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Bishielurfer 07-06-2008 07:20 AM

"Ugh! What was I thinking?!"
Anyone who has been into anime for a year or so has run into it. That one anime or manga you just absolutely love, that you obsess over for a few months until realizing....

It's absolutely terrible.

Mine was Inuyasha. XD I loved that anime for about a year before realizing the characters were the most irritating creatures created, 90% of the series was flashbacks or fillers, and Inuyasha's hair looked liked a 3-D puzzle.

Then, of course, there are those terrible anime/manga that you know suck horribly...but you just can't stop loving it!

For me, this category goes to the Gravitation anime. Shuichi is annoying as heck, they reused animation like crazy, and when I was watching it, I had the Hong Kong subtitled version and had to print out the scripts to even begin to understand what was going on. Yet, I still love that anime. It's terribly made, but I love it.

So what was/is yours?

Crescent Safirus 07-08-2008 11:12 AM

Naruto. The characters in Naruto aren't exactly what you call... terribly cute. But, I dunno, I simply love the story, the characters because of their attitude, the way you can make them do whatever you want when you're behind the fanfiction. I just... love it! Even if I'm not exactly a ninja fan and all.

Oh, another is Digimon. This anime I found particularly confusing, and the characters... are... well, I found them a tad bit plain. But I love watching it though. XD Sort of like The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, it was confusing, the way the episodes were sort of jumbled up and all, but the characters were cute, attitude was cute, and the plot was interesting for the most part. *sigh* Ah~~~

NeoVisual 07-11-2008 05:21 PM

I used to like InuYasha a lot until I realized it went NOWHERE.
I also liked Naruto, I am ashamed to admit.

I kind of stopped watching anime for a while after that. xD

chadarnook 07-12-2008 02:21 PM

Dragon Ball Z.

I came home from middle school every week day and watched it religiously. Once they started replaying the episodes and I saw the whole series all over again, though, I began to ask myself, "What the hell am I watching?"

I used to like the Naruto anime; then I started realizing it was mostly recaps, so I switched to the manga. Then I got horribly bored with the villains and stopped reading it entirely.

Ling 07-14-2008 03:17 AM

Mine is also Dragonball Z, I used to really like the series until I realised there was not much point to it other than getting stronger physically and screaming and beating the enemies which are always more powerful than the former. I think its a silly story now. although I still think Trunks looks decent, a very clever design.

As for series that I know are ridiculous but like anyway, for me that goes to Sailor Moon. No explanation needed.

Tsubasa Rose 07-15-2008 09:49 PM

i agree to everyone above me lol DBZ, Inuyasha and Naruto- for me they all have one thing in common- they go/went on FOREVER and it's hard to just keep going without watering down the characters or plot but i still love them all

another one for me was Happy Lesson- which is your total harem anime on crack on course- and the mom's were all like crazy in their stereotypes but alas i just couldn't help buying the series and rewatching it every now and then lol

Mage 07-16-2008 02:02 AM

It was Naruto for me, but that series didn't become bad until the filler arcs started. Luckily, I realized my mistake beforehand and stopped watching. xD

Mainly, I think it's the extremely long series that fans obsess over and realize it's horrible. As the story unravels, they realize that the mangaka uses cliched plots either to drag the story on more, or because they are running out of ideas.

MasterChiefrei 07-16-2008 05:10 AM

Amen on Inuyasha but it took me a little longer to be sick of it. I was waiting for the story to develop more...which never happened. ><; The only characters I could stand at the end were Koga and Miroku. If I heard the names "Inuyasha!" or "Kagome!" screamed one more time I was going to lose it...makes for a good drinking game though.
Worst manga I read and felt stupid for liking was Tokyo Mew Mew. I don't know if it was the art that drew me to it but the main character is completely useless! She doesn't even deserve to be a heroine. Even Sailor Moon fought some of her own battles but after reviewing it I saw a lot of errors. If she was a wimp that turned into a courageous hero by the end then it would've been good but at the end she still didn't do anything except die and then be saved.

Lilith the Ill 07-17-2008 07:01 PM

Yes.. Mine was Inuyasha as well. It was just like you said. One night I was up watching it, and I litteraly said to myself "Why the hell am I watching this crap?". Talk about a 180.

I was really into Naruto a few years ago as well, but when I hit those 50 or so fillers, all of my interest faded. Now the huge amarican wave of obsession is very annoying to me. Biotch, I was watching that junk every week as soon as it was released in japan, kthanks. Same for Deathnote. I was reading the manga on a website, each chapter just days after it was released and translated in Japan. I got really annoyed at how fast it got popular and whanot >>. I guess I'm just an original gangsta like that xD

Sadistix_Love 07-17-2008 10:50 PM

Well, I never gotten sick of Naruto or Inuyasha to be honest. Tired of them at one point, yes, but I do not hate much. One that I liked at one point then disliked was... Princess Ai. It is a manga tho. Oh yes! Pokemon! @.@ That thing not done yet...?

Zefu 07-21-2008 02:23 PM

I have yet to do that but I'm sure I'll hit that point with a manga eventually. I do obsessively read Naruto still and notice all it's flaws and stuff but I don't hate it or anything. Instead I joke about the flaws.

22Tsuji22 07-21-2008 07:35 PM

hmm none that I can think of xD I can call the animes that people are going to be like =.= why did i watch this for?

I watched maybe 10 eps of Inuyasha. Then hated Kagome...thought Ukyo(that is not her name is the same girl who did the voice for Ukyo on Ranma1/2) and the monk guy and shippo were pretty cool. Inuyasha..-.-; My sister loves the show. I think she is crazy.

Volucria 07-22-2008 01:34 PM

I had that with the Rurouni Kenshin manga. I read like eight books and then realized that I really didn't like the manga that much. Too little story, too much fighting for me.

citron 07-25-2008 10:19 PM

For me, there were lots of them... Rurouni Kenshin, Fooly Cooly, Pretear, Naruto, Inuyasha... and oh yea Pokemon DOH! I still have a huge obsession with Pokemon, but atleast I don't collect cards anymore. I remember back in the days like elementary school, I'd be selling cards and stuff to people. And for show and tell, I brought this book I kept my cards in. XD

Sikurri 08-06-2008 03:05 PM

InuYasha as well Hahahaha;
I wonder why I liked it before : D I mean, it really was just the same thing. Demons attacking them, and the name InuYasha and Kagome is screamed at least twenty times before they are actually safe.

titaneatomoe 08-06-2008 04:05 PM

Mmm I liked dbz and inuyasha more then i liked naruto..I mean come on there ninjas and there wearing bright colors >.<

Cows Go Moo 08-07-2008 05:59 PM

Mine was Inuyasha and Naruto. I mean for Inuyasha, it was fillery and the story went nowhere. For Naruto I liked it until it went into fillers, causing me to switch to the manga. As for something I know sucks, but I still watch is Pokemon. It's something that I'm not obsessed with, but I find myself watching it in my free time xD

katyasha 08-07-2008 06:38 PM

I thought Salor Moon was cool but after a while I got sick of it. And I don't like DBZ it takes forever to kill the bad guy and for them to power up

puppylove 08-07-2008 07:19 PM

I actually haven't ran into that problem before.

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