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For-Chan Cookie 02-15-2014 10:11 PM

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀ A Place for Shy Chocoholics ❀

That's right, shy chocoholics need to come chat here. Well, ok, if you're not addicted to chocolate, that is also ok. I've been so busy lately, I didn't even realize the event had started. Lots of bad weather here. Plus my grandmother's birthday was the day before Valentine's day and I zested my thumb while making her cake. Ouch. Anyway, Cookie is snowed in right now, so come and chit chat and eat chocolate.

Amane 02-15-2014 10:13 PM


hummy 02-15-2014 10:13 PM

oi that took forever to come up
mmmm, but worth it!

Amane 02-15-2014 10:13 PM

What did? The thread? [rofl]

For-Chan Cookie 02-15-2014 10:24 PM

Sorry guys! Work and grievous injury has kept me away. Seriously, you should see this awful pair of zesty channels I carved out of my thumb T_T I bled a lot. But at least I was able to make my Grandmother a nice birthday cake.

Amane 02-15-2014 10:25 PM

AHHH! Poor Cookie! [cry]

For-Chan Cookie 02-15-2014 11:06 PM

It happens. Now I know not to trust withered lemons. Next time, I'll brave the snow to get some fresh ones so I don't end up zesting myself.

Amane 02-15-2014 11:11 PM

I was thinking about lemons earlier. Aren't, like… aren't they a citrus fruit?

Googled it. They are.

For-Chan Cookie 02-15-2014 11:19 PM

Yes. They're a citrus. I was making a lemon curd with them. The problem was, my grandparents had bought a pretty crappy batch of lemons that were rather dried out. So when I tried to zest them on the microplane, I ended up zesting myself x_x

Amane 02-15-2014 11:21 PM

The last time I heard of anyone in my family eating something with lemons, it was lemon cake at Thanksgiving. Apparently, it was holy.

For-Chan Cookie 02-15-2014 11:47 PM

I wouldn't say that I use lemons in cooking allll the time, but we tend to have some around. My grandmother likes it on her fish. Personally, I rather hate people's tendency to add lemon every damn thing to "brighten" it up. I find that adding lemon, even in the smallest amounts, just makes it taste like lemon! No! I don't want lemon in my blueberry muffins or scones. I want them to taste like freaking blueberry, not lemon! No! I don't want lemon on my fish or chicken or whatever else people like to add lemon to.

Amane 02-15-2014 11:51 PM

Lemons to brighten things up? You can't do that with sour stuff! [XD]

For-Chan Cookie 02-16-2014 12:07 AM

When you watch cooking shows, they always say they're adding lemons to "bright up the flavors" and stuff like that. But as far as I'm concerned, all you're doing it making it taste like lemon. I suppose lemon is considered a bright flavor, sort of a summer flavor like lemonade, but meh. Do not want.

Amane 02-16-2014 12:09 AM

That's weird, and I don't like it either.

For-Chan Cookie 02-16-2014 12:20 AM

I guess I'm not enough of a food snob to properly appreciate having my food "brightened" with a dousing of lemon juice. No thanks, I'll keep my drab non-lemony food if it's all the same.

Amane 02-16-2014 12:22 AM

It's going to be eaten in the end, so why worry about brightening it up if it already looks edible?

For-Chan Cookie 02-16-2014 12:33 AM

The brightening is a reference to the flavor. It brightens the flavor, not the color of the dish. Personally, I just think it confuses the flavor. Instead of fish, you have lemon fish. Bleh!

Amane 02-16-2014 12:33 AM

I don't want a splash of lemon on everything I eat. *sticks tongue out*

For-Chan Cookie 02-16-2014 12:50 AM

That reminds me, my grandmother also puts lemon on her spinach. I enjoy spinach, but only with butter and salt. Spinach is bitter enough sometimes without adding lemon!

Man, it's amazing how long I can rant about food pet peeves. Or pet peeves in general [rofl]

Amane 02-16-2014 12:51 AM

I'm super picky, so I can't talk much about food.

For-Chan Cookie 02-16-2014 01:13 AM

I'm picky about some things. But even still, I like to try new things once in a while. Recently, my cousin and I went out for Korean food and mmmm. Found some really tasty things to eat. Found a youtube channel where the lady makes Korean food from scratch. I might try some of the recipes. Though disappointingly, don't like kimchi! I love cabbage, but I just can't do kimchi.

Amane 02-16-2014 01:16 AM

Thoughts of kimchi. *smirk*
I don't like dark seasonings. They look gross.

For-Chan Cookie 02-16-2014 01:44 AM

I'm ok with seasoning, as long as it's not certain kinds. I HATE fennel seeds. Bleh! Bleh! Very popular in sausages and some marinara sauces. No thanks. I don't like seaweed either, so sprinkles of seaweed on my Japanese food is a big no thanks for me. Same for fish flakes. Ew.

Amane 02-16-2014 01:49 AM

FISH FLAKES? Why would you murder food like that?

For-Chan Cookie 02-16-2014 02:18 AM

A lot of Asian cuisines love their fish flakes, like bonito in Japanese cooking. They sprinkle it on top of yakisoba and okonomiyaki. I took my mom our for yakisoba once and they covered it with bonito flakes and they're just waving around in the steam of hte dish like they were alive. She almost didn't eat it. But we scraped them off and all was well.

Or dried fish for snacks, like cuddle fish and squids. It's just not for me. I can't do really fishy tasting food. Fishiness makes my body go "NOPE!" and I spit it out. Can't handle it.

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