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Legendary alpha wolf 03-27-2015 11:49 PM

LegendaryAlphaWolf!! Nov 06 Name; Dayan Age; 1234 Race; Werewolf/dragon Weapons; Two twin long swords of light that can turn into one by fusing the swords into the grand Long sword of light. From the bottom of the blade to the top of it glows a bright light.

Abilities; Extreme speed, flash step, healing factor, flight, transformation, clone decoy,

Skills; Mobility, Vitality, Durability, Swordsmanship, Hand -to- hand combatant,

Attacks; fireball blast, cyclone inferno, Hell rising, burning shield, Fire double ganger, Meteor fist smash, Meteor stomp,

Appearance; (vampire form ) 5'8 long black hair blueish white eyes, with purpleish blue pupils(c) Upload Image Delete LegendaryAlphaWolf!! Nov 06 Sharp fangs, black tank top shirt, black cargo pants and black pull up steel toes boots. (werewolf form) jet black fur, razor sharp teeth and claws, dark blue eyes.

Biography; when dayan was five, his mother and father was killed by a dark and evil dragon name Dark Syfire ancients, he did not feel dayan because dayan did not have no powers. Syfire did unspeakable things, dayan was hiding when his mother and father where killed. Dayans powers did not come until he was 23, he also had started a family with a wife and two kids, but dark syfire killed them right in front of him, dayan tried his best to fight off syfire, but he was no match for him. Getting hurt badly, dayan passed out cold, but syfire had Thought he had killed dayan, but didn't, as dayan getting up and healing himself. He did not see dark syfire anywhere. So dayan went off to train and get at least stronger then before since that horrible day. (F)

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