
His sad eyes showed empathy as he said "I am so sorry. It seems you were very attached to that place. Want to see something kind of cool?"
Before answering, he took Sasha by the hand and ran her out of the room and outside. He said "Look! It's a beautiful day! We have someone we need to find on this beautiful day! Are you willing to help me?"
Oddly enough, Sasha agreed to helping this weird man with the weird smile look for the person she probably didn't know.

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