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bloodstainedwings 02-17-2009 10:43 PM

Team Yellow Banana
This thread is for getting people to have fun by instigating random fun...ness.

feel free to join and instigate random fun, like my banana from earlier, and no drama. no drama!!! i mean that one!

ok go get em!

Winter Wind 02-17-2009 10:45 PM

I never liked bananas, but I like cheese. :'D

allometric 02-17-2009 10:46 PM

Holy Yellow Bananas, this is going to be rocktacular. Pardon the poplingo, I'm using it to express aslgkjlakjdf;gkafk;adjfk;sjdfi in real words.

So what's the plan? Is there a plan? Shall we simply be awesome while pulling in as many internet memes as possible while avoiding being pegged for spamming? IS this spamming? IDK, I ask too many questions.

Ehehehehehe *lurks*

salvete 02-17-2009 10:46 PM

Not all bananas are yellow! ;D

Winter Wind 02-17-2009 10:47 PM

-gives Allo the randomness award-


Cindy Lenox 02-17-2009 10:47 PM

lol nice team! xD babana! *¬*

Li Mei 02-17-2009 10:47 PM

True - but the tasty ripe bananas are yellow :p

PurringPuppy 02-17-2009 10:48 PM

But green bananas are so lame D:

Not to mention sticky.

Edit: And what Li Mei said :d

salvete 02-17-2009 10:49 PM

There are red bananas, too!

Red Bananas for Valentine's Day. <33

Winter Wind 02-17-2009 10:49 PM

Imagine purple bananas. o-o


PurringPuppy 02-17-2009 10:50 PM

Red bananas sound icky. :d

Winter Wind 02-17-2009 10:51 PM

I will genetically alter bananananananas to be blue.

One day. >D

Chichi baby b 02-17-2009 10:51 PM

Lolz! Banana!

Green bananas are firmer, if you buy them, you can keep them longer cause they don't turn brown as fast. Yay green bananas!

Li Mei 02-17-2009 10:51 PM

Red banana? Like - the whole thing is red, or is just the peel red?

Sounds kind of gross if it's the whole thing.

Jeanie 02-17-2009 10:52 PM

I prefer the banana's that are almost yellow but still slightly green.

PurringPuppy 02-17-2009 10:52 PM

Technically you could have a blue banana if you keep it around long enough. :d

Winter Wind 02-17-2009 10:52 PM

Blue bananas are the best. >D

salvete 02-17-2009 10:52 PM

Red Bananas! ^^

Winter Wind 02-17-2009 10:53 PM

Those are brown salvete. o-o

Purring: err. o-o rotten banananananas = blue? xD

Late night snack 02-17-2009 10:54 PM

Bananas give me tummy aches, but I love to socialize <3

Jeanie 02-17-2009 10:54 PM

I've never seen those before, I've seen black banana's but that's when you've held onto them for too long.

PurringPuppy 02-17-2009 10:54 PM

:U What do they look like inside? D:

Blue bananas=rotten moldy bananas


salvete 02-17-2009 10:54 PM

They are called red bananas, though. ^^ They are naturally reddish-purple on the outside.

Winter Wind 02-17-2009 10:55 PM

Snack: Yea, I don't like them.
They aren't evil enough to give me tummy aches though.
-gives you chocolate- : D

Jeanie: LULLLL. x3
Whenever I eat one they're always bruised.
I've never had a perfect one. ;-;

Salvete: Weird stuff. x3

bloodstainedwings 02-17-2009 10:55 PM

holy wow! thats a lot of posts! way to go team! *high fives jeanie and allometric* next we hit Red. You guys all in? im totally out of it too! serves me right! woot!

alright guys meet me in the red hang out ASAP

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