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IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 03:05 AM

HumanxDemon IchirusVampireGirl and xserenityxninax
Name: Yukina Nokida
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Is a Demon but doesnt know it yet
Bio:Yukina is the daughter of well known Arch Demon and a Arch Angel. The two had been sent to kill one another but instead had fallen in love. The two had a daughter (Yukina) , but wanting to protect her they left her with human's to be adopted. Her parents were later hunted down and killed for treason against there own kind.(Falling in love with one another).As far as Yukina know's she is just a plain ,everyday ordinary girl. She does have some special talents that are odd for a human.
Demon: looks like her human for only with black wings

Name: Kia Yagari
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Bio: Kai is the top demon general in the world of demons. He can be arrogant but has a soft spote for kind people. He finds most humans annoying. But sometimes wishes to be like them. he usually hide his true form and makes himself look like a human in order to blend in better. He hunts after dark soles and 'eats' them in order to survive. Though must be careful not to eat a pure soul
Human Appearance:
Demon Apperance:

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 04:19 AM

Name: Sakura Saito
age: 18
gender: female
bio: Sakura is just a normal girl she lives on her own since her father died and her mother is missing. Sakura wants to know more about why her mother is gone. Sakura is a kind but stubborn girl and she tries not to get anyone close to her since the death of father she fears of losing people so she doesn't talk to people but she wants to find her mother.

Name: Saki Fuijmiya
Age: ???
Bio: Saki was born with demon parents and he learn to not like humans and he had trust problems since his parents we killed and lied to him and so the ruler killed his parents. The ruler told him to join him and so he did Saki was order to kill other demons and he is a cold man but he as a kind heart and someone to understand his pain:
Human form:
Demon form:

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 04:41 AM

And away we go!

Yukina smiled as she dreamed she was flying. Flying through the air above the city of Hong Kong. Two large, black feathered wings came from her back and out stretched. "wow the city is so beautiful from up here",she said happily and then reached to touch a feather of her wings. Curious as to what they felt like. But before she could, the wings suddenly vanished. "What?" then she was suddenly falling. Falling down to the city below. Screaming Yukina woke, dipping in sweat. She had been having the same dream since she had turned 18. Each night more detail coming to the dream. "Maybe I should see a shrink",she grumbled and hopped up, rubbing her eyes. Then blinked seeing the time. "oh no Im going to be late!",she yelled out and jumped out of bed. Rushing around as she got dressed. She had gotten a part time job at a book store. She was saving up money to go off to school. Her adoptive parents refused to let her pay for rent, so she could save up for school a little easier. Running down the stairs she leaped over a sleeping golden retriever. "Sorry Gabrielle" ,she called out as she stuffed her shoes into a back pack. Deciding to buy lunch instead. Throughing on a pair of her roller blades she took off out the door ,and out into the heart of the city. Easily zipping by people . She smiled reaching the book store in no time flat. Even on roller blades she was unusually fast for a human. But she always just chalked it up to being athletic. Entering she said her hello's to the the owner and changed into her shoes before getting to work on shelving new arrivals.

Kai sighed as he sat on the top of a roof top ledge watching the busy streets of Hong King bellow. "look at all these humans. So many people in one place, it boggles my mind as to how the city hasn't sunk into the sea yet",he said softly. Then sniffed the air. "Hmm, looks like we have another demon in the city...smells like..", he paused taking another sniff."Saki!", he grinned. "its been least a few hundred years since I've seen him, wonder whats brought him all the way here?"

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 04:52 AM

Saki was on the roof of his apartment and sighing he just moved to the city cause of his mission but he smell a demon he knows and smirked about it and he wants to find him and maybe what he is looking for. Saki left the roof and went to get changed and left his place and walked down the street and thought these humans were stupid. Saki walked in a shop just looking around and he wonder where the demon was and who he is looking for he wondered.

Sakura was getting ready to head to the library and she got dressed and took her bag and she left her home. After her father death she had money to live on her own but she will need a job soon and she sigh on that. Sakura was walking down the street and head in the library and she was looking though old books but she always kept on reading about demons and angels she always wondered if they were real or not. Sakura was falling asleep at the library and she was always dreaming about her mother and she would cry in her sleep.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 05:02 AM

Yukina smiled as she was placing books away. Making notes of ones that she would like to read. She let out a squeaked as one slipped from her hands,looking down she spotted Saki walking."Heads up!",she called just as the book landed on the floor in-front of him on the floor. Quickly coming down the ladder she scooped up the book and looked up to him."sorry about that. but you know the saying, if a book falls in-front of you its meant to be yours", she said smiling brightly at him.

Kai eventually found the book shop,and smiled. Humans at least did this right. He always loved the collection of books he found by them. So many story's and history's. Some even on demons. He heard a small bang in the distant and figured it was a book falling. Wondering around he blinked spotting a human girl asleep. Tilting his head when she had tears in her eyes.Why did girls cry so much? Walking over he .blinked at the book she was reading,"The history of demons. Huh, wonder how accurate that thing is?"

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 05:12 AM

Saki heard something and saw the book and saw the girl and he looked at her and saw her smiling and he really didn't like the girl but he was only gonna be nice to her for his cover. "I see then miss." Saki didn't speak much he just looked at her and then picked up the book and said "you better be careful from now on or someone could hurt you." Saki then walked off and really didn't want the girl be near him at all.

Sakura was starting to wake up and she took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes and put them on but then saw a man looking at her and got up and hid the book. Sakura got up and said "what you want." Sakura was a bit rude to him and really didn't like anyone being near her but she looked at him trying to hide her feelings.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 05:18 AM

Kai blinked."Nothing, I was just seeing what book you were reading that would make you cry",he said smirking. Then blinked hearing Saki."Later",he said leaving her there and searched the rows of books for his old friend.

Yukina blinked and watched him go."someone could hurt me ...from a book falling",she said to herslef confused then blinked looking up."well i supose...if I drop it onto someone they would be cross.....",she shurgged and went about her job, humming a bit as she did so. blining as she turned a corner seeing Sakura. She smiled. The girl had a hard life. She deserved to be happy. "Hey Sakura. Back again I see",she said going over. "Im glad you came in today because..."she pulled out a book from her cart. "A new book on Angels and Demons has come in",she said holding it out to her.

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 05:24 AM

Sakura looked at him and was so mad at him and saw he left and really didn't like him. Sakura sat down again and heard Yukina and she only smiled at her she was a friend of her's her only friend and got up and heard a new of angels and demons which she loved to read and smiled at her "thank you Yukina and yes I am back starting to tomorrow I need to find a job my father money is running out I don't know what to do." Sakura said to Yukina.

Saki was looking around and he heard his old friend voice to a girl and smirked and then saw him looking for him and said "Kai it is been to long but why are you here." Saki looked at him and put his hands in his pockets and sigh. Saki didn't trust Kai well he didn't trust anyone in fact.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 05:38 AM

Yukina grinned."Im glad! Iv'e missed working with you!",she said happily. "The boss will be glad too",she added. She smiled at the book she had handed her."thats yours to keep, i had pre-ordered it for you a while back. So if you want you have the confort of home to do it in too",she said and and nodded to a customer that had waved her down."so... i know its last minute, but did you you want to come over tonight",she said grinning. "My parents are doing the whole cake and ice cream thing for my birthday. Dinner is included. Plus Gabriel misses you"

Kai blinked and smiled."yeah, way, waaay to long", he blinked. "I was ordered to check out some activity. Seems we have a rouge demon killing off innocent humans, and kidnapping some of them",He said with a shrug. "But he's been hard to track. Knows how to hid himself very well"

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 05:47 AM

Saki looked at him and sighing about that and he wasn't smiling at all "I see then well i guess your mission is different from mine I don't know why he wants me to find a human." Saki just sigh and lean against the book shelve and said "i am looking for a human someone wants the human dead but I don't ever know who the human is." Saki sigh.

Sakura looked at her and she was happy and heard if she wants to go to her house and she would of said no but she liked going over there and she said "I would love to Yukina and thanks Yukina you are a good friend." Sakura smiled at her and said "so have you met anyone here today?" Sakura wondered where that guy was just to give a peace of her mind to him she always started a fight that wasn't her friend.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 05:51 AM

Kai blinked."what? thats ... that is really unusual...normaly we leave humans alone...well we always leave humans alone. Ad he never told you why the human was to die?"

Yukina grinned."yay!",she said hugging Sakura. "I'm glad you said yes! I couldn't celebrate my 19th Birthday without my best friend",she blinked hearing her question."hmm no, not really. Well, I did almost drop a book on this guy again and he just told me to be careful"

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 05:59 AM

Sakura looked at her and rubbed her head a bit "weird well i met a guy and he was staring at me while a fell asleep and that was weird and then he left." Sakura worried about him and wonder who he was. Sakura shook her head and then smiled at her friend.

Saki looked at him and said "something to do with the human being rare and must get the human before the human is killed or worse besides he said the human is one of us but doesn't know it." Saki wondered and said something else "I couldn't find the human but meeting a girl today was weird mostly no humans talks to me but she did." Saki looked at him and said "what about you as some human finally can talk about to you." Saki smirked he knows some girls don't have the guts to talk back to his old friend.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 06:08 AM

Kai smirked. "Hey most humans are friendly. But for a girl to talk to you now that really is rare",he joked.Then blinked."come to think of it, girl talked to me today to. But like any girl she was crying, while sleeping.Wierd"

Yukina grinned a little."maybe he wwas your prince charmng",she joked then frowned seeing the worry." is he still know, since im on teh job I have he power to kick him out ... and as your friend I have the power to tell him off"

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 06:15 AM

Saki heard him and sighing and smirked and said "maybe she is the kind of girl that hides her feeling or something." Saki smirked and said "if she can handle you i will owe you big time Kai." Saki smirked.

Sakura shook her head "its okay Yukina I can handle him myself come one I always have for years." Sakura said while she was looking through the book and saw many things about demons and angels. She found a old picture of a demon in the book and felt like she saw those eyes before she wondered why.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 06:19 AM

Kai grinned."oh haha",he streached."so, are you hungry, Ive sound a really good resturant just down the street",he said happily.

Yukina smield softly to her."hm that is true",she smiled watching ehr friend read."well I better get back to work, see you after kay?",she said grabbing her cart and started in on putting the knew books away.

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 06:26 AM

Saki sigh and said "i wish i could but i need to get back my boss will be calling me soon so i need to get going but you should come over sometime and try to stay out of trouble for once." Saki left him and saw a girl reading a book and sigh and he left but then saw the girl again and walked pass her and left and was heading back to his place.

Sakura heard her friend and she was reading about the demon and sighing and said "i wonder if demons are real." Sakura said and she flip the page and looking at a page where a demon and angel fell in love but something bad happen to them. Sakura wanted to know more but couldn't find more about this and she sighed and kept on reading.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 06:31 AM

Kai nodded."Ill do that",he watched Saki leave then picking out a book he headed to the desk to buy it. He blinked seeing the girl who had been crying earllier and smiled a bit at the knew book. He was buying the same one.

Yukina waved goodbye to Saki.come again",she said happily. Then seeing Kia waiting headed over. Blinking she smiled."hey , you and my friend have the same taste",she said and finished the sale."enjoy",she said and got back to work.

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 06:38 AM

Saki got back to his place and then changed into his demon form and his boss came around to see him and they talk about his old friend Kai and told him about everything and his boss told him to watch out for a demon who as been kidnapping humans. Saki was wondering why but had to think on his own mission.

Sakura got up and put the book in her bag she was going to get something for her friend she needed to eat so she went to the cafe next to the book store but then saw the same man from before and sigh and she walked out and went to get something to eat and a coffee for her friend.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 06:44 AM

Kai blinked as he and the girl from before ended up at the same cafe. He sighed taking a breath. "Im sorry", he said going up to her. "for creeping you out earlier",he said softly and meant it."I don't like seeing girls cry. So seeing you cry made me...upset."

Yukina sighed as she sat at the front desk watching the people outside. The book store had gone quite now that the people had left.

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 06:53 AM

Sakura was ordering and then heard a voice and it was the same guy from before and he was saying sorry to her and would of rolled her eyes but she could tell he was sorry. Sakura looked at him and sigh "please don't need to be sorry and I only cry in my sleep I guess you can say i lost someone close to me and i was dreaming of him and that is why i cried." which she did lie it was her mother but didn't tell him that. Sakura said "my name is Sakura." she said softly she was not good of talking to others then talking to Yukina.

Saki boss was about to leave but said to find a human girl but then told him she is in danger from angels and other demons since she must be safe. Saki nodded and didn't know who the girl was and now know he was save a human girl.

just then a man came in the book store and was looking for something.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 06:58 AM

Yukina blinked hearing the chime on the door, looking ariund she spotted a man looking around."hi there. How can I help you?",she said grinning.

Kai smiled a bit."Im sorry that you loss someone, that's never easy", he then grinned."My names Kai Yagri, its nice to meet you"

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 07:04 AM

Sakura smiled a bit and then said "i heard from my friend you got the same I did." Sakura said and she took out her book and was reading on the page where she as seen those eyes "i started to read it when i got to this page i swear i saw those eyes before but I don't know where." Sakura sigh and closed the book "i always wondered if demons and angels are real." Sakura looked at him.

Saki went out for a walk but felt something wrong and ran back to the book shop.

The man smirked and walked her and said "of course i came to get you." The used some type of magic to make her fall asleep would take her.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 07:08 AM

Yukina blinked."for me?",she asked then suddenly felt tierd."what..going on",she whispered thendropped to the floor fast asleep.

Kai grinned."well, i think there real",he said calmly."and yes, i wanted to read more on the angle and demon who fell inlove...",he smiled."i have other books on them,but its just bits and peices"

xserenityxninax 05-03-2018 07:19 AM

Sakura looked at him and she knew no one else liked this stuff more then her and she said "I see I have red that a demon fell for a human but it didn't go well i just wonder if a demon could fall for a human i wonder what he would be like." Sakura took off her glass and thinks and then looks at him.

The man smirked and was about to take her but then got attack by something. he looked around and saw the girl was gone he was mad but he had to leave before someone finds him.

Saki got to the shop and he was in his demon form he attack the demon and ran fast and picked up the girl and ran fast and they were hiding from that thing. Saki took the girl to his place so she could rest and tried to get a hold of his friend and boss.

IchirusVampireGirl 05-03-2018 03:07 PM

"wasn't a human, it was an angle. The two had been set to kill one another",he said softly."But somehow ended up falling in love. They faked their own deaths, and were able to hide here on earth for century's ...",Kai said frowning. "But one day they were discovered and the two were killed",he frowned feeling his phone buzz."hold on one sec",he said quickly answering."hello?"

Yukina slept for a while but eventually started to come around. She blinked sitting up and looked around."wh-where am i?"

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