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ReiyukaE 04-26-2013 11:02 PM

.: Orange Sherbert :. Relearning how to pixel!
~ Insert pretty banner here ~

It's been ages since I've pixeled, but I've always enjoyed it a great deal and been wanting to get better at it. It's one of my favourite "art styles" and since dabbling in it about a decade ago, I've always wanted to actually make pretty things with it.

So I'm going to re-teach myself how to do it, and make some assets for my threads alongside some possible items for avatars here on Mene.

Intro || WIP || Finished || Inspiration || Open

ReiyukaE 04-27-2013 11:26 PM

~ Works In Progress ~

Intro || WIP || Finished || Inspiration || Open

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 12:38 PM

~ Finished Pixels~

Things I actually perfected, huzzah!

Intro || WIP || Finished || Inspiration || Open

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 09:14 PM

~ Inspiration ~

Outfits, pixels, images, whatever the hell that might inspire me/serve as inspiration for some wicked pixel outfit on here.

Intro || WIP || Finished || Inspiration || Open

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 09:16 PM

~ Welcome ~

This thread is now OPEN!

Intro || WIP || Finished || Inspiration || Open

Maria-Minamino 04-28-2013 10:01 PM

YAY! Welcome to the pixel rooms!!!! I like the shape of your stuffs! I'm gonna see it xuvrette: wants to comment first :)

and it is so you to use orange and black! :P

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 10:05 PM

Thank you, thank you! /curtsies
Feel free to critique me harshly, okay? I need tons of practice again, man. But you're right, lets wait for Xu's eye for detail. :D

AND YES. WHAT OTHER COLOUR COMBINATION WOULD I USE. Actually I just started making the boots and was too lazy to grab another colour palette for the rest? XD But still, I think it'd be pretty fun to do everything in those basic colours and then colour it according to needs/requests.

Maria-Minamino 04-28-2013 10:06 PM

It's good to make things as "Sets" so that it's like one outfit - makes it look good and cohesive!

haha yeah - Xuvvie is really great help! I'll see what she says first XD

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 10:09 PM

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too... do some basic things. I'm just worried I'll focus too much on female items - though I know everythings' unisex, I definetly want to make some "originally male" outfits, too. Like plaid shirts and stuff. Love me some plaid shirts.

Haha! Okay, fair enough. :D

Maria-Minamino 04-28-2013 10:13 PM

You are definitely a hell of a lot better than me when I first started - I made the boots in that newbie store as my first item and they were terrible - still are but not as bad XD

haha - it's so hard to make things for males - since I"m not a male XDDD I'm like, "what do guys want to wear?" *draws a blank*

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 10:19 PM

Oh shush - mind you, I've had plenty of practice in the past, so really I have a ton of catching up to do. You're absolutely superior to me at the moment. ;D But not for long, mwahahahaha! MY COMPETITIVE STREAK IS RISING UP! (Actually I don't have much of a competitive streak so I'm just being a bit random when I say that~)

Ask your hubby-to-be! Or we could send out a general "hey dudes, what stuff do you wanna wear?!" out to everyone with a male avatar or something. /shrugs
Personally I try to think of what my OC characters would wear, for instance? That's usually a good thing to go by, for me at least.

Maria-Minamino 04-28-2013 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by ReiyukaE (Post 1771886519)
Oh shush - mind you, I've had plenty of practice in the past, so really I have a ton of catching up to do. You're absolutely superior to me at the moment. ;D But not for long, mwahahahaha! MY COMPETITIVE STREAK IS RISING UP! (Actually I don't have much of a competitive streak so I'm just being a bit random when I say that~)

Ask your hubby-to-be! Or we could send out a general "hey dudes, what stuff do you wanna wear?!" out to everyone with a male avatar or something. /shrugs
Personally I try to think of what my OC characters would wear, for instance? That's usually a good thing to go by, for me at least.

He would just say "black" XDDD He likes to wear black XD

I do the same about OCs - I also search deviantart for refs. I find I'm coming into a "style." I like to make more fantasy-esque clothing!

haha - I have no doubt you could surpass me and soon!

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 10:48 PM

*makes a little hat for her outfit*

Much respect to the hubby-to-be, black is an awesome non-colour for clothing.

Glad to hear you're pin-pointing a style! Making fantasy things is really fun, and quite challenging! And you can never have enough of those; I really love fantasy and fairy-tale inspired things. <3 So I look forward to seeing what you'll give us. :D

Maria-Minamino 04-28-2013 10:49 PM

Oh hats are cute! and hard! Make sure you test them on an avatar with hair!

haha - he doesn't wear much color and when he does his hat needs to match his shirt or his shoes, etc XD

I lean towards fantasy stuff and dresses XD *random* XD

ReiyukaE 04-28-2013 11:44 PM

Tested and found pretty decent.
Here's what I have so far:
I really do NOT like the skirt, though. I was struggling a lot with it. :/ I'll probably revise it later but now I just got sick of it. xD

Omg, he's the hat-wearing type. *squeals* That's awesome, and hilarious really? But yes. Things must match. ;D

That's good to know!

Maria-Minamino 04-29-2013 12:01 AM

The skirt's ruffles definitely need some work - but we'll do one item at a time :D

(Also - it kind of looks like the starry night skirt?) XD

ReiyukaE 04-29-2013 12:08 AM

(Yeah, it does. :/ I always liked the cut of that skirt, thought I'd try something similar, but man those ruffles. /flips table)

Sob, depressing how one's skill deteriorates after going unused for a while. But oh well. There's always room for improvement and it's just fun. Doing a rockabilly dress now~ /humhums

Maria-Minamino 04-29-2013 12:19 AM

Well just keep at it and you'll be back in no time! You are already working well!!!

ReiyukaE 04-29-2013 12:27 AM

You can tell you're a teacher - so full of optimism and motivational speeches. But thank you, Maria. You're a wonder. <3

xuvrette 04-29-2013 04:08 AM

Tell my job base on my attitude. Go on, Guess it. XD
It is rather well done and you are in luck that I am using Photoshop. XD I like the way you place the palette in zigzag way. Like confetti.

First of all, I would like to know your... vision. What you try to design, what fabric, the characteristic of the design.

Both the cardigan and boots have very good shape. Depending on your fabric, you could need some creases near the waist. The spot where your elbows fold would always have some creases, that is one thing to add.

Generally, the shading looks okay and fine. But I notice that there are a few specks of lightest shade seemed to be forcefully put there because... you thought you have to use all shades? Not necessarily. At the sleeves, there are a few specks of lightest shade that I feel isolated... And talking about lightsource on a curve surface. Viewer's left arm the highlighted zone should be higher up, not in the centre, as the light comes from viewers top left.
Also, depending on your surface of the cardigan, your shading could be improved. Maybe the palette is too dark, but the lightest pixel is showing up more like a glowing spot on the abdomen/tummy part. Only zooming in can notice the folds, which is inconsistent with the shape as tightfitted. A clothe CAN be tightfitted on the upper part and get loose on the lower part. Make your choice.

As for your boots. The problem of over dithering... could result in noise/fuzzy surface. Observe how the items/base are shading in a 'shape' and not all of them have dithering.
Another thing about your shading palette connection. It seems like you have such a perfect mathemathical relationship between each shades. As in, shade 2 between shade 1 and 3, shade 4 close to 3. etc. BUT, outline should not be a shade value right next to the base color. Noticable at the golden sole. Outline don't work as precise as base colour as well, making both outline and base colour's palette this close would result in outline being merged too much into the base. It is fine for small pices like 4 pixels? I am afraid when you use the same habit in BIGGER piece, it would surely look weird.

Still please do answer my question in chocolate.
I had been in this thread twice. First, it only have opening, next day I come in saw the pixel WANTED to post, but notice you have a index going on, figure you haven' t finish yet.

Mariaria~ Why me first?

Maria-Minamino 04-29-2013 09:46 AM

Xuvvie - because you are better at it than me XD

xuvrette 04-29-2013 12:51 PM

Butbutbut, you are friendlier~ making redlines.
8D I am lazy.

ReiyukaE 04-29-2013 01:07 PM

Oooh, such an indepth "review". Thanks for that, Xu~ :D As for your job, humn. I'd imagine you doing something related to editing - as in, being a book editor or something of the sort. At least, your eye for detail makes me feel that way.

Good thing you do have photoshop! I've been making these in MS Paint, btw. Would it be better if I saved them as another file type? For my own editing I just save them as .bmp files, but for uploading I save them as .png ones.

My Vision
Truthfully, my vision is lacking? xD At least for this - it's a first try; and I just really wanted to make the boots and the rest is an addition in order to try and make it into some sort of basic outfit. The boots are ones I saw, once upon a yesteryear, in a fanart once. They're supposed to be leather with a plastic, half-see-through platform underneath (hence why I shaded them as such, too).

I was doubtful of that, regarding the shirt... the creases, I mean. I felt like I would need some at the waste but then, with the palette I used, it looked "sleeker" and more of a snug fit than I'd first intended to make it... but yes ma'am, creases will be made. /salutes

That's my problem with my shading, too... it looks decent enough from a distance, but when up close, it's not great. I did feel like I -had- to use every shade, and you're very right in assuming that I felt forced to add in highlights on the shirt and such. You raise some very good points, and I will be sure to try and edit them out of there.

Regarding the boots soles, not to worry, it's only because of it's THAT type of sole that I shaded it as such. It is not a type of shading I would apply on a larger piece - though, actually, I did do that on the top of the skirt, now, because I got so fed up with the damn thing that I basically rushed through it, hah. xD
Over-dithering IS my death trap, and the boots are lacking because of it. I think I'm going to have to learn again to sometimes stray from a set palette, if it doesn't fit - I grabbed the palette from some of the items my avi is wearing, but the outline versus the rest of the palette, and the highlights, don't match what I -need-.

Thank you for this, Xu. <3 You're a great help, and I'll try to remedy my errors asap.

hummy 04-29-2013 01:08 PM

i think you are both wonderful at it.
Maria is more like a teacher
rettie is more like a boss.
you both help so much.

ReiyukaE 04-29-2013 01:20 PM

Either way, any opinion is helpful. ;D

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