Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Halloween 2012 (
-   -   Haunted Halloween II: Nightmare in Podunkia - OVER - Game results will be posted in the CD at a later time. (

BellyButton 10-24-2012 06:19 PM

Haunted Halloween II: Nightmare in Podunkia - OVER - Game results will be posted in the CD at a later time.

"Let witch and ghost make merry"

Last year many of you accompanied us as we explored the haunted halls of Marcheford Manor, where we learned the sad tale of Alexander Marcheford and helped lay his lonely spirit to rest.

This year, we ask you to join us once again as we come to the aid of the quaint little town of Podunkia, whose citizens are currently under siege by all manner of Halloween beasts. Will you locate the survivors in time, and help find a way to stop the fiendish horde?

Please help us put an end to the Nightmare in Podunkia!

Captain Howdy 10-24-2012 10:38 PM

Tonight is Halloween in the small town of Podunkia. A night of merriment and revelry. Filled with tricks and treats, candy and costumes and ghoulish goodies of all sorts. It's the one time of year when we're freely allowed to explore our dark sides and invite the devils to dance.

You and your friends are having a blast at an annual Halloween party. The music is blaring. People are laughing. The punch flows like... well, punch. Your group has gotten into a discussion about what is the scariest movie of all time, when suddenly there's a scream! The party breaks out into chaos as a horde of strange looking creatures come crashing through the windows. They're twisted and demonic looking, with razor sharp teeth. If you didn't know better, you'd think they were gremlins! But there's no time to think. The wee beasties begin attacking the party goers. In a panic, you and your friends flee the house.

Rushing to a nearby convenient store, you stop dead in your tracks, just in time to see the store owner be consumed by a hideous slime creature! What's going on here?! Before you can react, a witch comes swooping down on her broom and, with a blood-chilling cackle and a wave of her hand, turns a nearby pedestrian into a toad. You need to get out of there!

You all pile into your car and floor it. The goal is to get as far away as possible, but the witch is hot on your heels. As you frantically try to shake her, you don't notice you've moved off the road and are heading straight for a utility pole. You swerve just in time, clipping the pole. The witch, on the other hand, plows straight into the transformer, where she explodes into a giant ball of green fire. The car spins out and lands in a ditch. It's totaled. But at least you and your friends are safe.

Unsure as to what to do next, it's decided to follow a nearby walkway. In the moonlight you can make out the silhouette of a structure. Moving closer, you're finally able to make out what's written above the building's entrance. It reads: Podunkia Laboratories.

BellyButton 10-25-2012 01:51 AM

As our story begins, your primary objective is to search for survivors. Other goals will be introduced as the story progresses, but the mechanics will stay the same. Here's how to play.

Once every 24 hours, you may:
  1. Look at Today's Map ( here ).
  2. Choose a location from the list that you would like to search in.
  3. Copy and paste the provided form, with name of your chosen location added, into this thread.
  4. Check back after 9PM Pacific for the results. (Click here for current Pacific time.) We will post them in this thread directly, but you may also find them in "Yesterday's Results," here. If you miss a day, you can find results for past maps further down the page.
  5. Return to Today's Map for the new map. Rinse, and repeat! [yes]

In addition to the chance of winning prizes each day, you will begin to accrue points based on the outcome of the choices you make. Those with the most points at the end of the event will win gold. You'll find details on that here: Score Card.


Only one account per person may play.

You must accept any trades within 30 days.
We'll cancel unaccepted trades and reroute those items to charity.

Q & A

Q. Our citizen died! D: How did this happen?
A. In order to "Rescue" a citizen, there have to be more users in the room containing the Monster than there are in the Citizen room. If there are more users in the Monster room, they will be able to Subdue the monster, allowing the citizen to escape -- otherwise, the Monster will escape and the citizen will be dead meat.

Q. What is the point of rescuing a citizen?
A. Well that's a horrible thing to say! Are you some kind of monster? You.. are? Oh.. well then.. Rescued citizens grant more points, and each one unlocks another prize slot over in the "what good are points anyway" department, allowing one more person a chance to win some extra gold. See for yourself.

Captain Howdy 10-25-2012 09:50 PM
"We've done it! We've gathered every piece we need to repair the Portal Disruptor! But now we must work quickly, my friends. The morning is not too far off. I fear the portal between our world and the Halloween Dimension may grow too large. That is why haste is of the utmost importance! But I have faith!

Look out, Dr. Wongo! We're coming for you!"

No more new maps.
Game results will be posted in the Community Discussion Forum at a later time.

Paste this form into the thread to play:

[COLOR="Black"][SIZE="5"][B]We're in the --- today.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]I want to search here: [ choose a room ]

PLEASE NOTE: Day 8 Map will be up until Nov 10th @ 9PM PST.
If the event forum should close before then, we will move it to Community Discussion.

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:

BellyButton 10-25-2012 11:22 PM

Bab's Bridal Bazaar
1,100 [gold]
You're duly cautious as you enter Bab's Bridal Bazaar. As with the rest of the mall, the store is a mess. A clutter of pure white wedding dresses stained red with blood. You venture further into the shop, keeping a sharp eye out, when suddenly a zombie bride appears from the fitting room. You freeze with terror. Before you can move a muscle, she's upon you, reaching a ghastly hand in your direction. You flinch and await the worst... But the worst doesn't come. Opening your eyes, you see her pointing to a veil on the back wall behind you. Slowly reaching over, you take the veil down and hand it to her. She gives a friendly moan, places a small pile of gold in your hand and returns to the fitting room. [+1 point]

Doyle's Actual Books
Doyle's Actual Books will be easy to search, as it's arranged in linear rows of shelving with no visible hiding places. You quickly dash this way and that, fairly certain you're not going to find anything here. And then you hit the Occult and Small Business aisle and nearly smack into what must be the most well-behaved Zombie ever. He appears to be looking for a book and scarcely notices you, but still you grab the nearest Tome and pretend to be reading. He shuffles past, and you're able to leave the shop unharmed. Whew! [+1 Point]

Emos 'R' Us
Emos 'R' Us is a pretty tiny shop, and you aren't going to be stepping foot inside it because there's currently a Zombie snacking on a hunk of flesh whilst trying on sunglasses in the back of the shop. You're able to scan the area for survivors from the doorway, once you push aside the makeshift curtain of dangling slave collars - nobody in there but the Zombie. [+1 Point]

The Food Court
1,300g [gold]
If pressed, you would have to admit there was an alternative motive to wanting to explore the Food Court. Aside from some chicken wings at the party, which was hours ago, you haven't eaten all day and are absolutely famished. You set hopes on picking up a burger, maybe a slice of pizza or perhaps some Chinese food. But you're sorely disappointed and equally as disgusted to see that every bit of food is now slathered in a layer of gore. It's probably just as well, as you spot an undead mall Santa standing in the middle of the dining area, mindless ringing a bell as drool runs down his chin. You wouldn't want to get near that. As you pocket the money from an open cash register, you comment to your friends how these places start pushing Christmas earlier and earlier every year. [+1 point]

Kitchen Krazy
Before you even get to Kitchen Krazy you know there's a Zombie in there. He's shuffling around, moaning and drooling and knocking stuff over in the tiny shop - you don't know what he's after in there, but you don't care -- you're here to look for survivors. Grabbing a "Master Chef Starter Package" from a display on the wall, you use it to shield yourself from view as you move through the isles. You complete your search of the shop, content that there are no survivors or machine parts present. [+1 Point]

The Toy Bunker
As you make your way into the Toy Bunker you spot a curly-haired child in the corner with the stuffed animal display, turned towards the wall. Thank goodness you got here in time! You start to run to her before realizing something's not quite right.. she's loudly snacking on something, or, if the blood is any indication, someone.. You turn abruptly and hightail it out of there, partially tangling yourself in a string of Yumeh Bats as you exit. [+1 Point]

Podunkia Multiplex
Zombolio, the Zombie King
Being King of the Zombies would seem to have its benefits. For one, you'd think gathering subjects is pretty easy. If ever you feel you're lacking in the underling department, you can just go out and chomp on a few heads. Voila! But to its detriment, this plan does have one major flaw. Unlike their immortal zombie king, normal zombies eventually decay to nothing. And King Zombolio is forever having to make new servants. But there's a relatively small population of humans in the Halloween Dimension, and recently they've been added to the endangered species list by those blasted skeleton bureaucrats. This left Zombolio at a disadvantage... until he came to our world. Now he's like a kid in a brain-flavored candy shop. [+2 points]

Headshot Games
Cameron Neely
Initially, you spot only an undead gamer, mindlessly pounding away at a controller. But turning your attention to the back of the store, you discover an unfortunate scene. Cameron Neely was a simple man who led a simple life selling balloons at the mall. Unfortunately, you'll never get the chance to know him. Alive, anyway. But stick around and you can meet him dead. [+2 points]

..........................Helium Tank
RACY's department store could take all day to search, but the scene unfolding before you is causing you to question whether you should even approach the place. The large tropical fish tank, which had been used as a backdrop for their marine-life-inspired "Be Colorful" makeup line, is currently being violated by the former makeup counter girl, who now seems to take great pleasure in crunching the bones of live fish with her Zombie incisors. Yuck..

Nearby you spot Cameron Neely's helium tank. Moving carefully, so as not to be noticed, you grab it and return the tank to Professor von Humboldt. You ask how it helps the Portal Disruptor, but the answer is so complicated, it goes in one ear and out the other. [+3 points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:

Captain Howdy 10-26-2012 04:00 AM

Machine Parts Found:
The Portal Disruptor (Body) . . . . . . . . . . . . Lila's Toolbox . . . . .
Megaphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defibrillator
Projector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Princess Podeen's Crown
The Crystal Skull of Xunantunich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helium Tank

Survivors Rescued:
Archimedes . . . . . Mr. Langston . . . . . . Dr. Baker . . . . . Mayor Dinkle
Mona Faraday

Monsters Subdued:
Frankie . . . . . . . Banes . . . . . . . . Maila . . . . . . . Sir Skelton

Citizen Casualties:
Lila Chapman, Mechanic . . . . . Princess Podeen . . . . . Cameron Neely

Escaped Monsters:
Otto . . . . . . . Mangles . . . . . . . . Zombolio

BellyButton 10-26-2012 04:23 AM

As you play through each area, you will begin to accrue points based on the outcome of your choices. We're using the following criteria in assigning points:
  • Find Citizen - 1 pt*
    *(if Citizen survives - 2 pts instead)
  • Find Monster - 1 pt**
    **(if folks manage to Subdue the Monster - 2 pts instead)
  • Find Part - 2 pts

At the end of the game, those with the most points will win some extra gold. The more Citizens who survive, the more people who win.

  1. The person with the most points: 5000g
  2. The person with the 2nd most points: 5000g
  3. PERMALOCKED - failed to rescue citizen
  4. The person with the 3rd most points: 5000g
  5. The person with the 4th most points: 3000g
  6. The person with the 5th most points: 3000g
  7. PERMALOCKED - failed to rescue citizen
  8. The person with the 6th most points: 1500g
  9. PERMALOCKED - failed to rescue citizen

Rescue more citizens to unlock more winner slots!

How many points do I have?

.Amorphous Metal - 2+0+0+2+0+1+0+2=7
.Angel Spirit Girl - 2+0+0+0+2+0+0+1=5
.Anglie - 2+2+0+0+2+1+2+1=10
.Antagonist - 0+0+2+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Arechi - 0+0+2+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Arinia Dreamdancer - 0+2+0+0+0+2+0+1=5
.Artsydaze - 0+0+0+2+0+0+0+2=4
.Ascadellia - 2+0+0+0+0+0+2+3=7
.Athilea Majiri - 2+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=3
.blueblackrose - 0+0+2+2+2+2+2+1=11
.Cardinal Biggles - 0+0+2+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Carzeebear - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
Cherry Who? - 0+0+0+0+0+1+0=1
.Codette - 0+0+0+2+0+0+0+2=4
.CoffeeCow - 0+0+0+2+0+0+0+1=3
.Cora Lorington - 0+0+0+2+0+0+0+1=3
.D2hiriyuu - 0+1+0+2+0+1+2+3=9
.Damia Flagg - 2+0+2+0+0+0+2+1=7
.DariaMorgendorfer - 0+0+2+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Darth Mudkip - 0+0+0+0+2+0+2+3=7
.Death_to_the_reaper - 2+0+0+0+2+1+2+2=9
.Demoscout - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.Dessertdesiert - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+3=3
.Divacita - 0+1+0+0+2+0+0+1=4
.DivineHeart - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=2
.Dragoness129 - 0+1+0+0+2+2+0+1=6
.Dystopia - 0+0+0+0+0+1+2+2=5
.EirianHikari - 0+0+2+0+2+0+2+1=7
.Emasaurus - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=2
.Emma Corrin - 0+0+2+0+2+0+0+1=5
.EverlastingRitz - 2+0+0+0+0+1+2+1=6
.Ferra - 0+0+0+0+0+2+0+3=5
.Fiona_Watergate - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.fireprincess - 2+1+2+0+0+0+0+1=6
Flink - 0+0+0+0+2+0+0=2
.Flowery Pit - 0+1+0+2+2+0+2+1=8
.GinKadia - 0+0+0+2+2+0+0+1=5
.Gmwolflord - 2+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=4
.GwenaHikari - 0+2+0+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Hadsvich - 2+1+2+0+2+2+0+1=10
.Hatake Ayumi - 0+2+0+0+0+1+0+3=6
.*Hime* - 0+0+0+0+0+0+2+1=3
.HIM_ROCK - 0+0+2+2+0+0+0+1=5
hummy - 0+0+0+2+0+0+0=2
.iC[a]ndy - 0+0+0+0+2+0+0+1=3
.Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - 2+0+0+2+0+1+2+1=8
.Iroase Delschatten - 0+0+0+0+2+2+2+2=8
.Ivvy - 2+0+2+0+0+0+0+1=5
.Izumi - 2+1+0+0+0+1+0+1=5
.Jeannesha - 0+0+0+2+2+1+2+1=8
.Kalium - 0+0+2+0+0+2+0+1=5
.Kamizake Kendra - 0+0+2+2+0+0+0+3=7
.KatMagenta - 0+0+0+2+0+1+0+1=4
.Kay - 2+0+2+0+0+0+2+1=7
.kemii - 2+2+0+2+0+0+0+1=7
.Kent - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=2
.Keondre Lorano - 0+2+2+0+2+0+2+2=10
.Kilia - 0+1+2+0+0+0+0+1=4
.`Kitami - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.Knerd - 2+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Kyohei - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.Lacrimosa - 0+0+0+0+0+1+0+1=2
.LaVida - 0+0+0+2+2+0+0+1=5
.Ling - 0+2+0+0+0+0+2+1=5
.Lizrd356 - 0+2+0+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Liztress - 0+1+2+0+2+0+0+1=6
.LizzyCollinsDeArc - 2+1+0+0+2+1+2+1=9
.~LONGCAT~ - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=2
.Lunanuova - 0+2+0+2+2+2+0+1=9
.maidenroseheart - 0+1+0+0+0+0+0+1=2
.Mageling - 0+0+0+2+0+0+0+2=4
.Maria-Minamino - 2+0+0+2+2+0+0+2=8
.mewmew07 - 0+1+0+0+0+0+0+1=2
.M i n u x e - 0+0+0+0+0+1+0+1=2
.Miscreant74 - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.Neller - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=2
.Nephila - 2+1+0+0+2+0+2+1=8
.MintyRey - 0+0+0+0+0+1+0+1=2
.PapillonCameo - 0+1+0+0+0+1+0+2=4
.Popcorn Gun - 0+0+2+0+2+1+0+2=9
Precarious Fool - 0+1+0+2+0+0+0=3
Razak - 2+0+0+0+0+0+0=2
Roachi - 0+0+0+0+0+0+2=2
.Saravi Boo - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=2
.Seito - 0+0+0+0+2+0+2+1=5
.Seridano - 0+0+0+0+0+2+0+1=3
Shadami - 0+0+2+0+0+0+0=2
.Shania583 - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.Shinigamikarasu - 0+1+0+2+0+1+0+1=5
.Shishunki - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.Shizuku-Chan - 0+0+0+0+0+2+0+2=4
.Sho-Shonojo - 2+0+2+0+0+2+2+1=9
.spicedroses - 0+0+2+0+2+0+0+1=5
.Spunky3 - 2+0+0+0+0+0+0+2=4
.star2000shadow - 0+1+2+2+2+2+0+1=10
.Superstition - 0+0+2+0+0+0+2+2=6
.sushi_mew - 2+1+0+0+2+0+2+1=8
.The_Crow - 0+0+0+2+0+0+2+1=5
.ToriKat - 2+0+0+0+2+0+0+1=5
.Triquetra - 2+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=3
.Velvet - 2+2+0+0+0+0+2+2=8
.Vickyll3 - 0+0+0+0+2+2+2+1=7
.Vinyl - 2+0+0+0+2+0+2+1=7
Vox - 0+0+0+0+0+1+0=1
.WherededIgo - 0+0+2+0+2+0+0+1=5
Whisper Invictus - 2+0+0+0+0+0+0=2
.wish - 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1=1
.Woodlandnymph - 0+0+0+2+2+0+0+2=6
.Woofie267 - 0+0+0+0+2+2+0+2=6
.Wrenji-chan - 0+0+0+0+0+0+2+0+1=3
.Wulfwynn - 0+1+0+0+0+0+0+1=2
.Zephi - 0+2+0+0+0+0+0+1=3
.zigbigadorlube - 0+2+0+2+0+0+2+1=7

Captain Howdy 10-26-2012 10:26 PM
Professor Frederick von Humboldt
You and your friends cautiously approach the laboratory. As you prepare to make your way inside, suddenly a figure appears from a darkened corner of the building. Your crew readies themselves for a fight, but are relieved to see that it is a surviving scientist.

"Thank you for coming to rescue me! I was sure that my number was up. --- Who am I? I am Professor Frederick von Humboldt. I work here in this laboratory. Earlier this evening, my colleagues and I were preparing to leave the building and join in the Halloween festivities, when suddenly all hell broke loose.

But tell me, what is happening around town? --- I see. Oh dear. Then he's actually done it. You are, no doubt, curious as to what is happening to our small, peaceful town of Pondunkia. I will tell you.

Months ago, we were working on a machine. The purpose of this machine was to alter molecular structures and change the density of building materials and the like. We finished our build and set about to testing it. Amazingly, the results were not what we expected. The machine created a hole in space, a 'portal' if you like. A dimensional portal, to an alternate reality! This, of course, was an astonishing find, one with the potential to change our world forever. With more research and some calibration, we were able to divert the portal's destination. We discovered new and strange realities. Some of them disturbing. We all agreed that the machine needed much more testing. All, save for one.

His name is Dr. Wongo. He was a mysterious figure among our group, having worked at Podunkia Laboratories for a short time. He had a brilliant mind, but an almost sinister demeanor. To employ the common vernacular, there was just something not right about him. The Portal Generator needed more testing, but he argued that it had been tested enough. And more shockingly, he suggested that we should use the machine for our own designs. This was unthinkable. From then on, I was sure to keep a sharp eye on him. But in vain, it seems.

Two weeks ago, Dr. Wongo and I were the last in the building. We were set to depart for the night, but he wanted to stay behind. There was work to be done, he said. And against my better judgement, I left him. The next day he and the Portal Generator were gone.

We wondered if that would be the last we'd hear from Dr. Wongo, but tonight he returned. The man has gone mad! He's using the Portal Generator to open a path to a terrifying dimension. The Halloween Dimension! He aims to flood our world with nightmarish creatures, so that Halloween will last forever!

We have to stop him. Somewhere in the building is a second machine. Fearing what he may do, I created the Portal Disruptor. It is the only thing that can stop the Portal Generator and defeat Dr. Wongo. You must find it!

But be wary, it is not the only thing that waits inside."

Analysis Room
300g [gold]
On further analysis, it seems you're now a bit richer. :D

Clean Room
The Clean Room doesn't appear to actually be clean. It looks like someone has dumped the linens from Decontamination onto the floor, like a kid hiding its dirty laundry in the closet to pass room inspection -- at any rate, you grab the nearest lump of lab coats in case you decide to suit up to protect your outfit from contaminants.

Decontamination Room
The decom room is currently contaminated by various blood spatters. But there's no sign of life inside. There's not much of anything, really. Just a few wall mounted nozzles and an overhead shower. [Nothing]

Lab A
Lab A houses the rodents that you imagine must be part of whatever experiments are conducted here in the lab. Across from a wall of rodent cages, you spot what appears to be a giant rat head. You're not sure if it's a novelty item or part of the scientists' work, but you decide to take it with you.

Lab B
500g [gold]
Scientifically speaking, you're now rollin' in it! :3

Subject Room
Those who search the Subject room quickly subject themselves to disappointment; there's nothing here but a bad pun and some sterile furniture. [Nothing]

All of Frankie's friends agree that he has a good head on his shoulders, as good as you can get off a rotting corpse. He has an electric personality and is great with children, when he's not drowning them. His turn ons are long walks through the bog and shiny things. His turn offs are fire and pitchforks. He hopes to someday meet a special woman to be his bride. [+1 Point]

Archimedes the Parrot
You've successfully rescued Archimedes the Parrot. Good job! Professor von Humbolt will be most pleased. Not only because he's a treasured lab mascot, but also cause Archimedes has a doctorate in astrophysics from MIT. [+2 Points]

Conference Room
The Portal Disruptor
"You've done it! You've found the Portal Disruptor! But drat, that blasted monster's made a mess of it. In its current state of disrepair we have no chance of defeating Dr. Wongo, and everything here in the lab is now broken beyond use. There is no other option. We must search the town for new parts and those who can help rebuild the machine. I hope you're all up to the endeavor." [+2 Points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:

Analysis Room - 300g - ALL SENT
DariaMorgendorfer - Link SENT
dragoness129 - Link SENT
GwenaHikari - Link SENT
iC[a]ndy - Link SENT
Iroase Delschatten - Link SENT
Ling - Link SENT
maidenroseheart - Link SENT
Popcorn Gun - Link SENT
Seito - Link SENT
wish - Link SENT

Clean Room - Lab Coats - ALL SENT
Cora Lorington - Link SENT
EirianHikari - Link SENT
Emma Corin - Link SENT
Kilia - Link SENT
mewmew07 - Link SENT
MintyRey - Link SENT
zibigadorlube - Link SENT

Conference Room
Ascadellia - Link
Death_to_the_reaper - Link
fireprincess - Link
Knerd - Link
Nephila - Link
Whisper Invictus - Link
Velvet - Link

Decontamination Room
Antagonist - Link
Cardinal Biggles - Link
Ferra - Link
*Hime* - Link
Hummy - Link
Kamikaze Kendra - Link
lizrd356 - Link
Roachi - Link
Seridano - Link
Shadami - Link
Shania583 - Link
Superstition - Link
Vickyll3 - Link

Lab A - Pyotr's Head - ALL SENT
Emasaurus - Link SENT
Flink - Link SENT
Kat Magenta - Link SENT
Liztress - Link SENT
neller - Link SENT
Precarious Fool - Link SENT
Shishunki - Link SENT

Lab B - 500g - ALL SENT
Arinia Dreamdancer - Link SENT
Carzeebear - Link SENT
d2hiriyuu - Link SENT
Divacita - Link SENT
GinKadia - Link SENT
Kalium - Link SENT
Lacrimosa - Link SENT
Mageling - Link SENT
SaraviBoo - Link SENT
shinigamikarasu - Link SENT
spicedroses - Link SENT
star2000shadow - Link SENT
WherededIGo - Link SENT
Wrenji-chan - Link SENT

Angel Spirit Girl - Link
Damia Flagg - Link
Gmwolflord - Link
Izumi - Link
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link
Maria-Minamino - Link
Razak - Link
sushi_mew - Link
ToriKat - Link
Triquetra - Link

Amorphous Metal - Link
Anglie - Link
Athilea Majiri - Link
EverlastingRitz - Link
Hadsvich - Link
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link
Ivvy - Link
Kay - Link
kemii - Link
Sho-Shonojo - Link
Spunky3 - Link
Vinyl - Link

Subject Room
Artsydaze - Link
blueblackrose - Link
Codette - Link
Darth Mudkip - Link
Dystopia - Link
Flowery Pit - Link
Kent - Link
~LONGCAT~ - Link
lunanuova - Link
Woofie267 - Link

BellyButton 10-26-2012 10:27 PM
Though incomplete, the Portal Disruptor has been successfully recovered. Time to head out and search Podunkia for replacement parts and those who can help with the mission. Professor von Humboldt explains the heart of town is just a mile's walk through the woods from the laboratory. Passing through the darkened trees, your group is on high alert, but you make is safely. As you debate which location to explore next, a sudden burst of maniacal laughter splits the stillness.

You look on in disbelief as a strange man rides up on a skeletal horse. "Dr. Wongo!" The Professor exclaims.

"Evening, Halloweiners! Hope you're having a pleasant night. Ah, von Humboldt, I see you made it out of the laboratory safely. I'm ever so glad. I wouldn't want your demise to be too quick. Best to draw it out slowly. And who are your friends? --- Impressive army you've assembled, von Humboldt. A group of cowering children in costume!" Dr. Wongo explodes into mocking laughter.

"You will never stop me! With each passing minute, the portal to the Halloween dimension grows larger, allowing more and more of its ghastly horde to enter our world. Soon the Earth will be overrun with monster! And I will become their king! Then everyday will be Halloween!

Best to just give in now and save yourselves the heartache. --- No? You're fools to follow von Humboldt. But you'll all see soon enough."

With a tug of the reigns, Dr. Wongo's hellish horse rears up and the two race off.

"Not too worry, my friends." The Professor assures you. "He does not know of the Portal Disruptor. We have to the power to beat him, but we must fix the machine first. Come, our next stop is the police station."

The Armory
The Armory is the natural first choice for anyone seeking to defend against a monstrous horde. Unfortunately, someone else thought that too & cleaned the place out long before you got here. [Nothing]

It's obvious that folks left Dispatch in a hurry. The desk is in disarray. The telephone has been left off the hook, and the loud BEEP BEEP BEEP is jarring your senses. As you place the receiver back into its cradle, you spot a cute little witch hat sitting in the center of a set of state-of-the-art headphones, and decide that the hat probably won't be missed.

Interrogation Room 1
600g [gold]
It's fitting that you're in a police station, cause being this rich is almost criminal. :D

Interrogation Room 2
It looks like Interrogation Room 2 has been left undisturbed. An absurdly bright lightbulb illuminates the room, where two uncomfortable-looking chairs face off across a plain wooden table. Someone has carelessly left a loosened grey necktie and fedora hanging on the interior doorknob, which you remove and add to your inventory.

400g [gold]
You find a small stash of gold hidden away in the corner of a cell. Now how did someone smuggle that in here without the cops finding out. ...

Squad Room
The squad room is in complete shambles. Chairs and desks are overturned. Littered papers carpet the station floor. Beside the chaos, there's nothing of use in the squad room. You marvel the enormous holes punched into the walls and wonder who, or what, could have made them. [Nothing]

Otto the Ogre
Despite his rough demeanor, Otto the Ogre is a monster ruled by love. All he's looking for is a pretty, young maiden to hold and hug and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze... Often he's a bit overzealous. Let's just say he takes heavy petting to a whole other level. [+1 Point]

Locker Room
Lila Chapman
Entering the locker room you're met with a heartbreaking scene. Your crew was unable to subdue Otto the Ogre and thus was the end of Lila Chapman, the Podunkia P.D. mechanic. But know that she was tough lady, who didn't go down without a fight. [+1 Point]

Observation Room
You've found Lila's Toolbox. This will be invaluable when repairing the Portal Disruptor. [+2 Points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:

EirianHikari - Link
Gmwolflord - Link
Jeannesha - Link
Kent - Link
Lacrimosa - Link
LaVida - Link
Maria-Minamino - Link
Razak - Link
Roachi - Link
Saravi Boo - Link
Superstition - Link
Vinyl - Link
wish - Link
Woofie267 - Link
Wrenji-chan - Link

Dispatch - Cute Witch Hat - ALL SENT
Amorphous Metal - Link SENT
Ascadellia - Link SENT
Athilea Majiri - Link SENT
blueblackrose - Link SENT
Cardinal Biggles - Link SENT
Carzeebear - Link SENT
Darth Mudkip - Link SENT
GinKadia - Link SENT
hummy - Link SENT
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link SENT
Kay - Link SENT
Shadami - Link SENT
Sho-Shonojo - Link SENT
Spicedroses - Link SENT
WherededIGo - Link Sent

d2hiriyuu - Link
dragoness129 - Link
fireprincess - Link
Kilia - Link
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link
mewmew07 - Link
Nephila - Link
PapillonCameo - Link
Wulfwynn - Link

Interrogation Room 1 - 600g - ALL SENT
Damia Flagg - Link SENT
Dystopia - Link SENT
Emma Corrin - Link SENT
Iroase Delschatten - Link SENT

Interrogation Room 2 - Perfectly Careless Gray Tie & Gray Phantasm Fedora - ALL SENT
Antagonist - Link SENT
Artsydaze - Link SENT
DariaMorgendorfer - Link SENT
Ferra - Link SENT
Kamikaze Kendra - Link SENT
Mageling - Link SENT

Locker Room
Divacita - Link
Flowery Pit - Link
Hadsvich - Link
Izumi - Link
Liztress - Link
maidenroseheart - Link
Precarious Fool - Link
shinigamikarasu - Link
star2000shadow - Link
sushi_mew - Link

Lockup - 400g - ALL SENT
Arechi - Link SENT
Cora Lorington - Link SENT
Death_to_the_reaper - Link SENT
EverlastingRitz - Link SENT
Fiona_Watergate - Link SENT
Flink - Link SENT
*Hime* - Link SENT
iC[a]ndy - Link SENT
Ivvy - Link SENT
Kalium - Link SENT
Popcorn Gun - Link SENT
Seito - Link SENT
Shania583 - Link SENT
Triquetra - Link SENT
Vickyll3 - Link SENT

Observation Room
Anglie - Link
Arinia Dreamdancer - Link
GwenaHikari - Link
Hatake Ayumi - Link
kemii - Link
Keondre Lorano - Link
Ling - Link
Lizrd356 - Link
Lunanuova - Link
Velvet - Link
Zephi - Link
zigbigadorlube - Link

Squad Room
Angel Spirit Girl - Link
dessertdesiert - Link
KatMagenta - Link
Knerd - Link
Seridano - Link
Shishunki - Link

Captain Howdy 10-26-2012 10:46 PM
"Good, we have found means with which to repair the Portal Disruptor, but we still need the parts themselves. The search is slow, but take heart friends, I am confident in our abilities. The police station has proven the severity of our mission. Some of us will not survive this night. But have no doubt, we will persevere.

The high school is our next destination. Are you ready?"

Band Room
The leader of the band is gone, but his jacket and hat are just sitting here.. Surely he'd want his outfit liberated from danger.

700g [gold]
You want 700 gold? First you're gonna have to give me 700 push-ups! [twisted]

Home Ec
The Home Economics room is quite a mess, but from the smell it seems that the class has been up to something delicious. It occurs to you that you haven't actually eaten a good meal since this whole craziness started, so you snatch a plate of dinner for yourself.

50g [gold]
Ahh, the library! A bastion of learning! Where fantasy, imagination and wonders of all sort come alive! Too bad everything in Podunkia High's library has been ripped to shreds. Cursing under your breath, you pocket a small pile of late fee money from a nearby desk and leave.

Principal's Office
The Principal's Office is a tiny, cramped little room filled with file cabinets and stacks of boxes marked "Student Records." At the far wall, a dusty, neglected houseplant sits beside a garish oak desk. You notice one of the desk drawers ajar, and search it to find years' worth of confiscated stuff. You take some of the pranking supplies -- after all, it's Halloween!

Wood Shop
525g [gold]
Fished from a box labeled 'Shop Teacher Retirement Fund'. Somehow you don't think he's going to need it anymore.

Banes, the Teenage Werewolf
Life's not so easy when you're a wolf man, so imagine how tough it is to be a wolf teen. Those raging hormones. Your voice changes... and your face and your hands and your feet. Suddenly there's much more hair than there was before. And you know as you're mauling a person, they wouldn't understand you anyway. Nobody understands you. [+2 points]

Eliot Langston
The auditorium is a large and mostly vacant area. The room also serves as the school's cafeteria, but the kitchen is bolted shut. You and your friends decide to exit but hear a rustling from beneath the stage. Arming yourselves, you throw open the stage door and find a man, meekly shielding himself with a book. Seeing you, he quickly perks.

"By the Bard, my prayers have been answered! You've come to rescue me! My name is Eliot Langston... er uh, Mr. Langston, the English teacher. I was off to prepare for the annual Halloween play when the school was besieged by that lupine monstrosity. At first I thought he was one of our actors, but after he took a bite out of Mr. Hewitt, the shop teacher's, posterior, I quickly thought otherwise. I then ducked in here and hid under the stage. I can't imagine where such a creature would come from. --- Really? It's like a plot stolen from an overworked horror pulp. Well, it goes against my better judgement, but you can count on me. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Even in the mud and scum of things, something always, always sings." We shall be that song of perseverance." [+2 points]

In the courtyard you find Mr. Langston's megaphone. Ordinarily he uses it to "entertain" the students at lunchtime with his poetry, but it should make a dandy sound amplifier for the Portal Disruptor. [+2 points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:

Art Room
Antagonist - Link
Arechi - Link
blueblackrose - Link
DariaMorgendorfer - Link
EirianHikari - Link
Emma Corrin - Link
fireprincess - Link
Ivvy - Link
Kamikaze Kendra - Link
Kay - Link
Keondre Lorano - Link
Kilia - Link
Liztress - Link
Shadami - Link
Sho-shonojo - Link
Spicedroses - Link
star2000shadow - Link
Superstition - Link

Cardinal Biggles - Link
Popcorn Gun - Link
WherededIgo - Link

Band Room - Nutcracker Blue Hat & Scarlet and Blue Jacket - ALL SENT
Amorphous Metal - Link SENT
Anglie - Link SENT
Ascadellia - Link SENT
EverlastingRitz - Link SENT
Flowery Pit - Link SENT
Iroase Delschatten - Link SENT
Izumi - Link SENT
Jeannesha - Link SENT
Maria-Minamino - Link SENT
Razak - Link SENT
Woofie267 - Link SENT

Damia Flagg - Link
Hadsvich - Link
Kalium - Link

Gym - 700g - ALL SENT
Codette - Link SENT
Emasaurus - Link SENT
GinKadia - Link SENT
M i n u x e - Link SENT
Nephila - Link SENT
Shinigamikarasu - Link SENT

Home Ec - Dinner - ALL SENT
Gmwolflord - Link SENT
GwenaHikari - Link SENT
iC[a]ndy - Link SENT
Knerd - Link SENT
LaVida - Link SENT
Lizrd356 - Link SENT
Lunanuova - Link SENT
Roachi - Link SENT
Shishunki - Link SENT
wish - Link SENT

Library - 50g - ALL SENT
Angel Spirit Girl - Link SENT
Carzeebear - Link SENT
CoffeeCow - Link SENT
Cora Lorington - Link SENT
dessertdesiert - Link SENT
Divacita - Link SENT
Dystopia - Link SENT
Flink - Link SENT
Hatake Ayumi - Link SENT
Kemii - Link SENT
Kent - Link SENT
Ling - Link SENT
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link SENT
Mageling - Link SENT
maidenroseheart - Link SENT
mewmew07 - Link SENT
PapillonCameo - Link SENT
Saravi Boo - Link SENT
Seito - Link SENT
Shania583 - Link SENT
Sushi_Mew - Link SENT
Vickyll3 - Link SENT
Wrenji-Chan - Link SENT
zigbigadorlube - Link SENT

Principal's Office
Arinia Dreamdancer - Link
ArtsyDaze - Link
Death_to_the_reaper - Link
Ferra - Link
*Hime* - Link
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link
MintyRey - Link
Seridano - Link
Spunky3 - Link

Wood Shop - 525g - ALL SENT
d2hiriyuu - Link SENT
Darth Mudkip - Link SENT
Dragoness129 - Link SENT
Fiona_Watergate - Link SENT
hummy - Link SENT
KatMagenta - Link SENT
Lacrimosa - Link SENT
Triquetra - Link SENT
Velvet - Link SENT
Vinyl - Link SENT
Woodlandnymph = Link SENT

BellyButton 10-26-2012 11:06 PM
"Now we're getting somewhere. This megaphone is just the thing. But we are far from finished, friends. Let us make haste to the hospital... and hope that the worst is behind us."

The cafeteria, now deserted, has been decorated for Halloween. For a moment you consider sampling the food at the counter, but when you see the "Ghoulish Goulash" you decide you'd be better off skipping lunch today. You take one of the creepy table centerpieces instead.

Emergency Room
The scene in the Emergency Room is a grisly one indeed. There is blood everywhere. Your eyes scan the room for survivors or casualties but strangely, there are no bodies in sight. You proceed past the counter and find the source of the gore: someone or something has torn into the blood packs. Could the culprit still be here somewhere? In a sudden panic, you turn too quickly and lose your footing, landing solidly on your back on the wet floor. You're unharmed, but it might be hard to get the stains out of your clothes.

Examine Room
900g [gold]
Uh oh, it looks like you've come down with a serious case of rich! [insane]

ICU Unit 2
700g [gold]
I see you...'ve found some gold. Cool. [cool]

As you enter the maternity ward you notice that a makeshift barricade has been built from overturned hospital beds. To your horror, you spot a lumpy pile of pink and blue shapes partially covered with a blanket in the corner of the room. Your heart pounds as you rush to the pile and pull the blanket away..
.. to find the "New Baby Welcome Basket" supplies. Whew! You pass over the blue and pink bunny plushies, but grab a nice warm blankie for yourself.

Room 103
Noticing that the door to Room 103 has been left ajar, you carefully enter. It's strange. In comparison to the rest of the hospital, which has been thoroughly trashed, this room is virtually untouched. The hospital bed is empty, but you notice what looks like a glass of wine and a single red rose on the bedside table. For some reason you pick them up, and wonder what may have happened here.

Maila the Vampire
Blood is Maila's stock and trade. It's her reason for unliving, quite literally. But if asked, she'll tell you that her real dream is to be an actress. Just like those great monster starlets such as: Moan Crawford, Scarilyn Monroe and Lauren Boocall. Recently Maila got rave reviews for playing lead in a community theater production of Romeo and Ghouliette. [+2 points]

Dr. Yvonne Baker
Hospitals can be a pretty unsettling place in normal circumstances. Tonight the blood-spattered halls of Podunkia General are absolutely horrifying. You and your friends ascend the stairs to the second level, your hearts in your throats. Opening the door to the x-ray room, you tentatively call out and instantly a head pops up from behind the x-ray machine and gives a sigh of relief.

"You don't know how glad I am to see another living person! It's been a nightmare. Something strange and terrible is happening here. --- All over town too? That's... I can't believe that. Oh, i'm Dr. Yvonne Baker. I was on call tonight. Halloween is always a busy time for us. But earlier this evening a woman walked in dressed as a vampire. That wasn't so odd, considered what day it is. But then she began to overtake people with a terrifying strength, biting into their necks and draining their blood! It was awful! We all scrambled and i've been hiding here ever since. It defies all logic. How did this happen? --- Halloween dimension? On any other day I would have called you crazy, but after what I saw tonight... I'm coming with you. I can't let this Wongo give doctors a bad name." [+2 points]

Operating Room
Defibrillators are meant to save lives and tonight they're gonna save a lot of them. This will give the Portal Disruptor the jolt it needs.

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:

Cafeteria - Bloody Black Rose Bouquet - ALL SENT
DariaMorgendorfer - Link SENT
dragoness129 - Link SENT
EirianHikari - Link SENT
Iroase Delschatten - Link SENT
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link SENT
MintyRey - Link SENT
Seito - Link SENT
ToriKat - Link SENT
Triquetra - Link SENT

Emergency Room
Arechi - Link
Death_to_the_reaper - Link
Dystopia - Link
Emma Corrin - Link
Wulfwynn - Link

Examine Room - 900g - ALL SENT
Anglie - Link SENT
Ascadellia - Link SENT
Demoscout - Link SENT
Hadsvich - Link SENT
Shishunki - Link SENT
wish - Link SENT

ICU Unit 2 - 700g - ALL SENT
Gmwolflord - Link SENT
Kalium - Link SENT
Kilia - Link SENT
maidenroseheart - Link SENT
PapillonCameo - Link SENT
Sho-Shonojo - Link SENT
Spicedroses - Link SENT
Spunky3 - Link SENT
Superstition - Link SENT
Vickyll3 - Link SENT
Woofie267 - Link SENT

Ariana Dreamdancer - Link
Athilea Majiri - Link
Carzeebear - Link
Darth Mudkip - Link
dessertdesiert - Link
Divacita - Link
fireprincess - Link
GwenaHikari - Link
*Hime* - Link
Ivvy - Link
Keondre Lorano - Link
Knerd - Link
Ling - Link
Liztress - Link
lizrd356 - Link
Nephila - Link
Popcorn Gun - Link
Roachi - Link
Saravi Boo - Link
Seridano - Link
Shadami - Link
Shania583 - Link
Vinyl - Link
WherededIGo - Link
Wrenji-Chan - Link

Operating Room
blueblackrose - Link
d2hiriyuu - Link
Kamikaze Kendra - Link
LaVida - Link
Maria-Minamino - Link

Amorphous Metal - Link
Artsydaze - Link
Codette - Link
CoffeeCow - Link
Cora Lorington - Link
Flowery Pit - Link
KatMagenta - Link
kemii - Link
lunanuova - Link
shinigamikarasu - Link
zigbigadorlube - Link

Room 103 - Glass of Blood & Romantic Red Rose - ALL SENT
Antagonist - Link SENT
April - Link SENT
Cardinal Biggles - Link SENT
Damia Flagg - Link SENT
Emasaurus - Link SENT
Ferra - Link SENT
Fiona_Watergate - Link SENT
Flink - Link SENT
Izumi - Link SENT
Kay - Link SENT
Kent - Link SENT
Lacrimosa - Link SENT
mewmew07 - Link SNET
M i n u x e - Link SENT
Razak - Link SENT
sushi_mew - Link SENT
Velvet - Link SENT

GinKadia - Link
hummy - Link
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link
Jeannesha - Link
Mageling - Link
Precarious Fool - Link
star200shadow - Link
The_Crow - Link
Woodlandnymph - Link

Captain Howdy 10-27-2012 09:34 AM
"Excellent! Another part for the Portal Disruptor and another citizen rescued. You're hitting your stride. Let's see if we can continue this trend at town hall."

Conference Room
It looks like the Conference Room is all done up for a party, with Halloween decorations all around and little goody bags sitting at each place on the table. It's a shame for all that to go to waste, so you grab one.

Deputy Mayor's Office
The deputy mayor doesn't seem to be about, but from the look of things you can tell that he or she was rather studious. Tightly-packed bookshelves line the walls, and on the desk in a display case is what looks like a very old Guest Book. You squint at the text for a moment before picking up the pair of Magnifying Oculars on the desk.

Judge's Chambers
For a place under siege by a nightmarish creature, town hall seems to have stayed in orderly array. It's almost as if whatever monster rolled through here didn't want to make a mess, that is if you don't count the corpses. In line with this, the Judges Chamber's are near immaculate, and you suspect more so than usual. Odd. On a display table is an old hourglass that's been polished to showroom luster. You reason that it would be shame to leave behind.

Planning Office
You're not sure what to expect in a "Planning Office." Pushing open the door, you're pleasantly surprised to find a scale model of the entire town of Podunkia. You recognize some of the buildings from your previous searches -- it looks like you still have a long way to go if you're going to clear the town. You think you spot the Town Hall in the model, but the building doesn't look right. There's something big and white sticking out of it. Is it plans for a future remodel? You lean in for a closer look to discover that someone or something has stabbed a bone through the model's roof.. Creepy.

800g [gold]
Town records say you're owed some gold. Might as well take it now. [=3]

Town Manager's Office
1000g [gold]
One of the town manager's duties is to oversee Podunkia's budget. You reason you're providing the town a service and deserve a little somethin'. [mrgreen]

Mayor's Office
Sir Skelton the Skeleton
Sir Skelton the Skeleton comes from a long line of undead aristocrats. As a member of the upper echelon of Halloween society, he sees himself above the more common monster rabble. Swamp creatures who wallow in their own filth. Wolfmen scratching at their fleas. All of it highly distasteful. He sees this venture into our world as a chance to build a new and better monster civilization. [+2 points]

Mayor Wyatt Dinkle
It's eerie to see Podunkia Town Hall, usually bustling with activity, now stone still. You and your friends branch off to explore the building, cautious as to what may be waiting around every corner. Entering the court room, you quickly pick up on a figure futilely cowering behind a potted plant. Calling out to him, he lets out a yelp and stands. It's Mayor Wyatt Dinkle.

"Oh, you startled me. Just a bit, mind you. I was uh, checking the courtroom here for anyone who may need my help. Yes, that's it. And um, you are? --- Ah, it's good to see citizens willing to help out other citizens. Commendable. I was at home earlier this evening when an emergency meeting was called here at town hall. We were receiving reports that a group of hooligans, dressed in Halloween costumes, were terrorizing the town. But when one of them broke into the building, we learned it wasn't simply just hooligans we were dealing with. Now you're not going to believe this, but I swear this thing was a skeleton. --- You do?! --- An evil scientist bent on flooding the world with monsters? Now, that's a wild story. But you believed me, so i'll believe you. As mayor of Podunkia, I can't just sit by idle. I'm coming with you. [+2 points]

Town Meeting Room
The Professor explains that the Portal Disruptor works through a combination of not only sound waves, but light waves as well, making the town hall projector a valuable find. [+2 points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:
  • Conference Room
    KatMagenta - Link
    MintyRey - Link
    Sho-shonojo - Link
    Wrenji-chan - Link

  • Courtroom
    Anglie - Link
    Blueblackrose - Link
    Darth Mudkip - Link
    GinKadia - Link
    Iroase Delschatten - Link
    Jeannesha - Link
    Krondre Lorano - Link
    LaVida - Link
    star2000shadow - Link
    ToriKat - Link
    Vinyl - Link
    Woodlandnymph - Link
    Woofie267 - Link

  • Deputy Mayor's Office - Magnifying Oculars - ALL SENT
    Damia Flagg - Link SENT
    Ferra - Link SENT
    kemii - Link SENT
    Knerd - Link SENT
    mewmew07 - Link SENT
    Roachi - Link SENT

  • Judge's Chambers - Time's Titan - All sent!
    Athilea Majiri - Link
    Cardinal Biggles - Link
    Cora Lorington - Link
    Dystopia - Link
    Fiona_Watergate - Link
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link
    Izumi - Link
    Kalium - Link
    Kamikaze Kendra - Link
    Kay - Link
    Kilia - Link
    maidenroseheart - Link
    M i n u x e - Link
    neller - Link
    Razak - Link
    Shania583 - Link
    Superstition - Link
    Triquetra - Link
    wish - Link

  • Mayor's Office
    Angel Spirit Girl - Link
    Death_to_the_reaper - Link
    Divacita - Link
    EirianHikari - Link
    Flink - Link
    iC[a]ndy - Link
    Liztress - Link
    LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link
    Lunanuova - Link
    Maria-Minamino - Link
    Nephila - Link
    Popcorn Gun - Link
    Seito - Link
    spicedroses - Link
    sushi_mew - Link
    Vickyll3 - Link
    WherededIgo - Link

  • Planning Office - Bone - ALL SENT
    Amorphous Metal - Link SENT
    Arinia Dreamdancer - Link SENT
    Ascadellia - Link SENT
    Emasaurus - Link SENT
    GwenaHikari - Link SENT

  • Records - 800g - ALL SENT
    Antagonist - Link SENT
    Arechi - Link SENT
    Artsydaze - Link SENT
    Carzeebear - Link SENT
    Codette - Link SENT
    CoffeeCow - Link SENT
    d2hiriyuu - Link SENT
    Demoscout - Link SENT
    dessertdesiert - Link SENT
    fireprincess - Link SENT
    Gmwolflord - Link SENT
    HIM_ROCK - Link SENT
    Ivvy - Link SENT
    Lacrimosa - Link SENT
    Ling - Link SENT
    Lizrd356 - Link SENT
    Mageling - Link SENT
    PapillonCameo - Link SENT
    Saravi Boo - Link SENT
    Seridano - Link SENT
    Shinigamikarasu - Link SENT
    Spunky3 - Link SENT
    The_Crow - Link SENT
    Velvet - Link SENT
    Wulfwynn - Link SENT
    zigbigadorlube - Link SENT

  • Town Manager's Office - 1000g - ALL SENT
    April - Link SENT
    hummy - Link SENT
    Kent - Kent SENT
    Shadami - Link SENT
    Shishunki - Link SENT

  • Town Meeting Room
    dragoness129 - Link
    Emma Corrin - Link
    Flowery Pit - Link
    Hadsvich - Link

BellyButton 10-27-2012 04:03 PM
"Our progress is astounding. We're halfway done, I believe. From here it's just that final sprint to rebuilding the Portal Disruptor. But Dr. Wongo's monsters are still out there, so be alert. Our next stop: The Wondrous Land of Dunktasia!"

Bumper Cars
Exploring the now vacant bumper cars, you can imagine what sort of horror occurred here earlier. Frightened children scrambling to run away, droping their prizes and treats. In car 9 you find a pair of oversized lollipops, untouched and still in perfect condition. You decide to take them, just to satisfy your sweet tooth.

The Fun House
1,100g [gold]
The mirrors in the Fun House are playing tricks with your eyes so you're not sure how effective a search will be. You call out a, "Hello?" but get no reply. On your way out, you notice they've got one of those "How Many Eyeballs are in the Jar" displays next to a box that you're supposed to put your entry fees into. Curious, you pick up the jar (which is a lot heavier than it looked) and turn it around, trying to count the eyeballs. You're at 135 when your wrist starts to protest and you drop the jar, shattering the glass as the eyeballs ooze across the table and onto the floor. To your disgust, you realize that they've put a brick in the center of the jar. The contest is rigged! You snort and pocket the entry fees.

The Grand Carousel
One wouldn't normally expect to find much in a carousel, but something tells you to search there anyway. Sadly, although it is indeed "grand," there's naught but horses and poles inside. However, you figure the ornamental lanterns they've strung up for the holiday might come in handy.

Hall of Horrors
The lights are all on in the House of Horrors, and the result is quite un-scary. You walk past bats on strings waiting to be released, poorly made dummies, and various dingy spots where costumed employees must have waited for the right moment to leap out and scare the guests. Behind one of the room dividers, the staff have tacked up particularly amusing photos of frightened customers. You can't help but take a few -- that's comedy gold right there!

The Jolly Roger
he deck of the Jolly Roger could use a good swabbing, but there's no sign of life (or death) aboard the ship. There is, however, a pretty sweet pirate hat.

Princess' Castle
900g [gold]
You cautiously explore the Princess' Castle. The royal wardrobe has been rifled through and makeup is strewn about the room, but you imagine that could have occurred during the course of a normal Princess day. You're in a hurry, so after making quite certain that Her Royalness is no longer in the castle, you help yourself to what's left in the treasury -- you may need it.

Mangles the Mad Clown
Seeing the bright pink hair and frilly pink skirt, you might thing Mangles the Mad Clown is female, but he's in truth male. And a word of advice, don't let him hear you say that pink is a 'girl' color, or you're likely to feel the business end of his bat. Mangles hates outdated societal gender norms, and he's not afraid to beat his opinion into a few skulls. [+1 point]

Petting Zoo
Princess Podeen
A terrible scene waits for you at the petting zoo. One you're not soon likely to forget. Princess Podeen waited for a knight in shining armor to come rescue her. But instead she met a clown who was no laughing matter. [+1 point]

The Devil's Drop
Princess Podeen's Crown
The princess' crown may seem like just a pretty bauble, but it's composed of a special alloy that works perfectly as a conductor for the Portal Disruptor. [+2 points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:
  • Arcade
    Amorphous Metal - Link
    d2hiriyuu - Link
    Death_to_the_reaper - Link
    EverlastingRitz - Link
    KatMagenta - Link
    LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link
    MintyRey - Link
    Popcorn Gun - Link
    Shinigamikarasu - Link

  • Bumper Cars - Lollipops - ALL SENT
    April - Link SENT
    hummy - Link SENT
    Kent - Link
    Precarious Fool - Link SENT
    Shadami - Link SENT
    ToriKat - Link SENT
    Wrenji-chan - Link SENT

  • Devil's Drop
    Arinia Dreamdancer - Link
    blueblackrose - Link
    dragoness129 - Link
    Ferra - Link
    Hadsvich - Link
    Iroase Delschatten - Link
    Kalium - Link
    lunanuova - Link
    Seridano - Link
    Shizuku-Chan - Link
    Sho-Shonojo - Link
    star2000shadow - Link
    Woofie267 - Link

  • Fun House - 1,100g - ALL SENT
    Flowery Pit - Link SENT
    Knerd - Link SENT
    Ling - Link SENT
    lizrd356 - Link SENT
    Mewmew07 - Link SENT
    Triquetra - Link SENT
    Velvet - Link SENT

  • Grand Carousel
    Angel Spirit Girl - Link
    Artsydaze - Link
    Cardinal Biggles - Link
    EirianHikari - Link
    HIM_ROCK - Link
    Ivvy - Link
    `Kitami - Link
    Shishunki - Link
    Spicedroses - Link
    sushi_mew - Link

  • Hall of Horrors
    Ascadellia - Link
    Carzeebear - Link
    Codette - Link
    DariaMorgendorfer - Link
    Demoscout - Link
    DivineHeart - Link
    Gmwolflord - Link
    Kilia - Link
    ~LONGCAT~ - Link

  • The Jolly Roger - Lusty Pirate Hat - ALL SENT
    Antagonist - Link SENT
    Athilea Majiri - Link SENT
    Damia Flagg - Link SENt
    Darth Mudkip - Link SENt
    Divacita - Link SENT
    Emasaurus - Link SENT
    Flink - Link SENT
    GinKadia - Link SENT
    GwenaHikari - Link SENT
    Kamikaze Kendra - Link SENT
    Kay - Link SENT
    Kemii - Link SENT
    Keondre Lorano - Link SENT
    Liztress - Link SENT
    Mageling - Link SENT
    maidenroseheart - Link SENT
    Maria-Minamino - Link SENT
    Seito - Link SENT
    Spunky3 - Link SENT
    Superstition - Link SENT
    Vinyl - Link SENT
    WherededIgo - Link SENT
    Woodlandnymph - Link SENT
    Wulfwynn - Link SENT
    zigbigadorlube - Link

  • Petting Zoo
    Anglie - Link
    Cherry Who? - Link
    Dystopia - Link
    Hatake Ayumi - Link
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link
    Izumi - Link
    Jeannesha - Link
    Lacrimosa - Link
    M i n u x e - Link
    PapillonCameo - Link
    Vickyll3 - Link
    Vox - Link

  • Princess' Castle - 900g - ALL SENT
    Arechi - Link SENT
    Cora Lorington - Link SENT
    dessertdesiert - Link SENT
    Emma Corrin - Link SENT
    Fiona_Watergate - Link SENT
    fireprincess - Link SENT
    LaVida - Link SENT
    Nephila - Link
    Saravi Boo - Link SENT
    Shania583 - Link SENT
    The_Crow - Link SENT

Captain Howdy 10-27-2012 11:51 PM
"We have once again been reminded how dire the situation is. But we have no time to weep for poor Princess Podeen. All we can do is move forward and assure that Dr. Wongo and his monsters are stopped. Let us move on to the museum."

Egyptian Exhibit
1000g [gold]
The Egyptian Exhibit undoubtedly has the tightest security in the place. There isn't an urn or sarcophagi that's not safely contained behind thick glass. Still, the artifacts are pretty amazing to behold. That's probably why the "Help Save the Museum!" donation box they put here was so full.. [ninja]

Kidz Zone
A lush green jungle awaits you in the Kidz Zone. It looks a bit like Jurassic Park for short people, and you're nervous as you don your complimentary Ranger Hat and crouch down to move between the ferns and potted rubber trees in order to explore the room. It would be very easy for someone or something to hide in here. Luckily, your search has concluded that the only thing you have to fear is snake plushies. (You're not afraid of snake plushies, are you?)

Master's Gallery
The Master's Gallery houses works of fine art, from smallish portraits of somber aristocrats to colorful landscape paintings that span half a wall. The underlying room decor gives you the feeling of visiting a parlor in a wealthy estate: the delicate neutral-print wallpaper, the raised panel wainscoting - they've even put in some well-groomed houseplants. It's quite soothing, and the image is likely to stay with you for some time.

Modern Art
1200g [gold]
Splatters and splotches. Oversized cubes stacked in uniform. Bits of metal bent at odd angles. ... Frozen blood heads. ... You just don't get modern art. On a nearby pedestal sits a piece of work entitled, 'Gold in Repose'. To your untrained eye it just seems like a pile of money. Pocketing your find, some will consider you a philistine, but at least you're a rich philistine.

Sculpture Garden
Stepping into the Sculpture Garden, your first thought is that you've arrived at the scene of a massive toilet-papering prank. Upon further examination though, you note that the white fabric strips that have been wrapped around the female sculptures are of the highest quality.

Technology Exhibit
The Technology Exhibit's current display shows how the portrayal of robots in cinema has changed over time. It's really quite interesting. You spend some time studying the placards and learn quite a lot -- enough to put on a mean cosplay of a vintage Retrobot later.

Gift Shop
Mahret the Mummy
Sure murder and mayhem are fun and fill the day, but Mahret's reason for not breathing is her passion for fashion. Why back in the Halloween dimension she's considered quite the style icon, and tops every best dressed monster list. Upon entering our world, while every Podunkian ran from her in horror, she was horrified by their utter lack of taste. Above all, Mahret hates bad fashion... and those who make bad fashion choices. [+1 point] [+2 points]

Photo Gallery
Your group stands at the entrance of the Photo Gallery, hesitant to proceed forward. The lights are out, the room pitch black. Finally, a member of your crew gathers her courage and steps into the darkness. Finding the switch, you all jump at a sudden 'EEEP' as the lights return. Pressed against the back wall, a matronly-dressed woman stands frightened. Seeing you, she brings a hand to her chest with a sigh of relief.

"My goodness gracious, you gave me start. But I cannot begin to express how happy I am to see another human face. I'm Mona Faraday, the museum curator. Forgive me, my mind is reeling from what i've witnessed tonight. It sounds preposterous, but I was attacked... by a mummy! I was making my final rounds before returning home for the night, when I thought I heard a ruckus coming from the Egyptian exhibit. I investigated and was shocked to come upon a darkened figure. I called out and this person gave a howl of rage. It lifted one of our resident mummies and threw it across the room shouting, "That is not couture!" Then it stepped into the light. I was-- I was dumbstruck. It was a female mummy, but I know not one of our own. I gasped and she set upon me, screaming something about my hemline. I ran, making my way past the sculpture gallery and then hiding here. I wondered if I was going mad. --- You can't be serious. Monsters, overrunning Podunkia? I... What can we do? --- A portal disruptor? Well, I can't say one way or the other if it will work. But I will come with you and help any way I can." [+2 points]

The Crystal Skull of Xunantunich
Resting on a lit platform at the hub of the Planetarium, the Crystal Skull of Xunantunich stares forward with an unearthly glow. You ask Professor von Humboldt what function it serves for the Portal Disruptor. He says it just looks cool sitting on top. [+2 points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:
  • Egyptian Exhibit - 1000g - ALL SENT
    Angel Spirit Girl - Link SENT
    Antagonist - Link SENT
    Athilea Majiri - Link SENT
    Cardinal Biggles - Link SENT
    Codette - Link SENT
    Demoscout - Link SENT
    Divacita - Link SENT
    Gmwolflord - Link SENT
    HIM_ROCK - Link SENT
    hummy - Link SENT
    Lacrimosa - Link SENT
    lizrd356 - Link SENT
    Mageling - Link SENT
    maidenroseheart - Link SENT
    Maria-Minamino - Link SENT
    mewmew07 - Link SENT
    PapillonCameo - Link SENT
    Saravi Boo - Link SENT
    Shadami - Link SENT
    ToriKat - Link SENT
    Woofie267 - Link SENT
    Woodlandnymph - Link SENT
    Wulfwynn - Link SENT

  • Gift Shop
    d2hiriyuu - Link
    EirianHikari - Link
    EverlastingRitz - Link
    Flowery Pit - Link
    LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link
    The_Crow - Link
    Vickyll3 - Link
    zigbigadorlube - Link

  • Kidz Zone - Ranger Hat & Black and Gold Snake - ALL SENT
    Fiona_Watergate - Link SENT
    GinKadia - Link SENT
    Ivvy - Link SENT
    Izumi - Link SENT
    Shishunki - Link SENT

  • Master's Gallery
    Amorphous Metal - Link
    Arechi - Link
    Arinia Dreamdancer - Link
    Artsydaze - Link
    Emasaurus - Link
    Ferra - Link
    Neller - Link
    Popcorn Gallery - Link
    star2000shadow - Link

  • Modern Art Gallery - 1200g - ALL SENT
    April - Link SENT
    DariaMorgendorfer - Link SENT
    Emma Corrin - Link[/URL] SENT
    Kent - Link SENT
    ~LONGCAT~ - Link SENT
    Shania583 - Link SENT

  • Photo Gallery
    Anglie - Link
    Ascadellia - Link
    Damia Flagg - Link
    Iroase Delschatten - Link
    Sho-Shonojo - Link

  • Planetarium
    blueblackrose - Link
    Darth Mudkip - Link
    Death_to_the_reaper - Link
    Dystopia - Link
    *Hime* - Link
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link
    Jeannesha - Link
    Kay - Link
    Keondre Lorano - Link
    Ling - Link
    Nephila - Link
    Roachi - Link
    Seito - Link
    Superstition - Link
    sushi_mew - Link
    Velvet - Link
    Vinyl - Link
    Wrenji-chan - Link

  • Sculpture Garden - Dancer Sash & Valentina Ribbon - ALL SENT
    Carzeebear - Link SENT
    CoffeeCow - Link SENT
    Cora Lorington - Link SENT
    DivineHeart - Link SENT
    fireprincess - Link SENT
    iC[a]ndy - Link SENT
    Kalium - Link SENT
    Kamikaze Kendra - Link SENT
    Kilia - Link SENT
    `Kitami - Link SENT
    Knerd - Link SENT
    LaVida - Link SENT
    Liztress - Link SENT
    MintyRey - Link SENT
    M i n u x e - Link SENT
    spicedroses - Link SENT
    Spunky3 - Link SENT
    WherededIgo - Link SENT
    wish - Link SENT

  • Technology Exhibit
    dragoness129 - Link
    GwenaHikari - Link
    Hadsvich - Link
    Hatake Ayumi - Link
    KatMagenta - Link
    Kemii - Link
    Lunanuova - Link
    Seridano - Link
    shinigamikarasu - Link
    Shizuku-chan - Link
    Vox - Link

BellyButton 10-27-2012 11:56 PM
"Our task is finally reaching completion, my friends! Only one more component left for the Portal Disruptor. Let us not hesitate! To the mall!"

Bab's Bridal Bazaar
1,100 [gold]
You're duly cautious as you enter Bab's Bridal Bazaar. As with the rest of the mall, the store is a mess. A clutter of pure white wedding dresses stained red with blood. You venture further into the shop, keeping a sharp eye out, when suddenly a zombie bride appears from the fitting room. You freeze with terror. Before you can move a muscle, she's upon you, reaching a ghastly hand in your direction. You flinch and await the worst... But the worst doesn't come. Opening your eyes, you see her pointing to a veil on the back wall behind you. Slowly reaching over, you take the veil down and hand it to her. She gives a friendly moan, places a small pile of gold in your hand and returns to the fitting room. [+1 point]

Doyle's Actual Books
Doyle's Actual Books will be easy to search, as it's arranged in linear rows of shelving with no visible hiding places. You quickly dash this way and that, fairly certain you're not going to find anything here. And then you hit the Occult and Small Business aisle and nearly smack into what must be the most well-behaved Zombie ever. He appears to be looking for a book and scarcely notices you, but still you grab the nearest Tome and pretend to be reading. He shuffles past, and you're able to leave the shop unharmed. Whew! [+1 Point]

Emos 'R' Us
Emos 'R' Us is a pretty tiny shop, and you aren't going to be stepping foot inside it because there's currently a Zombie snacking on a hunk of flesh whilst trying on sunglasses in the back of the shop. You're able to scan the area for survivors from the doorway, once you push aside the makeshift curtain of dangling slave collars - nobody in there but the Zombie. [+1 Point]

The Food Court
1,300g [gold]
If pressed, you would have to admit there was an alternative motive to wanting to explore the Food Court. Aside from some chicken wings at the party, which was hours ago, you haven't eaten all day and are absolutely famished. You set hopes on picking up a burger, maybe a slice of pizza or perhaps some Chinese food. But you're sorely disappointed and equally as disgusted to see that every bit of food is now slathered in a layer of gore. It's probably just as well, as you spot an undead mall Santa standing in the middle of the dining area, mindless ringing a bell as drool runs down his chin. You wouldn't want to get near that. As you pocket the money from an open cash register, you comment to your friends how these places start pushing Christmas earlier and earlier every year. [+1 point]

Kitchen Krazy
Before you even get to Kitchen Krazy you know there's a Zombie in there. He's shuffling around, moaning and drooling and knocking stuff over in the tiny shop - you don't know what he's after in there, but you don't care -- you're here to look for survivors. Grabbing a "Master Chef Starter Package" from a display on the wall, you use it to shield yourself from view as you move through the isles. You complete your search of the shop, content that there are no survivors or machine parts present. [+1 Point]

The Toy Bunker
As you make your way into the Toy Bunker you spot a curly-haired child in the corner with the stuffed animal display, turned towards the wall. Thank goodness you got here in time! You start to run to her before realizing something's not quite right.. she's loudly snacking on something, or, if the blood is any indication, someone.. You turn abruptly and hightail it out of there, partially tangling yourself in a string of Yumeh Bats as you exit. [+1 Point]

Podunkia Multiplex
Zombolio, the Zombie King
Being King of the Zombies would seem to have its benefits. For one, you'd think gathering subjects is pretty easy. If ever you feel you're lacking in the underling department, you can just go out and chomp on a few heads. Voila! But to its detriment, this plan does have one major flaw. Unlike their immortal zombie king, normal zombies eventually decay to nothing. And King Zombolio is forever having to make new servants. But there's a relatively small population of humans in the Halloween Dimension, and recently they've been added to the endangered species list by those blasted skeleton bureaucrats. This left Zombolio at a disadvantage... until he came to our world. Now he's like a kid in a brain-flavored candy shop. [+2 points]

Headshot Games
Cameron Neely
Initially, you spot only an undead gamer, mindlessly pounding away at a controller. But turning your attention to the back of the store, you discover an unfortunate scene. Cameron Neely was a simple man who led a simple life selling balloons at the mall. Unfortunately, you'll never get the chance to know him. Alive, anyway. But stick around and you can meet him dead. [+2 points]

..........................Helium Tank
RACY's department store could take all day to search, but the scene unfolding before you is causing you to question whether you should even approach the place. The large tropical fish tank, which had been used as a backdrop for their marine-life-inspired "Be Colorful" makeup line, is currently being violated by the former makeup counter girl, who now seems to take great pleasure in crunching the bones of live fish with her Zombie incisors. Yuck..

Nearby you spot Cameron Neely's helium tank. Moving carefully, so as not to be noticed, you grab it and return the tank to Professor von Humboldt. You ask how it helps the Portal Disruptor, but the answer is so complicated, it goes in one ear and out the other. [+3 points]

Where is everyone?X

Here's where folks are:
  • Bab's Bridal Bazaar - 1100g - ALL SENT
    Cora Lorington - Link SENT
    fireprincess - Link SENT
    Flowery Pit - Link SENT
    GwenaHikari - Link SENT
    iC[a]ndy - Link SENT
    Kalium - Link SENT
    Lacrimosa - Link SENT
    LaVida - Link SENT
    Liztress - Link SENT
    star2000shadow - Link SENT

  • Doyle's Actual Books
    Angel Spirit Girl - Link
    Arinia Dreamdancer - Link
    blueblackrose - Link
    Cardinal Biggles - Link
    CoffeeCow - Link
    Damia Flagg - Link
    DariaMorgendorfer - Link
    Demoscout - Link
    dragoness129 - Link
    Emma Corrin - Link
    EverlastingRitz - Link
    Fiona_Watergate - Link
    Hadsvich - Link
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - Link
    kemii - Link
    Kilia - Link
    Knerd - Link
    Ling - Link
    Lunanuova - Link
    maidenroseheart - Link
    Seito - Link
    Seridano - Link
    The_Crow - Link
    ToriKat - Link
    wish - Link
    zigbigadorlube - Link

  • Emos 'R' Us - Silver Slave Collar - ALL SENT
    Antagonist - Link SENT
    Arechi - Link SENT
    Divacita - Link SENT
    GinKadia - Link SENT
    *Hime* - Link SENT
    HIM_ROCK - Link SENT
    Izumi - Link SENT
    Jeannesha - Link SENT
    `Kitami - Link SENT
    Lizrd356 - Link SENT
    MintyRey - Link SENT
    Triquetra - Link SENT
    Vickyll3 - Link SENT
    Vinyl - Link SENT
    Wulfwynn - Link SENT

  • The Food Court - 1300g - ALL SENT
    Anglie - Link SENT
    EirianHikari - Link SENT
    LizzyCollinsDeArc - Link SENT
    M i n u x e - Link SENT
    WherededIgo - Link SENT
    Wrenji-chan - Link SENT

  • Headshot Games
    Amorphous Metal - Link
    Artsydaze - Link
    Dystopia - Link
    Iroase Delschatten - Link
    Kent - Link
    Keondre Lorano - Link
    Maria-Minamino - Link
    neller - Link
    PapillonCameo - Link
    Saravi Boo - Link
    Shizuku-Chan - Link
    Spunky3 - Link
    Superstition - Link
    Velvet - Link
    Woofie267 - Link

  • Kitchen Krazy - Chef's Hat, Apron & Rolling Pin - ALL SENT
    Ivvy - Link SENT
    KatMagenta - Link SENT
    Kyohei - Link SENT
    mewmew07 - Link SENT
    Nephila - Link SENT
    Shinigamikarasu - Link SENT
    Sho-shonojo - Link SENT

  • Podunkia Multiplex
    Codette - Link
    Death_to_the_reaper - Link
    DivineHeart - Link
    Emasaurus - Link
    Gmwolflord - Link
    ~LONGCAT~ - Link
    Mageling - Link
    Popcorn Gun - Link
    Woodlandnymph - Link

  • RACY'S
    Ascadellia - Link
    d2hiriyuu - Link
    Darth Mudkip - Link
    dessertdesiert - Link
    Ferra - Link
    Hatake Ayumi - Link
    Kamikaze Kendra - Link

  • The Toy Bunker
    Athilea Majiri - Link
    Carzeebear - Link
    Kay - Link
    Miscreant74 - Link
    Shania583 - Link
    Shishunki - Link
    spicedroses - Link
    sushi_mew - Link
    zephi - Link

Captain Howdy 10-29-2012 11:08 PM

Cora 11-02-2012 08:18 PM

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: Clean Room

Cora is OCD....where ELSE would she look lols.

spunky 11-02-2012 08:21 PM

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: Storage

Good luck everyone!!!

Dystopia 11-02-2012 08:25 PM

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: [ Subject Room ]

Kamikaze Kendra 11-02-2012 08:27 PM

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: Decontamination Room

That just sounds... eerie and yet promising at the same time...

Vickyll3 11-02-2012 08:28 PM

yay I love these

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: [ Decontamination Room ]

KatMagenta 11-02-2012 08:29 PM

Heh, I see a fair few labs in my usual day. No portal generators though.

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: [ Lab A ]

Kamikaze Kendra 11-02-2012 08:31 PM

*clings to Vicky*
At least it's not as scary with someone investigating the same room... right?

Velvet 11-02-2012 08:36 PM

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: The Conference Room!

neller 11-02-2012 08:50 PM

We're in the Laboratory today.
I want to search here: THE GIRL'S BATHROOM Lab A

All times are GMT. The time now is 02:37 AM.