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Seridano 10-28-2014 10:39 AM

Ghost Hunt: Spooks Beware!
Banner courtesy of the ever lovely Mythos

Seridano 10-28-2014 10:47 AM


Guys, I may have screwed up...

You see, I was planning on summoning some spirits for the festivities but I...erm...messed up the incantation just a tad. I mean, I mostly managed it...sort of. There are spirits, and they are here in Menewsha now. The catch? Well, they aren't exactly under my power. In fact, they're kinda sorta running amok all over the...well...everywhere!

I don't imagine you lovely folks could help me find them get them back into this here summoning circle before jelly finds out and kills me, could you? I promise I'll make it worth your while.


Seridano 10-28-2014 10:48 AM

☠☠☠ How To Play ☠☠☠
o1. Each round, clues will appear in the post below. These clues will lead you to the hidden ghosties!

o2. Put those thinking caps on and use your smarts to find the ghosties hidden within the forums! Note that only the first three pages of each forum within the first five pages of each thread will contain a mischievous spirit.

o3. If you're the first person to solve one of the clues correctly using the handy form below, you will find your name in that clue's slot on the scoreboard in Winner's Circle. However, if someone beats you to it, you'll find their name up there instead (even if your answer was correct) so do try to be speedy!

Note: No post editing
is allowed, so be sure to double check to make sure all of your information is correct before posting.

o4. Each person may only claim three correct answers per round. Gotta share the hunt. Yes. Yes.

PHP Code:

[color=red][size=5][U]AHAI FOUND ONE![/U][/size][/color]
COLOR="DarkGreen"][size=3][b]Clue #:[/b]
[b]Link to post:[/b]
b]Thread Title:[/b]
b]Post #:[/b]

Example of a correctly posted form:

Clue #: 2
Link to post:
Thread Title: [FOWN13] Gift Hunt
Post #: 3


You need to link to the POST where the image is, not just the thread. To do that, right-click on the number shown in the top right-hand corner of the post.


In the dropdown menu select copy link location then paste that link into the form shown below. Alternatively. just click on the post's number so the individual post opens up into another window, and paste the URL into the clue form.

Seridano 10-28-2014 10:25 PM

☠☠☠ Clues ☠☠☠

☠ Today We're Hunting These Guys! ☠


1. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRTUVWXYZ. You're it! solved by: *Kuu-chan*
2. No, we're not talking about ladies of the night. solved by: *Kuu-chan*
3. We prefer the term sterile half-donkeys, thank you very much. >.> solved by: salvete
4. Spuds? solved by: Hadsvich
5. Boons for blabber mouths. solved by: Kent
6. Operation: Dress to Impress solved by: salvete
7. An 8-bit playhouse. I hope it has a ball pit. solved by: salvete
8. Is that jam I see in the corner of your mouth? solved by: Arc Angel
9. Now THAT is some Herbal Essences shizz right there! solved by: Kent
10. Cancer or Taurus? Or maybe Virgo or Leo? solved by: steelmagghia
11. Tsuki no Kaasu, Moonlight Densetsu, Invoke solved by: Elirona
12. I may have said something stupid. How do I make it go away? solved by: *Kuu-chan*
13. $(document).ready(function(){ $(\'select[name=styleid]\').find(\'option[value=19]\').remove(); }); solved by: Elirona
14. I put in $1.75 and got a WHAT?!?!? solved by: Arc Angel
15. B-but I'm a Laliophobe! >.< solved by: Elirona


1. "Popular! You're gonna be popular!" unsolved
2. How did you find us? solved by: Arc Angel
3. The only way is forward. solved by: Kent
4. When was the last time you checked your hue? unsolved
5. Remind me not to go to that guy's place for dinner. solved by: Elirona
6. What do you mean I owe $97,000?!?!?! solved by: Hadsvich
7. Needs more furikake. solved by: Hadsvich
8. Ugh, how long has it been since you've had a bath? solved by: Elirona
9. Sock goes on head? solved by: Kent
10. Why would you want a mechanical fruit? solved by: *Kuu-chan*
11. So many books, so little time. solved by: Mnemosyne
12. Ah Ha! Borrow or rob. Civic. solved by: Arc Angel
13. Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger solved by: Hadsvich
14. Hours of operation: 12am - 1am solved by: Kent
15. Imbibing victuals for pleasure. unsolved

  1. One hell of a butler. solved by: Kent
  2. Do not disturb. solved by: Elirona
  3. A veritable wave of old meat. solved by: steelmagghia
  4. How do you feel about having your chains removed? solved by: sjacklene
  5. Da stoopid baby iz takin over da FaceBox. solved by: Elirona
  6. A space for grumpy gusses everywhere. solved by: steelmagghia
  7. What is this .Hack//Sign? Sword Art Online? Log Horizon? unsolved
  8. Clone club! -high fives- solved by: Elirona
  9. Are those robots singing? solved by: Whisper Invictus
  10. From the page to the big screen. Aww yiss! solved by: *Kuu-chan*
  11. I feel like you\'ve asked this before... unsolved
  12. ...What?...Who?...Slim Shady! solved by: *Kuu-chan*
  13. Stupid begets stupid. solved by: steelmagghia
  14. Mene, doushite anata wa totemo kawaīdesu ka? solved by: Kent
  15. "You are not our equals. We will eat you. After we eat your children." solved by: Whisper Invictus

Seridano 10-28-2014 10:28 PM


Ye Old Leaderboard

Elirona - 8
Kent - 7
*Kuu-chan* - 6
Hadsvich - 4
steelmagghia - 4
Arc Angel - 4
salvete - 3
Whisper Invictus - 2
Mnemosyne - 1
sjacklene - 1


First Place: 40k
Second Place: 20k
Third Place: 10k

Shadami 10-29-2014 08:49 PM

oh noooo. i'm AWFUL at these >.<

Roxxxy 10-29-2014 08:51 PM

I missed this thread soooooo much!
It was what lead mt to be a minion of Seito-sama!

---------- Post added 10-29-2014 at 04:52 PM ----------

Omg, I am srsly so excited!!!!!! [squee]
Seri, I'mma be all up in this bitch! XD

Mikio 10-29-2014 08:54 PM

I've never participated in this one before, I will tryyyyy :3

Seridano 10-29-2014 08:55 PM

Ooooh some of the Hunt regulars. Yay!

I'm glad I'm able to host it this year. I was a bit worried I'd be more or less out of commission for this event.

That's the spirit, Mikio!

linapoo 10-29-2014 09:25 PM

i hope im smart enough...... XD
this will be fun~~

Roxxxy 10-29-2014 09:47 PM

Oh noes! Were you a bit under the weather?

Nephila 10-30-2014 12:07 AM

Ooo big moola!

'm really bad at these though. XD Good luck everyone. :D

Seridano 10-30-2014 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1772979645)
Oh noes! Were you a bit under the weather?

Still am. There's a fair chance that I have bronchitis. >.<

Things I've learned: it's incredibly hard to get babies to sleep when you keep going into coughing fits.

PS: The first official round of Ghost Hunt will be tomorrow between 7pm and 10pm EST.

sjacklene 10-30-2014 12:15 AM

Hopefully I'll be here! I can't wait. muhahahah

Nephila 10-30-2014 12:16 AM

Oh sounds awful. between 7-10 ok. :D

Chexala 10-30-2014 12:31 AM

Ohh, I've never tried one of these games before. I'm gonna have a go at it this time!

Elirona 10-30-2014 01:24 AM

Oh, boy! I loved this game when we played it back in 2011. How exciting! [drool]

steelmagghia 10-30-2014 01:24 AM

Looks interesting, maybe I'll be able to try a round!

Roxxxy 10-30-2014 01:45 AM

Bronchitis sucks nads. Sorry to hear that :/

Chexala 10-30-2014 01:58 AM

Hi steel! *waves* Haven't seen you in a while, how are you?

Elirona 10-30-2014 03:21 AM

I'm curious as to when this will start. <:3c It doesn't say in the opening posts.

Iro 10-30-2014 03:28 AM

I'm spectacularly bad at these (also partly because I'm usually not around when the new clues start), but I think I'll make an extra effort to try this year! :B

Elirona 10-30-2014 03:29 AM

Yay, extra effort! [cheer]

Mythos 10-30-2014 05:10 AM

I'm in the same boat if it's any consolation?
I've never managed a single one! xD

Elirona 10-30-2014 05:12 AM

All it takes is perseverance, and thinking outside the box! [eager]

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