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Tachigami 09-22-2016 05:26 AM

Pride and Puppies

Driscoll PhelanX

The Basics

Assumed Name
Driscoll Phelan

Full Name
Driscoll B Phelan




22 years

31 October

Place of Birth
Alice Springs, Australia

Physical Appearance

Five (5) foot, two (2) inches

122 lbs.

Body Type
Gentle and almost carefully-made, long arms and legs and a gentle build

Lightly tan

Bright hazel, large and expressive, long-lashed and smiling

Bright red, shoulder length and wavy, usually in a bun

Cat-scratch scars along the arms and back of the hands, often confused with self-harm scars

Tiny rose tattoo on the left wrist and a wolf shadow tattoo on the back of his opposite wrist

Described as 'strawberry colors', he often wears red, light brown, and a bit of green. Sleeveless shirts and skinny jeans, and slightly thick soled boots

Personal Characteristics

Physical Strengths
Good upper body strength and leg strength, very good eyes and balance

Physical Weaknesses
Slightly bad back because he didn't get into the right lifting procedure until after a few slipped discs

Mental Strengths
Very good memory and planning abilities

Mental Weaknesses
Easily broken, prefers to be in a quiet place when near a breakdown

Social Relationships

Sexual Orientation

Romantically Involved

Marital Status



Benny Fraiser, various dogs, barista Val Kremmer




Pearl Phelan

Relationship with Mother
Good, kind relationship, loving between both of them. Driscoll speaks to her often.

Garvin Phelan

Relationship with Father
On shaky ground, but civil

Ryan Phelan (twin)
Victoria Carson (younger)

Relationship with Siblings
Good and healthy relationship, loves his siblings

'Almost' Family
Benny Fraiser

Reason for Closeness
An old mentor, like the grandfather Driscoll never had


What three words would you use to describe your personality?
I think I'm friendly, open, and happy!

What three words would others probably use to describe you?
Definitely bouncy, sweet, happy-go-lucky---if that counts as just one of three...

Why/Are you risking your life to adventure?
Risking my life? Definitely not! I'd just like to hike or something, that's as adventurous as I get!

Where do you go to get away or to think?
I go to the yard at the dog sanctuary I work at, usually a few if the older residents follow too.

Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict?
I hate conflict---but I try to defend myself when I can!

Are you a listener or a talker?
I guess a bit of both? I like to talk but I'll listen as much too.

How long does it takes for you to trust others?
I love people, I trust pretty easily! No reason not to, anyway...

Do you hold grudges?
Oh, no, not really. I don't like to!

Do you tend to take on a leadership role in social situations?
I don't know---I think I prefer to follow, it's easier with a direction given I think.

Do you like interacting with large groups of people?
I guess, I just prefer a few people at a time though.

Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Um---extroverted I guess, I like to talk and be social but not with too many people at a time? Yeah that sounds right...


How would you describe your life overall?
I like it a lot, it's a really nice life and I bet a lot of people would want it too!

What is your most memorable moment?
Hm I dunno, maybe my first puppy? Then I realized how much I loved animals! And how much I wanted to take care of them.

What has been the most important event in your life?
I wanted to be a vet, I still do! Four years down... That's my big important event!

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Um, I dunno. I don't have any I consider a shining point yet I don't think but... soon! Hopefully soon!

What is your number one regret?
Um... I don't have any? I guess a bad relationship but it's not like that was like... the worst thing ever?

When were you the most afraid?
I was nearly kidnapped when I was a kid, it was evening when it happened and I thought I was alone...

What is your greatest fear? Why?
Ever since I was nearly abducted I've been afraid of the dark, mostly, the night.

What is the most honorable or 'good' thing you've ever done?
Um... I dunno? I guess if you ask the dogs they'd say giving them a home is the best thing I've done!

What is the most 'evil' thing you've ever done?
I... don't think I've ever done anything 'evil'... except cheat on a test---but I retook it!

Have you ever been in love?
Just a few crushes honestly.

Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor/relative? Does that affect you?
Nah, my family's sweet and nice overall, but I guess there might be a bad apple here or there we don't know about!

Do you have any secrets? What are they?
Not that I know of, I'm pretty open.

Personal Emotions

What makes you happy?
So much stuff... animals, school, my job, my friends, my home, daylight, snow and winter, knitting---I love stuff...

Hm... goodbyes? I guess that's a little poetic aah...

Um, injustice, hate, willful ignorance... just---things that can be avoided you know?

Do you have any prejudices or biases?
Oh I try not to...

What do you think of love?
I like it! I guess---I've never been in love-love, just family-love...

Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good?
I guess---for the right person? Not just silly sacrifices for silly reasons y'know?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I guess I wouldn't mind being taller... being able to see around crowds that way!

Kat Dakuu 09-23-2016 06:07 PM

Name: Shen Giles
Age: 20
Race: half Chinese/half white
Appearance: Due to his Asian ancestry, he stands only 5’4” tall and his skin is on the darker side of the range for Chinese people and his black hair is a relatively short mess that strikes sharp lines across his forehead. His eyes however are more open and expressive. He’s rarely seen to smile or reveal anything and his clothing choice is lower end quality, roughed up, and muted in color choices, only reds, gold, and dark blues adding to a brown, white, and black pallet. He’s often seen wearing a jacket that covers the line of Chinese character tattoos down his left arm. Whatever it says, he’s revealed to no one. He’s slight, but also not without muscle. In fact, he’s quite fit if you should see him without a shirt.
Personality: First appearances say he’s cold and reticent. He offers few words in answer or question and his personal life is a giant secret to anyone who isn’t a part of it. Although he can be cruel and tough, he more likely to just ignore you and the entire world. He doesn’t seem interested in it or people at all, as if looking down on it all. Or maybe he also doesn’t want to be a part of it. He’s a person that’s hard to read. However, you can’t walk on him and he’s good at taking care of himself. Slow to trust, loyal only to himself, quick to put up his defenses, it is hard to become his friend. His gentle sides and the part that’s sad and lonely is something he would reveal only in private.
Bio: His mother is Chinese and his father white. Though they are married and he carries his father’s last name, he’s barely met the man. His parents are separated and he was raised by his mother and her sisters in Chinatown. Life was rough. He was poor and fell in with bad company from a young age. He’s known as something of a one stop shopping spot, selling and buying pills, electronics, jewelry, and other knickknacks, some of which he filched himself. Pretty much everything short of hard drugs and guns, he can help you out with. He was recently arrested, but the charges ended up small and he’s currently released to do the rest of his time as community service at an animal shelter.

Tachigami 09-25-2016 03:36 AM

There was a startling bit of news today. News that Driscoll hadn't been able to prepare for, but of course he was just worrying for nothing. Or was he...? Benny had told him today that, also today, they'd be getting a new hand in the sanctuary. He wasn't sure he was alright with this, a delinquent... in the large home they took care of these orphaned, unwanted, dejected dogs... and Benny, an older man, he wasn't frail but he wasn't in perfect health either. Equally so, Driscoll was just... Driscoll. A young man that wasn't good at helping himself. He was clutching his bag tightly this morning---tighter than he had before, and he wasn't even sure why. He wasn't one to judge anyone, but... he was careful. he had to be careful, because Benny was so...

So trusting.

Just like Driscoll, now that he thought about it. Damn.

He swallowed, getting up the steps to the sanctuary. It was a large place---the front yard was smallish, with a couple rock fountains, and an engraved sign: Fraiser Dog Sanctuary. It was a large home, three levels and a secure basement. Large rooms, comfortable seats, a multitude of dog toys, beds, a room dedicated to newspapers for training smaller and younger pups, and the storage of food and treats. Though it was a sanctuary, Driscoll and Benny treated it as an adoption agency just as much as a home. He stepped into the cool home, brushing back his hair and tying it up as he always did before being mauled by friendly dogs.

"Benny!" Driscoll called, wading through dogs and puppies young and old, finding the older man in the kitchen. "You've fed the dogs already?"

"Yeah---sorry 'bout that Dris." Benny stretched his hands over his grey-brown mane of hair, that resembled an actual lion's mane. "But our new friend will be here soon! I hope I didn't worry you with that call earlier."

"No... I just---we've never had this kinda guy or girl on with us, y'know? Or---anyone really..." Driscoll rubbed his arms. "But... I'm ready! I'll help!"

"Good---I was hopin' you'd show him the ropes. What we're expecting, yeah?"

Driscoll nodded, smiling softly and nearly diving into the pile of fur that had congregated around his feet, content to waste some time before actually taking them for walks or running around with them in the expansive acre of fenced yard.

Kat Dakuu 09-25-2016 10:35 PM

Shen stuffed his hands farther into his jacket pockets as he slowed his walk in front of an absurd building. It could have been some rich pimp's home, but instead the sign in front proclaimed it a sanctuary. His thin lips pulled into a cynical grin, disapproving of it all in the slightest glance. It was a cold glance, one that suited his expressionless face and sharp gaze. At the height of five foot four with a slight Asian build, he managed to look tough with rough Chinese characters running down the length of his left arm, blurred by the years.

'Fraiser Dog Sanctuary'. Damn, he'd really sunk low to find himself here, so far from the bustling, smelly streets of Chinatown. Tilting his head up to the sky, he let memories wash over him.

'You have been henceforth released on probation to serve the rest of your term as community service at the Fraiser Dog Sanctuary. Should you fail to complete the service, you will return to county.' The gravel sounded through the court room, sending a shiver into his heart right through the orange jumpsuit he wore. Not that it showed on his face any more then than it did now. A slight softening around his oddly wide eyes? None that he was aware of. Shen knew if he didn't follow through though, he'd ruin everything. He was out now, under blue sky, however grey it looked now. Even that could be bought though and he intended to make the best of it.

Stepping forward, he pushed open the front door, letting his hood fall back from his roughed up hair that was even shorter than usual after being in the slammer for however short a time. "Hello? Name's Shen. 'M supposed to work here from today onward..." he called, voice terse for a greeting as he scanned the room he'd stepped into and the couple dogs that came over in curiosity.

Tachigami 09-27-2016 02:40 AM

Perhaps the first thing Shen noticed when he entered the building was Driscoll, a large bag of food held on one shoulder and a large Shiba under his other arm. The dog was calm, and didn't mind being hefted up and carried about if need be. She was old, after all, and would have been more than happy to have been fed on her favorite spot on the couch. Of course, she needed to move around rather than be lazy. Driscoll blinked sharply when he saw someone new in the house, and bent down to put the old Shiba on her feet. "H---hey!" So this was the guy...

Driscoll moved the bag of food and clung to it as if it were an oversized stuffed animal. The Shiba plopped down on her backside and regarded the new human the other, younger dogs were snuffling about. She had a critical eye, rather human-like, in fact. "Yeah... I was told you'd be comin' around... I mean---someone would, anyway." He paused and adjusted the bag of food. "Shen, right? Here for... for a while. Have you been told what you'd be doing here?"

He was cautious. It wasn't the tattoos or size or the look in the newcomer's gaze, but... well. Driscoll knew he was bad news, because it was community service after all. He wouldn't be here if he didn't have another choice. Driscoll shook his head, keeping his mind in check. So bad of him, judging immediately... that wasn't him!

Kat Dakuu 09-28-2016 12:43 AM

Lightly pushing aside a medium sized dog with his leg, Shen faced the shorter man who he found with his eyes almost immediately. He'd been carrying a dog like a stuffed animal but despite the sight, Shen's face kept its unimpressed expression. His hands stayed in his pockets as he blinked slowly in response to the others stuttering speech. Awful. It was necessary to get along though. Just not, approve of this guy. "...Not really," he hummed after his seconds of scrutiny. "I mean, what is there to even do?"

He looked down at the dogs for the first time, not hiding the slight hint of disdain in his voice. It wasn't for the dogs themselves, though he'd never had a place for animal pets in his life, but for the job. It was so...pointless. But then, he thought that about most everything. And this guy who came to greet him seemed like such an absurd mess that he wanted nothing more than ditch him and find something to do. An actual task worth something, money or service. Something. He glanced around, seeming to write the other man off.

"Are you the guy who's in charge, anyway?"

Tachigami 09-28-2016 11:37 PM

Driscoll furrowed his brows so fast it looked as if someone had flipped a switch. Maybe he just wasn't used to... this. He wasn't always so critical, but at the same time, he was thinking about the dogs. The old ones, especially, the animals that needed love and kindness, compassion, calm friendly tones. Shen---this guy---it was pretty clear he wasn't the type to be open and friendly. Already he seemed like that stereotypical guy, the I-don't-show-emotions type of guy that just seemed put on, or made to be so deeply religious to that person it was clear it was forced onto them from a young age. Still, Driscoll shook his head slowly, adjusting the heavy bag in his arms and putting it back onto his shoulder. "There's a lot to do---and no I'm not in charge, actually, you'll probably meet Benny somewhere today. Anyway, c'mon."

He reached down again, wrapping his arm back around the Shiba and lifting her heavy body up. She went limp, and huffed as she was maneuvered. "Anyway---as you can see, there's lots to do, every single day." Driscoll said as he waded through another swarm. "I'm Driscoll by the way, I'm gonna be helpin' out. At least 'till you got it down, yeah?"

"Anyway---every mornin' when we come in, we feed the dogs. Puppies in one room, they got a big trough along the wall 'till we train 'em to stay at one bowl. Adults and elders in another room so they don't have to deal with puppies trying to steal. Then we let 'em all out in the yard for a couple hours, we gotta play with 'em so they're not afraid of people, 'kay? And 'round eleven, we take 'em on a walk to get 'em used to a leash, and walkin' in a group is good for socializing too. After we come back, they get lunch, the same way they got breakfast, yeah? Then outside again, but this time we leave the doors open so they can come in or out if they wanna. Smaller dogs might wanna stay in. They're bein' paper trained though, so if you see any sniffin' around, take a bag of treats and take 'em to a paper. If they go on the paper, they get a treat, see? I dunno if you're gonna be here 'till dinnertime but that's most of the day already. While they're out we work on trainin' them, what we focus on depends on their age."

As he was talking, Dricsoll had opened the door to the room marked "Puppy Meal Room" on a plain plaque. He had set the Shiba down, and rather than coming in with a wave of puppies, she trotted a ways down the hallway. "So you get it so far?" Driscoll asked, setting the puppy food bag down and patting the side of it.

Kat Dakuu 09-30-2016 01:21 AM

This guy wasn't in charge, as Shen figured. He was just...not the type. As someone who had been in control of himself and others most of his life, Shen chaffed that he might have to listen to him just because of the overblown court system. So what if he bartered and sold things on the street like a free serve vending machine. Falling into step, he let out a sigh. "Did you say your name?" Brown eyes glanced around, continuing to take in the surroundings without further words that he had no need for. He had to admit, this sanctuary home could belong to some rich pimp in another world. He almost snorted to think of this 'Benny' character in that role. The dull chatter bred such though. Keeping his ears open to still hear the words, he otherwise zoned out until they reached the 'Puppy Meal Room.' Kitsch.

"Okay, so feed, play, train?" he cut in, almost interrupting Driscoll's last words with the speed that he responded. "If that's all there is, it's easy." It wasn't like he was taking care of people. Dogs were at people's feet, just pets or pests. He couldn't imagine that dealing with them would be difficult. Of course, he never had before, but he was sure that this job would require little of his interest or effort because he wasn't doing this for the dogs or even himself. He just came to follow orders.

Puppies waded over his feet a few jumping up his leg rather than running to the food trough or jumping toward Driscoll or the bag of food and he nudged them to the side again, neither kind nor hurtful to the animals. He just preferred them not on his feet. "And no, I've been given a morning to afternoon sort of mandate except on days I meet with my parole officer. It's all neatly scheduled."

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