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Antagonist 02-22-2011 04:20 AM

The Naked Nation - Goodbye Thread! <3

I happened upon an interesting item glitch one day- it makes your underwear disappear! This, for someone who was a part of starting the tradition of Naked Wednesday, is splendid news. It gives the chance for those who love their birthday suits to show off all their glorious nakedness on Mene!

Thus! I present you with the NAKED NATION!
Come one, come all! Doesn't matter if you're a nudist or not, come and share the gloriousness that is the nekkidness! And while you're at it, have fun!

Unfortunately, the glitch only removes the lower half of the underwear for the ladies, I don't know if there is a way to poof away the upper part.
Respect and follow the rules and TOS of Menewsha.
Be nice.
...join in the nekkidness?

Easy! All that is required is 155g and a trip to the local shop of Lingerie Land! Purchase yourself a pair of Jolly Icy Smalls and put 'em on! And poof! There goes your panties/boxers! :D
Nekkidness FTW!

Antagonist 02-22-2011 04:21 AM

Page Prizes:

Given at random at the whims of FE 飛段 Nightmare Antagonist, but usually is at every 1000th post:

1000th poster: FE, no prize >_>
2000th poster: FE again, no prize >_>
100th page: FE again, but being fed up about winning Its own prizes, the winner shall go to the next person who posted under It, and that happens to be momochan, soooo MOMOCHAN WINS!! Prize: One pair of invisible panties.
3000th poster: FE...again. -.-;
Page 666! 666g for everyone who's posted on that page. momochan, Linnea, Usuke, and Scarling. :D
30000th poster: dragonjake! Prize: 500g
Page 1234: Ikuto Akihiko~ Prize: Art, though it's still in progress...^^;;

Banners! ^__^

Made by IkuAki Ikuto Akihiko:




Sindima 02-22-2011 04:36 AM

*Dances over the thread*

but but the Jolly smalls did not make me half nakie Fading.. is broken D: or fixed rather.

Cardinal Biggles 02-22-2011 04:44 AM

The typeface for the graphic reminds me of William S. Burroughs' Naked Lunch. Given the thread topic/title... intentional?

Sindima 02-22-2011 04:46 AM

Fading just went to class...
And I have no idea..

Omg Half naked

Cardinal Biggles 02-22-2011 04:51 AM

Hm, I'll just have to wait until he comes back then. Ooh, the suspense.

Sindima 02-22-2011 04:57 AM

I am so satisfied with my new birthday suit lol

Note to Fading- I want to be on a banner xD

Sadly: I must go to bed. It is my self set bedtime.
Good night.

Antagonist 02-22-2011 03:42 PM

@Cardinal: Completely unintentional. :XD I just thought the font looked good, and the name had popped into my head when I was thinking about making a thread dedicated to nakedness...

@Sinny: lol Sure! I'll see if I can make a new banner some time, the avatars on the banner are all me, after randomizing my avatar :XD

Sindima 02-23-2011 01:06 AM

Yaaay *Hugs Fading*

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-23-2011 03:29 AM

I'm not naked!

But I'm not completely clothed either. ;D

Hap 02-23-2011 03:44 AM

This is fantastic. :heart:

Sindima 02-23-2011 04:12 AM

*Dances in all naked like*

Hey peoples :D

Hap 02-23-2011 04:18 AM

(dances naked like with) o3o

Sindima 02-23-2011 04:42 AM

But you still have UNDIES ON!

Take em off! xD

Hap 02-23-2011 04:48 AM

I tried. D: I can't get the glitch to work for me. ;3;

Antagonist 02-23-2011 05:05 AM

Did you buy the Icy Jolly Smalls? :O
It has to be that one, not any other colored Jolly Smalls. :yes:

Welcome, fellow naked/half-naked Menewshans! :boogie:

Cardinal Biggles 02-23-2011 05:25 AM

You know, this thread is just the thing to make newbies feel comfortable.
Not something you usually say of nudity.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-23-2011 10:48 AM

I know every day is a naked day here, but it's Naked Wednesday! XD

Antagonist 02-23-2011 02:35 PM

Let's hope this thread'll ease up the tension of feeling the need for clothes for them then, 'cuz being naked is totally fun. ;)

Woo! The fine day of Naked Wednesday! Almost over here for me though, only one and half hours left before it'll be Thursday. :sweat:

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-23-2011 02:42 PM

Yeah. Hopefully so. :P

Aww. Are you in Korea? XD

Antagonist 02-23-2011 02:44 PM

lol No, am currently living in Taiwan. XD

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-23-2011 02:49 PM

Ahah. xD For some reason I thought you lived in Korea. Oops!

Antagonist 02-23-2011 02:54 PM

Eh well, still in Asia. ;)

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 02-23-2011 03:01 PM

Haha. Score one point for the same continent. :P

What happened to your purple authority? (Was it even purple...? XD)

Antagonist 02-23-2011 03:05 PM

Got too busy with RL things happening so I stepped down. I'm rarely online for more than a full hour straight anymore these days. :P (and lol yes, it's purple XD)

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