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finx15 03-28-2014 11:42 PM

The royals and there protectors.
In a time that happened only in my mind there where two rival kingdoms. Cligue right? Your thinking the prince and princess will fall in love well you'll just have to read along and find out won't you? This is a onexone for Rogue Darkfox and Finx15 so don't post unless your one of us.

Name: Erik
Age: 30
gender: male
role: Prince
Bio: Erik is the eldest of nine brothers and as such is the next in line to the throne. He has caught his hatred for there neighboring kingdom from his father but threw desperate needs he has been sent with his guard a girl that has been with him for a while know to talk peace with the other prince.

Name: Athena
age: 28
gender: female
role: body guard to the prince
Bio: Athena has been a body guard for a long time know and couldn't imagine being anything else. When she first joined the knights she had to fight to prove she was any good since they all thought being a girl that she was to weak to be anything but a wife and mother. She has proven them wrong over and over again becoming her prince's guard at a young age.

Rogue Darkfox 03-29-2014 02:32 AM

Name: Avani
Age: 29
Gender: Female

Name: Akasa
Age: 29
Gender: Male

Role: Guard/Royal
Bio: (both in one lol) Born into a Kingdom that seems more a clan both grew to be fighters, as twins they have a close bond and often seem to react to eachother without words. Their home often seen as savage and uncivilized to outsiders they find their home often involved in war now in an effort to save their home they go to talk peace with one of their biggest rivals.

finx15 03-29-2014 02:38 AM

Erik sat watching Lena as he liked to call her train with the other guards sharpening her skills. It was fun watching her beat up the other knights without much effort but today was not just for fun they needed to make sure she was ready in case something happened so he was pretending to be in danger from the other knights who fought more like there savage neighbors then the way they had been trained. She stood breathing hard staring at the group of knights " I think I am ready my lord." she turned to look at him " Indeed." Erik chuckled and his father the king nodded in a agreement " Go rest the both of you tomorrow is the meeting." Athena bowed to them and went to freshen up.

Rogue Darkfox 03-29-2014 03:51 AM

Avani stood her breathing ragged and bowed to her brother smirking as Akasa returned the bow signaling their sparing had come to an end. Avani chuckled hooking Akasa's pack with her staff and tossed it to him. "Well matched, I would like to have finished but we should keep moving." Akasa nodded as he slung his bag over his shoulder they had been moving at a fair pace for almost two days and still had a bit of ground to cover. They had agreed to this meeting and had also for the sake of safety agreed that meeting at the border of the kingdoms was best. Akasa waited as Avani Grabbed her own bag before heading towards the small gathering of tents not too far off. "We'll arrive in plenty of time tonight to set a tent. Its good fortune one of the strong herds is here today." Avani smirked and nodded off to the side three horses waited tied to a fallen tree one with a pack tied to it's back. "Word was sent ahead, we can mount up and be there come end day meal."

finx15 03-29-2014 06:20 PM

Erik and Athena mounted there horses and rode off with a few other guards with them. The others would stay behind but they where there in case anything happened to Athena and she had to send Erik away they would protect him. She dismounted as the reached there stop by dinner they would make it to the border an hour ride ahead. " From this point on we will be on are own my lord." Athena said sitting next to him " Are you nervous?" " Of course not I have you don't I?" Erik smiled at the girl who smiled back " And you would never let anything happen to me." They both knew he could fight not as well as she could but he held his own fairly well but it was her job to protect him and die for him. " I will never let anything happen to you." Athena swore placing her fist over the brooch she wore it was a red flower his symbol that she had received as a sign that she was his guard and his alone.

Rogue Darkfox 03-30-2014 01:26 AM

Akasa sat outside the tent tossing a stick onto the fire he glanced over at Avani as she brushed out one of the horses. "They should be here soon." He stood and brushed himself off, walking over to Avani he rested a hand on the horses neck. She glanced at him and moved to brushing out the other horse. "You don't need to say it I know the routine." Everyone knew they traveled together but none knew they were twins none even knew she as princess existed it was simpler that way. She picked up her staff and moved to stand by the fire Akasa moved to stand next to her his hand resting on the hilt of his sword and they waited. Akasa smirked his eyes watching for the first sign of the other royal. "Remember they see us as no more then common savage." Avani chuckled softly and let her eyes flicker over to her brother. "If they only knew, perhaps an invite to see may help things."

finx15 03-30-2014 11:07 PM

Athena arrived first hopping gracefully from her horse she bowed to the two of them " My lord." she nodded to him she glanced at the girl warrior and couldn't help but smile. She nodded to her " My lord wishes to meet with you in peace in hope of reaching an agreement." she glanced around " I see no reason to wait." she whistled and Erik come into view she watched him dismount and walk to her " May I present the heir apparent Erik Archer. I am Athena Day his warrior guard."

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 12:57 AM

Avani glanced at Akasa and smirked before turning back to address Athena and Erik. "I am Avani and this is Akasa." She tipped her staff slightly keeping the end with the bone hook up the tip turned to face herself a sign of peace. "We have set up a tent and have some food inside." Akasa removed his hand from the hilt of his sword and nodded his head slightly to the pair. "you can tie your horses by ours and no rush take your time and properly brush them out." Turning he walked into the tent. Avani chuckled and shook her head glancing over at Athena. "Good to see their backwards ways don't apply to all women." She glanced over her shoulder then at Erik closing the distance between then the looked him over her deep green eyes locking onto his. Moving quickly she pulled out a knife and then turned the hilt towards him. "When you go to speak with him you will go in alone place the blade in-front of you hilt towards you. It will show you mean no harm but you will fight if you must." She kept her eyes locked on his. "Athena and I will be within earshot we will not enter unless called."

finx15 03-31-2014 01:03 AM

Athena had jumped when the knife appeared her hand going to her sword. Erik held his hand up and she stilled " Alright." he said taking the knife " I will do as you suggest." he smiled at Athena " It's alright stay here with the horses." he walked in and placed the knife on the floor like Avani had suggested. " My lord does not see me as just a women I am his guard his friend." Athena relaxed her hold on the sword at her hip " You gave me a start with that knife."

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 01:57 AM

Akasa chuckled and pulled his sword placed it on the floor. "It is interesting to see an outsider like you taking value at our ways. Most seem to ignore it, see us as savage." He smirked softly and tilted his head slightly. Avani nodded and smiled at Athena. "You call him friend and yet not by his name, would friends really place eachother on uneven ground." She shifted her staff and moved over to the horses running her fingers along the neck of one. "I didnt mean to startle you, I want this to go well."

finx15 03-31-2014 02:06 AM

" Well I'm trying not to step on any toes." Erik said with a soft smile '' So though it is strange to me it is better to do this then to offend you in anyway before the talks even get started." He chuckled softly " Besides I'm sure we seem a little savage to you."

" Oh I call him by his name but he is my lord in the company of others." Athena grinned " Erik is my friend and it will be good to see the kingdom secured for his eventual reign." she patted her horse's neck letting her try to eat her hair. She was watching the tents a little nervous.

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 02:19 AM

Akasa shook his head. "No, different yes a little backwards of course but not savage." He paused and smiled sitting on the ground folding his legs under him. "Although I may have to rethink that last part seeing your." He paused wanting to use the right word. "Guard. I have heard a few other kingdoms call us savage as well and I have to say like Avani I dont get it."

Avani smiled. "Dont worry Akasa wont harm him, he knows at their call I would sooner help Erik then him." She chuckled. "And of course he knows I can best him no trouble inside that tent." She glaced at the horses they had rode in on looking at the saddles their own had no saddles nor reins aside from the one that carried the tent and packs they only had simple ropes looped around their middle just behind their front legs. "I have always had more of an interest then Akasa in the other kingdoms and the differences, though something that interested us both has always been that we heard they dont allow" she sneered the word. "women to fight."

finx15 03-31-2014 02:37 AM

Erik shrugged " Guess it was something that happened so long ago no one remembers but no one wants to change there minds." He smiled at the thought of Athena " She's the best guard ever not to boast of course." he chuckled " She would kill me if she knew I was boasting again but she is good at what she does."

" I'm not worried about them attacking each other." Athena said letting her gaze wondered " Just worried things won't work out I guess." She chuckled at the don't let women fight. "Oh they don't but I sure as hell changed there minds about that rule and then some."

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 03:48 AM

Akasa laughed and shrugged. "If she is as good as you say it isnt a boast it is only being honest." He shifted slightly. "Are you willing to change your mind about how savage we are."

Avani laughed. "I am glad you did, we always felt it odd. Women usually outnumber men we are more graceful faster and very often the better fighter we have more drive in it." She smirked letting her staff rest across her shoulders.

finx15 03-31-2014 04:02 AM

" I am willing to open my mind and let by gone's be by gones'." Erik said with a smile " I will be honest though I'm not sure what to expect." he sighed " At least I am willing to try."

" What is that staff for?" Athena asked " Do you use it as a weapon?" she examined the staff a curious look on her face.

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 05:06 AM

"As I am, as far as what to expect perhaps it is easier to extend an invite to show you." When Avani had first suggested it he had thought it was a crazy idea that they would remained closed off as always, but perhaps it was worth a shot.

Avani smiled and nodded. "It is my weapon of choice, started out as a trident but an adjustment was needed." She shifted her grip on the staff holding it out bone hook tip down towards the ground the bells jingling. "Akasa chooses the sword and of course we both have our bracers." She held her other hand out and without any apparent movement let the two blades slip out of their hidden spot.

finx15 03-31-2014 06:11 PM

" I will took that invitation and extend my own...though father might not be to happy. He's old anyways the kingdoms basically mine now." Erik chuckled " Lets talk peace then I can visit your kingdom without to many evil looks." he shook his head " Lord knows being in enemy territory will set Athena on edge but it will be worth it to see what your land is like."

" All I ever take with me is my sword and my bow and arrow. Of course I have plenty of daggers strapped to me." Athena chuckled then nodded to the staff " May I?"

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 06:27 PM

Akasa smiled slightly and nodded reaching out and turning the hilt of his sword away from himself a show of trust. "What more talk is needed, we agree we no longer wish to fight." He paused and smirked. "What if we trade places you and I for only a short time. I return to your home with Athena so that she can inform others of what has happened here, I doubt they would believe me on my own. She will also be able to show me around your home and your ways and you with Avani do the same here."

Avani tightened her grip on the staff forcing herself to remember that Athena was unused to their ways. Shifting her grip she shook her head. "It is considered somewhat of an insult to ask to handle anothers personal weapon of choice. Here when you make a weapon different then from forge it becomes part of you." She chuckled softly. "It would be almost the same as asking one to remove their arm or leg and let you borrow it. It is entirely different however if I were to offer the weapon to you, of course that usually only done between mates or siblings."

finx15 03-31-2014 06:34 PM

" Are trying to give her a heart attack?" Erik laughed " I think she would think I had gone insane." he shook his head " I would love to do that but only if Athena and Avani agree that they trust each other enough to switch lords."

" Oh." Athena blushed embarrassed " Sorry I'll try to keep that in mind." she smiled at the girl " I didn't mean to insult you I'm just curious I guess that's just my nature as a warrior to learn everything I can about different weapons. I won't ask again promise."

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 06:53 PM

Akasa laughed and shrugged. "I would say the other way around with you returning with Avani to your home and Athena remaining here with me but knowing Avani that wouldnt be a wise idea. From what we have heard of your home things are very different in the way you treat your women and Avani reacts very quickly to what she views as injustice." He smiled. "Shall we go and ask them then."

Avani smiled and shrugged. "No insult taken, I do admit I have to keep reminding myself you arnt from here. Aside from here I have never heard of women as warriors." She smirked and turned to the horse with the pack pulling what looked to be a thick bracelet out. "Even if the boys can not work things out it would be good to have a sister in arms perhaps a start point." She turned the bracelet over showing a thin grove on the underside. "This is like my bracer it only has one blade and the movement to bring it out is simpler." She slipped the bracelet onto Athena's wrist.

finx15 03-31-2014 07:11 PM

" Thank you." Athena said marveling at it she shook her wrist and looked up to see Erik grinning at her " making friends already?" Athena grinned back " Of course it's easy to bound over the love of bringing men to there feet threw pain." Erik laughed " I should be scared of you." he chuckled " But I'm to stupid to be afraid." Athena just snorted " Since you are friends you will not mind if I journey to there land with Avani while you take Akasa to our kingdom?" Erik asked glancing at Avani to include her in the question.

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 07:21 PM

Avani laughed and shrugged. "I have no issue with it, it seems an interesting idea." She smiled and looked at Akasa. "It would be different wouldnt it." Akasa nodded. "Avani and I have been together for a long time." He smirked when Avani snorted. "Be good for both of us I think."

finx15 03-31-2014 07:26 PM

Athena nodded " I agree though the king may not be to happy." Erik shrugged " He'll live." he chuckled " Lets get started shall we?" he smiled at Akasa. Athena chuckled " Someones eager to get this over with.'' "I'm excited to see something besides our kingdom." Erik shrugged " And I'm eager for peace."

Rogue Darkfox 03-31-2014 07:48 PM

Avani looked at Athena. "A small twist to the right then to the left will bring the blade out." She nodded her head towards Erick still addressing Athena. "He know the basics of fighting or am I going to end up babysitting." Akasa smirked and shook his head looking at Erik. "You see what its better me going to your home then her." He ducked quickly as Avani swung her staff at him unable to dodge as she twisted it and brought it down ontop of his head.

finx15 03-31-2014 07:52 PM

Athena grinned " He knows how to fight he's not as good as I am but he holds his own so no babysitting is required." Erik smirked trying to keep from laughing as Avani his Akasa " There like us." he chuckled Athena nodded laughing.

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