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OnYourGoat 10-30-2014 08:51 AM

Winterbound Castle {Just hop in}
A tall, imposing, and beautiful castle, well fortified yet rather reminiscent of Versailles in blue, stood on a hill overlooking the walled town of Winterbound in the forests and plains of the border atwix Winter and Summer. It was known through the Wildes that this area was dangerous. Wars were often fought between the two nations of Fae and their other neighbors Autumn and Spring, and skirmishes often broke out.

However this small patch was prospering. The Duke of Winterbound, Prince Morgan DeFay, was also the Commander of the Guardian Corps - The largest force of 'lesser' Fae in the Wildes. Safety was assured within his cold reach and he greatly relished the fondness his overly large private guard had for their home.

The land was chilly, but not completely frozen over. Merchants battled the snow and arrived each month, and theater troupes set up in the broad commons for all the townsfolk to watch with odd frequency.

None could claim fault with the land of the Duke save for one thing. His temper. His Pride lashed out at those who displeased him, yet he cared strongly for them anyway. Few but his troups and visiting dignitaries visited the castle out of fear of the man.
He was a hero to the Wildes, born of two alignments and savior of the weak, but time and people had not been kind to him. His wife was dying and hated him, his own children stolen by his enemies, he barely clung to the shattered pieces of his own heart and the people who knew him in his Glory hung their heads in sadness as he walked past.

Still, things ran smoothly and the audience chamber was always open for supplicants or visitors.

His Grace Morgan DeFay, Duke of Winterbound, Briar Prince, Commander of the Guardian Corps, Slayer of the Moon Swallower. Born out of an affair between the Winter King and Summer Queen, raised in a distant abbey before coming into his title.
The Duchess. Titles and deeds lost to the annuls of history.
Francis, Aide to the Prince.
Morge, changeling child of the Duchess and favourite of His Grace.
Ariya, changeling cat-child of the Duchess, wants to be a knight
Doctor Raghu, Serpent. Doctor to the Duchess.
Charlotte, Changeling child of the Duchess, sometimes assistant of the Doctor.
Lance and Louis, twin changeling children of the duchess. unintelligible.

Captain Hauvell, La cat en bottes. Captain of the Guard.
General Boar, Working primarily in the logistics department of the Guard.
Lu'ce, a private given a room inside the gatehouse rather than barracks.

Don't double post. If you've posted something aimed at me, wait for me to post too then post again. If you've posted at another player, allow them to post before you post again.
Be nice to other muns.
Ask on pm or in an OOC thread if it's okay to do a major action. EG; attacking a player, confessing love, ect. Should be pretty clear.

PM me if you have any questions about the world itself or if you want to play specific folklore characters as they may already be in use in the source material. This is POST events of a world i've been writing for and some things are set in stone. I'm sure we can some up with something though~

liquidrage 10-30-2014 09:36 AM

Vharrus carefully checked the latch of his midnight-black cloak as he made his way out into the brilliant streets of Winterbound. Satisfied, he pulled his hood lower with one hand as the other carefully returned his dagger to its sheath. He stopped for a moment, still unused to this foreign city, to gather his bearings. He decided to head east, for no reason other than a passerby travelling in the same direction.

As he walked, silently as ever, he kept an eye out for any signs that may lead him to an inn, hoping to acquire a drink before retiring to a room for his usual ritual. Whilst wandering he made note of the people around him, seemingly oblivious to the stranger despite his outward appearance. His cloak was nothing unusual for the area, plain black with his personal insignia --a dragon wrapped in battle with a phoenix-- embroidered in silver on its back, but a drawn hood had always taken attention in his hometown.

He pulled himself from his thoughts as a sign caught his eye; 'The Local' was carved into the wood with much care. He redirected himself to the door of the inn and paused momentarily to insure his cloak was secure again, and to double-check that his coin was still present. After ensuring both he entered the inn and proceeded to the counter, removing his leather sack from its hiding place on his belt as he moved. He looked out from under his hood, keeping his face carefully hidden, to see the innkeeper looking back at him.

"What'll it be?" He asked in a gruff voice, showing no hint of fear or curiosity.

"Just a drink, best you've got." Vharrus responded, removing a gold coin from his pouch and placing it on the counter. He waited impatiently for the innkeeper to fetch him his drink, then turned and moved to the table in the corner of the room. He set his mug on the wooden table and removed a black leather-bound book from under his cloak. He sat in the chair that was tucked into the very corner of the room and unsnapped the strap that bound the book closed, opening it carefully and continuing where he last left off.

OnYourGoat 10-30-2014 10:03 AM

A few tables over sat a bright yellow woman with jarringly red hair. She really stood out in the natural interior of The Local. She payed no heed to the newcomer, instead focusing on tapping a pattern with a silver rod on the small clear crystal on the wooden surface before her.
Just as the tune and the tapping became obnoxious, a gentle sound came from the device. "Captain." She said through a thick french accent. "Did you get lost again? I'm at the inn, Iv'e been waiting for half an hour and you aren't here." Again the sounds and she growled in frustration. "Sir, this is ridiculous. It's a straight line from the gate to the inn. HOW DO YOU GET LOST?"
"Fine. Okay. See you then. ..Merde.. Stupide..." She looked truly frustrated. Her fingers rubbed her brow and she tapped the device.
It was stowed in her coat and she rose to get other drink amongst the laughter and remarks of the next table's occupants, the chainmaile and silk brocade of her City Guard uniform (though it hardly counted as a city) shining in the dim light. This wasn't the first time the Captain got lost.

Surprise entered her white-in-black eyes when she spotted the stranger. It was not unheard of for people to visit the town, it was the home of the most powerful uncrowned fae in the whole Wildes after all. He just looked.. Out of place. More so than her over saturated colours made her.
A glass of beer in one hand and a jug of it in the other she decided to sit across from him. "Bonjour. Je s-- I'm Lu'ce. Want to get drunk?"

liquidrage 10-30-2014 10:25 AM

Vharrus looked up from his book for a moment, slightly surprised that another patron would speak to him; in all his years of travel he had only been approached twice by strangers. He took a moment to study the woman, her red hair catching his attention above all else. He lost himself in thoughts of the past for a moment, lightly shaking his head to pull himself back to reality. He took note of her uniform, clearly a guardsmen by profession, and looked over to the empty table where she had sat prior to approaching him.

"You were the one speaking to the Captain of the Guard, were you not?" He turned his attention back to her, this Lu'ce. "Do you think it wise to be drunk when he arrives?" He couldn't help but grin, though he was sure she couldn't see it beneath his hood. "I'm so sorry, m'lady, where are my manners?" He reached up, his pale-white bony hands slipping from beneath his robes and slowly removing his hood. He looked at her with his grey eyes, cocking his head slightly to the side to shake his snow-white hair from his eyes. His skin was off-white and semi-transparent, looking closely one could see his muscles through his skin; they could also see the bones growing between them, encroaching on every inch of his body just beneath the surface.

He motioned with his hand for her to sit, changing his posture slightly; straightening his back and turning his body to face her. "But who am I to question your actions? Certainly you're aware of what you're doing." He closed his book and locked it, returning it to its place on his belt beneath the cloak, careful not to expose any more of him than he had already. "Besides, I'm not one to pass up a drink." A sly grin crept onto his face, the bones seeping out from between the muscles in his cheek wriggling slightly, as he picked up his glass.

OnYourGoat 10-30-2014 10:33 AM

Lu'ce found this man's skin very interesting. Her own dandelion yellow usually brooked no remarks from the grey and blue and rainbow fae, but this would get quite a few. She felt sorry for the nonsense that her Captain would put him through when he arrived.
But the Captain was late and would be even later and she was pissed off at him. "Ehh that stupid bastard would be getting drunk too if he'd showed up when he was supposed to. I'm not on duty anyway." Her accent was thick but understandable, yet one could tell she'd drop the common tongue as soon as she was drunk enough. She sat down, put the pitcher between them and grinned. "I saw your insignia. What are you? A dragon slayer?"

liquidrage 10-30-2014 10:50 AM

Vharrus' grin widened at the question, one that had never been asked of him before. "It's an interesting story, actually, though not what you might think." He allowed himself his accent this time, though it was similar to English, if that existed this far south, but it had some small variations from time to time. No one had heard it in a very long time. "Long ago my people lived with the dragons, far north of here." His gaze became distant, as if looking through her and far beyond the walls of the inn. "Until the culling brought us near to extinction." He returned his attention to the woman across from him and took a swig from his glass. "'Tis a sad story, and a long one at that." He finished his glass before grabbing the pitcher and filling it to the brim.

"I'm new to these lands, to be honest." He noted, hoping it would release him from repercussions should he do or say something offensive. "The Fae are not my people, and I've little knowledge regarding this place and its people." He set his glass on the table and removed the book from under his cloak. "Unfortunately my tome is outdated, and its knowledge stops far north of here as well. Never have I traveled this far south of home, nor had any of my kind in their time." He set the book next to his drink. "I wish to change that."

OnYourGoat 10-30-2014 11:03 AM

The grimace that came to Lu'ce face with 'the culling' was hideous. "Sorry about that.." Fae had been, for the most part, responsible for the hunting of dragons. It was a coming of age for True Fae to kill at least one Fell Beast. No fae had come of age for millennium, however the custom still stood. She downed most of her glass before she spoke again. "Oh you've come to the right place then. There's lots of guides around, you could probably get one from His Grace."

A ruckus began around the door and she looked over. Watching the situation. Despite having downed enough to make a normal fae slip under the table she was as alert as ever. "His Grace is seeing people tommorow midday, if you want to come up tot he castle and ask."

liquidrage 10-30-2014 11:13 AM

Vharrus shook his head slightly, taking another swig from his glass. "Don't be, it was long before your kind ever ventured that far north. This culling came at the hands of our guardian dragons themselves. See, we grew too many for them to allow us more, and so war broke out between us. Unfortunately we were no match for such beasts."

His attention drifted with hers towards the door. He wasn't fond of people drawing attention around him, but there was little he could do with a guardsmen across the table. "His Grace would certainly do his best to cast his kind in a white light, I seek less biased sources of information." His posture changed, turning slightly in his chair so that he could reach beneath his cloak to his dagger if need be. Something felt off about the ruckus by the door, he had only been in town for a few days but he hadn't seen any commotion in a public area in that time. Perhaps it was nothing, but he thought it best to be on guard.

OnYourGoat 10-30-2014 11:26 AM

"Ha- Well I guess we got them back for you then." The woman snorted. She kept her eyes on the ruckus, but still couldn't quite work out what it actually was. It just seemed to be a group of people getting angry. "I doubt it. The Briar Prince is not fond of his own." She said slowly.

She tried to stay with him, she really did, but the disturbance grew too big for her to stay seated. The source was visible to her at last. Lu'ce excused herself and rose, before laying her coat on her chair. Her uniform no longer obscured, the white moonship of the Winterbound house blazed across her back. Her voice rang clear and sharp as she pulled the poor victim from the center of the group and sent him packing. With him gone, the group was confused and soon went back to what they'd been doing before.

Luce returned to the table and pulled her coat on. "Sorry about that. Someone got the wrong end of an attention glamour." She explained, sitting down again and swilling as much beer as her mouth would hold.

liquidrage 10-30-2014 11:41 AM

Vharrus remained silent until she returned, watching her carefully as she took care of the riffraff. Despite what one might think of her at first glance, her voice carried a strength and authority that would make her hard to distinguish from a man by sound alone. He found a strange sense of respect for a woman who could carry herself as she had, she must certainly be a respected member of the Guard.

"There is no need to apologize, m'lady, there are times when one must intervene, even if duty doesn't demand it." He grabbed the pitcher from the table and topped off her glass and his own, and quickly took a drink himself. "Back to His Grace, however, he has a formed opinion of his people, regardless of what that opinion is. I think I'll stick around and form my own." He spoke carefully, as not to imply any ulterior motives. "We are here, though, so why don't you tell me what you think of your kind?"

((OOC: I'm going to try and sleep a little. I'll be back on when I give up. xD))

OnYourGoat 10-30-2014 11:54 AM

The woman slouched. "I don't really know. I've only been in the Wildes for a hundred years. I was born in France, Grandaughter of a Spriggan. I thought I was human until I came here." She shrugged and poured them both fresh drinks.
"Mostly they like to have fun. Just be together and have a good time. Lots of musical and creative people. Some are.. less friendly. Their idea of fun is not nice for other people but no one treats them as bad. It's just a part of things. There are kind and there are cruel. Each exists for a reason." Lu'ce took a sip. "I don't know about other areas though. I've never left Winterbound. The Captain says Summer are full of themselves, Spring is boring, and Winter are mean. But he's Autumn."

SuperZombiePotatoe 10-30-2014 01:28 PM

The to the inn opened suddenly and a cloaked figure stepped into the warm room. Aura shut the door behind her and pushed back her hood. She pushed a hand threw her long, pale hair. It was messy, but travelling had made her care little for her appearance. It had been a long journey and all she cared for was some rest and refreshment. The state of her appearance could be fixed in the morning, when it actually mattered.

Aura removed her satchel from around her shoulders and made her way to where they innkeeper stood. Glancing around, she noticed that it was fairly full. Socialising was difficult to avoid in crowded places unless you had an imposing manner. Someone always wanted to talk. Aura was the most unimposing person you would ever come across, but she was tired. Perhaps she could find a quiet corner to sit in for a while, before she turned in for the night.

The innkeeper grumbled at her,"What'll it be?"
The question startled her out of her thoughts. Aura placed her satchel down next to her and looked over to him with icy eyes,"I need a room for the night. And a pitcher of hot water." The innkeeper looked at her strangely, but went to fetch everything nonetheless. She was usually more eloquent. Perhaps was more exhausted than she realised. Hopefully sleep would come easy tonight. It hadn't for a long time. The innkeeper handed her a key, a pitcher and a mug. She returned her satchel to it's place, pocketed the key and carried the pitcher and glass over to a table in the corner.

A little bit away from her, a brightly coloured woman (a guard from the looks of it) and a man with strange skin sat in conversation. She looked at them, nodded a greeting and then proceeded to search through her pockets.

liquidrage 10-30-2014 08:05 PM

Vharrus' attention was pulled from Lu'ce as a new patron entered the inn. He watched her closely as she interacted with the innkeeper and made her way to a table nearby, instinctively taking a defensive posture as she came closer. He returned her nod before turning his attention back to the guard. "I see." The statement was tainted with disdain, he had seen many cultures and this one seemed no different by that description. "I've seen France, a long time ago. Back then it was hardly worth calling a town to be honest; the people there were not fond of my presence though." He took a swig from his drink and a small burp escaped before he could stop it. "My apologies, m'lady."

He turned his attention back to the newcomer for a moment, looking her up and down for any signs of a threat. Finding none, he relaxed himself and settled back into his seat.

OnYourGoat 10-31-2014 02:07 AM

Lu'ce eyed the newcomer over, judging her no threat in terms of her profession. She smiled and raised her glass to the woman. Two ladies making it in a not-so-friendly world.
"Ehh. I don't think so. There are Laws and full-bloods seem to follow them with their breath. It might be the human in me noticing but I've not seen a single one of them break those Laws. They've never hurt without a legitimate claim. Even the mean ones. It's kind of uncanny."
Her hand was raised to wave the innkeeper over upon discovery that the pitcher was empty. Had she really drunk most of it? The container was replaced with a fresh one and Lu'ce refilled her glass again.

At the door a tall, fat, pigfaced orismer (stealing the skyrim term because I haven't thought of one yet) with dark brown skin pushed his way inside. He apologized with a snapped tooth smile as he knocked one person over. He wore a scrappier version of the Guards uniform.
"Hey Boar!" He was waved over to the table. "No game tonight, someone got lost."
"Sounds pretty normal.. Who's this?" The man pointed to Lu'ce companion as his eyes went around the room. He couldn't help but smile at the pretty slyph one table over.

liquidrage 10-31-2014 02:19 AM

Vharrus looked up at the towering Orsimer who now stood over what was supposed to be his quiet table. He first noticed that his uniform, obviously belonging to the Guard, looked more worn that Lu'ce's. "This must be the Captain." He noted, obviously speaking to Lu'ce despite holding his gaze on the new face. "My name is Vharrus." He made no attempt to hide his unwillingness to share more.

He turned his eyes back to Lu'ce before speaking again. "I'll have to mingle around town for a while then, really get to know the people." He refilled his drink from the now-full pitcher and quickly downed the glass.

OnYourGoat 10-31-2014 02:55 AM

The man LAUGHED. A full deep laugh. "Oh- Oh no, I'm not the captain." He doubled over, slapping his thigh through the fabric of his emblazoned surcoat. The sheethless-sword on his hip jostled with the laughter and Lu'ce warily watched where it was. Thankfully everyone gave the large man a wide berth. "I'm just General of Accounting. Boar."

"You'll have to go home, Ami. There's no game to be had here unless-- Anyone wants to join?" The last bit was spoken with a raised voice and Lu'ce looking around bodily for someone to play with the two Guards. Maybe that Slyph? Or Vharrus even, though he seemed begrudging about that.

liquidrage 10-31-2014 03:09 AM

Vharrus returned his gaze to Boar. "I see." His face remained blank through Boar's outburst. He noted the sword, unsheathed at his hip, unsure of how much damage such a brute could manage entirely on accident. He looked back to Lu'ce, her expression only serving to exacerbate his worry.

"A game you say?" Curiosity saturated his voice. "Would you care to explain this... Game?"

Silver Storm 10-31-2014 03:19 AM

Ainfean slid to a stop from when the walls of Winterbound came into view. She eyed the walls indecisively for she usually preferred to stay out in the wide open. But her supplies were running low and she had a feeling it might get bitter cold this night. Finally she moved into a gliding trot, muscles rippling under the glossy black horse hide of her centaur body. She entered the walls, tensed to see if she might receive strange reactions. SHe halted to look around, wondering where she could find an inn.

Finally spying the inn, she made her way down the street. She paused at the door a moment before pushing it open and walking to the counter. Her violet eyes locked on the innkeeper, waiting for what reaction would come.

OnYourGoat 10-31-2014 04:35 AM

A wicked glint came to the white and black eyes of the woman and she swiftly pulled a deck of cards from her coat - just as Boar dragged over a seat and sit backwards on it, bumping her elbow and sending the cards spilling across the room and under the hooves of the recently entered horseperson.
"Ooops." Boar laughed, then appologised. "Small spaces and me aren't the best of friends."
Lu'ce patted his shoulder and got up to pick her cards from the floor while Boar explained the game.

liquidrage 10-31-2014 04:37 AM

((How do you guys want to handle order?))

SuperZombiePotatoe 10-31-2014 05:27 AM

((GOD! I'm so behind. Sorry, guys. I'm guessing my time zone is totally opposite to some of yours. Posting order may help indeed))

Silver Storm 11-02-2014 02:34 AM

(I am good with whatever.)

OnYourGoat 11-04-2014 11:39 AM

(i was doing if first come, you lot can decide on an order amongst yourselves.)

Silver Storm 11-19-2014 11:51 PM

Ainfean carefully lifted her hooves out of the way and bent her front legs at the knees, in sort of a bow. She leaned forward and started gathering up the cards she could reach, before handing them to the girl. She reared back on her hind legs and straightened out her front.

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:13 AM.