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jellysundae 03-29-2012 08:56 PM

Discuss those pixels here :D
This forum is so our lovely ladies and gents, who are working to clothe our new users, have somewhere where they can organise their work in a thread of their own.

Please don't make a thread unless you are practicing with pixels [yes]

General guide
  • Menewsha items use a 5 or 6 shade palette.
  • Using a palette from an existing item is always a good idea, as people like to be able to colour-match their clothes.

Pixelling for the Newbie shop?
  • Keep it simple - the aim here is to give new users a decent selection of affordable basics. Just so they can clothe themselves from items that they like, while they make enough gold to be able to shop from the main stores. Items don't want to be fancy.
  • Bear in mind this is for people with no clothes - our little newbies need clothes to cover themselves. Pants and shoes, shirts and skirts; not accessories.

Pixelling for Synergy?
  • The standard is a lot higher for this store, so be prepared for some serious critiques!
  • Anything can go in this store, not only clothes but accessories too. But not only that, really, anything.

Here are the bases in just their underwear.

Feel free to chat it up in here :D

Liztress 03-29-2012 09:19 PM

So, would it be fine if I create one though I don't know if I'll be able to put together pixels as quickly as the others? I do intend to practice and see about creating some things.

jellysundae 03-29-2012 10:07 PM

Certainly Liz :yes: There's no time limit on this :D

Liztress 03-29-2012 10:36 PM

:) Thanks.

hummy 03-31-2012 07:48 PM

i wish i could wrap my head around doing art/pixels.
i will be y'alls official cheerleader!
*readies pompoms*

Watery Star 04-06-2012 04:25 AM

I love this idea (yeah just finding out about it now). Pixeling isn't my thing but I'd give it a try. Good luck to everyone working on those pixels!

Nephila 04-07-2012 12:22 AM

This should be fun. :D It's always good to practice. yup yup.

Jeannesha 04-10-2012 05:32 PM

Hey Jelly, maybe you could announce in here when you're going to add more items to the Newbie shops?

Chickie Nuggs 04-11-2012 06:39 PM

I just love the creativity that my fellow Menewshans have! :O

Chickie Nuggs 04-13-2012 08:37 PM

I've noticed that it's kinda dead around these parts. I know you're a busy person, Jelly, but I was wondering how often you stop by here? Also, maybe this idea should be re-announced so that this section could get more people to pixel and/or give feedback. So far I've only gotten feedback and critique from Mina (who did it because I mentioned having a thread) and Hammy (because I got her to make a thread as well).

Also, I think that the standards of what kind of material to be released in the newbie shop should be re-announced as well. I've started to think about the Mina scarf and the boots, for example. They are beautiful items, but I think that they are too good for 20-30 gold. I'll admit I enjoyed being able to get items that are easily worth 300 gold for a large fraction of what they're worth, but I think it defeats the purpose of having a thrifty shop for newbies where they can clothe themselves for cheap. I'm not suggesting you remove those items. That wouldn't be fair to Mina. I just figured I'd mention my concern before people come up with more and more extravagant items that would actually pass for the shop when they really don't fit the "thrifty" idea.


There...I meant to ping you about it at the beginning of the message, but I messed up your name the first time. ^^;

Liztress 04-14-2012 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Demoscout (Post 1770636630)
I've noticed that it's kinda dead around these parts. I know you're a busy person, Jelly, but I was wondering how often you stop by here? Also, maybe this idea should be re-announced so that this section could get more people to pixel and/or give feedback. So far I've only gotten feedback and critique from Mina (who did it because I mentioned having a thread) and Hammy (because I got her to make a thread as well).

Also, I think that the standards of what kind of material to be released in the newbie shop should be re-announced as well. I've started to think about the Mina scarf and the boots, for example. They are beautiful items, but I think that they are too good for 20-30 gold. I'll admit I enjoyed being able to get items that are easily worth 300 gold for a large fraction of what they're worth, but I think it defeats the purpose of having a thrifty shop for newbies where they can clothe themselves for cheap. I'm not suggesting you remove those items. That wouldn't be fair to Mina. I just figured I'd mention my concern before people come up with more and more extravagant items that would actually pass for the shop when they really don't fit the "thrifty" idea.


There...I meant to ping you about it at the beginning of the message, but I messed up your name the first time. ^^;

I don't offer any advice since I'm not good enough to offer any yet. I've been meaning to drop by your thread. Dx

Chickie Nuggs 04-14-2012 07:25 PM

I don't think it's a matter of being good enough at pixeling in order to give good advice. Think of it more like "Oh, this pixelist is hoping that this could be accessible in the shops. Do I like it or don't I like it? Maybe this and that would be better for the newbies." You know, stuff like that. I'm not telling you how to think, but if you aren't a pixelist I'm just showing that there are other ways of giving input. ^^

Liztress 04-14-2012 08:44 PM

Yeah, I didn't think of it like that. But you know, I'm bad for saying that I love every idea I have seen people do. But it's the truth. I'm jealous I didn't think of a hair ribbon. Or a baggy sweater. xD

Chickie Nuggs 04-14-2012 08:59 PM

You know what helps? Just look up every day clothes on google. The striped sweater I made is based off of this that I found in Macy's website. You'd be surprised at what can inspire you.

Liztress 04-14-2012 09:01 PM

Most things that I found that I'd love to work on tend to be too fancy. xD

Chickie Nuggs 04-14-2012 09:08 PM

Well I was reminded of an important thing by hammy last night. Our threads are also used for practice, so it couldn't hurt to try fancy things. I think our main focus should be more on basic clothes, though, since the newbie shop is supposed to be more thrifty if anything. Not that I don't think the newbies deserve nice things, but as I said before I think the mina scarf is exceptionally nice for this cause and for its price. xD

Maria-Minamino 04-14-2012 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Demoscout (Post 1770640196)
Well I was reminded of an important thing by hammy last night. Our threads are also used for practice, so it couldn't hurt to try fancy things. I think our main focus should be more on basic clothes, though, since the newbie shop is supposed to be more thrifty if anything. Not that I don't think the newbies deserve nice things, but as I said before I think the mina scarf is exceptionally nice for this cause and for its price. xD

Aw I'm glad you like my scarf <3 I worked really hard on it! And a long time too XD

But the fact that I worked really hard on it KNOWING it would be put in the shop for a cheap price is something to consider. I'm still not up to wishie's standards by any means although someday I'd like to be. And I know the scarf is pretty elaborate - along with my dress of doom - but it's more for MY practice and to try to get something in the shop that keeps me doing it.

Although it is also why I do more basic pieces too like the pineapple shirts, the shorts I've made, and the fairy top I'm currently making :D The shop is meant to offer basic cheap items for newbies. So things like shirts and shorts and pants and hats and socks and shoes would probably be better to make for the shop. But at the same time - I look for inspiration for items on google and DA and if I see something I like I'm going to do it - like the dang dress XDD

Liztress 04-14-2012 09:18 PM

Well, my long dress is going to be my fancy focus once I get done with the top.

And I will admit that I find all the current items in the shop to be really good and offered a tad too cheaply. However, I'm a thrifty person and like being able to get pretty things cheap. xD

Chickie Nuggs 04-14-2012 09:27 PM

I guess I just see it this way. I find that scarf TO BE up to the standards of wishie's items in the shops, old and new. The fact that it is being sold for as cheap as it is, it makes me think "why not empty a lot of the items from hot gossip or wonderland fashion into the newbie shop too, then?" for example. That scarf alone outdoes the basic clothing items gossip and yet they cost more than the scarf. If we all get access to such a beautiful item for so cheap, then why are t shirts sold for over 150 gold? That's just where my opinion is coming from.

jellysundae 04-14-2012 09:38 PM

Interesting opinions :yes:

I think the main issue here is that people can't seem to reign themselves in from creating items that are not basic at all. Though again we're faced with differing opinions on item quality. I kind of hate the Swann boots, as they are mainly my edit, and I think they look like shit :ninja:

The easiest option would be to have a second store that is user created items, for the things that are not basic, and have those be a higher price. But if an item was to be priced higher, it would have to meet a far more stringent quality level...

Maria-Minamino 04-14-2012 09:43 PM

@jelly - I have to agree the Maria/Jelly Boots combo is not the best - although to be fair it was my first time trying it XDDD EDIT : and I DO think I've come a long way since those boots XDDD

I think all the practice I'm getting with the items knowing they will be going into the shop eventually pushes me to get better. I think once we, the users, ARE good enough to step up to a higher quality, a second user made shop might not be a bad idea.

And Demo - I thank you for your vote of confidence...but when I look at the items wishie pixels and the items I pixel - I do notice things that I should have done differently and things that she is just so freaking good at...I think this time next year i might just be a lot better.

But I personally am just honored to walk into the newbie forum and see newbies wearing the stuff i made. It makes me very happy and sometimes I want to go, "OMG I MADE THE SHIRT YOU ARE WEARING!!" but I mostly end up going, "Hey there! Cool shirt" XDDD

I don't want to reign myself in creatively....I am making a lot of basic pieces but I also want to push myself to make more advanced stuff as well. The scarf and the dress are stepping stones into better and bigger pieces in the future :D If I just kept making shorts and shirts - I would never push myself in a creative way to get better.

Chickie Nuggs 04-14-2012 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1770640306)
Interesting opinions :yes:

I think the main issue here is that people can't seem to reign themselves in from creating items that are not basic at all. Though again we're faced with differing opinions on item quality. I kind of hate the Swann boots, as they are mainly my edit, and I think they look like shit :ninja:

The easiest option would be to have a second store that is user created items, for the things that are not basic, and have those be a higher price. But if an item was to be priced higher, it would have to meet a far more stringent quality level...


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770640321)
@jelly - I have to agree the Maria/Jelly Boots combo is not the best - although to be fair it was my first time trying it XDDD

I think all the practice I'm getting with the items knowing they will be going into the shop eventually pushes me to get better. I think once we, the users, ARE good enough to step up to a higher quality, a second user made shop might not be a bad idea.

And Demo - I thank you for your vote of confidence...but when I look at the items wishie pixels and the items I pixel - I do notice things that I should have done differently and things that she is just so freaking good at...I think this time next year i might just be a lot better.

But I personally am just honored to walk into the newbie forum and see newbies wearing the stuff i made. It makes me very happy and sometimes I want to go, "OMG I MADE THE SHIRT YOU ARE WEARING!!" but I mostly end up going, "Hey there! Cool shirt" XDDD

I don't want to reign myself in creatively....I am making a lot of basic pieces but I also want to push myself to make more advanced stuff as well. The scarf and the dress are stepping stones into better and bigger pieces in the future :D If I just kept making shorts and shirts - I would never push myself in a creative way to get better.

I think that isn't a bad idea. It would definitely push us to practice even more. I already like the quality of what has been released into the shop so far. That's just me, though. I know that it's not about me. xD Even if a separate store wasn't made and the newbie shop still got new items with the same quality as the mina scarf or the boots, then I think that the range of prices should be changed a little bit. Not so much charge up the arse for them, but they are far too easy to access imo. I don't want to feel like a jerk and say make Mina's items harder to go after, but then I keep thinking that having items so fancy easily available (when newbies would have to save up a while just for a single item that is just as good) defeats the purpose of what the store is all about.

As I said I recognize what continues to happen in the newbie shop isn't up to me. I don't want to go around ultimately saying 'DO THIS, DON'T DO THAT, IT SHOULD BE THIS WAY'. I don't want to hinder people from expanding their imagination and trying to improve their pixeling.

jellysundae 04-14-2012 10:39 PM

Well, the newbie shop doesn't want to end up with an enormous stock, as that would be superfluous to requirements. It just wants a nice selection of mix and match items, so people can cover themselves while they earn enough gold for some stuff from the other shops.

Maria-Minamino 04-14-2012 10:42 PM

So how many items are you looking to put in there? Do you have a rough estimate?

I keep trying to make different items - versatile stuff, fun stuff, stuff that would draw newbies to WANT to cloth themselves and stay until they get better clothing.

jellysundae 04-15-2012 12:33 AM

I'm not sure really, ideally everything that's in there will be able to be mixed and matched together, but I have no clear idea of a final figure for amounts as yet.

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