Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   ~Cricket's Fuzzy Art Freebies~ <3 [Squish party] {Can Cricket has arts too? ;~;} Aiming to give out at least 100 free arts! 39/100 (

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 01:26 AM

~Cricket's Fuzzy Art Freebies~ <3 [Squish party] {Can Cricket has arts too? ;~;} Aiming to give out at least 100 free arts! 39/100
~Cricket's Fuzzy Art Freebies~

No, this isn't a furry art thread, it's a fuzzy art thread.

A little bit about this shop:

Hello! I'm Cricket! (Please, call me Cricket, not Insane.) I started drawing fuzzies on that other site around Christmas and New Years last year (the end of '07 and beginning of '08). I handed them out as freebies in someone else's freebie thread, and I was given amazing avatar art from one of the graphic artists at that other site.

Anyways. Sadly, I wasn't able to finish all of my orders due to the fact that I was sick and my hands were hurting rather badly.

But I thought I'd give out some fuzzy art here and offer up other drawing services. Though please keep in mind, I do everything by hand, and my scanner is refusing to work, so all art will be given in the form of a photograph taken with my digital camera, and whenever I get a chance to scan the image into a computer, you'll be sent the scanned version.

There are four names you'll most likely see signed on my art samples. These names are, but not limited to: Insane Cricket, Eirose Moonstrike, Raven Silverstar, The Wingless Raven.

You might also see a few things signed Amani Nightwing. If you look though, you'll infact see that it's the same handwriting. I promise you, everything was drawn by me.

Edit: My scanner is now working properly. Everything I draw from here on out will be scanned in, and all those who have been given photographs of their out will have their freebies scanned in, then PMed to them, though it'll most likely be after the event is over.

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 01:38 AM

~Art samples~

[Sometimes these take a while, sometimes they don't.]

[X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X]

Avatar art:
[Please, I'm not very good at drawing avatars, so odds are that you'll not be receiving any. Please don't make fun of me for how badly I draw avatars. ;~; ]

[X] ~ [X]

[Quick little dooles that take all of five minutes.]

[X] ~ [X]

Various other sucky art samples:

[X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X]

[Tips are appreciated, but not required or even expected.]

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 01:42 AM


I cannot promise quality work. I cannot promise that everyone will receive art. In fact, only a handful might, and they might not even receive it until after the event is over. I'm sick at the moment, and I'm not sure of all my marker and pencil colors. So no promises you'll even get something colored.

~Art already given out~

[X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X]

[X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X]~ [X]~ [X]~ [X]~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X] ~ [X]

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 01:52 AM

Thread rules!
[I warn you now, I'm one of those people who can't stand people who don't type correctly.]

1) Obey the ToS.
2) Respect the person giving out freebies, even if you don't get one.
3) Don't complain if you don't like your freebie. It's FREE.
4) You can give out freebies in my thread if you'd like.
- Use proper capitalization in this thread.
- Use correct spelling. None of that 'do u liek me?' crap.
- SPELL OUT YOUR WORDS! Only occasion chatspeak is allowed, such as: Wtf, Omg, Lol.
- Use punctuation as it's meant to be used.
- Please don't overly abuse the site's emotes.
6) Please, for the love of whatever divine being you believe in, don't act like a total idiot.
7) More rules may be added at any time so make sure to check every now and then.
8) Don't give me mouth about following the rules. If you cannot follow the thread rules, then please do not post.

~How do I get free art?~

You hang around the thread, chat, make friends. Please do not ask for free art! It will be handed out to those I choose to give it to.

The first poster will automatically get free art.

Some people may get more than one freebie from me.

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 01:56 AM



Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 01:58 AM

-Cuts thread ribbon- Open!

Lilim 11-23-2008 02:04 AM

*Waves* Hey sexy

Hadsvich 11-23-2008 02:06 AM

Oh, I like your fuzzies!

I'm wondering how'd you draw a Charizard now. :XD lol

Aww, I missed first post. :cry:

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 02:07 AM

Lol. Lilim, I'll point out the punctuation rule. ^^;;

Okay, I'll get to your fuzzy as soon as I'm done with the goldfish I'm drawing for someone in another thread. ^_^

Hads: I don't think I can draw a Charizard. I used to be able to draw Charmander though. <3

Hadsvich 11-23-2008 02:10 AM

Oh? Do you still have those drawings?? :O
And why does everyone seem to like charmander or charmeleon more?? >3

Rainbows 11-23-2008 02:15 AM

Charizard, plz. D<

-anger, anger-
Not the other ones!
Heh. >> I like charizard the best, too. ~

Hadsvich 11-23-2008 02:17 AM

Yay! Someone else who likes Charizard the best!! <3

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 02:18 AM

Oh, it's not that I like Charmander better, it's that he's easier to draw. ^^;;

Anyways, going to start in on Lilim's freebie in a minute.

Hadsvich 11-23-2008 02:19 AM

Oh?? Then who's your fav out of the three?? :O

Lilim 11-23-2008 02:20 AM

What rules?
Girl you know I don't read them >_< I just came in so you wouldn't feel lonely hehe

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 02:26 AM

Hads: Charizard, duh.

Lilim: Please, this is my thread, therefore kindly respect my rules. If you cannot, then please leave. I'm sorry. Also, don't refer to me as female. That's annoying.

Rainbows 11-23-2008 02:27 AM

Lili, that sounds so bad.
:3 Oh well, it's the thought that counts, then, riiight? Heh ~

Yay, charizard! :D

Hadsvich 11-23-2008 02:31 AM

@Cricket: lol Yayz!
I definitely got to find some artists willing to draw Charizard and show-off! :XD lol
I only got one so far. :cry:

blueblackrose 11-23-2008 02:32 AM

Hello Cricket, it's been a while
How have you been?

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 02:35 AM

I've been pretty good, Rose, despite being sick. XD How are you?

Lilim 11-23-2008 02:36 AM

But I thought.... T___T I made I huge mistask....
Its my time of the month and I think I have a fever an yeah I'm just going to go i wont ever bother you again T__T I didnt mean to

But I'm not sorry for calling you sexy T__T I call everyone sexy i like to call people sexy cause i believe everyone has a little sexy side about the girl thing I wasn't think cause sometimes your avi is a girl and then its a boy and my mind just slipped anywho im really going this time I dont know why I can't joke around anymore but its fine.... goodbye i guess um kisses?

Rainbows 11-23-2008 02:37 AM

Aw, bang on Lili for forgetting a period, but don't say anything about Bbr. ; o;

-hugs lili and skips off-

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 02:40 AM

Actually, she did it twice. I was simply reminding her of the rules. Then she mouthed off about the rules. All I did was tell her to follow them.

And I'm drawing her art right now. It'll be posted in the thread when it's done.

Rainbows 11-23-2008 02:41 AM

She did it once when you said it. :O

blueblackrose 11-23-2008 02:41 AM

LILIM! *huggles*

@ Cricket: I'm ok other then being cold.

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