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ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:49 PM

[ART] Spectral New Years Doodles! (Full)

I know i'm a little late to the game, but I'm offering doodles for the New Year. :D

I'll be offering 5 paid slots to start with, but I might add more if time allows. I'll also be offering free sketches to random posters in this thread. Only one paid request per customer, please.

Even if you don't want art, feel free to come in and chat! [heart]

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:50 PM

Paid Slots:
1. Kent - 500g Finished & Paid!


2. Dystopia - 1600g Finished & Paid!


3. Hadsvich - 1000g Finished & Paid!


4. Ava the Vampire Finished!


5. hummy/Nephila - 500g Paid!


Some info on her:
Being reptilian she is actually bald.
She enjoys collecting different human (and other fantasy races) hair as wigs and changes her style and colors often.
Her outfits are every thing from harem to school girl.
She likes Cosplaying human arch types. So I'll leave the outfit up to you. :)
Her eyes are yellow with blue rings, normally people disregard the blue for some reason. (The little raptor guy has similar eye color)
She's a villain in the story-line. I guess that's what happens when you steal peoples hair.
She's very sly and manipulative and over the top naughty.

Freebie Slots:
1. Façade



• Only one paid order per customer, please! (You can still win a freebie, though.)

• If you win a freebie and want to give it away, just ping the person you're giving it to and have them fill out the request form.

• I might not finish all of the sketches during the event, but you will get them! I'll make a post in the Meneverse to give out any remaining sketches. And you will always be pinged when your order is complete, and PM'd if you don't reply in the thread.

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:50 PM

Simple humanoid chibi - 500g
Complicated humanoid chibi - 700g
Non-humanoid - 800g
Two simple humanoid chibis - 1000g

☆ All drawings will be full color. ☆

I will decide whether or not your request is complex and/or non-humanoid.
If you decide you don't want to pay a higher price, feel free to cancel your order.

If you're really happy with your art, please consider tipping. c:

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:50 PM

Will Draw:
• Avatars
• Original Characters
• Fanart
• Anthros
• Robots, aliens, ghosts, monsters, mythical creatures
• Animals
• Plants
• Food
• If it's not in my won't list and not included here, just ask!

Won't Draw:
• Gore
• Hate symbols/speech
• Backgrounds

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:51 PM

Post this form in the thread to complete your order:

[size=4][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][size=6][B]Mr. Ghostman, Draw me a Doodle![/B][/size]
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Reference (picture or description):[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Other comments:[/COLOR]

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:51 PM

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:51 PM

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 10:52 PM

@my friends; if any of you are interested, i'm doing some doodles now. :D

Nephila 12-31-2017 11:07 PM

Oooo dooodles. :D

Kent 12-31-2017 11:27 PM

I want to order! > w<

Mr. Ghostman, Draw me a Doodle!
Paid/Won: paid
Reference (picture or description):
Other comments: shall I pay before or after? X3

ghostPastry 12-31-2017 11:37 PM

yayy, a customer! :D i deem your order simple and humanoid, so your price will be 500g. ^_^ and you can pay whenever you'd like.

Dystopia 12-31-2017 11:44 PM

Can I order two non-humanoids for 1600? Is that how that works?

Nephila 12-31-2017 11:44 PM

Nice! First customer!

Kent 12-31-2017 11:45 PM

I’ll send payment now then~

Hadsvich 01-01-2018 12:01 AM

Mr. Ghostman, Draw me a Doodle!
Paid/Won: Paid
Reference (picture or description): Could I get one of my Illian & another of your choice between my Forrest, Indigo & Dosin?
Other comments: Draw Illian with a key please~

ghostPastry 01-01-2018 12:47 AM

Dystopia- sure, that's fine! :> could you send me references for them? pictures or a written description is fine.

Hadsvich- added! i deem your requests to be two simple humanoid chibis, for a total of 1000g. and oh man, it's so hard to choose, they're all so good! i think i'll draw... Dosin. :D

Kent: thank you!! here's your order:

and here's a version with a simple solid color background:


Kent 01-01-2018 12:55 AM

Aww, my poor boi. XD <3 Is it okay to ask for an edit? His nose is supposed to be more dog/wolf like.

Hadsvich 01-01-2018 12:56 AM

Awesome~ Looking forward to them~ > u<

ghostPastry 01-01-2018 01:15 AM

kent- yeah, of course! can do. :>

---------- Post added 12-31-2017 at 09:18 PM ----------

how's this look?


hummy 01-01-2018 01:36 AM

Happy New Year doodle

ghostPastry 01-01-2018 01:39 AM

thanks hummy. happy new years! [hug]

hummy 01-01-2018 01:42 AM

Thank you. I hope 2018 is a great year for you and yours.

ghostPastry 01-01-2018 01:47 AM

aww thank you! likewise. [heart] do you have any fun NYE plans?

Kory 01-01-2018 01:48 AM

Can I order one too? :D

Mr. Ghostman, Draw me a Doodle!
Ava the Vampire
Paid/Won: Paid?
Reference (picture or description):
I was hoping for a picture of me and Tom Hiddleston. :D I have a reference picture below of Tom Hiddleston as Thomas Sharpe, if it makes it easier to draw, I will show you Tom Hiddleston: 's avatar, and that might be easier to draw. Also, if it would be easier to draw a less complicated avatar, you can just draw someone who looks like me. I can post a picture of myself or write a detailed description of myself? :D


Other comments:I will pay probably around 3k or more if I really like it. C:

Dystopia 01-01-2018 01:49 AM

Mr. Ghostman, Draw me a Doodle!
Paid/Won: Paid (1600)
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Reference (picture or description): A black cat with brown eyes and thin tail. Not very fluffy. Wears a cone of shame. A blue whale shark.
Other comments: If you could have them celebrating New Years or something with noisemakers 'n stuff that'd be great.

---------- Post added 12-31-2017 at 05:49 PM ----------

I broke the form. [gonk]

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