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Cinderella 04-23-2019 03:04 PM

Avengers: Endgame! (No spoilers, please!)
Are you going to see it? Have you been keeping up with the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe or not?

Endgame comes out on Thursday in the US, but I won't be seeing it until Saturday, so here's hoping I can avoid spoilers until then. My friend already had a friend spoil some of it for her because it's out where her friend lives. 😬 I'm sure no one here would do that, though.
Anyway, I've seen most of the phase 1 films with the exception of Dr. Strange and Spider-Man: Homecoming. I think that's about it, though.

Antagonist 04-24-2019 01:31 AM

I've sort of kept up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe in that I've watched all the movies, but whether or not I remember what happened in all of them is another story. [lol];;

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the Endgame! I'll have to really watch what I read on my tumblr these days because there's definitely going to be spoilers everywhere. [gonk]

Cinderella 04-24-2019 10:45 AM

Haha, I don't think I remember everything that's happened either. That would be a lot to remember, and I don't have the best memory sometimes. 😅

Right? I might just avoid most of the internet for like, two days so I don't see any spoilers.

Antagonist 04-24-2019 01:07 PM

Same, my memory's not what it once was. [lol]

It'll probably be a month or so before I have the opportunity to watch the movie and I probably won't be able to stay away from the Internet for that long so I'll just have to be careful of what I read. [XD];; I accidentally spoiled myself back when Thor: Ragnarok (or it might have been Infinity War?) came out and I was so pissed at myself for a while. [headdesk]

Cinderella 04-24-2019 06:41 PM

Aw, yeah, definitely be careful, then! Parts of Thor: Ragnorak ended up being spoiled for me too since the events of Infinity War directly proceeded what happened in that film and I hadn't seen it before I saw IW. In that case I was okay with it, especially since by the time I got around to seeing Ragnorak (like...last week, haha) I'd forgotten everything anyway. I guess having a bad memory isn't always so bad. 😛

Is that...a table-flipping emoji at the end of your post?

Antagonist 04-25-2019 02:27 AM

lol That's like my dad; he forgets movies he's seen soon after he watched them [XD] He says the upside is he can rewatch old movies he's seen before and still feel like it's an entirely new movie. [lol]

lol No it's an emoji headdesking [XD] I don't think we have a table flipping emoji yet. [:?]

Cinderella 04-25-2019 02:41 AM

Haha, that's not too bad, then. 😛

Ohhh, I see it now! The table wasn't moving so it didn't make sense to me that it was a table-flipping emoji, but now I get it. xD

Antagonist 04-25-2019 03:07 AM

Kinda wish there were a table-flipping emoji now that you mention it...[ninja]

One of these days I'll have to try and rewatch all the MCU films to freshen up my memory. [illgetu]

Which ones your favorite MCU film so far? [:O]

Cinderella 04-25-2019 10:24 AM

Me too! /flips table 😛

That would be pretty time-consuming but also fun! I think I saw that some movie theater was screening all...22? of them and it was gonna go for 48 hours, lol. That's a little much for me, all in one go.

Oooh, good question! And difficult...I don't know. I've really enjoyed a lot of the more recent ones because I felt like they had a really good balance of humor but also darkness, if that makes sense. And I'll always have a special spot in my heart for the first Captain America, which is what got me into the MCU in the first place. What about you?

Antagonist 04-25-2019 01:15 PM

I guess we'll have to make do with the flipping table emoticon (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [lol]

There's been 22 MCU films already?! Wow. That'll take several days to go through, and that's not counting the time I'd have to spend on other things like work and stuff! [XD];;

I think the two Hulk movies might have been my first MCU films? That or the first Captain America film, I can't remember anymore. [lol] My favorite MCU film is Captain America: Winter Soldier, who coincidentally is my favorite MCU character along with Ronan from Guardians of the Galaxy. [ninja] After that I've particularly enjoyed the first Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, and Thor: Ragnarok as well. [yes]

Cinderella 04-25-2019 02:20 PM

Haha, yes, that certainly works for any table-flipping moments that come up! :P

Actually, I think Endgame is the 22nd, so there have been 21 so far. That's still a lot though, obviously, especially when one has work and other things going on.

I remember going to Captain America and being like, "This is so not gonna be my cup of tea," but then I loved it and here we are. :D
Winter Soldier was so good! I need to rewatch that again. I think I've actually rewatched that one the most of all of them, come to think of just never gets old. I really liked both Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther too! I hope we get to see more of T'Challa in the future.

Antagonist 04-25-2019 03:07 PM

Maybe have all the movies ready and then watch one movie a'd take up most of a month but there'd be something to look forward to every day for a while! [lol]

I remember being bored watching the first Captain America film [XD] Then again it was mostly because I've always disliked watching war-related films with soldiers and stuff so I was biased. [sweat] It got more interesting towards the end but I basically forgot about the movie after a while and it was only after the rest of the MCU films started coming out that I started paying more attention. I didn't even remember who Bucky was until the Winter Soldier came out. [sweat]

I think I watched Winter Soldier the most times as well, though that was mostly because I kept accidentally seeing it being replayed on TV and I'd watch it for a while every time I see it being played. [XD]

I hope to see more T'Challa in the future too! Though I'm not sure if we'll see him much if at all considering what happened in Infinity War. [sweat] (I hope that wasn't too spoilery?) Are there any more MCU films planned after Endgame? [:?]

Cinderella 04-25-2019 07:28 PM

That would actually be awesome and so much fun (well, to me, anyway).

Haha, now that I'm thinking back and trying to recall what happened, I don't remember a whole lot either... 😬

I'd heard rumors of a Black Panther 2, but I think that could take place before the events of Infinity War even if the movie comes out later, unless I'm remembering the timeline wrong, which is completely likely. 😛

I really have no idea, I had thought maybe there was a phase 4 (since I think Endgame ends Phase 3) but...I could be wrong there too.

Antagonist 04-26-2019 01:30 AM

It'd be fun for me too [eager] Though I suspect my family might not be too happy it since I'd be taking up the television. [lol]

I remember most of the plot but the details escape me. [XD];;;

Ohhh, I'd love a Black Panther 2! [eager] [eager] Yeah the timeline sometimes confuses me and I have to Google it every once in a while to make sure I'm remembering it right. [lol] Like Antman 2 taking place before Infinity War and the only way to see that was at the very end where things go poof.

Wonder what Phase 4 will be about. [eager] It seems like everything's building up towards the Endgame so I'm not sure how they'll proceed after that's over.

Cinderella 04-26-2019 03:09 AM

Yeah, it just occurred to me that I'd be hogging the TV too, haha.

Same! There are so many threads to keep track of, so I don't feel too bad about having to Google.

I guess it depends how Endgame ends? Maybe phase 4 is just something I made up in my own head. 😛 I want to Google it now, but I'm worried there will be spoilers regarding Endgame and I'll regret it, so I'll wait.
Oh wait! I think I saw a guess that Phase 4 delves more into the past. Kind of like how Captain Marvel took place in the 90s.

Antagonist 04-26-2019 07:50 AM

Yeah, it's a shame none of my family members are as into the MCU as I am. [sweat] None of my friends seem very interested either, though recently I've found out that one of my coworkers like the MCU so hopefully I'll at least be able to chat with her about MCU stuff. [:P]

Ohh, I was wondering about Captain Marvel, I've somehow managed to avoid any spoilers regarding that movie. [lol]

That would be nice, as much as I'm curious about what happens after Endgame having more films about what happened before Thanos came around would be pretty cool too. [eager] I'm hoping there's going to be a Venom 2 too, I forgot to mention that one as being one of my favorite MCU films as well as the others.

Cinderella 04-26-2019 12:32 PM

My mom's actually gone with me to a few movies when my one friend has already seen them before me, lol. She didn't really understand them in the context of the universe but I think she enjoyed them by themselves. I did kind of try to explain the universe to her but it was a lot to try and explain. 😛

Yay for avoiding spoilers! 😁
I really enjoyed Captain Marvel. I didn't know too much about the character going in but I definitely learned a lot about her through the film. She's so cool.

Yeah, I wanna know more about what happened pre-Thanos as well.
Is Venom part of the MCU? I looked it up and didn't really understand if that's the case or not, since I guess it was released by Sony but technically part of a MARVEL universe? I haven't seen that one but I remember hearing a lot of negative things about it.

Antagonist 04-26-2019 01:44 PM

lol Yeah, downside to watching the MCU out of order or only watching a few of them is that you can get lost in the larger plot sometimes. [XD] My mom unfortunately considers watching movies a waste of time and money so we rarely go to the theaters. [:(] Occasionally a friend would want to see something and I'd go watch it with them, but as they aren't interested in the MCU it's always movies about something else. [sweat]

I have no idea about anything of the character of Captain Marvel but I like superhero movies and MCU-related films so I'll probably enjoy it. [XD] I'm looking forward to watching it someday! Is she anything like the recent Wonder Woman movie by DC? I haven't watched that movie either but I've seen so many spoilers about it on tumblr I think I know the gist of the movie by now. [lol]

Hmm, good question. [gonk] I have no idea if they're connected to the MCU...I just figured they're part of the Marvel franchise and lopped them into the whole MCU category. [sweat]
Negative things about it?? Really? [shock] All the reviews I've seen had been positive. [gonk] I quite enjoyed the movie too myself. [:?]

Cinderella 04-26-2019 05:34 PM

So true!
I used to not go to the movies more than likely, once a year but in the past few years I've gone a lot more often (still not more than probably 6 times a year, though, so definitely not as much as some people) because of MCU and a few other sequel films, mostly.

I guess it some ways I did get Wonder Woman vibes from Captain Marvel, mostly in the sense that both star strong, independent female characters, no romantic subplots (although if I remember correctly Wonder Woman might have had hints of one?) and of course, badass superhero stuff. 😁 I just read that Wonder Woman's sequel is going to come out next year and I can't wait!

Hm, well, I'll have to watch it and see for myself, then! I do feel like I tend to be way less critical of movies than a lot of people. I try and just enjoy them and figure I'd never make anything nearly as good so who I am to criticize anyway? I mean, unless it's like...really obviously bad or promoting harmful things.

secretdae007 04-26-2019 06:33 PM

So.... TLDR [rofl]
I am also trying to avoid all spoilers until Sunday when we see it. With the complete mess that was ordering tickets (we are AMC A-List members), we couldn't get tickets until then.

Hm, my top 3 are Guardians Vol 1, Thor: Ragnarok, and Captain America: The First Avenger.

Cinderella 04-27-2019 02:16 AM

It's okay, haha. We mostly just talked about what we liked about the MCU and stuff, basically.

Ah, geez, sorry it was a nightmare! I know our local movie theater's website crashed because so many people were trying to buy, so I bought for me and my friend through Fandango instead.

Ooh, I liked all of those too! In fact, those are probably up there as my top favorites as well.

Antagonist 04-27-2019 06:57 AM

Yeah Wonder Woman had a brief romantic plot but nothing came of it.



Mainly because the guy died. [sweat]

I look forward to the no romantic plot part! I get tired of there always needing some sort of romantic stuff happening even when I didn't see the chemistry or it not being necessary to the plot. It's like they gotta kiss for the sake of of it and it's kinda annoying after a while. [sweat]

I saw on TV that there was a huge mess with people scrambling and trying to get tickets. [XD] There were lines outside movie theatres everywhere. On one hand, yeah I want to see it as soon as possible but on the other hand just the thought of having to fight through all the people just to be able to see the film a few weeks early and I just feel that it's not worth it. [gonk] It'll probably be another month before I get around to watching Endgame. [sweat]

Antagonist 04-29-2019 05:12 AM

Watched Endgame the other day! :DDDD

I liked how it turned out, though I do feel a little bad for a certain someone due to the decision of another character. Actually make that several someones. My eyes were pretty glued to the screen throughout the film. xD

Cinderella 04-29-2019 10:47 AM

@Nisty: that's what I thought re: Wonder Woman 😬

I'm so excited that you got to see it too!
I'm not entirely sure what you could be referring to but I'll say that my eyes were glued to the screen too. It definitely didn't feel like three hours to me.
I feel like there was one other non-spoiler thing I wanted to say but with Mene being down I completely forgot what it was.

Oh, also, I was glad I just watched Ragnorak a few weeks ago or I wouldn't have understood a few things.

Antagonist 04-29-2019 01:20 PM

Yeah they had a lot of Easter eggs where they referred to something that happened in a previous film. [XD] The version I watched was from online and it was all blurry but I got the gist of things. [XD] I plan on rewatching it later, I just wanted to get it over with so I can stop avoiding spoilers everywhere. [gonk]

I mostly meant the end part with Steve and Bucky, though after I wrote that part I remembered the part with Clint and Natasha which was another oof. I will forever laugh at the part where Steve said "Hail Hydra" [rofl]

I need to watch Captain Marvel, there were a few parts where I didn't get with her in it so I want to catch up on what I'd missed...I'd completely forgotten to watch Captain Marvel before I watched Endgame. [sweat]

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