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Knerd 04-22-2014 08:38 PM

Gizmos & Gadgets
The world of fitness just keeps churning out more and more technology that can help you train.
Pedometers, heart rate monitors, GPS watches, Kinect yoga, apps of all shapes and sizes! Oh my!

Do you use any fitness gadgets to help you train?
Are there any that you really want to try?

Post your reviews, questions and recommendations here!

Buying some of these tech products can be quite a strain on your piggy bank,
so help other users figure out whether or not these gizmos are worthwhile. [yes]

ISOS Duke 04-23-2014 11:54 AM

Not really a new tech thing I guess, but my boyfriend uses some workout app, I forget what it's called. He told me to get it too. It tracks your progress and records the exercises you tell it you did. I couldn't figure it out and spent my workout fighting with that more than actually working out so I deleted it.

When I was still living at home I got my mom 'Your Shape Fitness Evolved'. I played around with that a bit and really enjoyed it. I think it worked, but I had already been working out for quite some time. They have yoga in that game as well and I found that very calming and relaxing.

Knerd 04-25-2014 05:43 PM

There are so many fitness apps out right now, it's ridiculous to try keeping them all straight! I like using Fitocracy, and I know that they've developed an app that works alongside the website, but that's the only one that I trust at the moment. All the rest seem like more trouble (or more money!) than they're actually worth.

Knerd 04-27-2014 09:07 PM

I finally did it and bought myself a Garmine Forerunner!

It's a GPS running watch that helps me track my time, distance, elevation, and so many more awesome things!

I run with this thing a few time already and it's amazing. The Garmin website breaks down my runs into easily read graphs and statistics, so I can compare different workouts and see my top results. It makes runs so much more entertaining now that I don't have to calculate this stuff out for myself. I can just run, change direction when I feel like it, try a new road, and know that all the info will be saved for me automatically.

Much recommended

ISOS Duke 04-28-2014 01:22 PM

He uses Jucy (got a peak at his phone), that one was more trouble to use, at least for me. If I can't look at it and figure it out in a few minutes, it's not worth the hassle for me. It's supposed to help me workout, not create more work for me. I've heard of fitocracy as well, may look into that pretty soon to track things. No idea yet though.

That's a very nifty watch! As a GPS, does it only track where you were via the internet, or can it actually help you should you get lost (I know if I decided to run anywhere than around the two blocks in my neighborhood, I would probably get lost).

Knerd 04-28-2014 06:36 PM

Hmm, I've never heard of Jucy, but that's probably for the best if it's a pain to work with.

The GPS doesn't give directions or tell you your location right away, it just tracks you during a run and allows you to upload the info later on. Thankfully, I don't need a wireless signal when I'm outside and using it - It connects with a satellite instead. [yes] It would be zero help if you get lost, haha, all it would be able to tell you is how far/long you've been running.

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