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Queen Demon 01-21-2008 11:52 PM

[Demon-Girl & `I L L U S I O N S Private Thread]
Ok here it is!

Mina was walking to her locker on a Friday morning. Math was first period , and it had become her worst subject.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 12:05 AM

Tuskino walked with his math book in his left hand on his messenger bag on the right side of his body, slightly hanging off his shoulder. He had math too and he was just ready to read his free reading book because the teacher always repeats the lesson and he knew everything he needed to. Tuskino walked through the hallway, passing through people who were standing there talking to there friends or walking to their class.

Tuskino wasnt in a rush. He still had some time before the first bell rang. He desided to stop in the library to see if they had the next volume of his favorite book series 'God X'. He found the book sieres insperational to his own writing and he fell in love with all the characters. He opened the door to the library and saw people sitting at tables doing there homework or just talking to there friends. Some people where on the computer just surfing the net or doing research for a project.

Tuskino walked over to the libraian and asked 'Did you get the new book of God X?" He asked in a low tone.

The librain turned around and nodded her head no. "Sorry, Tuskino. The school had a bugget cut on ordering books so Im not expecting it until next year." She replied feeling a little bit guilty.

Tuskino sighed. 'Its alright. I dont want the school to sacrafice any needed money just for a book." He said. "I'll just go to the public library and see if they have it. Thanks for trying at least." He added. Tuskino turned around and walked away, but without waving good-bye slightly. He went back out of the library and into the hallway, back on his way to his class.

((I have long intro posts. @.@)

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 12:12 AM

((Wow. My intro posts are NEVER long >.<))

Mina closed her locker door after she got her Math books out and when she turned around she ran into a guy , "Watch it!" she said to him.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 12:16 AM

((Lol. x3))

Tuskino stopped when someone bumped into him. He turned his head and looked at a girl who blamed him for being where he is right now. "I shouldnt be the one to watch it." Tuskino said in a cold tone. He just stood there and waited to see if the girl had something else to say before he went his way.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 12:21 AM

Mina glared at him and just keep walking , she was bad at talking to people and making friends. But one thing she always wanted was a true friend who didnt blow you off when you needed them. Mina sighed and she told herself that , that would never happen.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 12:32 AM

Since Mina walked off on her own without saying anything but giving a glare, Tuskino went on his way. He looked at his watch that was on his wrist and saw that the first bell was about to ring. He sped up his walking speed so he wouldnt be late to his class. Tuskino passed the girl again but avoiding her so they wouldnt bump into each other. He made it to his class on time adn walked to his desk. Some people glared at him but Tuskino didnt care. He knew that if they were jelous of him, they werent going to be great friends. So he just went on with his own buisness and pretended that they didnt exsist.

Tuksino sat down at his desk that was in the back of the room on the right. He put his math book on the table and just sat there quietly waiting for the bell to ring.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 12:45 AM

Mina made it too Math class just in time. She looked around for a seat but the only one that was open was beside the guy she had bumped into. She did a little sigh and sat down beside him. The bell rang and the teacher walked into the room and began to talk about boring things about math.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 12:56 AM

Tuskino noticed that the girl from before sat next to him. He didnt show any expression. All he did was pull out a book and began reading the final chapters of his book 'Devilish Angels'. He tuned out the teacher's talking and was in his own little world.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 01:06 AM

Mina wasnt listening to the teacher at all , she was thinking about what had happened to her friends. Truth was that she use to be a cheerleader and considered a prep but after her brother died she because a 'nobody.' , at first it was hard for her but she grew use to being alone and having no friends at all. The teacher seemed to notice Mina day dreaming and said "Minerva? Are you listening to me?". Mina looked at the teacher "Yeah , I was listening..." she said. "Then what have I said in the past 10 minaues?" the teacher asked Mina "Uh..." Mina said and shrugged. Everyone was looking at her and Mina felt strange. "What?" she asked everyone and they turned their heads to look at the teacher "Detetion. After school." said the teacher. Mina sighed and leaned back in her chair.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 01:14 AM

Tuskino came back into reality when he heard the word detention. He scanned the room to see the person who reseved it and noticed it was the girl sitting next to him, Mina. Tuskino wanted to help but because of some experiences in the past, he didnt do anything. He just continued reading his book.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 01:25 AM

The teacher put a Detention note on Mina's desk and then noticed Tuskino not paying attention in class. "Tuskino! Detention for you as well!" the teacher said slamming a detention note on Tuskino's desk. "You kids need to know the importance of math..." the teacher trailed on to a big dusscion on how math was so very important but , again Mina acted like she was paying attention but she was lost in thought.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 01:31 AM

Tuskino jumped and put his book away but it was too late. He already got a detention. He was a little shocked, he always got away with reading in his class. His grades were always perfect so he thought the teachers wouldnt care if he was reading a book. "This...This is un-fair..." Tuskino murmmered. He didnt say anymore and put the book away. He pretended to pay attention just like Mina. Just this one year...And Im out of this repeating school... He thought spacing out.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 01:37 AM

While the teacher was talking the bell rang and the teacher stopped talking as the kids got up and started to walk out of the classroom. Mina got up and picked up her books , she was almost out of the door when a girl pushed Mina out of her way and made her drop her books , Mina started to say something to the girl but notice it was her x-best friend and she just got on the floor on her knees and started picking up her books.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 01:45 AM

Tuskino gathered his things as well and headed out the door. He was a little upset that he got a detention but continued his day trying to forget what the teacher did to him. Tuskino noticed that some people pushed Mina and she dropped what she was carrying. He felt bad for her and that people would do things like that and why they did it. Was it because it made them look more powerful? Or were people just that mean?

Hestitating, Tuskino walked over to Mina and picked up one of her books. "Dont let those girl's actions bring you down..." He said in a calm tone. He handed the book to Mina waiting for her to take it.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 01:59 AM

Mina looked at Tuskino and she took the book gently "Thanks..." she said to him amd stood up. She was kinda shocked that someone acutally talked to her. No one ever said anything to her.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 02:05 AM

"Your welcome." Tuskion replied. He really didnt have anything else to say. He bearly knew the girl and he didnt think they had anything in common. But he remember that they both got detentions for not paying attention in math. "So why werent you paying attention back there?" Tuskino asked. "If its something personal, forget that I asked..." He added. He felt a draft from the hallway and it was cold. So Tuskino zipped up her dark blue trench coat to keep out the cold.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 02:12 AM

Mina looked at her books and she thought for a while. She would tell him what it was , even thought it was pretty personal "I was thinking about my brother ... he died not long ago and I use to be a cheerleader. But after he died I quit and became a 'no body.' That girl who pushed me use to be my best friend..." she said. "My grades also slipped and I have to fight to keep a C average. I use to be good in school..." she added.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 02:27 AM

Tuskino just looked at her. He was a little shocked that Mina would open up like that to someone she didnt know. She's been through a lot... He thought. "Im...Sorry to hear that." Tuskino replied. For him, it was like reading one of his books. He hasnt met someone who went through this stuff in real life. He just thought it happened in stories. For once, Tuskino learned something new in school.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 02:35 AM

Mina was glad that someone was really talking to her , she hadnt had a real conversation in a long time "Thanks." she said looking down at her books. "I-I better get to my locker before the bell rings for the next class...." she said and she started to go out of the room and then she turned around and said "And sorry about that hall way thing... I didnt mean to be so crabby." and then she headed off to her locker. The next class was Science , which she was horrible at. She got her Science stuff and she found a note in her locker , it was a threat note but she took it as a joke. She crumpled up the paper and threw it away in a near by garbage can.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 02:46 AM

"Its not a problem..." Tuskino said watching her leave. He didnt talk to many people in school so he was kinda relieved that not everyone was jelous of him or hated him. He sighed and walked to his next class. Tuskino didnt use a locker because it was located on the oppisite side of the school and away from all his class.

Tuskino had study hall and walked to the room it was being in today. The heath room near the art classrooms and the cooking classroom. Not many people would actually stay in the class. They would go to the library or to the Gym and spend there free classtime with there friends. It was usually only Tuskino who was left in the class. The teacher would go off and do something and leave him alone. It didnt bother him, he was used to be alone. He lives alone, doesnt have friends and his family doesnt even talk to him anymore. It was a part of him to be alone.

Tuskino sat down at the usual desk he would sit at, next to the window. He sighed and opened his book and started reading.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 02:55 AM

Mina walked to her Science class and sat down in the back row. Before the teacher walked in , everyone was throwing paper wads but not Mina. She sat alone in the back and the science teacher walked in "Today we will be disecting cats." he said and brought out dead cats in plastic bags. Mina thought she was going to be sick and so did the other people and appartently the science teacher noticed "Everyone , who feels they are going to be sick then go to the bathroom." he said and Mina was one of the first people to go to the door. Every boy stayed in the class but almost every girl went to the bath room. Mina entered the bathroom and felt a bit better , she was planning on hanging out there untill the bell rang.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 03:04 AM

Tuskino was done with his book and closed it. He looked at the clock and noticed it was to early for the bell to ring. He wanted to go to the library and get a new book but he needed a note to pass through the hallway without getting another detention. But there was no one in the class room to give him a note. So he took the risk and went to the library. He made sure no teachers were coming down the hallway and when it was clear, he would move into the next hallway.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 03:48 AM

Mina stayed in the bathroom and serval girls where talking to each other , a couple of the cheerleaders walked up to her "Hey Mina , hows it feel to be a no body?" they asked and laughed. Mina looked down at her feet and didnt anwser. They laughed again and then they asked her "Hows it feel to be the sister of a dead drug addict?" then they laughed again and she didnt anwser.

`I L L U S I O N S 01-22-2008 04:01 AM

As Tuskino walked down the hall to the library, he could hear some girls laughing in the bathroom near the since rooms. He thought it was just some girls skipping class and should ignore it but he had a feeling that it was something more. So he stood a few feet from the door, leaning on some lockers near-by. He could hear the girls insulting someone else. Saying that the person was a nobody and related to a drug addict. People are sickening these days.. Tuskino thought glaring at nothing. He was getting a little upset that people are like this.

Queen Demon 01-22-2008 04:04 AM

Mina was really close to tears as the girls kept taunting her. Mina walked out of the bathroom and she walked straight to her locker , looking down as she walked but only because she seen Tuskino leaning on her locker. "Can I get in my locker?" she asked him not looking up.

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