Menewsha Avatar Community

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blueblackrose 08-05-2010 05:34 PM

Sorry we are closed until further notice.

Hello and welcome to The INSANE Asylum, one of Menewsha's oldest charities. This is are new thread. It came to my attention the other week how out of date the old one was and that the charity mule didn't have a single post on the front page. So we moved to a new location. I hope no one got lost in the move. *laughs*

The INSANE Asylum hold varies contests and games in which you can win fabulous prizes. I also do a lot of random donating so stick around. Now that that is all out of the way let the INSANITY begin.

Don't be afraid go ahead and let the insanity take over.

You can also visit us at our social group The INSANE Asylum.
Want to visit the old asylum? Then go here.


1. Follow Menewshan Guidelines & ToS.

2. No begging.

3. Please read the front page.

4. Stick around and chat.

5. Don't try scamming me.

6. Please don't start any drama.

7. You're more likely to get a donation if you stick around and take part in things.

8. Go INSANE (If you're not already)

Pixels*Love*Bikinis - A Raffle To Support Menewsha
To check it out click Phear Meh
Come on you know you want to. Just click it already.

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~
~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 05:38 PM

Name: blueblackrose || midnightstar
Nickname: blue, bbrose, bbr, rose, rosey, blue, basketballie || midnight, middy, mid, ms, star
Birthday: August 8th
Location: Somewhere on Earth…at least most of the time (I live somewhere in the USA)
Eyes: Hazel Blue/ turn gray
Hair: Brunette
Orientation: Straight, but kinky *wink*
Occupation: Student *looking for a job*
Hobbie: “Vampiring in the night” Anime, drawing, photography and a bunch of other stuff that I’m too lazy to post right now.
Favorite Quotes: “We are our own devils; we drive ourselves out of our Edens.” ~ Goethe
“The world is a cruel and cold place to those who have become societies outcasts…so take my hand and I’ll show you how the world truly is.” ~ Taby
Random Comment: “The one-eyed chicken stalks at midnight!” ~ Asche

About Damon
Damon was created by Miro.
Damon is one of The INSANE Asylum's hellions. He likes to pick on people, especially Mii, and to play practicle jokes. Damon has lived in the asylum all his life. This is way he seems to be angry all the time. He might not act like it, but he considers Mii his little sister and partner in crime.

About Mii
Mii was created by Clock
Mii is the other little hellion of The INSANE Asylum. Along with Damon she causes lots of mischief. She loves to play doctor and operate on the bear she always carries with her. Thus making the bear one of the things Damon likes to steal from her. Mii might seem to hate Damon, but that's not the truth at all. She looks up to Damon and thinks of him as an older brother. Don't let Mii's sweet act and cuteness fool you, she can be anything, but sweet and cute. Ye be warned.

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~
~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 05:46 PM

Avatar Contest Ends on August 15th
08/05/2010 - Moved to a new location (Yay for a new organized thread)08/02/2010 - Received a kind donation of EIs and CIs
7/26/2010 - Received a donation of 1 Captain's Hootch from Mr. Mayor
07/26/2010 - Received an awesome donation of 8 Iridescent Jelly Squids from Nalin Sun

07/09/2010 to 07/15/2010 - The Feast of Fools User-ran Event (I'm a host)
02/27/2010 - Received a lovely donation of 5 Strawberry Sugar Cookies from the lovely Vicktoria Valentine

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~
~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

Damon//Mii 08-05-2010 06:00 PM

The Supply Room
(Banner coming soon)

Gold Count - 2,600 (updated every 100g)

Contribution Item Count - 18

Event Item Count - 241

Commemorative Item Count - 2

Special NPC Item (SNG) Count - 0

Commons Count - 18

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~
~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

Damon//Mii 08-05-2010 06:04 PM

Mii's Operating Room
(banner coming soon)

~Only one entry per category. (When there is more then one category)
~Post your entry in this thread.
~No mules please.
~Picture references are ok.
~You have to make the avatar.
~Use of MAC or the Dream Avatar Creator is allowed.
~Deadline for entries is 12am MST on September 30th.

The Categories
Oh My Goddess/God!
Since Celes Paradi is so close at hand I thought it would be fitting to have an avatar contest were people created Gods and Goddess. So let your creativity take soar to the heavens.

Avatar Contest Entry Form

HTML Code:

[CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=green][size=4]Oh My Goddess/God![/size][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=green]Name:[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=green]Avatar:[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=green]Picture reference: (just say no if you didn't have any)[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=green]Description: (optional) [/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]


None Yet

The Prizes

Oh My Goddess/God!
First Place - Silver Serpent Bracers
Second Place - August 2010 CI Set
Third Place - Mystic Faun

Past ContestsX

Contestants and Winners
The Hideous Avatar Contest
1st Place


Originally Posted by The Liztress (Post 1768012741)
It's So Hideous!
Name: The Liztress


Picture reference: None has been taken of this creature.
Description: On the remote island Vtulwii south of Africa, the inhabitants have always worshiped the god, Jujudingo. His powers are said to range from controlling the giant squids in the sea that feed the natives to guiding the dead into the sea to transform into the before mentioned squids, creating a circle of life.

Second Place


Originally Posted by Siri

Name: Siri

Picture reference: Everyone who has tried to photograph this creature had their film melt!! So no, there's no reference.

Description: "EEEKKK! WHAT IS THAT THING!? IT DISGUSTS ME!!" These are the torturous words monster Siri had to endure her entire life. Poignantly, she walks away and thinks, "Someday, I will find the place where I can exist without ridicule or persecution".

Until then, folks, let's post her picture on the front page of this thread and expose her to ridicule. FEAST OF FOOLS, FTW! 8D

Third Place


Originally Posted by Fulkth View Post

It's So Hideous!

Name: Fulkth

Picture reference: Nope. It was made out of pure creativity. 8D

Description: It's quite hideous, but hideously beautiful too. A perfect example of a cluttered avi with various unmatching colors and themes.

Theme: Falling into Fall!

~Only one entry per category. (When there is more then one category)
~Post your entry in this thread.
~No mules please.
~Picture references are ok.
~You have to make the avatar.

~Use of MAC or the Dream Avatar Creator is allowed.
~ Gold limit is 6k. (This is for new items I would have to purchase)
~Deadline for entries is 12am MST on September 30th.

Current Inventory


Dream Avatar Entry Form

HTML Code:

[CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=orchid][size=4]Happy Birthday![/size][/COLOR][/FONT]
[CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=orchid][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=orchid]Name:[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=orchid]Avatar:[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=orchid]Picture reference: (just say no if you didn't have any)[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=orchid]Description: (optional) [/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/CENTER]


None yet

The Prizes

Falling into Fall!
First Place - Limited Edition 1st Birthday Cake Hat
Second Place - Strawberry Sugar Cookie
Third Place - Halloween 2009 set

Past ContestsX

Contestants & Winners


~Introduction and Rules~

~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~
~Mii's Avatar Contests~

~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

Damon//Mii 08-05-2010 06:29 PM

Damon's Misguided Experiments
(Banner coming soon)

Art Contest - We Demand Art!
Alright so Mii and I were talking the other day and we realized that we having received an art recently.
After much debating we decided that we want art and the best way to get it would be to have an art contest.

~ You must draw one or both of us (Mii & Damon)
~ It must be your own work
~ No stealing art
~ Entries are due by October 31st

Entry Form

HTML Code:

[color=crimson][font=centurygothic][b][size=5]You Demanded It & Here It Is![/size][/b][size=5][/size][/font][/color][font=centurygothic][/font]
HTML Code:

[CENTER][font=centurygothic][color=crimson][b]Username:[/b] [/color][/font]
[font=centurygothic][color=crimson][b]Entry:[/b] [/color][/font][/CENTER]


Damon ~ [x] [x]

Mii ~ [x] [x] [x] <--(she's suppose to have a nurses hat on, but I forgot it)


None Yet


1st Place ~ Halloween 2007 Set
2nd Place ~ Halloween 2008 Set
3rd Place ~ Halloween 2009 Set
Best Traditional ~
Rainbows of Iris

Overall Best ~
Les Voiles d'Or

Best Couple ~
August 2010 Set

Best CG ~
Indra's Storm

Best Damon ~

Best Mii ~
Valentine's 2010 Set

Damon’s Quiz Show

This game is played like Jeopardy. There are 6 different categories on each game board. The first round’s game board the questions point values range from 100 points to 500 points. The more points a question is worth the harder the question. Each game will consist of at least 2 rounds. The player at the end of the game with the most points wins.

~ There must be at least 3 players for the game to start.
~ The player who goes first will be chosen at random.
~ If a player guesses wrong or doesn’t answer their question in the allotted amount of time then the question it free game for the other players.
~ Players have 5 minutes to answer their question before it becomes free game for anyone to answer. (The reason I’m allowing so much time is because live topic doesn’t always update)
~ Players will be given 5 minutes to answer the question.
~ The first player to answer the question correctly gets the points.
~ Any player may answer the question after it has been asked.
~ There will be a max of 5 players per game.
~ Players are not allowed to edit their posts.
~ If a player gets a question right then they get to choose the next category and question.
~ Each game will consist of at least two rounds and one bonus round.
~ Player at the end with the most points wins.

Sign Up

Please post this when sign ups are open to play.

HTML Code:

[font=century gothic][b][size=5][color=crimson]I Wanna Be On The Show![/color][/size][color=crimson][/color][color=crimson][/color][/b][/font][b][/b]

Please use these forms when playing. Thank you.

HTML Code:

[b][font=century gothic][color=crimson]I would like [instert category] for [insert point amount].[b][/b][/color][b][/b][/font][b][/b][/b]
HTML Code:

[b][font=century gothic][color=crimson]What is [insert your guess]?[b][/b][/color]

Game Board

The Players

The Prizes
First Place - 500g
Second Place - 300g
Third Place - 150g

Past WinnersX

First Game

Past WinnersX

The_Crow - 4400 points

~Introduction and Rules~

~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~

~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~
~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 06:44 PM

Currently There are no Nutty Contests being held.

8th Poster on page 100 gets a Spooky Hairpin
1st Poster on page 150 gets 250g
5th Poster on page 200 gets 500g
3rd Poster on page 300 gets a CI
7th Poster on page 400 gets a CI
2nd Poster on page 500 gets 500g
2 people on page 600 get an item of choice worth up to 300g from the shops
6 people on page 666 get 111g each
1 lucky poster on page 666 gets a Strawberry Sugar Cookie
2 people on page 700 get a long cloak or short cloak
7th poster on page 749 gets 100g
2 people on page 800 get an item of choice worth up to 300g from the shops
2nd poster on page 872 gets 100g
2 people on page 900 get an item of choice worth up to 300g from the shops
3rd poster on page 950 gets 100g
EVERY Person on page 1000 gets 100g each (more depending on how many different people post..goal is to give away 1500g - 2000g)
**Will be updated page prizes between page 1000 and 2000 later**
EVERY Person on page 2000 gets 100g each (more depending on how many different people post..goal is to give away 1500g - 2000g)

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

Damon//Mii 08-05-2010 06:54 PM

SilverPhoenyx - Strawberry Sugar Cookie (1st Poster on pg. 50)
Clair Voyant - Birthday Cake Hat
The Liztress - 25g
jayson526 - 25g
dragoness129 - 25g
Fulkth - 25g
Estrella - 25g
jayson526 - Easter 2010 Egg Set
The_Crow - Dark Crystal & Obakemono
Estrella - Love Knot Hairpin
*Hime* - Iridescent Jelly Squid
*Currently Updating the list*

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

Damon//Mii 08-05-2010 06:56 PM

Help the Asylum betting serve you.

Do you have any ideas or suggests to help make this place more INSANE or just how we can better serve our visitors and patients?
If you do then please post your suggestion here in the charity or PM it to Damon//Mii. Please title your PM "I Want to Help the Asylum". If you just post here in the charity then please have in big red letters "I Want to Help the Asylum!" before what your suggestion is.

Thank you,

The INSANE Asylum Staff
The Liztress - 500g, Golden Monocle, Silver Monocle, Dark Leaf Cuffs, Dark Leaf Cape, Leaf Cuffs & Leaf Cape
The_Crow - August 2010 CI Set
Alexis Durem - Bunny Plushie
firelight - Bunny Hairpin

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 06:57 PM

Under Heavy Construction!

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 06:57 PM

Under Construction!

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~
~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 07:01 PM

The Art Gallery
(banner coming soon)

Art Received by the INSANE Asylum

~Introduction and Rules~
~The Mad Doctor and her Assistants~
~News and Events~
~The Supply Room~~Mii's Avatar Contests~
~Damon's Misguided Experiments~
~Other Nutty Contests and Games~
~Patient Log~
~Help the Asylum Better Serve You~
~Let Me Outta Here~
~The Art Gallery~

Kultura 08-05-2010 07:06 PM

Ohhai :3

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 07:08 PM

Hello, how are you?

Having a new thread feels so weird...

Kultura 08-05-2010 07:23 PM

I'm good, and you? :)

How come you made a new thread?

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 07:30 PM

I'm alright. Getting ready to do a ton of work though. I just found out that I need to put together a photography portfolio by tomorrow.

I made a new because I didn't like how cluttered the old one was or the fact that I made it alternating posts between my main and mule account. Plus I thought it would be nice to have some posts on the front page with my charity mule because people usually since donations for my charity to my main instead. Basically I just wanted to totally reorganize everything. I talked to Jelly about doing it the other week and she understood and it would be ok.

Liztress 08-05-2010 07:53 PM

Congrats on getting the new one up and organized, bbr. Now I can enter my hideous creature. ^_^

It's So Hideous!
Name: The Liztress
Picture reference: None has been taken of this creature.
Description: On the remote island Vtulwii south of Africa, the inhabitants have always worshiped the god, Jujudingo. His powers are said to range from controlling the giant squids in the sea that feed the natives to guiding the dead into the sea to transform into the before mentioned squids, creating a circle of life.

Fulkth 08-05-2010 07:54 PM

O.O New thread.... <3

blueblackrose 08-05-2010 07:55 PM

Thank you Liz. I'm happy that I got it up. There are still some things I need to do yet, but it's mostly finished.

Yay for another entry!

Do you see anything on the front page that might be missing that I should add?

Hey Fulkth.

d2hiriyuu 08-05-2010 09:09 PM

hi, I'm here too

blueblackrose 08-06-2010 01:31 AM

Evening guys. I'm back for a bit.

Fulkth 08-06-2010 01:53 AM

I'm not doing anything much...

Golly, I think I'm a few gold pieces away from 11k....

*plays some furious games*

blueblackrose 08-06-2010 02:05 AM

*hides her food from a kitten*

I'm so bored right now.

The_Crow 08-06-2010 02:37 AM

Did your charity need a fresh start? Anyways best of luck with the clean slate.

blueblackrose 08-06-2010 02:39 AM

Yes it did. The other was a jumbled mess in some areas. Thanks for wishing me luck.

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:16 AM.