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CHR0ME 12-25-2008 05:52 AM

Chrome's Hoilday Shy Poster Thread: Come Chat!

Ever have a hard time during the events because you had a hard time popping into threads and joining into the conversation?

Well... welcome to my thread! Here I can promise you I won't get mad at you for popping in and saying Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, and all those other holidays that I don't want to slaughter by spelling wrong!

And if you are brave enough to stick around I won't mind trying to talk to you too.
I swear I really won't bite unless you want me too!

All team color members welcome, but please lets not have any gloating, or fighting. Just some holiday luuuurve. *winks with a naughty grin*

Stick around cause you never know when I might give out a free art freebie. If I'm not around its cause I'm trying to finish the kinsaki holiday event, or I'm playing zOMG for those stupid coal thingies. :heart:

Cassidy Rose 12-25-2008 06:25 AM

Hey Chromey luff!! <333 *huggles*

Merry Christmas

Risu 12-25-2008 06:34 AM

You promise there'll be luuuurve?

As for zOMG, I need to check up on that again. Haven't poked the boxes in awhile. I got coal last time.

kerryfox 12-25-2008 06:34 AM

Happy Holidays to all =^.^=

@CHR0ME I know the Zomg event is equally time consuming >.>;; and addicting.

Risu 12-25-2008 06:39 AM

Anyone else feel like Channah and Greed don't know the meaning of personal space? They keep getting closer. *Jaws theme music plays.*

CHR0ME 12-25-2008 06:43 AM

LOL... no offense to my team but I'll prolly be greedy for most of the event. I really am burnt out on the games and I'd like to get the event items without playing snake 600 times.

As for zOMG I logged on to my bf's account to do the presents and he got like 2 recipes, but when I do it I get crap. Like a piece of sting and gold, lol. I would have been doing it sooner if I knew that it doesn't matter who kills your box.

And yes Risu there's luuurve *glomps*

*luffs on Rose-boo*

Risu 12-25-2008 07:00 AM

Yeay! *does happy dance a being glomped*

Edit: However, sleep beckons to me. It's 1:30 am here and I need sleep.

CHR0ME 12-25-2008 07:29 AM

It ate my last post.. or well the internet did.

I has headache...

I like the rare event items. They are really cute!

*leans on risu* What are ya holiday plans? I want cookies...

spicedroses 12-25-2008 08:55 AM

hey everybody, thought I'd pop in for a bit and say hello.

.Xinta.Kitsune. 12-25-2008 09:03 AM

I must say, Chrome. I love your avvy.
It's uber great.
Can we say viking, much?

CHR0ME 12-25-2008 09:21 AM

hello spiced roses!

and i dunno, xinta, if i see much viking besides the axe... i get your drift.. but I was just going for a good black and white. ^_^ thanks lol is there a viking helm that is silver?

i'm heading to bed for the night.

hope everyone has wonderful goodies to find in the morning!

Galliechan 12-25-2008 09:25 AM

Reading your posts are really fun, you've all went to sleep while its mid-afternoon here :)

Kalliste 12-25-2008 09:28 AM

hi hi thread! I haven't been to Menewsha in a while so it's a bit hard to slip back into the gist of things.
How is everyone?

Cassidy Rose 12-25-2008 06:32 PM

*peeks in and waves* Hey everyone ^^ Merry Christmas

Quantum Angel 12-25-2008 06:41 PM

Heya! Glad someone made a thread like this...I'm so awkward when it comes to chatting that it's actually quite sad. XD; is everyone's holiday going? :3

Cassidy Rose 12-25-2008 06:45 PM

Mine is going alright, not what I am use to but its alright. How about yours?

Quantum Angel 12-25-2008 06:50 PM

Mine's going okay. I had a bit of a...rude awakening this morning, and it would seem my mother angered Santa just as she angers the Sandman, because both seem to have all but skipped over our house...but, ah well, could have been worse. |D It's finally getting better..and hey, I won the biggest contest I've entered in years yesterday, so that makes up for it, I think. :yes:

Anyway, sorry for cutting it so short, but I'd better be off for a little while. Need to go get some food. :sweat: Be back in a little while~

CHR0ME 12-25-2008 06:53 PM

Ooooh what kinda contest?

I just now rolled out of bed. xD
Don't worry santa skipped over my house too... maybe its because I don't have a tree?

Cassidy Rose 12-25-2008 06:54 PM

*pounces and snugs chrome* <33 CHROMEY!!!

Amani, Sorry to hear that. That seems cool. What kind of contest was it?
Alright well take care

CHR0ME 12-25-2008 07:05 PM

*clings to fanna* Justin got me a present thingie from the craft store.. that funky flat plastic thread stuff that they make those funky key chain things with... lol... i want to start using it cause i'm somewhat bored...

what presents have you gotten? *pokes*

Quantum Angel 12-25-2008 07:07 PM

Seems I've had a bit of a delay in leaving. :sweat:

The contest was a karaoke/singing contest on dA. It was really fun...first of its kind that I've ever entered, I thought for sure I wouldn't win; maybe I'd get third place at best. And as I said, it was really to be a huge drama-fest as it was coming to the final stretch; there was this whole bribery controversy with my biggest competitor...but in the end, all turned out fine, and at least close to fair. :yes:

And, know, that might just explain everything. I don't have a tree either; this Christmas has been really rushed...everything's been improvised. If the tree is Santa's sign to show up...then yes, that would explain EVERYTHING.

*ahem* And NOW I must go and get that food. :sweat:

Cassidy Rose 12-25-2008 07:11 PM

Chrome, Those are always so awesome!! I got $40 from his dad and some hairbrush from his mother. Beelze is taking me out for dinner tonight. So in 2 hours or so I will be leaving with him to go out for dinner.

Amani, I never knew Deviant Art had that kind of contest. That all sounded like fun and stuff. Congrats on winning ^^
Alright, have a good meal.

CHR0ME 12-25-2008 07:17 PM

Whoo try to take pictures at dinner, at least take pictures of your food? lol :heart:

Cassidy Rose 12-25-2008 07:26 PM

*Giggles* I will try to luff ^^ We are going to have Thai food for dinner. I may disappear for a bit. I still need to take my pills. <333

CHR0ME 12-25-2008 07:29 PM

I'm about to go take a shower anyways. I want to go out for Thai food but I don't think I'll find any of those places open here... not that I have the money to anyways. Now you must definatly try to take pictures of the funky food you eats. lol. Justin is making me a spiral brown sugarness ham so I'm okay with stayin in, lol....

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