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Naruto forever 04-28-2015 12:25 AM

#Total Homo [Cosmic x Naru 1x1]
I'm really bad at titles and I was on tumblr I'm sorry

Sketch of her -->


Name: Edith "Eddie" Barns
Age: 16
Appearance: Eddie has short and wavy dark brown hair and a clean porcelain skin tone. He cheeks and nose are dotted with dark freckles, and she has bright green eyes with long lashes. She has a bit of a baby face, but is able to always look elegant in some way. She stands at a height of 5"3, and has a tendency to wear old fashioned clothes, yet still keep them looking modern. She typically wears dresses and skirts, to the point where it may even be rare to see her in shorts or pants. She is very petite, and doesn't have many "womanly" curves and so on. Polyvore
Short Bio: Eddie comes from a divorced mother and father, along with two sisters--one younger(Mary) and one older(Evelyn)--and a twin brother(Charlie). She and her three siblings switch from their mother's house to their father's each week (one week with the mom, the next week with the dad). She's a typically happy person, usually a bit quiet around new people but always open to making new friends. She tends to know a lot of people, and be well acquainted with a lot of people, and yet is only really close to her best friend and her twin. She's a hard worker, and usually works to help others be happy and get over things, but she can be very secretive when it comes to herself as well as very stubborn. She has a bad habit of running away from things or situations she doesn't like, just like how she did when her parents were first getting divorced and she pretended it wasn't happening. When keeping in her secrets and running away builds up over time Eddie tends to break down, which usually last one to three days-ish and then she returns to normal. When she "breaks down", it's usually her being very quiet and tearful.

CosmicFoxKitty 05-15-2015 08:45 PM

[Put picture here ASAP]
Name: Tabitha Barkley
Age: 17
Appearance: 5' 9" tall with half her head shaved (the right side) with shoulder length on the other, it goes from purple on the right to red on the left. Hazel eyes that are very different; green on outer ring, then blue, then a golden brown. Usually wears band t-shirts with dark or black cargo pants. Tabitha either wears Converse or combat boots.
Bio: Tabitha was adopted by the Barkley's at a very young age (so young she doesn't remember anything but life with them) because Mrs. Barkley was unable to have children. They were always very accepting of the rebellious girl and supported her choices. Tabitha got all "A"s in school up until jr. high where everyone started picking on her for being chubby and different. Her parents have her in therapy and try their best to help her...

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