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-   -   Pirates, not Pilots: A Sprinkle Event Hangout with Page Prizes! Welcome all! (

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:40 PM

Pirates, not Pilots: A Sprinkle Event Hangout with Page Prizes! Welcome all!

Ok.....I just did a silly reference I hope someone gets. If not, my mind went to The Pirates of Penzance:



When Frederic was a little lad
He proved so brave and daring,
His father thought he'd 'prentice him
To some career seafaring.
I was, alas! his nurserymaid,
And so it fell to my lot
To take and bind the promising boy
Apprentice to a pilot

A life not bad for a hardy lad,
Though surely not a high lot,
Though I’m a nurse, you might do worse
Than make your boy a pilot.

I was a stupid nurserymaid,
On breakers always steering,
And I did not catch the word aright,
Through being hard of hearing;
Mistaking my instructions,
Which within my brain did gyrate,
I took and bound this promising boy
Apprentice to a pirate.

SO, without further ado, and with cat like tread, WELCOME to the Sprinkles, Not Jimmies Halloween 2013 Event Hangout! Come chat with us!

Page Prizes?! Perhaps. Fun times to be had?! Of course.

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:40 PM

Sprinkle Link:
Sprinkles, not Jimmies!

The Youtube Party!


Originally Posted by Facade (Post 1766734089)
The YouTube Party: Explained

All you ever wanted to know about the Sprinkles YouTube Party!

What it is: This hangout thread holds a YouTube party on Saturday nights. It all started when Linnea and Cicadetta started posting MIKA videos one night, and Zea joined in with Potter Puppet Pals. A new tradition was born. YouTube parties consist of posting YouTube videos, usually according to a certain theme.

Where it is: Right here! Except when it isn't. But it's usually here, we swear. (And if it's not, we'll tell you. Promise.)

When it is: Saturday night, from around 9 PM US Eastern time to when the cows come home, or people get tired.

Why it is: Because it's fun! And also, MIKA!
Things worth knowing:

o1. We use a posting order system for the videos. It takes time to watch them, and using a posting order reduces chaos by keeping things more spread out. (Trust us, it works.) We figure out the order at the beginning of the party, and then add people to the end of the list as they arrive.

o2. We try to keep to a theme. We're flexible, so don't stress out too much, but try to avoid disco on big band night. ;)

o3. We save videos with harsher language until later in the night, and keep to PG-13 things regardless.

o4. We have fun! :boogie:

Previous YouTube Party Playlists:

16 January, 2010 - MIKA
23 January, 2010 - No Theme
30 January, 2010 - Music From Around the World
6 February, 2010 - Animated Music Videos
13 February, 2010 - Love Songs, No Country
20 February, 2010 - Movie Music
27 February, 2010 - Music from the UK
6 March, 2010 - Comedy Shorts/Commercials
13 March 2010 - Theme Songs
20 March, 2010 - Guilty Pleasures
27 March, 2010 - '60s/'70s/'80s Music
3 April, 2010 - Movie Clips
10 April, 2010 - Funny Animal Videos
17 April, 2010 - Beach Music
24 April, 2010 - Song Covers
1 May, 2010 - Music from the Aughts
8 May, 2010 - Pop Music
15 May, 2010 - (Mostly) '90s Music
22 May, 2010 - Canadian Music
29 May, 2010 - Music Grab Bag
5 June, 2010 - Favorite TV Show Clips
12 June, 2010 - Music Grab Bag... Alphabetized!
19 June, 2010 - Music Grab Bag, Reverse Alphabetical Order
26 June, 2010 - Music Grab-Bag, Rainbow Edition
3 July, 2010 - Music Grab Bag, Songs from a Word Bank
10 July, 2010 - Folk Music

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:40 PM

Page Prizes?!?!?!?!?! Sure, why not.

I will use a dice roll of the posts on the page to determine who wins. Prize will include cash money (well, gold), CI's, EI's, and event commons!

Page 5: 500 gold! The winner is xuvrette!
Page 10:1,000 gold! The winner is xuvrette!
Page 15:1,000 gold! The winner is Linnea!
Page 20:
Page 25:
Page 30:
Page 35:
Page 40:
Page 45:
Page 50:

Random Fun Special Prizes:

Random Fun Special Prizes like a bag o' flaming dog poo on your doorstep!!! Muahaha.
Just kidding. I can't travel to all your homes. [:(]

Page 13: Life's a Beach CI The winner is Cardinal Biggles!

Page 33:

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:41 PM

Ok so, be good, follow the POS and Rules of the land and I won't have to shake my finger and tut at anyone.

Possible Games and Youtube Halloween Themed Party?!

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:42 PM

Okay and go!

Linnea: Car'a'Carn: Kat Dakuu: zeapear: Wings of Writing: CrimsonShadow: Jeannesha:

and ping whoever else you want coming in to say hi!

CrimsonShadow 10-27-2013 05:44 PM

First post yeah!

Seridano 10-27-2013 05:45 PM

Ey-o. What's shakin'?

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:47 PM

Ohhh. You guys are fast. I wasn't even done pinging (I gave up pinging cause I'm horrible at recalling how to spell some of your user names)

A naked Seri and a creepy Crimson!

llonka 10-27-2013 05:47 PM

Hi! [wave] how is everyone?

Linnea 10-27-2013 05:49 PM

i'm glad someone made one!

and weird... my mulie got pinged here but i don't see his name O_o

CrimsonShadow 10-27-2013 05:50 PM

Hi!! How is everyone?! I'm creepy? -looks at self- YES!

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:52 PM

Sorry. I might have done the 'my friend's' ping o' doom, then I thought better of it. *sheepish*

CrimsonShadow 10-27-2013 05:53 PM

Hahaha that good and bad!

Kat Dakuu 10-27-2013 05:53 PM

Cute and funny reference woody. What's up everyone?! I just woke up.

CrimsonShadow 10-27-2013 05:53 PM

Hiya Kat! Looking good!!

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 05:59 PM

It really is. I shouldn't have pinged like that, but I did and got a case of the insta-regret!!!!

Thanks Kat! Gotta love Gilbert and Sullivan.

Linnea 10-27-2013 06:00 PM

ooo that makes sense, woody. i was just really confused!

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 06:03 PM

I'm good at confusing people. *wink* It's part of my charm.

Mageling 10-27-2013 06:05 PM

You totally 'my friends' pinged, Woody, but it's all good. Means more people!

Linnea 10-27-2013 06:06 PM

it does! maybe we should all my friends ping? [lol]

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 06:08 PM

I did Mage! Gah! Sorry. I guess that just means that everyone knows I love them...and they should put the knife down as I back awaaaaay slowly.

llonka 10-27-2013 06:14 PM

lul there'd be so many people if we all did the my friends ping. [lmao]

Linnea 10-27-2013 06:15 PM

it'd be so hopping in hurr that woody would run out of page prizes [lol]

llonka 10-27-2013 06:20 PM

Would that be a good thing or bad thing?

Woodlandnymph 10-27-2013 06:21 PM

Heh. Naaaah. I don't think I'd run outta page prizes. But you can take that as a challenge guys ;) ;)

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