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PapillonCameo 06-05-2017 10:58 PM

Crimson and Cameo's OOC
An out of character chat for CrimsonShadow: and me.

I want ahead and started this up while you were away from Mene.

As for our rp, I'm thinking that Theodora would be quite different, at the very least. She;ll still be a dreamer and a romantic, and fierce, but as for other traits, well I suppose those will evolve as the rp goes on.

Slan, I'll keep some of what he was before, but his temper won't be quite as bad or dramatic.

CrimsonShadow 06-20-2017 10:40 PM

Oh gosh thank you!

I'm going to look at my two tonight and see if I'm going to tweak them at all!

PapillonCameo 06-20-2017 11:17 PM

Yay, we're both online at the same time!

Hmm, well I usually just let mine kind of evolve as the rp goes.
I did have an idea to make Slan fae-infected or something like that, because of his dad's captivity and his mother's duel, both parents came into close contact with the magickal world, and I imagine it would have had an effect on them that would have been passed on to their kid. Maybe he has the Sight? Or some other odd ability that would help him survive in the world beneath?

CrimsonShadow 06-20-2017 11:40 PM

Yeah same here im just not sure what base I want for them. Im thinking calm and nurturing for my girl, to start with. A little stuck up and angry for my guy to start him off.

Im only on for a little bit more, early start in the am -le sigh-
ill be on tomorrow night for a bit! Around 9pm est

---------- Post added 06-20-2017 at 07:42 PM ----------

but yeah I think him having the sight or something would be perfect

PapillonCameo 06-21-2017 12:11 AM

Ooh, I'm so looking forward to this!

I just need to do a bit more research for Slan's ability then. *nods*[COLOR="lightseagreen"]

---------- Post added 06-20-2017 at 09:20 PM ----------


CrimsonShadow 06-22-2017 01:36 PM

I might be able to get on tonight.
It's been a crappy two days. Hopefully I can! If not I'll for sure be on tomorrow

PapillonCameo 06-22-2017 03:29 PM

Alright, sounds good. Then we can discuss torturing our characters to make you feel better. XD

CrimsonShadow 06-23-2017 09:28 PM

Haha if only! I'm so excited to get this started

PapillonCameo 06-23-2017 10:39 PM

T.T Noo, seems like we missed each other yet again.

CrimsonShadow 06-28-2017 06:28 PM

I know[cry] I'm so sorry this month has been crazy!

A couple of more days and I'll be good! I really really want to get back into this!

So are we keeping the same story line?

PapillonCameo 06-30-2017 08:19 PM

Same basic idea, but with room to deviate too? I mean, rabbit holes to an underground faery is really cool.

And ... I got a job working for an airline! lol

Plus I'm currently camping, so I won't be around too much. And later on I'll be busy moving to a new city where I'll be doing my training and working in the call center, taking reservations and stuff like that.

All times are GMT. The time now is 06:41 PM.